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Ascension Page 21

by J R Davis

  “Robin, if you’d be so kind as to stand still for this next bit, I’d be much obliged” he called to me, then releasing the beam. It tore through our ranks as we made a mad scramble to get out of the way. The beam being significantly stronger than when I fought him prior. It seared the earth, hitting guild members and goblin alike. The surprise catching most people off guard.

  As Charon and I dove out of the way Ignis rushed forward. His mace already bloodied from combat. He surged forward and so did his troops. Their superior numbers focused around him aiming to split our army in two.

  “Hold your ground!” Lethe ordered his guild. He and the two chiefs now struggling to keep the adventurers at bay. The line giving inches at a time to our invaders. We were steadily but surely being pushed back towards the village. In the wake of our enemies push, I found myself separated from my group. Lost in the crowd of guildmates as they struggled to keep the enemy in check.

  Despite Chief Ro’s murder of crows wreaking havoc on the enemies reserve forces, the damage was minimal. The crows themselves likely only being between levels 1 to 3. It was also not hard to spot the chief through his forces though. This realization coming to him as various arrows and elemental blasts rained down on the area around him. Shocked out of his casting, Chief Ro stumbled backward and fell onto his back. His eyes going wide as an array of blasts flew towards him. The small goblin bringing up his arms defensively, hoping to survive the attack.

  Seeing the mass of arrows flying at him from nearby, Morrigan moved quickly. Using backstab on a nearby orc shaman to place herself closer to him. There she sprinted at the chief. Moving faster than she had ever before. When she got within range, Morrigan activated her Shadow Step on the chief, bringing her right out from under the goblin. With no time to spare, the thief shoved him behind her. Intercepting the incoming attack with the only shield she had, herself.

  One after another, the blows struck Morrigan. Chipping away at her hp as the chief sat behind her shocked. Once the assault was over, Her health was nearly entirely depleted. A bleeding notification in the corner of her vision notifying her that she would likely not survive.

  “Wh-why?” Ro managed to stammer out. The goblin chief nearly struck speechless by this human saving his life. Morrigan, in turn, looking over her shoulder at the goblin and smirking before she fell to one knee.

  “Pretty sure we fail the quest if you die. That, and I don’t think you are immortal like we are. I’d rather you and Fidro make it through” she replied, then wincing. Her hp dropping from 23 to 20, to 10, and then to 5. When the bar was fully depleted, Morrigan died. She was now locked out of the game for the next 3 hours. Unable to help her comrades or defend the village.

  As she was forced logged out from the game, the notification came to our group. Ogma’s face twisting in anger as he chanced a glance at his sister's last map location. Seeing the body that laid motionless in front of the chief.

  “God damn it! I told her not to do anything too risky!” He yelled through party chat. The large man then taking a sword to his left shoulder, forcing the druid back. Despite his words, he was far more worried about his sister than anything.

  “What happened?” Okane asked, the merchant and D presently still engaged with Ignis’s group. Although steadily being pushed back by the superior numbers. Any progress they made against the two being undone by nearby combatants.

  “She was killed defending Chief Ro, took too many attacks for him and died in his place” I replied to the two frantically. Charon and I now on the reserve lines near Lethe.

  “It was an honorable way to go” D commented respectfully. Him then yanking Okane away from a would-be sword blow. “Also, let's stay focused, we can check in with her later.” This earned him a growl from Ogma, but the druid knew he was right. If we all fell, her death would be in vain. The issue being, we were running out of ground to stand on, and running out fast.

  Things had taken a turn for the worse as Ignis’s forces pushed the defenders back. Goblins and players alike littering the battlegrounds as the imposing army stepped over their corpses in the name of conquest. The Knights Of Wolfs Blood and the Chiefs had indeed taken down many of our enemies in their march, yet the gap in strength had shown itself. The village would likely fall this day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Assault Of The Titans

  Nearly ⅓ of our forces had already been defeated. Ignis’s superior numbers and higher number of players having tipped the battle in their favor. What remaining forces we had were being quickly pushed back beyond the villages defensive lines as our enemy rounded us up. The dark cleric sporting a malicious grin watching his army bear down on us.

  It was in the height of this onslaught when our defeat seemed written in stone, that I noticed something stirring in the forest to my left. Birds flying away as trees were pushed aside. Bushes rustling as something trampled its way through. Looking to my comrades I searched for anyone else who was seeing what I was. Hoping it was something, anything to turn the tide of battle.

  I got my answer as Chief Ro’s goblin eyes spotted a glimpse of what was coming our way. The spectacle bringing a wide smile onto the goblins face. A notification then letting me know I had just completed a quest. Come on Ogre Quest Complete. Rewards: 1200 experience, 550 Gold. The experience and gold coming to me just as a group of ogres burst through the trees. Racing over large rocks and bushes as they charged Ignis’s army. The force of 17 or so Ogres being led by Chief Dizrog himself! The small ogre zapping one of the outlining players as his forces crashed through their line.

  As the ogres came rushing through, Their guild whipped their heads around to face the incoming threat. The distraction costing them as Lethe pushed his forces onward. Ignis had now found himself in a pincer attack. An unplanned one yes, but I wasn’t about to tell him that. Instead, I rushed forward and emptied all of the expendable skeletons I had gathered. Using them the nearby bodies to summon a total of 4 Graveknights. The giant summoned doors becoming a barrier for Ro and Fidro’s people as the members of Catalyst stumbled backward. Surprised by the giant portals coming from seemingly nowhere.

  Seeing that the tide was changing, Lia too sprung into action. Summoning skeletons and Graveknights with her squad and urging them forward. As the large gateways opened and Ignis’s people saw the hulking figures, something interesting happened, they began to run. The mass of ogres and Graveknights bringing chaos to the battlefield. Suddenly, Ignis found himself between large ogres with clubs and colossal Graveknights wielding axes. The dark cleric knowing well enough to run while he still could.

  When the Graveknights came forth I saw how Ignis’s eyes went wide. The cleric turning and running as they and the ogres tore through his ranks. That’s when I knew that the moment had come. Knew that I had to keep on him and chase the man down. I charged through the mass of fighting players. Trying my best to keep Ignis in my sight. The issue being, I was not the only one hunting.

  Out of nowhere I found myself flying. Having been shoulder checked by Gnarl and sent crashing onto the ground nearby. The large orc yelling for Ignis to retreat while he held the line. Fortunately, Charon had kept close as I pursued and was more than ready to face the warrior. It was as Gnarl stared us down, with his knuckles clenching his axe, that we had a surprise guest. Ogma came like a black streak as his panther form shot into Gnarl’s shoulder. Sinking his fangs into the orc as he mentally called out in party chat.

  “You already got your target Robin, shut him down!” He yelled, then digging his claws into Gnarls chest and jumping off. The large cat tearing chunks into the orcs hide. Ogma then placed himself between Gnarl and myself, sparing a momentary glance pleading me to go on. I nodded, taking a moment to empty out my manticore skeleton and bringing it back to life. After Charon and I had mounted it, we sped off into the trees after Ignis. He had a good-sized lead on us, but we had a gigantic angry skeleton kitty.

  By the time I had finally made it through everything, Ignis had already lost
us. I did have a pretty good idea where he was going though. I mean, would anywhere but his guild provide refuge from a war? Once got to the gate, I hailed the guards and dismounted. The goal now was to set things up juuuuuuust right. Charon and I then made our way inside. The skeleton breaking off from me once we got close to our destination. All Ignis would be seeing is a lone necromancer just strolling up for a chat.

  “You took off a bit early there, you feeling ok friend?” I teased aloud as I walked up to the building. Then gesturing like I was searching for someone. “Could have sworn you had some sort of vendetta against me so it just could not have been you who ran.” My satirical search being cut off as a voice yelled back from the building.

  “You got a lot of nerve chasin' me back here” Ignis yelled. The dark cleric bursting through the door and walking briskly towards me. As he did so, the windows in his building opened and various players came through the door in a threatening manner. Each equipped and ready to take me down. “Now why don’t you say all that again, my hearing is a little rough these days. He then standing just a foot away looking so red he may pop at any moment.

  “Well I did tell you about ironic quotation, didn’t I? Writing that check with your lips, now that ass gonna pay. Not just for me either, not even just for the village you messed with.” Ignis’s face then showing confusion as he tried to understand my point. “You also killed a friend of mine, one who is about to get his revenge. Next time don’t mess with the NPC's either!”

  Understanding dawning, Ignis equipped his mace and charged me. His guildmates taking the cue and readying their own bows and spells. Just as his mace was about to make contact, I triggered Arcane Shift. Instantly my form disappeared from view. Instead being replaced with an armored skeleton with blazing blue eyes.

  Charon’s gaze bore into Ignis. Conveying to the priest that his deeds had consequences. This particular message being driven home as Ignis took note of the fire potion in Charon’s hands. The skeleton leaning against 3 large barrels of something that smelled poorly. As the pieces fell into place in his mind, Ignis’s face became one of surprise and fear. He then raised his mace as quickly as he could to try and stop the skeleton.

  The second that he saw the panic written on Ignis’s face, Charon was pleased. The skeleton letting out an ethereal cackle as he let go of the fire potion. The dropping of which seemed to slow time for both of them. Ignis’s eyes going wide as he attempted to catch the bottle, yet it slipped just beyond his reach. As the potion shattered against the stone floor, Ignis heard but a single phrase escape Charon’s skeletal lips. His blazing blue orbs drinking in every second of Ignis’s despair and then saying, “Get fucked”.

  As the flames rose up from the potion they made contact with the explosives in the barrels and detonated. The explosion reducing Catalysts guild house to flaming rubble. Instantly killing each and every person within the blast range. This of course sadly including Charon as well. Once I had received the notification he had passed, I made my way over to see the outcome. The two-story building that had made up Ignis’s guild was now in pieces. Flaming rubble and bodies were strewn about like confetti.

  While surveying the area, I took advantage of the bodies and resummoned Charon. The skeleton showing waves of gratitude and happiness through the link.

  “Hopefully my plan wasn’t too painful for you man” I joked, giving a little embarrassed wince. Looked like things went off without a hitch, but I usually prefer methods that don’t involve the detonation of friends.

  “You think it really sent a message?” Charon asked through our link. The skeleton then picking up a small pouch from near Ignis’s body and handing it to me. I took it with a nod and opened the bag. Apparently killing Ignis had given us 800 gold and a necklace that boosted strength by 5.

  “You mean killing him, defeating his army, detonating his home, and taking his necklace? Yeah, I’d say he got the message just fine” I chuckled. Then handing the necklace to him. It was a small blue pendant in the shape of a shield. The center of which seemed to have been carved from Saffire. “He also dropped this, gives an extra five strength which you could use. That and using his own stuff against him would likely earn you extra points in the fuck you category”. Charon then giving me a shrug and thanking me before putting it on.

  Charon still wasn’t completely good even after defeating Ignis. Though, truth be told, I was expecting it to be a bit before he was at 100%. Guy had lost his memories and his family. Even if he got revenge, it still doesn’t bring back what you lost. Hopefully, now he would be able to focus inward and find peace. In time he would really understand that he wasn’t alone. That despite us not being his biological family, we were all there for him now. Charon was one of the group, so like or loathe he was stuck with us.

  With everything done in town, Charon and I speedily made out way back to the village. The manticores speed aiding greatly in our swift return. What we found upon our return was a bit to be expected though. The enemy forces had all been wiped out. Ogre’s were now helping the goblins and hobgoblins get to their feet and get healed. The three chiefs and Lethe were also there just pleasantly chatting together near the village's entrance. It looked as if things on all ends were successful. Despite all odds, the village had survived this day.

  As Charon and I made our way up, we were met by Ogma and the crew. D, Okane, Lia, and Benjamin eagerly crowding around me.

  “So did you get him?!” Ogma frantically asked me. Grabbing my shoulders and shaking them as the chiefs too headed over to see what the commotion was about.

  “Charon did” I said as I grabbed and pulled the skeleton's arm up in typical victor fashion. “We made out way down to his guild house, talked a little shit, and then I swapped with Charon who legitimately detonated Ignis’s guild house.” The group of people looking to my companion with gratitude in their eyes.

  “Nice one! Just wish I could have seen the explosion” Lia said. The excited necromancer ruffling his helmet. Charon received much more praise from the group before we all headed towards Ro’s hut for one more meeting. This one being about the future of the village and its inhabitants. Before we entered though, Chief Ro pulled my group aside.

  “Thank you for saving village. For bringing hobs and ogres, for bringing guild too. We all probably dead if not for all of you” Ro said in a heartfelt tone. The goblin chief taking the time to shake each and every one of our hands. A system notification then letting me I cad completed all conditions for the Save The Goblin Village: Part 2 quest. The gold very much needed and the experience almost leveling me up again.

  “We couldn’t just let them have their way” Okane reasoned matter of factly.

  “Yeah, we like ya too damn much to let anything happen to yah” Ogma added. The two of them slightly abashed but grinning with the chief.

  “This was no small task, entire village in all of your debt” Ro added. This time making eye contact with solely me.

  “We’re in it for the long hall with you Chief. I doubt anyone will try your borders again any time soon but, anyone who does will be getting quite the welcome party” I replied and gave the chief a big grin. Best at moments like these to reassure the goblin I imagine. Ro then matching my grin as he nudged us all into his hut for our meeting.

  As we all sat around the large village map, the three chiefs and our group helped in planning for a joint settlement. One that would allow for relative safety from invaders as well as increase the village's trade options.

  After nearly half a day and much arguing, the groundwork for a demi-human city was laid. The goblin village would become the focal point for the 3 races as it was closest to the mountains and caves where the other two got their resources. At the three chiefs discretion, the city would be called Goblins Gate. Named after the founding races village and the will for a gateway between the races. The city would be ruled by a council of chiefs as well as Lethe who would deal with trade and other players. Between the 4 of them, Goblin’s Gate seemed to be in
good hands.

  With our meeting done, Charon and I made our way towards the city. There was a gnome I needed to see in town about some equipment. The issue being, when we passed through the village's gateway, I found myself somewhere completely different. I came to standing alone at the entrance to a grand temple. Candles dimly lighting the otherwise dark pathway forward. Leading to a stone stairway that climbed skyward. At the top of this stairway sat a man barely visible under flickering candlelight. Him showing a wide smile as he started clapping from upon his throne.

  “It has been a while, hasn’t it, Robin?” the mysterious voice called. I instinctively looked up to meet eyes with the being, but suddenly no one was there. A look of skepticism written on my face as I searched. “From the moment you put on the Mantle Of The Crow, our lives have become intermingled. Using any item under a god's protection will do that” the voice continued from behind me. I whirled around to see a 7-foot tall muscular man with medium length black twisting hair. He did seem familiar to me for some reason, not his looks but...something else about him. The man then sat down against the stone staircase. His elegant black robe opening to reveal an old-looking silver boon with a bird's black foot imprinted on the cover. My eyes went wide with the realization, Korvus smiled widely now that I understood.

  “You would be correct, Robin. I am Korvus, patron deity of the goblin clan and to any who pursue wisdom. The god then quickly got to his feet and put his arm around me. See, Zenrir and I go way back, a bit of a jerk that one. He has been trying to wipe me out by getting rid of all my followers. He almost managed it too. Your planning, Robin, set all this in motion, so I wanted to make you an offer.” Korvus then disappearing and reappearing with a small inkpot and feather quill.

  “And what kind of offer do you have in mind?” I asked, a bit surprised to be here and a bit flustered that I got so easily swept up.


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