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Ascension Page 1

by J R Davis


  Book one: Hunters Dream Online

  J.R. Davis

  Table of Contents

  Special Thanks 7

  Prologue 9

  Chapter One 12

  Lord of the weaklings

  Chapter Two 44

  A battle between packs

  Chapter Three 75

  A Very Greedy Gnome

  Chapter Four 103

  Red Eyes Redder Blood

  Chapter Five 126

  Of Goblins and Goblets

  Chapter Six 163

  The World Without

  Chapter Seven 196

  Contest Of Champions

  Chapter Eight 228

  Dark & Light

  Chapter Nine 257

  The Dagger's Edge

  Chapter Ten 282

  An Unwelcome Reunion

  Chapter Eleven 319

  The NPC Dream

  Chapter Twelve 344

  A Bone To Pick

  Chapter Thirteen 371

  The Changing Tides Of Goblin Village

  Chapter Fourteen 398

  Trials Of The Forest

  Chapter Fifteen 423

  Trials of Giants

  Chapter Sixteen 450

  A Call To Arms

  Chapter Seventeen 471

  The Road More Hidden

  Chapter Eighteen 495

  How to cook an antagonist

  Chapter Nineteen 518

  Assault Of The Titans

  This work is all fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright 2019 by J.R. Davis. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

  Title Page Art: Jackson Tjota

  Voice by: Steve Campbell

  Davis, Jon Ryer.

  Ascension/J.R. Davis.-1st ed.

  Summary: With his chance to join the world's first VR MMORPG, Robin takes the class of necromancer in a world of constant conflict. Facing off against gods, monsters and other players. Will he be able to stay the tide of destruction and save the village he swore to protect or will Ignis and his guild prevail and lay waste to the land? Join Robin, his undead companion Charon, and his friends as they take on the world and other players! Dungeons, pvp tournaments, large scale battles, and a deer leasing agent named Chester. This, is the Hunter’s Dream.

  Special Thanks

  It seems customary that one writes a small tribute to the people who influenced a book, who one is grateful for. But so many people have made me who I am and through that influenced my writings. Even so, let me thank my mom for her support, Walt for his steady mind and open door, Whitney for helping in editing, and Jackson Tjota for his amazing artistic touch with the book cover. I would especially like to thank Mr. Campbell as well, whose voice was more than perfect in bringing life to this tale. Lastly, I want to thank my roommates and the dnd crew who played a massive part in troubleshooting as well. I hope you enjoy the labors of my work, I know buying the first book of any series is a risk, so I thank you as well for that show of faith and your support.


  It was the year 2023, a company by the name of Remtech had made its way into the gaming community, boasting a new MMO by the name of “Hunters Dream Online”. Remtech introduced a new level of immersion, allowing new players to play the game while they slept, bringing all waking senses into the game as the player rested.

  Utilizing a combination of tech and the creators own dreams as a basis, the game boasted flexibility that no MMO’s before it possessed. There were few true basic starting classes, but rather, the game itself took in the players own mindset when choosing a starting class. Presenting them with the option to stick to the beaten path, or strike out on their own. At the same time, the game focused more on equipment and skill utilization than to simply make levels equal in-game power. You had to think, predict, and prepare for each new challenge in this game.

  Due to this and the trade rate for in-game currency to real-world cash, the game quickly grew in popularity. The term “Hunter” became coined as a title for those whose living was earned via selling in-game armor and crafting components that were won from hunted monsters and beasts. To be successful in that, a hunter had to be prepared in every sense. If the hunter used a blade, they needed to keep it sharp, if they used magic, they had to manage their mana. They needed to be ready for any terrain and weather as well. To not be prepared meant certain death and it was not only monsters that left cause for concern.

  Save for the 5 man party max, there were no true rules of engagement. As such, there were PKers, people who enjoy killing for the kill, and also individuals who would swoop in to take kills and steal loot if the opportunity were presented. Due to this, teams need to be prepared, act fast, and be ready, even if other players decide to interfere. In Hunters Dream Online, you were either ready, or you were dead

  Chapter One

  Lord of the weaklings

  After scrounging up for nearly a year, I finally had enough money to get this damn Remtech visor for the release. It ain’t always easy being a broke college student but I have my ways. The thing was damn near twice the price of the other systems out there, but for this kind of immersion, it is worth it. Ever since high school, I've wanted to really experience that whole fantasy world deal. The fighting giant monsters, versing other players, hell, even just being in another world seemed like a dream. When I found out about Hunters Dream Online, it drew me in like a moth to a flame. Fortunately, the release date lined up with my schools fall break, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

  After a quick trip to our local gaming store (you know the one), I was back home, setting up, and ready to rock. While it was doing its initial booting up I skimmed the information packet that came with it. The last thing I needed was to be trapped in some damn virtual world or have my brain fried. Apparently, The visor actually induced rem sleep even if you aren’t tired. Which is good, because my sleep schedule was all kinds of fucked. So, no scrambled egg brains and good sleep, well shit, sign me up.

  Once everything was together, I laid in my bed. The visor properly fixed on my face, I hit the power button. The screen lit up with a click and the familiar wrrrr of electronics as the Remtech logo blurred into view. After some rudimentary account forming and agreeing to the terms that I definitely read, the game started up. It led me through a tutorial on how the game worked, syncing with the mind to induce a sort of false sense of tiredness and formed a link with the game as the individual fell asleep.

  By the time the tutorial was finishing up, a prompt appeared on the screen, “would you like to begin playing Hunters Dream Online?”, to which I hastily affirmed verbally. It was at that point that the visor’s humming intensified as my body grew heavy. It was as if an unknown force was ushering me into unconsciousness. Closing my eyes became the only available option as I drifted off. Seconds later my consciousness found itself snapping back to awareness as I found myself floating amongst a vast sea of white. My incorporeal body floated weightlessly in place as my mind still swam from the bootup.

  It was then that a voiced echoed throughout that white abyss “no character data found, create new character?” As if out of thin air, two large buttons appeared in front of me, beckoning me to affirm or deny that request. “Hell yeah create a new character!” I thought to myself as I motioned my hand to select the yes button. After affirming, the game moved forward with yet another option for a free choice character select as my base class, or a mental scan to potentially unlock rarer classes. Notifying me that I had to apparently pick one or the other. Once I did so, I could not go back and create a new character, which sucked a bit, but hey, the ri
sk-reward difference made for an obvious choice, I went ahead with the scan.

  It was at that point when I felt a slight ping in the back of my mind as various small balls of light spilling out of me, each housing small images from my youth. Clips of my first bike ride, my friends, family, my lovers, everything was brought in front of me. Then, just as quickly as they appeared, they vanished and my whole world went black. After a few seconds, 3 lights from above shone down revealing 3 individuals, 3 classes the scan brought up. Moving closer, I went to the first one.

  The character sprang to life. “I am a Spellsword, I wield both sword and magic to take down my enemies. Should you master my class, you may become well rounded and proficient in all things”. A tempting offer really, but for the sake of argument I pressed on.

  Moving to the second figure, I reached out once more. “I am necromancer! I summon minions from the other world, deal damage and blight my enemies with dark magic and resurrect the dead!” This guy definitely looked the part too. Black robes adorned with various designs and flourishes as well as that demonic looking staff? Yeah, I’m pretty sure this guy would win a game of spot the antagonist. Still, I do like me some minions. I should probably see the last option though, you know, for good measure. Approaching the last figure, there stood a man in brown robes with a long thick beard and thick unkempt hair. He had no weapon I could see, but he seemed to exude strength.

  He too spoke, “ I am Druid, protector of nature. I possess the ability to shape-shift into various animals and wield the power of runes. While my feet are planted on clear soil, my strength does not wane and I know no fatigue”. Now that idea was appealing, being able to keep fighting without stopping sounds great, even if it was just on soil. I was, however, not the biggest fan of becoming animals to fight. I mean, hell, yeah a bear or owl would be cool, but how long would it be before I started hearing bear puns all day? Yeah, no, let’s stay away from that one.

  I took a moment to consider, spellsword or necromancer? I did like being able to be well rounded, but that also meant I wouldn’t necessarily excel at anything. On the other hand, minions. Oh, do I want those, give me an army, that I may lay waste to the lands! A dramatic cackle then bursting out from my incorporeal lips. Ok, so apparently this is going to happen. I chose necromancer, and with that, I began to set my own avatar's appearance. Going with something close to my usual self, albeit with black hair and ice blue eyes. My character would be about 5’11 and with a fit build, not too skinny, yet not too muscular. There were racial options such as elves, orcs and the like as well, but I wanted to start this one out slow and went with human. That, and whereas the elves had Sharp Shooter for arrow accuracy and the orcs had Blood Of The Clan for strength as racial perks, humans got the Jack Of All skill. This skill ability basically means I could build myself anyway I pleased. Humans being the race that could essentially do any task despite not being able to fully master them as well as the perked races.

  After such, one last prompt came into my field of vision reading, “names hold power, adventurer, which will you take with you into the dream?” I had nearly forgotten about a name. There were two slots present, presumably for a first and last name. I suppose I couldn’t just go with my usual handle of “DatBoi420”. I thought for a moment, I’m a necromancer, a tactician of sorts given the minion option. After a few moments of consideration, it hit me. I would go by Robin, based off of a tactician from one of my favorite strategy titles. As for the last, I went with Graves. Because that was basically the plan, after all. I chuckled to myself for a moment at my own shitty humor. After looking it over for a few moments, I selected confirm, and the world once more faded from view

  When I regained consciousness, I was standing in what appeared to be a city plaza. A large digital banner in the middle of my vision reading Nocturne: City of Dreams. It was an old city, clearly medieval-esque, with worn stone floors and buildings styles you would expect in this sort of time era. Nearby vendors had various shops open, selling everything from potions to swords. People were actively buying, selling, and doing the usual haggling you’d expect. After a moment of surveying the landscape, something came to my attention. It was odd, I felt completely normal, as if I were in my actual body. Moving became easy and the only thing out of the ordinary was a small blinking box in the corner of my vision. I tried focusing on it and it enlarged.

  The message read, “Hello adventurer and welcome to The Hunters Dream. In your inventory, you will notice a novice box containing a set of beginner gear for your assigned class as well as some gold to start your journey. To assist in your navigation, there will also be a map of the city you can call upon to help you get around. If you need help finding specifics, try asking an NPC at the adventurers guild for assistance in getting started."

  Well, that was interesting, I suppose I should be grateful I don’t need to fight monsters in my present attire, which resembled something a peasant would wear. Linen shirt and shorts hardly screamed “adventurer” to me. Trying what worked with the notification, I focused on inventory, it just popped right up. That's pretty handy, I thought as I looked it over. Naturally, it was basically empty. After coming to the novice box, I motioned it to open.

  You have received:

  1x Mages Robes, +2 armor,+3 to int

  1x Mages Staff, +3% to casting speed

  1x Mages shoes, +1 armor

  5x Novice Potions, restores 25 hp

  Not too shabby, I thought to myself as I equipped my new things and mentally focused on an equipment bar. It brought up an image of myself with different slots for head, arms, etc. My staff was pretty cool, it had a wooden short handle with a dark purple gem on the tip. It resembled something between a magic wand and an old school wizards staff, being about two feet long. My robes were a dark blue, complete with an ominous mages hood. I was never a big fan of the robes but hey, I can always swap out for more style points later.

  Getting down to business, I consulted my map, trying to figure out how to get into a field or somewhere I could get a barring on my character. I was always the hands-on type so why not get a feel for any skills I have fighting some monsters? It appeared that there was a gate just a fifteen-minute walk from where I spawned. Manned by two guards, the gate was gigantic, a true entrance to the high walled city I had just passed through.

  As I walked by the two guards, one spoke up. “ I don’t believe I have seen you around here before, you new?”.

  “You are correct sir, I just arrived a bit ago.” I said while reaching out to shake their hands. I did not want to give out that I had just spawned in from the “real world”, not sure how that would roll over the guy.

  “Ah, very good.” said the guard, while taking my outstretched hand. “Just make sure you are back by dark. At night, we raise the bridge as stronger monsters tend to appear after dark”.

  “Thanks for the advice, do people often get caught out?” I asked.

  The guard considered for a moment before shrugging and said, “we wouldn’t really know since those who are caught out usually don’t just get to sit outside and wait until morning, if you get my meaning.” Well, that was good to know, there be monsters in the dark, apparently.

  “I'll be sure to be careful.” I said pleasantly. "Thank you again for your advice."

  Pressing on, I found myself in a large open field, tall grass swaying gently in the wind. This made for easy cover for any potential mobs. Now though, it was time for some light hunting. I just needed something to break in the new gear. I scouted the area in search of potential sport, the first monsters one would usually encounter were your typical low-level mobs. The likes of rabbits, slimes, and a few foxes, from what I saw. I figured rabbits would be a good call, so I started making my way over towards their section of the field. Focusing on them, I could see a tag with a name and level, Field Rabbit, lvl 1. There was no real HP bar, but I figured it was not like the fuzzy little critter was a raid boss so I figured I was fine.

  It was at that moment that I re
alized, I had yet to check my skill bar. Bringing it up, I saw that presently I had only one skill at level one, Dark Orb. There were other skills, but none I could use at the moment.

  Dark Orb: lvl 1

  Casting time: 2 seconds.

  Effect: Fires a ball of concentrated dark magic at a single target.

  A wide grin found its way to my face, this was going to be good. “Time for a little target practice.” I said as I pointed my staff at the rabbit and focused on the skill. After a second of channeling, an orb of dark energy shot from the staff towards the rabbit.

  You hit rabbit for 15 points of dark damage.

  Alright, this wasn’t so hard, now to move to the next target. The rabbit started moving toward me. Wait, it's not dead, how much hp could this lil guy have? The rabbit let out a battle cry, in the form of a high pitch squeal and started aggressively hopping towards me, determination in its eyes. After channeling another two Dark Orbs, the lil fella was brought low before he could reach me. The guy couldn’t harm a hare on my head! I frowned for a moment, I need to stop with the bad jokes I thought as I reviewed the battle log.

  You have killed Field Rabbit, lvl 1.

  Exp gain, 52, items dropped, rabbit meat x1, rabbit pelt x1.

  First kill and the guy didn't even get close to me, this was a piece of cake! What I did not notice, however, was that the rabbits battle cry had summoned another 5 rabbits to attack me, and two of them were within melee range, lucky. I immediately rolled to the left as they both jumped, the closer of the two grazing my right leg.

  Field Rabbit hits you for 17 damage.

  Damn, the little bugger took a sizable chunk out of my 200 hp pool. It landed and joined its companions as they all slowly hopped towards me, fur bristled in agitation. I began channeling Dark Orb towards the closest one, getting to my feet and backing away as I took potshots at the mass of bunnies. The issue being, that judging by the ever-decreasing blue bar in my vision, my mana pool was not meant for me to be constantly casting like this.


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