Mark 2.0

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Mark 2.0 Page 22

by Prax Venter

  The Goddess of Oral Sex gave Mark a truly sinister smile.

  “The one-who-doubts will dream of his direct encounter with a Goddess for the remainder of his days- if he can retain his mortal sanity.”

  - 16 -

  Mark opened his eyes to see the close shadows of what had to be a bunk bed. He was nude and partially covered by exceptionally silky sheets with his left foot flat on the smooth, cold floor. He was about to sit up when he felt something heavy slowly press onto the far end of the bed.

  A woman’s richly perfumed scent hit his nose before he lifted his head to gaze into the glowing green eyes of Princess Verrelle. He could only imagine how one of these soldiers felt to be chosen by their princess in the night. Being physically in the situation was light-years away from experiencing an encounter this intense from a peasant’s perspective.

  She whispered to him as she slowly pulled at the sheet to expose his body, inch by inch.

  “I’ve waited my whole life for something to finally shine light on a singular, absolute sense of purpose, Mark.” Despite not having legs, she moved with a smooth grace aided by her strong tail.

  “Destiny. It is as if this Goddess has always been over my shoulder and now, she’s here, thanks to you and the Awysai. We have an understanding, she and I…”

  The princess paused to cradle Mark’s shaft in her three thick fingers before she sank her snout down to savor the scent of his balls. With a gentle pressure, she pushed at his thigh with her other hand, and Mark eagerly spread his legs further apart for her. After she spent enough time nuzzling his nuts, she lifted her head to rub her cheek on his taut skin.

  “It’s a complex act. Every time a ritual. There is sacrifice, devotion, dominance, control…”

  She stroked the space just below his scrotum with one of her fingers as she gently licked his foreskin, and Mark shuddered with pleasure.

  “I’ve never touched a human,” she whispered with a sigh of hot breath on his swollen cock, “but your flesh is similar enough to control you.” Verrelle used her strong, smooth fingers to massage his prostate and squeeze his shaft in such a way he felt like the sensitive head was going to explode. Princess Verrelle moved with a grandmaster’s skill and was doing magical things to his body with no special abilities.

  Mark swallowed hard and tried to focus on lasting long enough for Princess Verrelle to demonstrate her devotion to this act.

  “Your goddess is watching,” he said then slid his elbow behind his head. “And my pleasure is her pleasure.”

  The Blazar woman nestled between his legs flashed out a mix of unrestrained excitement and desire before he felt her lay one of her large, thick-skinned hands on his abdomen.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, but he knew the words weren’t directed at him. Then, all his attention became focused on the hot lips of the heavenly dragon as they slid over his throbbing head.

  Amina had been good, but Princesses Verrelle was an artist, and she focused all her experience toward producing a masterpiece. And Mark’s cock was the canvas.

  Both Blazar and Awysai were slightly larger than humans, especially in their angular animalistic faces. They were toothless creatures with stubby snouts, smooth, wide tongues and plenty of room to completely engulf his modest length.

  With his entire dick in her mouth, Verrelle pressed her nose holes into his pubic hair, breathing in deep then letting out a huge sigh of contentment as she slowly lapped at his balls. Movement by his leg caught his attention as her thick tail started to rub the sole of his foot. The princess then began to expertly alternate the distracting sensation with suckling on his crotch in such a way that made his mind spin with constant stimulation.

  When she used the back of her hand to press both of his balls into her mouth along with his shaft, Mark began to clench the silky sheets in his fists. She was impossibly good.

  He was completely inside her hot, wet, slippery mouth, root and stem. Between that unique sensation and what she was doing to that patch of skin between his balls and asshole with her fingers, Mark was starting to lose the battle. Inevitable jolts of sharp, erotic pleasure began to spasm up his stomach from his crotch, and that’s when Verrelle used the hand on his abdomen to rub his tightening muscles.

  With techniques he didn’t even know existed, she used her hands, her mouth, and her tail to force the orgasm out of him so violently he almost blacked out from the involuntary clenching of every muscle in his body. Just before he was able to breathe again, Mark made sure there was a wide channel open to The Goddess of Oral Sex.

  A strained grunt burst from his throat as his balls began pumping, and the Blazar princess lovingly sucked everything right out of him. As she did so, he felt the dormant space in his mind fill once again with warm, reassuring energy.

  When he was drained, his consciousness faded out and then Mark found himself standing in the ruby-red Saturasphere where he’d started.

  “Ohh!” Urtanion cried out as he instantly sunk to his knees.

  “What’s happened!” the Captain of the Guard stepped forward, his hand on his sword ruby.

  “S-she,” the Blazar advisor stammered as he held up a hand. “She’s real. It’s all so…I’ve been wrong.” He started weeping like a baby as he clutched at his genitals through his pants. “Thank you for showing me the way.”

  Mark watched the Blazar prince and princess approach their parents as three copies of the now-red salamander goddess lounged on the floor of the ruby lattice path. He shared a glance with one of her multifaceted forms before a new flickering red light caught his attention.

  He turned just in time to see the entire remaining Awysai summon their ethereal weapons- and like their intricate body patterns, the energy was now a vibrant, luscious red. They’d always looked powerful before, but now with glowing red eyes and vengeful determination, they were damn intimidating.

  “I feel whole,” Amina said. “And I am ready to sit and talk with our long-lost ancestors.”

  “Your what?” the Sovereign said as she put her hand to her chest. Mark stepped away from the conversation as the Blazar prince and princess began explaining their spiritual journeys.

  They all had a lot to talk about.

  Leaving them to it, Mark stood further down the ruby path with his lovers and teammates. After a deep breath, he held out his hand and easily summoned his own trusty ethereal club. Again, instead of blue energy, he now held a rod of the same lusty-red hue. There wasn’t as much as there was before, but Mark knew he was getting a much bigger slice of the total pie this time. Their pissed-off goddess was juicing her followers as much as she could in hopes that they would use her gifts to spread her influence.

  The energy itself felt different as well- as if the light vibrated with more heft. He wasn’t sure, but there was something about the red shift that made the summoned form ooze a new level of potency.

  “I’m going to be so pissed if it no longer…” Sasha began as she reached out to touch Mark’s new red rod, but her limbs went slack as tingling pleasure spread through her body the moment her skin made contact. “Never mind,” she finished with a sigh as she fondled his club. “In fact, I think it’s stronger than before.”

  “Historical caches regarding team capabilities and dynamics have been updated,” Angel said again, her pixelated eyes fixated on Mark’s summoned weapon. “Mistress, your Collector’s diversity is statistically impossible as a Lover.”

  “Mark is outside of your known statistics,” Abby said. “None of us are from this world.”

  “Speaking of statistics,” Jezebel said as she turned to gaze down at the bottom of the Saturasphere. “How the hell are we going to find the crystal shards in all of that mess? It would take us several weeks to dig through it all.”

  Sasha joined them at the railing and put a hand on her fleshy hip.

  “Maybe Mark can just roll around naked in the pile until he absorbs something.”

  “Additionally,” Angel added, “my environmental scanners s
hould be able to narrow down the optimal location for this naked rolling- once I get closer.”

  “You can scan for Crystal Heart shards?” Mark said, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead.

  Their new power droid turned her digital gaze on him. “I can only filter for strong magical objects and that will reduce the searchable area, however, if I am allowed to analyze the object once found, I could calibrate aether scanners for sympathetic frequencies.”

  “What’s the range of these aether scanners?” Abby asked.

  “Not far, at first, but the more I train the network, my range will improve.”

  “Fantastic,” Mark said, feeling damn good about things. They were growing more powerful, gaining allies, and now they might have a way to locate more shards. On top of it all, getting his summoned energy back made him feel more like himself.

  “Well, if we want to get into their trove,” Jezebel said, “we need to destroy this tree they showed us with that crazy presentation.”

  “Yeah,” Mark said. “Can they all summon magic paint and put on shows like that?”

  “I don’t know, but I also want to find that out very much. This whole city and culture is interesting.”

  “I don’t know if those Vulpath artists are as set on genocide and murder as the Skeema, but they would get along great with the Blazar. Can you imagine them getting a load of this sculpted ruby city?”

  Jezebel nodded and began rubbing her horn again, deep in thought.

  “You know,” she began, “there is that permanent portal between the Wrongside and our home dimension. If only the Skeema weren’t guarding it, people might be using it a lot more to move between worlds.”

  Abby leaned in close and lowered her voice.

  “Do not forget the supposed Guts conspiracy to keep anyone from using the Wrongside gate.”

  “Yeah, there’s that,” Mark said. “Maybe someday we can bring everyone together in trans-dimensional harmony, but right now we need to decide what to do about that tree. Between my summoned club and my healing, I’m ready to go kick some ghost ass. I dunno, but this feels like a nice old-fashioned dungeon crawl with a boss at the end. Maybe we just go out there and see if they start attacking us then take it from there.” He paused to stretch his arms over his head. When was the last time they really slept? He remembered the last time he died…

  Abby wrapped her tentacles around his waist.

  “It’s been a long, never-ending day of battles. Perhaps we succumb to unconsciousness now and then we face the nice dungeon tomorrow?”

  Everyone agreed and so they moved to meet back up with Blazar royalty. The Princess was speaking about ancient text regarding portal crafting, but Mark found a point to interject about a place to stay the night. Everyone agreed that the middle of this mid-level pathway through the Saturasphere was the wrong place for the Lord and Sovereign to be discussing how they were going to move forward with the information they’d learned.

  Urtanion stayed to learn from the Awysai and to study their new resident Goddess while Mark and his Enthralled were escorted to a single, ruby-walled room for the night by the Captain of the guard. He made sure to let the heavily armored creature know their plans to leave the dome in the morning.

  Jezebel immediately left to rejoin the royal family and Amina to find out more but promised Mark she’d be back to join them soon. She needed sleep like the rest of them, but her mind would never rest with such historic events currently unfolding.

  Their room was lavish and contained a massive bed along with several couches and other furniture. As the ruby door shut behind them, Sasha and Mark went straight for the bed while Abby and Angel sat together on one of the soft loveseats.

  He took a deep breath and lay back on a pillow, finally feeling the mental weight of everything that had happened since he’d last slept. Sasha tucked in close and slid her hand under his shirt to caress his chest.

  Mark turned to look into those vibrant blue eyes of hers and a soft contentment washed over him. They both quietly caressed each other as the abyssal horror and combat droid whispered on the couch across the room. His lids grew heavy.

  Abby let out a soft moan of pleasure and the corner of his mouth twitched with sleepy delight. She was playing with her new toy. It was the last thought Mark had before he fell into the welcoming depths of a deep slumber.

  That was until he woke up within a white marble throne room. Confused, he looked up and discovered the fairy called Maliah sitting upon the single epic chair.

  She was connecting to his dreams again, and her mental space had come a long way from the freezer and shitty apartment he’d seen before.

  “Mark,” she said with a smile as she stood. “You’ve been talking to some Crystal Heart virtual deities, haven’t you? My alerts have been positively buzzing!” Her insect wings flapped at full speed as a demonstration, and then they stopped as her features twisted into rage. “Yet you still live!”

  “What do you want?” Mark asked, locating the nearby rip back to his sleeping body. She didn’t appear interesting in trapping him. He was confident he could escape if he needed to, but was it worth it to stay and listen to whatever she had to say?

  She plopped back down in her chair and made an exaggerated pout with her lips.

  “I’m sad. A lot of entities and systems that should unquestioningly obey me are choosing to resist.”

  “Is free will a problem for you?” he said, risking interaction in hopes of learning something they could use against her.

  “Of course not, silly, but no one is free from consequences. You know who’s also silly? Jezebel S3K, that’s who. Apparently that silly, careless, cruel system host tagged all of your erased memories as only scheduled for deletion.”

  “What?” Mark said, his brows coming down hard.

  She shot up to her feet again and her buzzing wings began to beat at the air. Maliah’s mind was absolutely thrumming with excitement- and that was very concerning. He tried to probe her thoughts but swiftly met solid resistance. There was no doubt in his mind that she was growing stronger with every minute that passed in this virtual world.

  “I’ll see you again soon, Mark,” she said with a wink. “But before we part, I want you to have a gift from me to you. Maybe now you can feel as sad as I do.”

  Before he could reach out for the point of light that led back to his body and avoid any gift this spiteful AI had in mind, Mark felt an agonizing jolt to his brain.

  The massive marble throne room vanished, and Mark was standing out in front of some fantasy-style inn. Sasha was bent over in front of him with her ass pulled apart by her hands. She had longer hair with blue highlights and was missing her scar. It was as if he was seeing an old picture of her from when her digital body was younger.

  No longer in control of himself, Mark spoke.

  "I told you I wanted to buy this game and continue to fuck you senseless last night, remember? Just let me out of here, and I promise- that is if I'm not a vegetable, I will make this a priority. I honestly enjoyed our time together yesterday. Give your pleasure add-on, or whatever, a break for a little bit. A willing and fully experienced Mark will find more ways to stimulate you."

  She let her wide ass go and stood straight to face him.

  "Nope. I like ten thousand orgasms a second. And I don't really think you'll trust me ever again. I lied to you right? I sure wouldn’t trust me. Good try though." She sighed, and threw her hands up, letting them slap on her thick, metal thighs. "I guess today is ruined. Have this one off to do whatever you like! I need to go have a chat with the little person messing with my toys. See you in a bit, Lover."

  She waved a hand and walked back through the door to the inn, leaving Mark standing outside.

  Mark looked up at the blue sky, wondering what the hell he was going to do now.

  A growing roar pulled itself from his throat as he sat up in bed and took hold of his own mind once again.

  “What is it!” the present-day Sasha said from
his side. Jezebel and Abby were both nearby as well.

  Without letting his mind hold on to the cloying feelings of betrayal and fear regarding his most precious succubus, he invited her deeply concerned mind to ooze into his.

  She was still her, inside, even if parts of his mind had changed. With a shuddering breath, they became fully connected, and Mark showed her everything he’d just witnessed.

  They walked through it together and traded thoughts and emotions at every action and word uttered by their past selves. He knew this had happened. If anything, seeing that it played out exactly as she described made her even more trustworthy. A lot about how his AI assistant had behaved when she entered this world made more sense. They stared into each other’s eyes, mirroring love and infinite forgiveness until Jezebel and Abby demanded a verbal explanation of their complex, gushing emotions.

  “The Helper Fairy, Maliah, pulled my memories out of the garbage,” Mark said, “and she figured out how to restore about thirty seconds of a bad one. Luckily, we have no secrets, and she didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.”

  “I’m so sorry, Mark,” Jezebel said. “I know you’re going to downplay this, but I cannot believe how careless I’ve always been about such important things. Never again.”

  “You’re right,” he said with a grin. “I won’t lie, it was uncomfortable having my mind wedged apart as something was stuffed back in, but… my current memory files are different now. She can restore fragments, but they will never truly align with this version of my head.” He rapped his knuckles on his skull. “They feel real, but it’s like old photographs you don’t remember posing for. Does that make sense?”

  Abby wrapped her tentacle around Jezebel’s hand and pulled her attention.

  “Each of us will be fundamentally changed from our time within this simulation. You are not the same System Host that entered.”

  Sasha let out a big sigh as she pulled Mark jealously into her arms. When she spoke over his shoulder, it was addressed to no one in particular.


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