Now, she sat forward, staring at Mitas as he rubbed his hands together and paced, planning out loud of how he would take the first kingdom and who he would put on the throne to handle affairs there. He enjoyed the thoughts of the coming battle and the fear just the saying of his name would wreak upon his enemies. "You've done well, Kyrsta. You've done very well. Now throw them once more and tell me of the riches that shall be mine when I claim the throne of the first Kingdom."
Kyrsta scooped up the black and white, oblong shaped stones and let them drop into the stone cup. Shaking them, she glanced at Mitas before she let them fall. She stared at the shape they had fallen in, the two sided white and black stones bouncing off the tablet's raised sides. She flicked through them carefully and gasped. Glancing up at Mitas, she looked quickly down at the stones.
The things she read, the portents of the future she could see in the stones, was not for Mitas. This time the stones had done the one thing they'd never done before. They gave her a hint of the future that loomed before her. A man, one of grace and might was coming from a long distance. He would be the one that would defeat Mitas, though his struggle would be great. She wasn't given even a glimpse of how that was to be done but she felt a thrill of hope that there would be a way.
"What do you see?" he asked again, though this time his tone was gentle for she'd pleased him already with what she'd told him already.
She let her hand slip through the stones, disturbing the pattern they'd fallen into. "Your victory will be assured if you strike soon, Sire."
"There was something else," he said, his voice accusing. "Do not hide it from me, Kyrsta. You sister and yourself are very much at the mercy of my moods."
"As you are forever reminding me," she muttered. "Naught more but your victory, Sire. I see you upon your gray stallion, your chain mail strewn with the blood of those that fought against you. Your sword is above your head and your eyes are alight with the fire of the fight."
She clamped her mouth shut as more fanciful words tried to escape her lips. If she grew too fanciful, it would make him even more suspicious.
"How come I think you are lying, Kyrsta?" He moved closer to her, bending to grab her chin and turn her face up to his. "Are you lying? Do you see something else in those little stones? Do you see my death?"
Kyrsta fought against the strength of his fingers, letting the pain wash over her so that when she answered, she sounded out of breath. He stared down into her eyes, his dark eyes full of his suspicions.
"I know what would happen to me and to Mara if I allowed you to be killed." She jerked his head away, picking up her stones and storing them in her cup. Setting the tablet on the floor, she let the runes and cup settle on top and rose to her feet. "I do not lie when I say that I've seen your victory and your successful concourse through the first kingdom."
"But you saw something else as well." It wasn't a question and Kyrsta wanted nothing but to be away from him. He wouldn't be happy unless she told him everything.
"I saw you rutting on the Princess," she growled.
"Jealous?" he asked with a grin, enjoying the look on her face.
"I wish you both great happiness." She pulled away and headed toward the door, barely slowing when he called her name.
"Kyrsta, you will dine with me tonight."
She nodded and then left the throne room.
* * * *
Christian Gage slammed out of his apartment, rushing down to the basement parking in his apartment. He jumped into his black Mustang convertible. Backing out of his allotted space, he headed out and into the late afternoon traffic.
The tingling sensation that had been plaguing him all day began again, this time making his fingers itch. He tried to shake his hands, thinking that maybe they'd fallen asleep, but it didn't help. The tingling grew more than annoying, it was becoming a painful burning sensation and he pulled into the mall, parking at the very edge of one of the lots.
Clapping his hands, he rubbed them together. When the tingling begin to shift, working toward his shoulders, he felt a cold sweat break out on his face. His stomach began to churn and he thought he was going to be sick. A contracting pain had him gasping and he lifted his hand, staring straight through it as it slowly disappeared. Letting his head drop against the seat back, he felt a scream rise in his chest, but before it could emerge a huge gust of wind blew his dark hair around his face.
Then he felt as if he were falling and landed hard on his back, knocking the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping. He forced himself to lie still, breathing slowly as he recovered. The tingling was gone as if it had never been and he felt whole once more.
Ten minutes later he sat up, staring around at the strange world that was around him. He was on a wide stretch of beach, an ocean tide slowly working its way up toward him. "What the... This isn't right. Where the fuck am I?" He forced himself to his feet, the heat of the afternoon sun burning into his skin.
He turned in a full circle on the sand, seeing nothing but more sand and water everywhere he looked. Mentally flipping a coin, he stayed near the water, moving down the sand with his back to the sun. It wasn't long before the sun began to feel like it was baking his brain.
Fear became his constant companion and he began to wonder if he hadn't knocked his head, if maybe he was imagining all of this. He breathed a sigh of relief when the sun moved lower and the air grew cooler. Thirst was still a nagging need but he managed to keep walking.
The sound of a horse's whicker had him raising his head and he saw an image that he knew couldn't be real. She was beautiful, golden hair and eyes of an almost impossible purple color. Her dress was diaphanous, floating around her body as she rode in front of him on the back of a white horse. "W-who are you?" he murmured.
"Kyrsta," she called. He could barely hear her over the beat of her horse's hooves. "Find me."
Christian stared after her and then felt his body finally give out. A combination of the heat, the shock of the sudden immersion in this desert, and the portal or whatever it had been that had brought him here, final took its toll. He felt the sand come rushing toward him but he never felt the impact.
They gathered around him, their robes blowing in the desert wind. Lifting him between four of them, they took him further down the sandy beach. A group of tents were quickly reached and they took him into the biggest. He wasn't aware when he was stripped naked, two of the robed figures examining his clothing and the strange bindings. Then he was put naked into bed, a blanket covering his shivering form. They left him alone then, letting him sleep.
When Christian woke, he stared around the heavy cloth walls, lifting his head when he heard the furtive movements of another person. "Oh, you're awake," the woman said, lowering her hood as she spoke.
"Where am I?" he asked, his voice a rusty croak.
The woman was tiny, but she hurried to the side of the bed, pouring water from a crudely fashioned carafe into a wooden glass. She held the glass to his lips, holding his head up with one arm while she fed him sips. "Better?"
"Yes," he said, sounding more like himself. "Where am I?" he asked again.
"You are in the Second Kingdom," she said softly. "Your clothing is so strange. Where do you come from, stranger?"
"New York," Christian answered, taking the glass from her and sitting up, only realizing he was naked when the blanket fell to his waist. "The Second Kingdom of what?"
He was well made, muscular with wide shoulders and a slender waist. His muscles moved easily as he lifted the glass to his mouth once more, draining it quickly. He raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her answer to his question.
"The Second Kingdom is here," she said, her confusion obvious. "Where is New York?"
"The United States? America? Does any of that sound familiar? If you have a map I could probably find it for you." Christian tried to hide his aggravation but he wasn't doing a very good job of it.
"Tira, they are waiting."
Christian turned his head, see
ing the man who'd entered the tent. "Maybe you can help me?"
The man went to some hooks that had been driven into the tent post and threw a pair of pants and a loose shirt to Christian. "Dress, we eat first and then we talk."
He waited for the woman to leave, pushing away the blanket and sliding off the pallet he'd been sleeping on. Throwing on the shirt was pretty easy, it laced up the chest and he tied it closed. Then he pulled on the pants, tying them at his waist. The material was different from anything he'd known before. It was rough and he rubbed his hand down his leg, getting used to the feeling.
Seeing his shoes, he pulled them on his bare feet and then left the tent, looking for the man and woman who'd been taking care of him. They were sitting at a rough table under the shade of an awning. The sun was up but it wasn't too high in the sky. He glanced down at his watch, seeing that the hands were frozen at 3:49 p.m.
The woman stood, holding out her hand and gesturing for him to take a seat at the table. As soon as he was seated, the food was brought to the table and a pungent smelling liquid was poured into another one of the strange wooden glasses for him. The woman fixed him a plate, a square of flat wood that had been sanded down until it was now smooth.
Christian took the plate, glancing around at the other men who were seated. The women served them, not sitting to eat until they finished and then eating at a smaller table.
"You are in the Second Kingdom, a land that is ruled by the pirate, Mitas."
Christian stared at the man who had spoken. This whole thing was beginning to feel like a bad dream. If it wasn't for the sunburn he had, he would have thought he was still asleep in his bed in his apartment in New York City. "I don't understand, I'm sorry. It's just that I've never heard of the Second Kingdom or anywhere being run by a pirate."
"But that is where you are, stranger."
"Christian, Christian Gage." He held out his hand and saw the strange look in the man's eyes. "You don't shake hands here either?"
"Shake hands? No, why would we?"
"It's a form of greeting. Never mind." He stared at the man. He had started this conversation and now he sat stoically, eyeing him. A sudden thought crossed his mind and he blurted out the question before he even thought about it. "Who's Kyrsta?"
The End.
Masturbating in the Shower
Todd had a long day at work. It was busier than hell, he was exhausted and he felt like he was coming down with the flu. He made a quick call to his wife, Cindy, before leaving the office. "Hi darling, how are you?" he said when she answered.
Cindy was always happy to hear from Todd and this afternoon was no exception. "Hi baby, I'm good. How are you?" she replied.
"I've had a really long day, I'm tired and not feeling well. All I want to do when I get home is eat, take a long hot shower and go to bed."
Cindy paused. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Tonight is our neighborhood homeowner's meeting, but if you're not feeling well, I don't think you should go. You know Ida Walker will just be droning on and on about nothing." Cindy laughed. "I'll go without you, if you'll be ok by yourself for a few hours."
"Cin, are you sure you don't mind? I just don't think I can do it tonight. I'm sorry to have you go by yourself though." Todd said.
"No worries love. Stephanie just called and invited us to go to dinner with her and Mike before the meeting. If you don't mind, I'll go with them. I have some homemade chicken noodle soup in the freezer I'll take out and defrost for you. All you have to do is warm it up. I'll put the Nyquil on the counter in the bathroom. Take a hot shower, relax, take some Nyquil and go to bed. Hopefully you'll feel much better in the morning."
Todd knew that Cindy would be gone by the time he got home. By the time he got battled through rush hour traffic, Cindy would be on her first margarita with Stephanie and Mike at their favorite Mexican restaurant. He smiled, knowing they'd need at least two margaritas to get thru Ida Walker's list of complaints and concerns. While he wouldn't have minded dinner and drinks with their neighbors, he would not miss that meeting at all.
Traffic was bad and Todd was relieved when he pulled into his driveway. "One of these days, we're going to have to move closer to my office." he thought as he got out of the car. He knew that would never happen. They both loved their house and had no desire to move. He would always complain about the drive but put up with it because they were happy in their home.
Todd went into the house, flipped thru the mail on the desk and went into the kitchen. Cindy had set out a placemat with a spoon and knife, put the bread and the butter tray out, a vase with a single rose, the latest issue of Sport Illustrated and a note. He smiled, thinking he was the luckiest man in the world, and picked up the note.
"Hi sweetheart. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. The soup is thawed and in a container on the top shelf of the fridge. After you eat, take a hot shower. Move the button on the stereo system in the bathroom to the tape setting and start the tape before you take your shower. It's something to help you relax. Don't forget to take your Nyquil. I love you Todd. Sleep well."
He smiled and went to the fridge. As promised the soup was on the top shelf. He put it in a bowl and warmed it up. He made some tea as he waited. He took both to the kitchen table and read the Sports Illustrated while he ate. He was reading an article about the upcoming baseball season, when he noticed something sticking out of the top of the magazine. He pulled it out and grinned as he saw a naked picture of his wife. Written underneath the picture in her handwriting it said "Get well soon! Turn to page 103 for what you get when you're feeling better." He quickly turned to page 103 and groaned at the close up picture of his wife's pussy. Her hands were spreading her lips apart giving him a great view of her pussy.
His cock hardened as he looked at the pictures. Even after 14 years of marriage she still turned him on. He adjusted himself as he cleaned off the table. He took the pictures into the bedroom and put them on the dresser. He went into the bathroom and turned the shower on and came back into the bedroom to get undressed. He looked at the pictures again imagining what he would like to do to her when he felt better. He stood there for a moment looking, thinking, and stroking his cock, before he went into the bathroom again.
He opened the shower door and was about to step in when he remembered her instructions about turning the tape player on. He did and heard some soft piano music. He was thinking how nice it was for her to put that together for him as he stepped into the shower. After the piano introduction, "Hey there Delilah" started. He loved this song. He started singing along as he let the water spray down on him. He had just reached for the soap when he heard her voice.
"Hello handsome. I know you had a rough day and you're not feeling well. I thought I'd record this to give you something to think about while you shower. Since I'm not there, close your eyes; imagine I'm there with you. Think of me, naked like in the picture. Imagine I'm standing behind you, washing your back, the back of your legs, and then your tush. I gently squeeze your cheeks as I wash them. You feel me press up against you and you hear me whisper in your ear 'I love your ass' and then feel my tongue run along the rim of your ear."
Todd's eyes are closed as he's imagining the scenario his beautiful wife is describing. He's standing under the jets of water, slowly stroking his hardening penis.
"My hard nipples press into your back as I reach around with one hand and start to stroke your cock. I softly moan into your ear 'I love your cock too.' My body is molded against your back and I'm grinding my pelvis into you as I continue to give you a hand job and nuzzle your ear. My other hand cups your balls, feeling them filling with cum. I reach over and dip my finger into a cup with some lube in it, which I had brought into the shower with me, and I press my finger up against your sacred hole. I hear you gasp and feel the entrance to your hole tighten up. 'Relax and focus on how good my hand feels on your cock' I whisper as my hand glides all the way up and down your shaft from base to tip. Your anus slowly relaxes and I push my
finger in slightly and spread the lube around. "Doesn't that feel good baby? Aren't you throbbing just knowing that soon I'm going to be fucking your ass while I stroke your cock. Remember the last time we did this and how good it felt? How hard you came when I fucked your ass. Remember when I massaged your prostate how it drove you crazy? Relax so we can do that again Todd."
Todd's hand was moving up and down his shaft now, recalling how his wife's hands had so expertly done the same thing so many times. His eyes were closed and he was visualizing the scenario she was telling him. He knew the shelf she would have put the cup with the lube in it, so it wouldn't get any water in it. He wondered if perhaps his wife had really put some there for him, anticipating his need to feel his own finger in his ass. He opened his eyes and looked up and softly moaned when he saw the tube of lube and his Aneros Helix anal toy on the shelf. Cindy really knew him and anticipated his needs. He quit stroking his cock, grabbed the tube of lube and lubed up the Helix. He pressed a lubed finger to his ass and gently pushed his finger in spreading the lube around just as Cindy had described herself doing. "Damn, that feels good." Todd murmured as his slicked up his entrance. He pressed the lubed up Helix against his ass and felt himself tense up. He listened to his wife telling him to remember how good it felt before and admonishing him to relax. He did and he began to slide it in.
"That's right baby, that's it, relax and feel my finger sliding into your ass. Doesn't it feel good? I'm going to slide more in there now, keep relaxing. Oh, you're doing so well. I'm almost all the way in now. There, I'm all the way in. How does that feel? It must feel good the way you're clenching my finger like that. I'm going to slide back out and fuck your ass a few times and then I'll slide another finger in with it and stretch you out a little, just how you like it. Oh, you naughty thing, pushing back against my finger. You want this don't you?"
The Dirtiest Daddy's Taboo Page 80