Deus Lo Volt!

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Deus Lo Volt! Page 22

by Evan S. Connell

  Divers things indeed befell the host. As April gave place to May there was a pilgrim walking in the trench dug for protection, fitted like a sergeant with iron helmet and folded linen tunic. He had gone looking for weak parts of the wall or to strike an enemy with his sling. For what reason he stopped is not known, but some Turk shot through a loophole and struck him on the breast. They say the dart pierced his quilted doublet and rebounded, all twisted and bent. This was because he carried around his neck a parchment scroll inscribed with the holy names of God. Thus the dart plopped harmlessly to earth leaving him unhurt, which was attested by many that saw the miracle.

  Or there was a certain knight hunched in the ditch attending to business when some Turk galloped at him with a lowered lance. Others perceiving his danger cried out for the knight to flee, but all unfastened he could not. Then he clutched a stone that he aimed and threw and struck this enemy on the temple. So the Turk dropped off his horse and broke his neck and died. Then the knight caught the horse, mounted, and rode back to camp. God directs the aim of those who believe.

  Again. Ivo de Vipont embarked for Tyre with ten companions but a galley of Turkish pirates went gliding toward them. The mariners were frightened since they counted eighty or ninety Turks. O Lord God! O Lord God! they cried. We will be taken and murdered! But they were rebuked by Ivo de Vipont. Why should you fear those who are about to die? he asked. And when the galley was near to striking them with its beak he leapt on board and set about cutting down pirates with the axe he carried. So his friends gathered up their vitals when they saw his work prosper and clambered into the galley beheading Turks right or left. These Christians proved victorious because they had faith in God who does not know how to be conquered. Muslims honor a faith that is counterfeit.

  This also. Beha al-Din, unbeliever and historian, relates how a very great swimmer called Isa would dive under Christian vessels at night to come up on the opposite side where those who were besieged would greet him joyfully since he brought messages and money fastened to his belt. But one night while carrying letters Isa was caught by the Franks. Some days later his body washed ashore, the messages sealed with wax affixed to his belt. Had this Turk labored in the service of God his end would be different.

  Or this. Christian fishermen throwing nets just before sunset happened to see a man swimming. They pursued him on their boats and saw he was a Turk who, alarmed by their shouts, tried to escape. But they rowed strongly, caught him in their net, and saw he was carrying a bottle of Greek fire suspended from his neck. So they landed their captive as though he were a fish and led him with his evil mixture through the army, scourging him, reviling him, after which they mangled his body and chopped him apart. Thus does the Lord scatter the counsel of heathen princes, undoing the obliquity they plan.

  Now, because of frequent and unexpected sorties by these wicked enemies it was thought to bury foot-traps in the ground. And one day while certain Christians were tossing darts at a mark to amuse themselves here came Turks spurring toward them. Being unarmed and few in number the soldiers of Christ retreated. But one Turk outstripped the rest when his mount stopped short, caught by a trap. So the Turk, considering only his head, leapt off and ran away to his friends. That is how Count Robert de Dreux, whose instrument captured the animal, obtained a fine Saracen charger.

  Yet again, while the season passed, divers and strange things befell the host. More than once those who defended Acre would flaunt holy relics or crosses from churches that they would insult, beat, and spit upon, because nothing in the world do they hate so much. One day here was a Turk skipping along the wall beating a wood cross he had found. For a long while he did this to spite the true faith. But he could not leave it at that, he let slip his drawers to defile the cross. Then a Christian arbalester set a bolt to the string, aimed well, and struck the pagan straight through the gut whereupon he sprang up dead with his feet in the air. So it is clear how malignant designs must fail.

  And while the season passed, out from Acre sallied a company of Turks with an emir called Bellegemin who was of high lineage. Frankish knights rode forth to challenge these Turks and drove them back, all save Bellegemin who did not retreat. In one hand he carried a phial of Greek fire since he hoped to burn a petrary. But with one stroke a Christian knight laid Bellegemin to earth and emptied the fire on his genitals. Hence, what this Turk meant for others became the implement of his anguish.

  Now as time went by certain pilgrims wearied of attacking the city while others never tired of collecting stones to fill up trenches so Christian engines might advance. The barons, too, brought stones on their chargers and helped to load sumpter beasts. Many women joined this task, rejoicing in service to the Lord. Among these a woman whose name is not remembered, struck in the belly with a Turkish arrow while discharging her burden, who fell down wounded to death. Pilgrims gathered around to lament while she lay writhing on the earth. Then her husband came running. Dearest lord, by your love for me, she said, by your piety as my husband and the faith of our marriage contract, allow my body to rest in this place. I pray and beseech you, since I can do no more, that a faggot be made of this poor flesh to complete the trench. So it was done and the Lord God tenderly embraced her soul.

  Numerous engines did the barons construct and the archbishop provided a ram, a costly piece of goods. This ram was like a house, a sturdy mast inside bound at both ends with iron hoops. And those whose task it was to ram the wall did so eagerly. But from the parapet Turks threw liquid fire. Mangonels flung slabs of marble or freestone or beams of trees, buckets of sulfur, tar, pitch, tallow, logs, and then again burning wood. All this and more did Mahomet’s slaves heap on the ram to crush or burn it. They dropped missiles until they broke in the roof, crushed everything, left the archbishop’s ram consumed. Whereupon they jeered and capered and whistled.

  Soldiers of Christ next constructed a belfrois four stories in height to look down at the wall, using bronze, iron, wood, lead, and clay. This castle rolling toward Acre frightened the Turks who thought about surrender. But there was an enemy of God from Damascus who had studied naphtha and other fluids that would overcome the resistance of clay and vinegar, who explained his knowledge to the emir Caracusch. It is said Caracusch listened disrespectfully since many experiments had failed, but at length gave permission to do what he wished because Acre was imperiled. This Damascene threw pots of unlighted naphtha at the belfrois, producing no effect. Then the Franks took heart. Bold pilgrims climbed up in the castle to shout defiance. But with another substance thrown against it all at once the liquid burst into flame and these pilgrims burned horribly. Saladin wished to reward the Damascene yet he would not accept payment, telling the sultan that what he accomplished was done for love of Allah and to Allah would he look for gratitude. Infidels assert that all who believe Jesus Christ must burn in this world before burning eternally in the next. Such is the depth of Saracen turpitude.

  And with the changing season rain deluged the Frankish camp. Illness spread. Knights, sergeants, common pilgrims, many sickened, teeth dropping out, features bloated. Each day a hundred lay down on their biers. But for herbs and seeds to make pottage nothing could have withstood the wasting. By certain reports Marquis Conrad hastily departed, vowing to send provisions but did not. Not one egg did he send. Rumor held that he forbade any ship to sail for Acre. Hence the pilgrims called him renegade, liar. So now, what with nothing or little to buy, famine loomed, nor the least vessel in sight. Never did bold knights reared among riches tolerate such distress, nor common soldiers, nor gentle ladies accustomed to tidbits. Some would gnaw bones already gnawed by dogs and sucked and licked after they could not find anything to gnaw, seeking the remembered taste of meat. Or, stripped of shame, ate garbage in view of others and called it delicious. And would drop on their knees to chew grass like grazing cattle. Yet this was pardonable since hunger urges men to do what otherwise they would not. God has created all for the use of men that they should not perish while subordinate crea
tures live. Hence these pilgrims slew good horses, ate meat or skin or brains ravenously, swallowed entrails, drank blood, licked their fingers in lieu of a napkin so nothing might be lost. Fine animals that once carried pilgrims on their backs now found themselves carried about in Frankish bellies.

  And here was a merchant from Pisa who kept stacks of grain in his house and would not sell a measure except at monstrous profit. But our Lord knoweth. Fire consumed this house. And the people remarking God’s wrath felt charitably toward one another. Those that had eaten flesh during Lent out of exigency confessed themselves, and three strokes of a stick upon his back did each get from the bishop of Salisbury who castigated them like a father. There can be no counsel against the Lord. He doeth as He will.

  The knighthood of Christ found wine enough, yet without proportionate victual the body falters. Some thought to alleviate their pangs by drinking. Some crept humbly to Saladin’s camp where food was abundant and denied their faith, denying it ever was true that God deigned to be born of a woman. Baptism and the cross these recreants abjured to preserve life on earth a few days longer. How pernicious the exchange, since the body is a fleeting servant.

  And the archbishop of Canterbury when he observed these pilgrims grow hourly more dissolute, given up to wine, to dice, lascivious women, felt his spirit wither. O Lord God! he cried aloud. There is need of chastening and correction! Lord God, if it please Thy mercy, let me be removed from the turmoil of life for I have endured this army enough!

  Chronicles relate how Almighty God answered his plea. Fifteen days later the archbishop arose to glory.

  Turks allege that Conrad de Montferrat caused a diabolic picture to be carried throughout Europe by clerics who lamented and groaned while displaying it in the marketplace, calling upon Christians to avenge the shame. Here was a Turkish knight riding across the Holy Sepulcher, his destrier pissing on the tomb. So much do these misbelievers claim. Yet does our Lord keep count. One and all does He punish for malicious inventions of the heart.

  Documents do not explain how Saladin escaped the beleaguered city but it is known that from his encampment he wrote to the caliph of Baghdad and to other Muslim lords, telling how Christians approached by land and sea. Behold, he wrote with anguish because he feared his men could not prevail against the mighty power of Jesus. Behold, our enemies subscribe together and submit to privation for the sake of misstatement. They vie for glory, yet are they devoted to their cause and believe that in this way they serve God. Thus they consecrate their lives and wealth. No king in Europe forbids his peasants or his subjects to join these marches. Let us defend the truth against error and with the help of Allah exterminate the Christians.

  Messengers bearing this appeal rode away to princes of Sinjar, Gezira, Mosul, and others in Mesopotamia exhorting them to join the holy war. Not one refused.

  Now as summer returned the sea grew calm. More vessels arrived from Europe, which caused ships from Egypt to withdraw. Nevertheless those inside Acre contrived to obtain what they needed. Good swimmers could be persuaded to bring valuable items in exchange for money. Also, the Turks despatched and received messages by using pigeons. So throughout the summer they resisted. They hurled stones, fire, and rotting corpses at Frankish tents. Saladin from his encampment launched sudden attacks. By his command dead pilgrims were flung into the river Belus to horrify their comrades and while decomposing pollute the water. A knight called Ferrand, left naked on the field and almost dead, hid himself under piles of bodies until dark when he crawled back to camp so disfigured, so crusted with blood he could not be recognized and was admitted reluctantly. Gérard de Ridfort, master of the Temple who ignominiously purchased freedom after being captured with King Guy, was caught again. This time the Saracens took his head.

  All such news flowing toward Europe brought grave unease. Commoners and kings alike thought more passionately upon the Holy Land, distressed by reports of distant sacrilege, of suffering oversea. King Philip Augustus of France and King Henry Plantagenet of England with his son Richard Lionheart resolved to take the cross, as did the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa.

  So ardent grew this desire for pilgrimage that, as happened in the past, monks showed themselves devoted soldiers of Christ by quitting their libraries, exchanging cloaks for breastplates. Merchants abandoned their trade, countrymen their plows, bridegrooms their brides. Women complained that the frailty of their sex prevented them from leading armies. Wives scolded timid husbands, mothers denounced apprehensive sons. Those who hesitated might receive a distaff signifying cowardice. When these armies came into being the French adopted red crosses, the English white, the Flemings green.

  At Mainz on the fourth Sunday of Lent, in the year of our Lord 1188, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa accepted the cross from the cardinal of Albano. Next he despatched a herald to Saladin ordering him to repent the injuries inflicted upon Christendom, challenging him to combat on the field, since it is usual for kings and emperors to give notice of war, to send word of defiance before attacking.

  Frederick, by the grace of God emperor to the Romans, to Saladin, illustrious governor of the Saracens. Because you have profaned the Holy Land, which is our jurisdiction by authority of the Eternal King, solicitude advises us to proceed with commensurate anger against your intolerable effrontery. Wherefore, unless you relinquish that land you have seized and give due satisfaction for such ruinous excess, toward which end we allot you twelve months from the first day of November, you shall experience the misfortune of war. We in our assurance can scarcely believe you ignorant of that which the most ancient writings confirm. Namely, that with inordinate cupidity you have occupied Armenia and other lands warranted to us by virtue of the Holy Cross. For this is well known to sovereigns who in times past have felt the Roman sword. Now shall you learn through sad experience the might of imperial eagles and be acquainted with the wrath of Germany which is the fountainhead of the Rhine. Now shall you meet the fierce Bavarian, the proud youth of Swabia, the Burgundian who does not savor peace, the Frison with his thong and javelin, the fiery sailor of Pisa, the resolute Tuscan, the wild Thuringian, the nimble mountaineer. Lastly, you shall meet and rue the strength of our right hand which you mistakenly suppose enfeebled by the passage of years, which can yet wield a sword on the day appointed for Christian triumph.

  Saladin responded.

  To the esteemed monarch and great leader of the Germans, Frederick, in the name of God who is merciful, by the grace of that one God encompassing us, of whose kingdom there can be no limit. Incessantly do we praise Him whose grace flowers across the earth that He may inspire the tongues of prophets, above all His messenger Mahomet from whom we have learned the law that is true above other laws. But we must make it known to the glorious king of Germans that we have a letter which was delivered to us by a certain envoy called Henry, professing to be from your hand. This letter we have caused to be read, we have listened to the words, and so it behooves us to reply. You enumerate those allies who will march with you against us. But if we should do the same, enumerating those who render us obeisance, who listen to our command, who are prepared to give up their lives in our service, we could not tally their numbers. If you should count the names of Christians, the names of Saracens would be more numerous by ten, by fifty, by ten thousand. If there is a sea between you and us, between Saracens there is no impediment. Turkomans of themselves could annihilate our enemies. Bedouins alone would prove sufficient. With enjoyment Soldarii could despoil you of your riches, exterminate you. Even our peasants, should we bid them, would hunt for you where you assemble and thereby put an end to your presumption. Thus will we cast you back into the sea if you come against us. Nor will we content ourselves with these few lands we possess, for after the Lord has granted us victory there will be little for us to do but accept from His hands that which you call your own. More than once has the Christian faith marched against us, at Damietta, Alexandria, and elsewhere. More than once have Christians returned in misery, regr
etting the issue. Our people flourish in numerous realms, Babylon with its dependencies, Gesireh with its castles, India, others too numerous to mention. The limitless residue of Saracenic kings exalts us. The caliph of Baghdad, should we appeal to him, would rise from his throne and hasten to our aid. But if you have set your mind upon war, then will we meet and destroy you. If that letter which has come to us truly is by your hand, here is your answer. This have we caused to be written in the year of the prophet Mahomet 584, in praise of the one and only God. May God counsel and preserve Mahomet.

  We are told that Emperor Frederick listened with contempt while this was read aloud. Angrily he consulted the princes of his empire at Mayence. As though of one voice they vowed to undertake the pilgrimage, for it seemed to them a noble work. Lords and vassals buckled on their armor, guided by the Holy Spirit.

  Whether this army should travel by land or by sea to Jerusalem was much discussed. Some argued that any number of ships, however large, would be insufficient and therefore Frederick decided to march overland through Hungary. Or it may be that he asked his court astrologer what sort of death to expect. The astrologer requested time to calculate. Then he came back with troublesome news.

  Your Majesty, said he, I have discovered the sign of drowning.

  For this reason Frederick did not embark at Hamburg or another port but led his army overland. He is alleged to have been so considerate, virtuous, and humble that he regarded vagabonds and mendicants as his brothers. He provided carriages to accommodate those who might fall sick or prove unable to cross the deserts and mountains, a testament to the nobility of his enterprise since otherwise they would lag behind to perish. If a cart suffered damage while he was nearby he would not proceed until it had been fixed. By all accounts he was loved and respected.


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