Some time ago a priest of benign temperament devoted himself to the monastic life at Saint Germer, but managed to rouse a devil. With this good priest hunched over making a noisy stink the evil one appeared, having taken the guise of a cowled monk, shuffling his sandals on the floor as monks do when requesting permission to visit the stall at night, evoking such terror that the kindly priest leapt up and struck his head on the lintel of the door. Thus the devil contrived to wound his body, whose soul he could not harm, thereby disclosing his own poverty of spirit.
We hear of an excellent woman who lay down on a narrow bench to rest after Sunday matins but fell asleep. Then it seemed she was led through a colonnade to the mouth of a well. And up from the depths sprang human shapes with hair eaten by worms, who sought to draw her by the hand down into the well. But a voice cried out. Therefore the ugly phantoms plunged back into the depths. She had been saved because while walking through the colonnade she prayed to God for one thing, that she might be restored to the bench where her body rested.
Also, the monk Suger on his deathbed was approached by the devil carrying a book. Take this book and read it, said the devil. Jupiter sends it to you. The monk was horrified by the sound of this atrocious name. After relating what had occurred he lost his senses and was chained to his bed, but died in peace after making a good confession.
Thus we see how our Nemesis would lead us through circles of hell by the bridle of iniquity. Even so must he fly in terror from the inimitable light of God. Once we have known Jesus Christ we need not fear the stench of Satan. Therefore we lift our voices in praise, our hands in gratitude.
Bishop James, having reserved quarters for himself and his companions aboard a newly built ship, took passage from Genoa. He writes that he meant throughout the voyage to study his precious books, those arms that enabled him to combat the devil. And when he got to Acre he would preach the word of God in his diocese while awaiting the knighthood of Christ.
Anon, this host assembled. Teutonic knights with the duke of Austria. Templars. Hospitalers. Bishops of Nicosia and Bethlehem. King John of Jerusalem to lead the army. Here, too, the patriarch of Jerusalem. All being persuaded of their cause, wrapped in hope, on Ascension Day at the Castle of Pilgrims they set sail with a north wind rising, sailing toward Egypt, vault of infidel wealth and power.
Three days out they sighted Damietta. But a few leagues up the Nile stood Babylon, Cairo, tongue of the serpent, head of the Beast, poisonous tooth of authority.
With God’s help they were able to make port and establish camp on the west bank. All understood that since Damietta governed the waterway to Cairo it must be taken. Bishop Oliverius reports an eclipse of the moon not long after they landed, which pilgrims interpreted to the disfavor of Egypt, considering how there shall be signs in the moon and sun and stars and on the earth distress of nations. When that hammer of the ancient world, Alexander, set forth against Darius and Porus in Asia there occurred a similar eclipse, which he pointed out to his men. They felt encouraged and went on to defeat the Medes and Persians. So did the living host feel encouraged since Egyptians impute the moon to themselves, they rely much on its waxing and waning. Hence a fading orb signified the outcome.
These pagans had built a castle on an island near the west bank in order to supervise and regulate what might travel upstream or downstream. King John attacked with seventy barques sheathed in leather as protection against flaming naphtha, but did not succeed. The duke of Austria and Hospitalers of Saint John fixed ladders aboard two ships, but Egyptians shattered that of the Hospitalers so it crashed together with the mast, hurling people headlong. That of the duke broke under the weight of armed men in chain mail and they disappeared in the river. Many vigorous Christian soldiers thus achieved martyrdom to the advantage of their souls. Egyptians who remarked what happened began to make a loud noise with sackbuts and drums.
Bishop Oliverius now explained how two vessels might be joined with ropes and planks until they resembled one, having four masts and a balustrade of poles and nets covered with hide. So it was done. Under the balustrade, suspended from ropes, a ladder extended thirty cubits beyond the prow. High barons were invited to look over this vessel to see if anything might be lacking, but they marveled and declared that such a work had not been imagined since the beginning of the world. Men from every nation were assigned to it so there could be no empty boasting.
On the feast of Saint Bartholomew as clerics walked barefoot along the shore and the patriarch of Jerusalem lay prostrate in the dust before the cross this vessel eased forth. Now came a shower of stones from the ramparts of Damietta. And as the vessel got closer those who defended the castle thrust out lances. They threw oil and fire, which caused the wood to burst into flame. Soldiers attempting to quench the fire with gravel and sour liquid fell into the Nile, including the standard bearer of the duke. The Babylonians shouted with joy, thinking themselves victorious. However a young knight from the diocese of Liège got into the castle. After him a Frisian soldier carrying a flail of the sort used in threshing grain, equipped with chains for combat, who lashed out right and left and knocked down the infidel bearing Sultan al-Kamil’s standard. God’s enemies seeing this grew alarmed and retreated to where they could not escape. At last, seeing no help, they wished to discuss things. When it was agreed their lives would be spared they gave up their weapons to the duke, excepting some who during the night had thrown themselves from windows to drown or swim ashore. Pilgrims now controlled the waterway to Cairo. Many brave knights and sergeants here ascended to glory, delivered from human woe. Lord Ithier de Toucy. Lord Hervé de Vierzon. Brother William from Chartres. Oliver, bastard son of John Lackland. Their names will not be forgotten.
On the feast of Saint Denys here came armed galleys rowing against the pilgrim camp but they were repulsed. Few escaped Christian blades and treacherous currents of the Nile. As was learned afterward, nearly one thousand perished. Almighty God is a wall of strength to those who trust in Him.
On the feast of Saint Demetrius, alleged to be the uterine brother of Blessed Denys, here came Saracens once more, at dawn, to invade the Templar camp but were again driven back. On this occasion five hundred plunged shrieking into hell.
Anon a Templar vessel carried by the powerful stream drifted near Damietta. Pagans assaulted it with stones, fire, and grappling hooks and swarmed aboard. And since the hull was pierced it sank quickly leaving only the mast above water, drowning many from both camps. Even as valiant Samson claimed more when he died than he killed in life, so did these Templars draw into a watery grave more than they despatched with swords. Thus hostilities raged while the living host sought to encompass Damietta, Saracens arriving unexpectedly from every direction to harass and trouble them.
During the vigil of Saint Andrew the Nile began to rise, advancing into camp. Tents floated away, fish came squirming up where they could be seized by hand. This storm did not abate for three days. Excepting our Lord’s infinite compassion all would have been sucked into the river or the sea. Next came plague. Blackness developed on the shins, legs afflicted with sudden pain, flesh in the mouth corrupted so the victim was unable to chew. Physicians despaired. During this trial many ascended to Christ.
How often men lapse from the counsel of our Lord. These pilgrims, having subdued the castle on the island, slipped downward into boasting indolence and revelry. Three months they loitered, gambling at dice, fornicating, drinking. Where, they asked themselves, was this Emperor Frederick of Hohenstaufen with his Teutonic legions?
As to Saracens locked inside the walls of Damietta, during this time they lost their governor on account of illness and had no one to direct them. Therefore they addressed a message to Sultan Malik al-Kamil at Cairo, beseeching him to provide a governor with knowledge enough and strength to rule. This message they fixed to a pigeon beneath her right wing and straightway let her go. She lifted herself up into the air, looked about, and sped away to the dovecote in Cairo where she was hatched. And
the keeper took her to Sultan al-Kamil who plucked the message from her and caused it to be read. Then he felt alarmed because Damietta was the key to his land.
After consultation with his advisors he ordered an ox-hide to be folded four times in the shape of an egg, tightly sewn, daubed with pitch, and a cork belt around the middle so it would not overturn or sink. Inside this egg they put the sultan’s nephew, a hole cut in the top of it for him to breathe. According to the chronicle of Reims they lowered this egg into the Nile after dark, not much could be seen above water, and away went al-Kamil’s nephew on the current. But the Christians had stretched a net for whatever might chance to come, so at dawn they spied an object fetched against it and paddled out to investigate. They pulled the egg ashore with hooks, carried it to King John’s tent where he ordered the ox-hide cut apart and here was a young Babylonian miserable and famished and damp with a letter in his tunic announcing who he was. So the king clapped him in irons and had him right well guarded because he would be useful to exchange. How long he languished in shackles the chronicle does not report. Late one night his guards drank themselves to sleep whereupon the sultan’s nephew thought this a good chance and went running among the tents looking for some way out. Now his guards woke up. Hoy! Hoy! they cried aloud and went seeking him. Already he had gotten among the hindermost tents and surely would escape but some bakers kneading dough for next day heard the rattle of his irons with men crying stop the prisoner. Hence the bakers ran after him and one who carried a rolling pin hailed him a mighty thump on the skull so he fell dead. At this news King John grew wroth because he had thought to trade the sultan’s nephew for a Christian of gentle birth.
Al-Kamil himself came down the river to settle at Fariskur not three leagues from Damietta. Thus, Christians found themselves encamped between the sultan and the city, arguing bitterly whether they should tighten the siege or attack the sultan. Near the end of August a horde of discontented pilgrims took it upon themselves to decide and went rushing leaderless against him. The Saracens feigned alarm, retreating, but all at once turned about. Were it not for Hospitalers, Templars, and skillful barons come to their aid these audacious servants of God would have spread their bones along the river bank.
It is said that Brother Francis of Assisi observed the battle with dismay. Now in hopes of arranging a truce he sought permission to go and talk to al-Kamil. Reluctantly, after some debate, he with his companion Brother Illuminato were granted leave to do as they wished. Under a white flag they approached the pagan army bearing no weapon save their faith. And because al-Kamil had issued orders to lop off Christian heads it may be that mameluks who watched these two plodding through the brush considered them mad or otherwise afflicted. However it was, they came into the sultan’s presence unharmed. Brother Francis undertook to preach. Sultan al-Kamil listened. For several days he preached to this Saracen host and was offered numerous gifts, all of which he refused. Take them and distribute them among your Christian paupers, advised the sultan of Egypt. Brother Francis replied that divine providence would comfort the poor. And he offered to walk through fire accompanied by a Saracen priest in order to validate the teaching of Christ. Al-Kamil answered that he should not, nor did the sultan think any Muslim would consent to such a trial. The steadfast devotion of Brother Francis disturbed this heathen lord. Fearing that his soldiers might be converted if they heard much else, he had these friars escorted back to the Christian camp. Yet as they departed he spoke these words to Brother Francis.
Pray for me. Pray that God may disclose the law and the faith that is most true.
All know how deeply Brother Francis felt attracted to the sacred Manger, how he reconstructed it for the devout at Greccio. Perhaps this fervent love summoned him to the Holy Land. Perhaps his journey marked one step toward comprehending the significance of the Cross. While praying at Mount La Verna not long after his return he experienced the stigmata, wounds on his body corresponding to those endured by our merciful Lord. I am told they could be seen to the day of his death, albeit he kept them hidden. Shortly after ascending to Paradise this humble, unwashed servant of God would be canonized by His Holiness Gregory in the year 1228. Beyond doubt the law and the faith that is most true were disclosed to him.
Chronicles from those days assert that al-Kamil longed for peace, feeling much oppressed by the siege of Damietta, which he could ill afford to lose. Olives, grain, fabric, goods of every description from half the world flowed through this port. He therefore assembled the princes of his realm to consult. He reminded them how the Nile was lower than usual and famine threatened. He suggested terms for peace. Christian prisoners would be freed, those newly caught as well as those who had languished so long they forgot their names. What land the Christians had lost would be restored, save the castles of Montréal and Kerak for which Egypt would pay each year as much as these castles might be worth. There should be a truce lasting twenty years. All this would Sultan al-Kamil guarantee if Christians would lift the siege of Damietta.
His counselors did not object. Now the captives were told, which delighted them. They chose Lord Andrew of Nanteuil and John of Arcis to carry the message. Meanwhile the rest stood surety under pain of losing their heads.
These nobles traveled to King John’s tent. The barons assembled to hear what al-Kamil had said. Also present was Cardinal Pelagius Galvani. Two cardinals had accompanied the host, Robert of Courson who was English and this Galvani who came from Portugal. Cardinal Robert soon expired but Pelagius lived, which some thought a great pity since he caused much evil. While Brother Francis preached to Saracens in their camp this legate argued that he had gone over to their misbelief, had converted to Islam. Other clerics agreed. Bishop James wrote from Damietta that the unlettered little mendicant friar was dangerous.
Cardinal Pelagius had no wish to share the earth with any but Christians. He dreamt of subjugating Cairo in order to exterminate Islam throughout the world, to Damascus and beyond. He argued that the sultan’s offer must be deceptive since pagans did not keep their word. Milo, bishop-elect of Beauvais, agreed. Concerning Milo, they say he had more pride than Nebuchadnezzar, which was enough. Together they prevailed.
Back went Andrew of Nanteuil and John of Arcis with dolorous faces to explain that, on advice of Cardinal Pelagius, King John would by no means retreat from Damietta.
Thus matters stood until a November night when certain Franks venturing close to the wall did not hear a sound, not a voice nor anything, not in the turrets, not by any gate. To the king they hurried. Sire, it may be that all have died, they said. We hear naught but silence.
To the ladders! cried King John. And that man who is first to enter Damietta, he shall have one thousand bezants!
Ladders were made fast and up they scurried quick as mice, each for himself, but were not opposed. They ran to the gates and cut the bars and swung the gates apart for King John’s host. A familiar stench pervaded Damietta. Once there had been sixty thousand inhabitants. Now, by some accounts, three thousand remained alive. Christians rushing through the city saw how the dead had slain the living. Dead husbands and dead wives lay on their beds, wasted away, corrupting their own homes. Starved infants with open mouths hung in the embrace of dead mothers. Avaricious merchants blue and cold among stacks of wheat, so there was food, yet not what they required. Fruit, herbs, garlic, vegetables, butter, olives, fish, none of it slipped the Christian noose. Courtyards, public houses, streets, temples, everywhere corpses rotted. By order of King John these bodies were dragged outside the walls for burning. King John and Cardinal Pelagius saw fit to enter when Damietta had been cleansed. They found gold, silver, weapons, handsome armor, corn and wine enough, whatever belongs in a good city.
As to the living inhabitants, most soon expired. Others went into captivity, others baptized. Some few notable citizens were kept to barter.
How often it is said that men are made into thieves by concupiscence of their eyes. Here was Babylonian luxury. Pearls of varied color. Sil
ken stuff. Fringes with golden threads. Apples cunningly whittled from amber. Soft pillows. Bodkins, necklaces, silver chains for the ankle. Little moons and ornaments for shoes. Sweet tablets to suck. Jewels to hang on the forehead. Cloaks. Looking-glasses. Veils. Lawns. Crisping pins. Now was the army of Christ debauched, given to adultery and drunken chambering. And that summer while they loitered here came fourteen galleys from Venice wondrously appointed. And merchant ships wallowing with provision. But a fleet of Saracen galleys kept watch and swept in to capture these supplies. Also, the pagans made for a great vessel bringing Henry, called the Lion, who was duke of Saxony. Through the grace of providence these unbelievers were repulsed. Still, they burnt and sank a ship belonging to the Teutonic House that was loaded with barley. Also during that summer Count Diether resolved to sail for Thessalonika, no matter if the legate objected. Stubbornly he would do as he pleased, hence the legate excommunicated his renegade ship with all aboard. Off the coast of Cyprus he fell among pirates and his ship burnt. Count Diether narrowly escaped death by swimming away. Again we remark how the Lord adjudicates and punishes those who disregard His wishes.
Emperor Frederick did not yet show his face. The principal barons asked one another. What is to be? Shall we sit closed up in this place? Have we not come to conquer Egypt? Then off they went to ask questions of King John and Cardinal Pelagius.
Their desire to attack Babylon gratified the legate, but King John demurred. The Saracens are full of anger, said he, but wise enough to discern what advantage they hold. This is their ground. For my part, I think we should wait until the flooding of the river is past.
Deus Lo Volt! Page 38