A Promise Kept

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A Promise Kept Page 9

by Lynn Hagen

  The request caught Emilio off guard. “But don’t you have your own place?”

  With a shake of his head, Malik said, “I’m staying with my niece at the moment. I’ve been looking at places around town, but nothing ever clicked with me, and I don’t want to live across the hall from you.” He waved a hand behind him. “I love your apartment, unless you still want me to move across the hall?”

  This was a big decision. Emilio was at a loss for words. Did he really want Malik to move in? Did he really want his mate to move somewhere else?

  “You don’t have to make a decision right now,” Malik said. “Just think about—”

  “Yes,” Emilio blurted out before he changed his mind and chickened out. “But not because I’m afraid you’ll leave me,” he clarified. “It’s about time I stop building those walls around my heart. It’s about time I started to live.”

  And those were the scariest words Emilio had ever uttered. He was making a commitment to someone, making himself vulnerable. And as terrifying as that was, Emilio also felt excited.

  Malik cupped Emilio’s face and kissed him so passionately that Emilio was seconds away from passing out. He needed air, but hell if he would be the first to break the kiss.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man,” Malik groaned against his lips.

  “You’re gonna take over the apartment, aren’t you?” Emilio asked. “Change everything.”

  Malik grinned. “We’re just gonna spruce it up a bit. I do like my comforts.”

  Emilio placed his hands on Malik’s chest and moaned at how good the man’s body felt. “Not too much change.”

  “Just a new living room set. I kind of broke that leg, so I placed a few books under the couch to keep it steady.”

  Emilio laughed as he shook his head. “Maybe you should have let Russell do that job.”

  “Nope. This is our apartment, and I wanted to fix it myself.”

  If Russell hadn’t hated Emilio, he would have put the guy’s phone number in his speed dial. He had a feeling Malik would break more than he fixed.

  “Why was Russell with Steven this morning?” He recalled Russell calling Steven his little brother. Emilio knew that wasn’t true, but if Russell was Kenny’s mate, that meant the handyman had taken Steven under his wing.

  “I don’t know, but Steven had wanted to stop by,” Malik said. “He asked where you were. I told him you were still sleeping and that you’d call him later.”

  Emilio wished he had friends like that. If Kenny didn’t want Emilio dead, maybe, just maybe, they could try to make peace with each other.

  Emilio could only hope. They’d already shaken once, calling a truce, but clearly Kenny couldn’t let things go.

  Malik grabbed Emilio’s hand and led him back inside. “Let’s watch some movies and see if we can’t make the couch collapse.”

  “I like your way of thinking.” Emilio chuckled.

  Chapter Nine

  Malik noticed how uneasy Emilio looked when they pulled into the parking lot of The Canteen. Malik had seen the restaurant before, but he’d never stopped in for a meal. And now he was glad he hadn’t so that he and Emilio could experience this together.

  “It’s just a building with four walls and some food,” he said to reassure Emilio. “No big deal.”

  “But this place is so pricey,” Emilio said. “I’ve never been to a fancy restaurant before. What if I have to pick a certain fork to eat with and I don’t know which one?” He swallowed. “What if I make an ass of myself?”

  Malik cut the Jeep off and turned toward his mate. “You eat with whatever fork you want. If you don’t understand what something is, then ask. If you don’t like how something tastes, then don’t eat it. All you have to do is be yourself.”

  If they hadn’t already been running late, Malik would’ve given Emilio a blowjob just to relax him. His mate looked as though he was ready to bolt from the Jeep and run his ass home.

  “Okay.” Emilio blew out a breath. “I can do this.”

  Malik didn’t see the big deal. He’d eaten in places much fancier than this. But from what he’d learned about his mate, Emilio had struggled his entire life and never had the means to step into a place like this.

  For Emilio, The Canteen clearly represented wealth. Malik planned on changing Emilio’s way of thinking. He had enough money to last him a very long time. Malik didn’t intend on squandering it, but he also planned on spoiling his mate, too.

  He’d already ordered a living room set online. Malik had even gone so far as to order art for the wall, some area rugs, and a new bedroom set. He might’ve gone a little overboard, but he hadn’t been lying when he’d told Emilio he liked living comfortably.

  Malik got out and went to Emilio’s side of the Jeep, opening the door for his mate. “Just relax, hon.”

  Emilio got out, and Malik took his mate’s hand, leading him inside. He had to admit the interior was cozy, with tablecloths and candles throughout. Emilio squeezed Malik’s hand as he spotted Derek and Steven at a middle table.

  “You guys made it.” Derek stood and shook Malik’s hand.

  Steven smiled and waved at Emilio. “I’m glad you came.” He patted the empty chair next to him. “Sit here.”

  Malik gave Emilio a reassuring smile before he let his hand go. Emilio didn’t look as though he wanted to leave his side but finally moved forward and took a seat.

  “Emilio’s nervous about being in a fancy restaurant,” Malik whispered to Derek.

  Derek chuckled. “He has nothing to be nervous about. This is a friendly atmosphere, but I’ll make sure to make him feel at home.”

  They joined the mates, and Derek ordered appetizers. Malik heard Steven whispering to Emilio.

  “Don’t worry, I was nervous the first time I came here. But the staff is nice, and the food is good. Just have a good time.”

  “I don’t have to pick which fork to use, do I?” Emilio asked.

  Steven pointed to the table. “You can use whichever one you want. I like that we have three forks. That means I have a clean one for my dessert.”

  Emilio visibly relaxed as he and Steven talked. Malik loved watching his mate interact with others. Emilio needed to shine. The guy had had nothing but hard luck his entire life, and he deserved to be pampered and surrounded by friends.

  His heart melted when Emilio starting laughing at something Steven had said. The sound washed through Malik as the appetizers were brought out. The mates demolished the stuffed mushrooms.

  “I take it you’re no longer interested in the apartment across the hall?” Derek asked.

  “I decided to move in with my mate,” Malik replied.

  “I’ll have those updates to your apartment done right away.”

  Malik shook his head. “There’s no rush.”

  Derek winked. “I’ll have them started this weekend. But if you need to contact me once the repairs are started, it’ll have to wait until I get back. I’m taking Steven to Italy for a week’s vacation. Normally I would have my assistant take care of any problems, but Katie quit to start a family, and I can’t blame her for that.”

  “I’m sure there won’t be any issues,” Malik said.

  Emilio reached under the table and curled his hand into Malik’s. His mate was still talking to Steven, but Malik had a feeling Emilio needed the anchor.

  By the time dinner was over, Steven and Emilio were laughing so hard they drew the attention of a few customers. Malik didn’t care what anyone thought. It felt good to see his mate so happy.

  When he looked at Derek, the guy’s eyes shined as he stared at Steven. Malik could tell Derek loved Steven with all his heart, that the shrimp was the man’s entire world.

  Malik felt the same about Emilio. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for the guy. If he could, he’d place the stars at Emilio’s feet.

  He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Emilio’s cheek, loving how the red blush colored his skin. “I’m glad you had a good time.” />
  Emilio looked at him with a sparkle in his eyes. “I’m glad I came.”

  Malik pressed his lips to Emilio’s ear. “No, baby. You’ll come when we get home.”

  Emilio sucked in a breath as Malik leaned back, smirking at his mate.

  “We have to go,” Steven said. “I promised Matilda we could play cards before she went to bed.”

  Malik stood and shook Derek’s hand, thanking him for a wonderful dinner.

  “Stop by anytime,” Derek said. When Malik asked for the check, Derek waved him away. “My treat.”

  “Thanks,” Malik said.

  Steven gave Emilio a hug before they walked outside. The rain from earlier had stopped an hour ago, but the ground was still wet, and Malik dodged a puddle as he and Emilio walked hand in hand.

  “I’m glad you had fun,” Malik said.

  “Me, too.” Emilio beamed up at him, and Malik was lost in the damn smile.

  He wiggled his brows. “I meant what I said. Wait until I get you home.”

  With a chuckle, Emilio rounded the hood. Malik snapped his head up when he heard car tires squealing. A red sedan came barreling at them and slammed right into the side of the Jeep.

  * * * *

  Everything happened so fast, yet it was as though Emilio had watched it all in slow motion. He’d spun his head around when he heard the screeching tires. The front of the sedan was racing toward him at an accelerated speed. Emilio had seconds to think that he was about to die when he was yanked backward and thrown against the building.

  Malik had just saved his life.

  “No!” Emilio screamed when his focus returned to normal. Malik had thrown him out of the way, but the car had struck his mate. Malik was pinned between the red sedan and the Jeep.

  And he wasn’t moving.

  Derek rushed outside and looked shocked as he stared at the wreck. He rushed forward and shoved the sedan back with his inhuman strength, releasing Malik. He caught Emilio’s mate and carried him inside as some tall, dark-skinned man raced outside and yanked the driver’s door open.

  “Call an ambulance,” he shouted at Emilio. “I think the guy had a heart attack!”

  Emilio snatched his phone from his pocket, but instead of staying outside, he rushed into the restaurant as he spoke bullet-fast to the operator.

  Where was Malik? Where had Derek taken him? Steven ran out of the kitchen and grabbed Emilio’s hand, yanking him along as Emilio felt dizzy.

  This couldn’t be real. Shifter or not, there was no way Malik had survived that kind of impact. Emilio’s knees grew weak, and his vision blurred. Tears filled his eyes as he sobbed.

  “He’s back here,” Steven said.

  Emilio was taken through an industrialized kitchen and then to a back hallway. There was an office to his right, which Steven pulled him into.

  Emilio cried out when he saw Malik on the floor, blood covering his midsection. He stopped himself from vomiting, swallowing back the bile. He couldn’t get sick. Malik needed him.

  “I can’t get him to shift,” Derek snarled. “Why isn’t he shifting? If he doesn’t shift into his lion, he’ll die.”

  Pressing a shaky hand to his mouth, Emilio stepped forward. It was as though he was walking through quicksand as he tried to get to Malik while keeping his gaze on his mate’s face.

  If he looked any lower, Emilio wouldn’t be able to stop himself from throwing up.

  He dropped to his knees and shook his mate’s shoulders. “Malik, you have to shift!”

  The wail of an ambulance was heard outside, but no one would rescue Emilio’s mate. No one would come in here and save his life. Derek’s words echoed in his ears. If Malik didn’t shift, he would die.

  “Malik!” Emilio sobbed as he shook his mate harder. “Please…”

  Derek pulled his arm back and then slammed his fist into Malik’s chest. He did that two more times, shouting at Malik to transform.

  Emilio’s entire world hinged on his mate healing. He couldn’t…no…he wouldn’t imagine his life without Malik in it.

  He pressed his lips to Malik’s ear. “I love you, Malik. Please don’t leave me here alone. I can’t do this without you.” His hot tears kept rolling down his face as his voice strained. “You promised me you weren’t going anywhere. You promised, Malik.”

  Derek slammed the side of his fist against Malik’s chest again.

  An inhale of air. A jerking body. Emilio cried out as Malik shifted into his lion. He fell on his ass, holding himself as he rocked back and forth, crying in relief as his mate changed into his majestic beast.

  Emilio wasn’t even freaked out that a huge-ass lion lay in front of him. He was too overjoyed that his mate had finally shifted.

  “Will he be okay now?” Emilio looked up at Derek. “Will he be fine?”

  Derek hunched down and squeezed Emilio’s shoulder. “He should be. He’ll be out for a long while. I’ll leave you with Steven while I go check on the other guy.”

  “Thank you.” Emilio threw himself into Derek’s arms. “You saved his life.”

  “I think the impact stunned his beast. I just woke the lion up so he could do the rest.” Derek gave Emilio a hug before he let him go. “Don’t leave the office.”

  “I’m gonna get you some water,” Steven said as he followed Derek out of the office.

  Emilio lay over the lion, feeling his soft fur beneath his cheek. Maple Grove needed a fucking nonhuman doctor. What if Malik hadn’t shifted? What if he’d need medical help? It wasn’t as though they could call Dr. Cormack. Martin was human, and if Emilio had learned anything in life, it was that the preternatural fiercely protected their secret.

  Steven returned with two bottles of water. He handed one to Emilio. Then his friend sat down next to him and crossed his legs. “I’ll stay with you until he wakes up.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Emilio said as he looked at Steven. “I never meant to use you. I was just trying to be friends, but I didn’t know how. I’m saving up to replace your iPod.”

  Steven shook his head. “Derek already bought me a new one. Don’t worry about it. And all you had to do was say you wanted to be friends. I like you, Emilio. Although, I have to admit, Kenny doesn’t.”

  At the moment, Emilio didn’t care. Just as long as he had one good friend, that was all he needed. “Thank you for staying with me. You being here makes this less scary.”

  “No problem, but I’m gonna color on my app to pass the time.” Steven pulled out his phone as Emilio turned back around, laying his head on Malik’s big lion.

  He heard the lion’s heart beating as his chest moved up and down. Malik was alive and breathing. Emilio didn’t care how long the lion slept, just as long as his mate would be okay.

  And he owed Derek a debt Emilio would never be able to repay. The guy hadn’t given up. He’d pounded Malik into shifting, and for that, Emilio would forever be grateful.

  He wasn’t sure how long he lay there, but the door to the office opened and in walked Calvin. He smirked as he shut the lights off. Emilio and Steven screamed as Emilio felt as if he were falling. A hand grabbed his, and Emilio realized that Steven was right next to him.

  They landed on a dusty wooden floor. Emilio cried out as the wind was knocked out of his lungs. He still had Steven’s hand in his, but when he looked at his friend, Steven’s eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving.

  * * * *

  Malik wasn’t sure how long he’d been out of it, but when he woke, he found himself in an office, and standing behind a desk was Christian. Fuck, how had he forgotten about the vampire?

  “You’re awake.” Christian rounded the desk as he looked down at Malik. “Your mate, along with Steven, has been kidnapped by Calvin.”

  Malik shot to his feet, swayed, then pressed his hand into the wall to steady himself as anger boiled inside him. “How the fuck did that happen?”

  Everything came flooding back to him. The car, getting pinned, then all had gone dark. He wasn’t even sure if
Emilio had suffered any injuries.

  “It happened while you were in here healing and I was outside taking care of the mess. “

  Malik spun to find Derek behind him. His eyes were narrowed, and his canines were elongated. “How do you know it was Calvin who took them?”

  “When I came back into the office, the lights were out. And since I don’t have any windows in here, it was complete darkness,” Derek said.

  “And does anyone know where the demon might have taken them?” Malik asked. He didn’t want to imagine what was happening to either man. Malik’s stomach was a ball of knots as he thought of Calvin’s game, of his obsession to obtain Emilio’s soul.

  Malik had to get to his mate before Calvin succeeded.

  Darren and Malik glared at one another, but he knew this was no one’s fault but Calvin’s. As badly as Malik wanted to take this out on the restaurant owner, Derek appeared just as stressed and angry as Malik felt.

  “I might know how to get them back.” Christian waved toward the door. “Follow me.”

  Derek tossed some clothes at Malik, and Malik quickly dressed. When he got his hands on that demon, he was ripping his fucking throat out.

  Chapter Ten

  Emilio had no idea where they were, but he scooted across the floor to check on Steven. He felt around the guy’s head and winced when his fingers grazed over a large lump. That was why Steven was passed out. He’d hit his head pretty hard when they’d…landed? How was that possible? How had they been in the room one minute, and the next, they’d been free falling?

  The room was dim, and Emilio could barely see as he tried to wake Steven. They had to get out of there. Wherever there was. “Come on, buddy. Wake up.”

  Steven moaned as he grabbed his head. “Why’d you hit me?”

  “I didn’t.” Emilio helped him sit up. “Some demon just hijacked us.”

  “Why would he do that?” Steven rubbed at his head. “Are you sure you didn’t hit me?”

  “Let’s see if we can find a way out of here.” Emilio grabbed Steven’s arm and lifted him to his feet. He refused to panic, although that was exactly what he wanted to do.


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