Stay True To Me: An MM Vampire/Wolf Shifter Standalone Story

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Stay True To Me: An MM Vampire/Wolf Shifter Standalone Story Page 3

by Lisa Oliver

  And now we’re here, and Megan’s making motions about me bonding with her one minute and screaming her head off at me the next. She’s shit out of luck on the mating side of things. Con snorted. Even if his wolf hadn’t got a load of the Prince’s scent, Con never intended to mate for duty or pack obligation. It’d been his stubbornness on that issue which caused the final rift with his brother, or one of the things, anyway.

  Which brought his mind, predictably, to Prince Venedict Semyonov. My actual mate. Of all the fucked-up things that had happened in Con’s life, he never expected his mate to be a vampire. Now he was alone, he could truly appreciate the memories of the beautiful picture his mate made. The elfin face, the long hair tamed in his ponytail. What would that look like fanned out on the pillows as his mate smiled up at him? That slender figure encased in a suit worth more than Con made in a year. Con moved restlessly, the image in his head stirring his body and wolf. Now, Con knew why his wolf was so insistent that Rockville was the place to move to. But was taking a mate a good idea when his whole life was imploding around him?

  Your mate’s powerful in his own right, his wolf whispered. Yes, he was, but Con wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. Con was alpha born, just like his twin was, although Megan was right – Con didn’t act like it. A true alpha wolf would’ve jumped the vampire the moment he caught his scent, and not for the reasons Brian did.

  Brian. Shit. Ven could be in danger. Con jumped up from the bed, hurrying to his closet. He didn’t have a clue what was going on with Megan and the others. He’d been totally stunned at Brian’s unprovoked attack on the Prince. But if his brother’s death was part of a larger plot, then Con had just waltzed trouble straight through his mate’s front door. He might never get a handle on running a pack, but he could and would protect his mate.

  Tugging off his pants and jacket, Con swapped out his shirt for one freshly pressed, before donning the same outer clothes. He didn’t spend a lot on his wardrobe, and there was a small part in his head noting that might have to change with such a powerful mate, but a well-cut suit could help a man look good in any situation.

  Flinging open his door, he thundered down the stairs, almost bowling over Megan who was coming up them in the process. “Conroy Donel, I’m really upset with you.”

  “Send me a memo about it.” Con brushed past and headed out the door, patting his pocket checking that his keys and phone were where he left them. Glancing at his phone screen he saw it was just after six o’clock. Sorry, I’m late for our date, sweetness, he thought as he got into the car and sped down the driveway. If he missed the Prince at the hotel, then he’d google the damn country club. It couldn’t be that difficult to find in a small town.

  Chapter Four

  “Did you see him, all those muscles in that suit?” Ven sighed as he quickly knotted the bow tie around his neck. “Are you sure I have to go to this thing tonight? No, I know, I promised, and it is for a good cause. But damn it, Mosh, couldn’t you have gotten Alpha Donel’s personal phone number?”

  “I’m not a mind reader, my lord, and frankly, your aroused state after meeting the wolves was hardly uncommon enough to mention,” Mosh said drily. “If you’d said something at the meeting, or even immediately afterward…”

  “I know, I know,” Ven huffed as he swirled around and plopped on the bed. “But who’d have thought it. My own beloved, me? After all this time, I could barely believe it at the time and our meeting was not how I ever envisaged meeting a mate would go.”

  “Having a mate is going to cramp your style in more ways than one,” Mosh warned. “No more supping on visiting dignitaries just because you like to see them squirm.”

  “No more fucking Joseph or shits like him, flaunting their infidelity for all to see,” Ven shot back. It hadn’t helped through the course of a long afternoon, at least a dozen people tagged him in Joseph’s video display. Ven wished he hadn’t been quite so considerate of his beloved’s situation. If it hadn’t been for that idiot Brian, he would’ve pulled his beloved aside, and insisted on them spending time together before the charity do. I could have been claimed by now, and didn’t that thought just send a delicious shiver through his body.

  “My lord,” Mosh said hesitantly. “Are you absolutely certain this alpha is your beloved?”

  “Have you ever known me to wax lyrical about anyone else when I’m getting dressed? Fuck, just thinking about him has me spouting poetry in my head. I haven’t even tasted him, and I can’t stop dreaming about how lovely he will be.” Ven appreciated Mosh more than he ever said which was the only reason he confided in him. The big man kept his calm in all situations, followed orders like a dream and stopped Ven from exhibiting too many of his less pleasurable tendencies when someone pissed him off. He was also incredibly loyal, never once breaking any of the confidences Ven shared with him. “You’ll know when it’s your turn, Mosh. His blood called to me the moment I walked into that room. Seeing him there, kneeling by his damn sister-in-law…”

  “You showed remarkable restraint then, my lord.” Mosh was smirking, although he quickly went serious again when Ven glared at him. “That woman isn’t going to be the only problem your alpha’s going to have to deal with. From the reports I’ve been getting from our guards it seems that Brian can’t lie straight in bed. He has the misguided idea vampires are incapable of scenting deceit.”

  “Let the shifter council deal with him. He’ll know he can’t lie to them without getting his throat torn out.” Ven would’ve happily killed the guy and thought no more about it, but he had to be somewhat considerate to his beloved. “Let whoever picks him up know I want a full report of his interrogation, and make sure the interview includes what happened to Alpha Donel’s pack and twin. I can smell a rat there even if Con’s nose is too stuffed up with his sister-in-law’s perfume to notice.”

  Mosh nodded, holding out his jacket. Ven couldn’t help another sigh as he got off the bed and slid his arms into it. “Was it too much to ask that the Fates send me a hassle free beloved?”

  “I’m sure that’d bore you in a week, my lord.” Mosh smoothed the jacket around Ven’s shoulders and stepped back. “The car is downstairs when you’re ready.”

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” Ven straightened his back and neck and waved towards the door. “At least I won’t have Joseph’s protestations of love and greed bugging me this evening. You did take care of him?”

  “He’s been unavailable, but I have men out trying to find him.” Mosh fell in beside him as they left Ven’s suite. “If he does come to the hotel, he won’t be allowed through the doors.”

  “Perhaps it’s just as well my beloved couldn’t be with me this evening.” Ven stepped into the waiting elevator and pressed the ground floor button. “If there’s going to be any nastiness from Joseph either outside here or at the charity dinner, I’d prefer my alpha doesn’t hear about it.”

  “You’ve never been known for picking a man for his brains in the past, my lord. Let’s hope with a beloved, things will be different.” In the mirrored walls Ven saw Mosh’s lips twitch, the closest he ever got to smiling.

  “We can only hope. If we do see Joseph, don’t slap him around too much. I’d far rather he experienced the full joy of life outside Rockville without my protection before he comes to his demise.”

  “Are you going to share your vengeful nature with your beloved?” Mosh asked as the elevator dinged.

  “I’d rather keep some of my more enduring personality traits under wraps until the man has gotten used to being mine.” Ven sauntered out of the elevator, heading across the marble tiles of the hotel foyer. He frowned as he saw four of his security guards clustered just outside the door. Ignoring Mosh’s hand, a futile attempt to hold him back, Ven quickened his pace, pushing through the large glass doors. The guards had their backs to him. Because of their size, Ven had no way of knowing who they were tussling with. And there was a definite tussle going on.

  “What’s going on h

  The guards’ backs stiffened as one. Luke, the head of his hotel guards turned, and held out his hands. “Apologies for the inconvenience on your doorstep, my lord. It’s just we caught this wolf hanging around outside. He won’t tell us why he’s here. After the incident at your meeting earlier, we thought it best if he moved on. If you’ll give us a moment…”

  “Wolf?” Pushing Luke aside, Ven’s eyes widened as he saw Con. The man’s suit was rumpled, and there was a large bruise on his jaw. “Who laid a hand on this man?” Ven didn’t try and temper his thunderous roar.

  “It was my fault,” Con said quickly, glaring at the guard who was still holding him. “I didn’t want to explain to your goons why I was here. I wasn’t sure if you’d said… or if you wanted…”

  “Fucking hell and damnation. No. This is entirely my fault.” Ven turned to Luke and said as loudly as he could without making an idiot of himself. “Alpha Conroy Donel is my beloved. He has as much right to be here as I do. He clearly came to accompany me to my engagement this evening, which was a particularly sweet gesture, don’t you think?”

  “Beloved? As in…” Luke visibly wilted. “Oh shit. A thousand pardons, my lord, and to you too, sir. I had no idea. The staff weren’t informed. We would never… I would never… Garrison, get your fucking hands off the Prince’s beloved. Get your ass over to the suit shop and find something that will fit him. Exeter, send word to the charity function the Prince has been delayed, but will be there presently. Morgan, get an urgent message to the healer to attend to the Prince’s beloved.” Luke stopped for a moment, to catch his breath. Then with an inhale and a short bow, he said, “Was there anything else we can do to make up for this, my lord?”

  Ven chuckled. “Steer clear of Mosh, Luke. He might think you’re bucking for his job. And,” he held up a finger. “Belay the order for the healer. My beloved will be fine.”

  Stepping closer to his beloved, he was aware of Con’s wolf flashing in his pale green eyes. Heaving chest. Fists clenched. The man was a hair’s breadth away from shifting. “These men are paid a lot of money to ensure my safety, beloved,” he crooned in a low voice. “If anything happens to me, their lives are forfeit and to a man, they’d gladly fall on their swords, or the modern-day equivalent, if they ever fucked up. They were doing their job… not that well, I must admit, because you, my magnificent beloved, are still upright.” He chuckled to show he was joking but he heard a couple of gulps from the surrounding guards.

  “A shift here isn’t wise, especially when we have somewhere else we need to be,” he continued as he moved flush with Con’s chest. Opening his mouth, he dropped his fangs, pricking the edge of his finger. “Let me heal you.” He raised his bleeding finger and placed it on Con’s slightly open lips.

  For a moment, Ven thought Con would refuse his gift. For a vampire, every single drop of blood was precious, especially their own. Ven had never, in his long life, ever offered a drop of his to anyone else except once to Mosh. The vampires he slept with or fed from all knew they should never touch his skin with their teeth, or they’d be leaving fangless. A growl came from Con’s chest, but his beloved’s mouth opened wider. Ven closed his eyes and leaned into Con’s heat, as his finger disappeared between two full lips.

  One swallow and the connection between them flared like a bright light – warm, comforting, hellishly arousing. Ven was aware of Con’s hands clamped around his butt, kneading the round cheeks, encouraging him to hump Con’s thick thigh. Con was sucking his finger, licking it clean, and every drag of his tongue had a direct line to Ven’s cock. For a moment Ven completely forgot where he was, or who was watching them. It was Mosh’s deep cough that reminded him.

  “Oh fuck, beloved,” he whispered as he pulled back, knowing Con would hear him perfectly, “we’re going to have so much fun, you and I, when we’re finally alone.”

  Con let his finger slip away, but his eyes still gleamed wolf. Ven was already mentally working out how soon he could get away from the charity dinner, as he led Con inside his hotel to get changed.


  This definitely isn’t what I’m used to, Con thought as he kept a wary eye on the charity dinner attendants. Everything and everyone screamed of money. If the paper-thin china plates and the rows of cutlery spreading on either side of each setting weren’t a big enough clue, the diamonds dripping from the neck of the woman opposite him at the table were.

  Despite the opulence, the crowd was a relaxed one. The Prince had been greeted warmly when they arrived. Con could hear the level of excitement increase, as his mate made a point of going around every table, greeting people by name, and thanking them all for their attendance, and their healthy donations. Ven didn’t introduce him, or any of his entourage as he moved around, but Con was sure he wasn’t the only one conscious of their joined hands. From the ripple of gossip he picked up as they went from table to table, it would seem his mate was right in that everyone benefitted positively from living in Rockville.

  There was a minor kerfuffle when they reached the table place set for the Prince. The card next to it had the name Joseph on it, but one glare from Ven and it was quickly whisked away. Ven held his chair out for him personally, which made Con blush, but he kept his thoughts and words to himself, as chatter around him flowed.

  “You’re very quiet. Not enjoying yourself?” Ven leaned close. His hair was loose for the evening, and it shielded his face from others as Con met his eyes.

  “It’s lovely,” Con said quickly, picking up his fork and stabbing it into some sort of pate that had been put in front of him. “I wasn’t expecting this at all. I came to talk to you. I’m worried I’ve brought danger to your doorstep. I think…”

  “Hush,” Ven said softly. “I’m aware there are undercurrents in your pack, but we’ll solve them together, later, beloved, I promise. This must be very overwhelming for you, I’m aware of that too. You’ve had a trying time of things lately. I have to make one small speech at the end of dinner, and then we can go. Be alone.”

  The promise in those last two words were unmistakable and Con felt a flush move through his whole body. Fighting the guards had already put his wolf on edge, which was only mildly tempered when his Prince willingly told his guards who he was. Con could still feel Ven’s potent blood coursing through his veins, but that made his agitation worse. He knew what Ven had done – that one hint of blood started their bond. But so far, they only had half a claim. His wolf wasn’t going to be happy until Ven was sporting a decent set of teeth marks around his neck.

  Will he want to top, or will he let me? Con’s thoughts ran along those lines for the remainder of dinner. He was glad no one thought to talk to him, because he wasn’t sure he could string two words together. He didn’t know if he was being ignored because he wasn’t the elusive Joseph, whoever he was, or if Ven regularly had mystery dates to just make up the numbers when he attended functions. Con would definitely find out later when they were alone. But Ven’s closeness, the delicate way he picked at his food, his deep chuckle when he reacted to something someone said – all those things wound themselves around Con’s soul, making him yearn for the time they could be by themselves.

  The dessert was being served when Con felt Ven stiffen beside him. He glanced up at a tall, well-built man in an ill-fitting waiter’s uniform. Cat shifter and a sleazy one at that.

  “Joseph. What are you doing here?” For the first time that evening, Ven did not sound happy.

  So, this is the mystery Joseph.

  Chapter Five

  Of all the fucking luck. Ven carefully put down his knife and fork, laying a hand on Con’s thigh under the table. “I don’t recall waiting duties on your resume. Who did you suck, to get access to my table?” Mosh was waiting out in the car. He hated sit-down dinners with multiple courses where he was expected to make polite conversation. Ven had dismissed the guards, wanting the evening to be as much of a date as it could be. I’m going to have to deal with this asshole mys

  “You shut me out of the coven.” Just as he had in the video, Joseph pitched his voice to gain attention from the other party goers. “After all the love and devotion, I gave to you, you shut me out, cast me aside, for no reason, nothing.”

  “I’m surprised you got into the country club.” Ven leaned back in his chair and fixed his former lover with a stern look. “I gave specific orders you weren’t to be admitted to any of my establishments from lunchtime today.”

  “But why?” Joseph had the effrontery to turn Ven’s chair around, with him in it, before falling piteously to his knees and gripping Ven’s legs. Was it only two nights ago, I might have found that arousing? “Ven, baby, please. Tell me what I’ve done so I can make it up to you.” He sobbed, loud, totally fake noises that set Ven’s back teeth on edge.

  Pushing his chair away from the table, Ven moved so his back was resting on Con’s shoulder. The wolf was confused, but bristling, and without a claim, Ven knew the whole situation could get ugly real fast. “The one thing I insist on with any of my boy toys is complete and utter fidelity from the moment they see me naked.”

  Con’s growls were suddenly noticeable by their audience. Whoops. Wrong thing to say. Got to hurry this along. “Not only did you break that rule, but you had the cheek to post a video of your indiscretions on social media. You’re done. Get up. Get out.”

  “Noooooo,” Joseph wailed banging his head on the floor. “It was just one time. He didn’t mean anything to me. It was nothing. A lapse of judgment. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  “Are you calling what happened between us nothing?” A shriek came from the other side of the room. Looking up, Ven recognized the twink star of the video. The little blond wove his way through the tables, holding a silver tray above his head. “I’m the only reason you got into this place, you ungrateful bastard. You said you wanted to work with me because you couldn’t bear for us to be apart.”


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