Deus Lo Volt!

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Deus Lo Volt! Page 46

by Evan S. Connell

  We learned that the Old Man keeps in his bedchamber a book containing things spoken by our Lord Jesus to Saint Peter. Friar Yves when he saw this book admonished the Old Man to study it often because the words in it were both true and wise. The Old Man responded that he did often study this book. I have learned, said he, that the soul of Abel after death came into the body of Noah, and when Noah died his soul came into the body of Abraham, and when Abraham died his body came into the soul of Saint Peter, all of which occurred at the beginning of the world. Then, said Friar Yves to King Louis, I sought to explain how he was mistaken by expounding Christian theology, but I do not think he understood.

  We learned that inside the castle walls are stately gardens where votaries spend their time inhaling the perfume of a thousand flowers. At length, when they grow mad with voluptuous dreams, each is given a knife sharpened to the edge of invisibility. One other thing did I observe, said Friar Yves. When the Old Man rides from his castle he is preceded by a herald carrying a Danish axe. This herald commands all to step aside for one who determines the death of kings.

  Long ago in the city of Rayy this order was founded by a learned Muslim, Hasan Ibn al-Sabbah, who admired every sort of knowledge and exchanged verse with Omar Khayyam. Youths of impetuous disposition entered his service. They were taught the subtle art of courtesy and were privileged to meet travelers who spoke all the languages on earth. When they had become subject to the will of Hasan they were given brightly polished knives and charged to murder some lord of high degree. So they would go and spy upon the lord to acquaint themselves with his habits and kept their tongues oiled until they fulfilled the mandate. Thus, wrongly, did they anticipate heavenly bliss. They failed to perceive the sovereign light.

  During the time of Richard Lionheart his nephew, Henry, chanced to be at Tortosa when a messenger arrived saying the Old Man wished Lord Henry to visit, saying he wished they might become friends. Lord Henry accepted this invitation. He was respectfully met by the Old Man at the fortress gate. If you command your men, said he, do they obey? Lord Henry replied that they did. Consider this, the Old Man said, holding up a white cloth at which every Assassin on the ramparts leapt to death in the valley below. Lord Henry marveled. As they went inside the Old Man pointed to a sharp iron stake and threw down the cloth, so the nearest Assassin lunged to impale himself. Count Henry begged him to prove his authority no further. And when it came time to depart the Old Man loaded Henry with gifts and vowed to murder anyone he named. Such are the Assassins, those who offered Lord Conrad de Montferrat a letter to read on the streets of Tyre. We know that our Sovereign rules by the helm of goodness, albeit we do not comprehend the turns and parallels of His universe.

  King Louis decided near the beginning of Lent that we should proceed to Caesarea, a town forty leagues closer to Jerusalem, which the Saracens had destroyed.

  While we were rebuilding and fortifying Caesarea as best we could here came a noble from Senaingan, Alenard, who said his vessel was built in the kingdom of Norway, which lies close to the edge of the world. He had sailed around Spain and through the straits of Morocco, a perilous voyage. He said that in Norway it is possible to observe the sunset merge with dawn. Some believed this. Others scoffed. Alenard and his men betook themselves to hunt lions. They would spur toward a lion and shoot arrows, causing the beast to spring at them. Next they would drop a blanket or old tunic and the lion would tear it apart because he thought he devoured a man. All the while they kept shooting arrows. I do not know how many lions they killed. King Louis retained Alenard in his service along with eight or ten knights.

  Philippe de Toucy arrived while we were at Caesarea. King Louis referred to him as cousin because he was descended from a sister of King Philip. He informed us that the emperor of Constantinople had struck up an alliance with Comans, who are devoted to war. The emperor and his nobles were bled, their blood poured into a large silver goblet. The Coman chief with his nobles did likewise. Water and wine were poured into this blood, after which all drank from the goblet. Next they formed ranks and made a dog run between them, slashing it with their swords, meanwhile shouting that whoever defaulted on this treaty would suffer the same fate.

  Lord Philippe told us how an important Coman knight was buried. They attired the corpse handsomely and seated it on a chair in a deep grave. They let down the knight’s favorite horse into the grave. Then his bravest sergeant bade the lords farewell. Each put silver or gold into his scarf, admonishing him not to forget what he had been given since they would want it back when they reached the other world. And the sergeant answered that he would faithfully account for it. Now he was handed a letter to the first of the Coman kings, which praised him as a trustworthy, obedient servant who should be rewarded. The sergeant next descended into the grave. Planks, stones, and earth were heaped on top, raising a huge mound in honor of the knight. Philippe said he witnessed this amazing spectacle while at the Coman camp. He remained in the service of King Louis for one year, after which he went back to Constantinople.

  Now here came those predicant friars who departed from Cyprus with Christian effigies and a vermilion tent. Many among us had not thought to see them again. What adventures they recounted left us agape as if we heard some ancient epic, or looked upon some tapestry of days half remembered. These friars sailed away from Cyprus to Antioch, after which they traveled overland, riding ten leagues a day for one full year to reach the great khan of the Tartars. They rode past the ruins of cities destroyed by these nomads, which astonished them. They wondered at the devastation and inquired about it. They were told that once the Tartars lived on an immense sandy plain where nothing would grow, at the end of which stood huge and terrible rocks marking the edge of the world. Among these rocks lived the satanic nations of Gog and Magog, destined to march forth when Antichrist makes his evil presence felt. And since nothing would grow on this desolate plain the Tartars paid tribute for pasturage to Prester John, or as some called him Presbyter John, who lived very far to the east and was reputed to be Nestorian Christian. Some thought Prester John descended from the Magi because he ruled as they did and carried an emerald scepter. In such contempt did he hold Tartars that when they arrived with tribute he would not look at them. He turned his back. So finally the Tartars understood that if they wished to escape from bondage they must stop quarreling among themselves, which they did, enabling them to defeat the vast armies of Prester John and everyone else. It may be that Prester John fled to Egypt, mayhap Nubia, where he now lives and is at least two centuries old.

  The friars told us that people in distant lands to the east are so frightened that they behave like oxen when Tartars ride into their villages and make no effort to defend themselves. A single horseman may capture an entire village. On one occasion a Tartar met seventeen Arabs, whereupon he demanded that they rope themselves together and follow him. They had begun to obey when all unexpected one lifted his head as though perceiving the light of the world and slew the Tartar. What should Christians make of this? Do we not see how pagans arrogate to themselves unwarranted jurisdiction over others? We thank Almighty God who is our bulwark against oppression.

  We learned that Tartars do not eat bread but content themselves with meat and mare’s milk spiced with herbs. Horseflesh is what they like best. They steep it in brine and leave it to dry until it may be cut like bread, but they will eat the flesh of any creature. When riding off to war they put slices of flesh under the lappets of their clothing and sit on it until the blood is pressed out, after which they devour it like animals. Some they keep in a leather pouch, dip into this when they feel hungry and choose the oldest meat first. I, myself, while imprisoned in Egypt saw one of my guards do this. He was a Khorasmin from Persia and the stench from his leather pouch drew vultures out of the sky.

  Many other strange things did the predicants tell us. They spoke of Greek Christians among the Tartars, but could not say how this came about. If the Tartars decide to make war on Saracens they despatch these Chri
stians to fight. Or, if they decide to attack Christians, they enlist Saracens. We were told that women without children accompany the Tartar fighting men and are paid the same. They take meals together, but the men do not seek relations with them. As we listened to such remarkable accounts we did not know what to think.

  The predicants delivered a letter from the Tartar chief to King Louis, stating that nothing gratified him more than peace. If there is peace there is tranquility, said this letter, whence come all blessings. Animals graze unmolested and men till the fields without apprehension. But now you must listen to us. You cannot enjoy peace until you render obeisance. Prester John foolishly challenged us, as did the shah of Persia and others too numerous to mention. If you would remain at peace you will send money to us every year. If you refuse, we will ride against you and without mercy put you to the sword.

  The predicants told King Louis that the great khan summoned princes who had not yet vowed allegiance and displayed the chapel his majesty had sent from Cyprus, together with little carved figures representing Nativity, Baptism, Holy Ghost, and so forth. He told them the king of France had sued for mercy and sent this tribute. Therefore, the khan told these princes, unless you likewise submit I will order the king of France to come and destroy you. At his words many shook with fright and pledged themselves vassals.

  As to his majesty’s thoughts upon hearing this, I do not know. He did not confide in me.

  We stayed fourteen months at Caesarea. One day when I went to visit the king he brought up the fact that I had not agreed to remain past Easter and he asked how he might induce me to stay another year. I remembered quite well that he once called me difficult, so I said I would strike a bargain with him. If during that year I ask for something, I said, you will not become annoyed. For my part, if you fail to grant my request, I will not be annoyed with you. At this he began to laugh and told his counselors about the bargain we had made.

  I had now been oversea with his majesty some four years and attempted to keep my life organized as best I could. I arranged my bed so that anyone entering the pavilion could see me, because I did not want anyone to suspect me of relations with women. I had two chaplains recite the Hours. At dawn one of them chanted mass. The other waited until all of my people were up. After hearing mass I would visit the king. If he wished to go out riding I accompanied him. Each year during the feast of Saint Remigius it was my habit to buy pigs and sheep and flour and wine and whatever else we might need to keep us through the winter because we could not depend upon vessels arriving. I would purchase one hundred barrels of wine and the best of it we drank first. Squires and servants got wine mixed with water, that of servants containing somewhat more water. As for knights at my table, each received a flagon of wine and a water bottle. How they mixed it was their own business.

  During this time a certain knight unwisely visited a brothel where he was arrested. According to custom he might be led through camp by the whore, bound with a rope and wearing only his shirt, or he might surrender horse and arms to the king. This knight would not submit to public disgrace, hence he was dismissed from the army. I then approached King Louis to ask if I might have the knight’s horse for an impoverished gentleman. He said I was asking a lot because the animal was worth a good eighty livres. It appeared to me that he was annoyed so I complained that he had broken our agreement. He laughed and said he was not annoyed. All the same I did not get the horse.

  Round about this time one of his sergeants who was called Le Goulu began trifling with one of my knights and gave him a push. Straightway I went to the king for satisfaction, but he did not think it important and advised me to forget the matter. I said I would not. Sergeants could not be allowed to jostle knights here or there as they pleased, said I, and if his majesty denied me justice I would no longer remain in his service. What moved the king to yield, I do not know, but the sergeant appeared at my quarters barefoot, wearing only a shirt. He knelt in front of the knight and said he had come to make amends. He offered the pommel of his sword, saying his hand should be cut off at the wrist. It seemed to me that justice had been done so I asked my knight to forgive the insult, which he did.

  Seldom would King Louis be swayed by importunity. Brother Hugues de Jouy on behalf of the Temple went to Damascus and came back with an agreement whereby a tract of land should be divided, one half to the sultan, one half to the Temple. Brother Hugues brought a document proving it was so and was accompanied by an emir to represent the sultan. The king was much surprised. He informed the Grand Master that a treaty ought not to have been negotiated without his approval. Reparation was due, said the king. He ordered three flaps of his pavilion lifted so all might watch the punishment. He directed the Grand Master to walk barefoot through the camp attended by his knights, all barefoot. Thus humiliated they approached his majesty. He commanded the Templar and the Saracen deputy to seat themselves, after which he addressed the Templar in a harsh voice.

  Master, said he, you will inform the sultan’s envoy that you regret having made this truce. Further, you will release the sultan from all he has promised and you will give back the document.

  The Grand Master complied, admitting he had done wrong to enter upon the agreement and regretted his temerity.

  Now rise up, the king said, you with all your knights. And when they were on their feet he bade them kneel and repent. The Grand Master knelt, holding out the hem of his cloak, thereby offering to King Louis everything the Temple possessed. Next, his majesty expelled Brother Hugues from the kingdom. And not the queen herself, nor anyone, could prevent this.

  Soon thereafter came his majesty’s envoys from Egypt with a treaty drawn up committing us to help the emirs against the sultan of Damascus. In exchange, the emirs would deliver to us the Holy City. It had been agreed that we should march to Joppa while they would put ashore at Gaza twenty leagues distant.

  To Joppa we went and set up camp in fields around the castle, which rises handsomely to overlook the sea. At once we undertook new fortifications and the king himself carried a hod filled with earth. The sultan of Damascus, when he learned how matters stood, despatched four thousand Turks to Gaza to prevent the Egyptians from joining us. As a result, the emirs did not keep their end of the bargain. Still, they did send us Christian heads that had been suspended from the walls of Cairo. His majesty buried these heads in consecrated ground. And they delivered captive children, albeit with reluctance. These children, too young to distinguish truth from falsehood, had been persuaded to embrace the iniquitous teaching of Islam. The emirs also gave his majesty an elephant, which he shipped to France.

  How often are we led astray through error and foolish misjudgment. A Turkish noble thought to reap corn not three leagues from our camp. We went after him. The instant he saw us he flew away but a young squire pursued him, knocked down two of his knights, and thrust a lance into his body with such violence that the shaft broke.

  The Master of Saint Lazarus, showing no better sense than this Turk, made up his mind to capture some animals in a valley near Ramlah. Off he went and did not inform the king. Turks fell upon him so briskly that of all his men just four returned alive. He himself came thundering into camp lifting such alarum as might be heard in Constantinople. I therefore armed myself and urged his majesty to let me go after the Saracens. He consented, but told me to order up knights from the Temple and Hospital. When we got to the valley we found the king’s crossbowmen ahead of us. A Saracen and one of the king’s men had rushed at each other with lances and both went down. Another of the king’s men decided to steal their horses and was leading them off when the stopple of an old cistern splintered beneath their weight and down plummeted three horses and a thieving sergeant, all four to the bottom. I had a look. There was little enough to see. The cistern walls were falling in on them so they were about covered up. We then rode back to camp having registered no loss save that occasioned by the stupid Master of Saint Lazarus.

  Now here came the youthful prince of Antioch into ca
mp, accompanied by his mother. King Louis honored them and ceremoniously dubbed the boy a knight and gave leave to quarter his arms, which are gules, with the arms of France. In their company three minstrels from Armenia, brothers on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. These minstrels played horns so devised that the music seemed to issue not in front but from aside. They played such melodious and graceful tunes that people were reminded of swans on a lake. Also, they knew how to flip themselves over while standing on a mat. They could do this backward and forward, but the eldest would pause to cross himself before turning the somersault forward.

  King Louis was informed that if he wished to visit Jerusalem the sultan of Damascus would guarantee safe passage. Not one counselor advised his majesty to go since he would be obliged to leave it in Saracen hands. They spoke of King Richard sixty years earlier. They repeated the story, how one of Richard’s knights shouted for him to come and behold Jerusalem. But he would not. He shielded his eyes, he wept bitterly and cried aloud. Dear God, suffer me not to see the Holy City for I cannot reclaim it! The counselors mentioned this because, they said, if his majesty should make the pilgrimage and return to France without loosening the Saracen grip, those who came later would feel satisfied to do no more. If he took this counsel to heart or some other reason prevailed, I do not know, but he remained at Joppa.

  Anon the sultan’s rage against those emirs who chased his cousin Turanshah into the Nile and butchered him like a pig caused him to march against Egypt. I have heard they fought savagely, gaining little here or there. The sultan boasted of victory yet with such losses that he returned to Gaza, he himself injured in the head and one hand. We observed his army withdraw, passing our camp less than two leagues distant, avoiding it as the traveler avoids the hedgehog. With the sultan, we estimated, went twenty thousand Turks and ten thousand Bedouin. We kept narrow watch.


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