Sinners & Scarecrows

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Sinners & Scarecrows Page 11

by David Carter

  But only one of them took the bait. Oh, shit, Danny thought.

  Blaze was ready with his baseball bat. The charging dog lunged at him, his mouth wide open, his snarling teeth ready to shred the intruder into pieces.


  Blaze timed his swing to perfection. The dog yelped and flopped to the ground. Its skull was split open; blood poured from the nasty gash; Gunner’s prized Pit Bull was dead.

  Blaze didn’t waste any time. He threw the bat to Danny, who lined up the second dog that started charging after hearing his companion yelp. Then, just as it was about to make a play for Danny’s arm, it stopped and ran over to its fallen mate, whining and licking the side of its face.

  “Get on with it,” Blaze hissed.

  Danny momentarily felt sorry for the remaining Pit Bull as it doted over its fallen comrade, and just stood there, mesmerized by the scene.

  Blaze wrenched the bat from Danny’s grasp and clobbered the second dog across its skull.


  Blaze glared at Danny. “We don’t have time to play Mary fucking Poppins!” He thrust the bat back in Danny’s hands. “The only reason I’m even doing this is for you. Are you with me or what?”

  Danny snatched the bat out from his hands. “Of course I’m fucking with you.”

  Blaze signalled to Ace that the coast was clear. Trigger, Ciggy, and Spider entered the property with him through the hole in the fence and carefully made their way over to their respective targets.

  Ciggy and Spider dashed for Gunner’s Hummer. Ciggy opened the leather bag he was carrying with him and pulled out one of his favourite toys. Spider kept a lookout while he crawled underneath the Hummer and attached the device to the fuel tank.

  A few moments later, Ciggy reappeared, then pulled out a special cell phone from his bag of tricks, and said, “Just dial triple-one on this, and—KA-BOOM!” He grinned.

  “Can you really detonate that bomb from a cell phone?”

  “Fuck, you’re a dinosaur,” Ciggy teased him.

  Spider wasn’t fond of all the latest gadgets and technology; he didn’t even know how to use a touch-screen phone. He only loved three things in life: whisky, women, and motorcycles. It was easy to understand why he and Blaze were the best of friends.

  They left the Hummer and joined up with Blaze and Danny who were waiting for them behind the garage.

  Ace and Trigger crept along the fence-line, sticking to the shadows provided by a row of shrubs, avoiding the security cameras. They approached the main door to the storage shed. Ace lifted a set of heavy-duty bolt cutters up to the padlock. But just as he went to cut it off, he heard a noise.

  “Shit! Hide!” Trigger whispered as a tall, dark-skinned man came out onto the porch and lit up a cigarette. They ducked behind the shed before they were spotted.

  Blaze and Danny crept around the front of the garage after hearing the faint sound of a door closing. “That’s Kane Solomon, A.K.A, 8-Ball,” Danny whispered as he peered around the corner of the garage, “He’s Gunner’s second in command, and a fucking asshole, too.”

  8-Ball inhaled long and slow on his cigarette. He coughed as he exhaled his lungful of smoke. Then something caught his eye. He noticed the dogs laying in a heap on the ground, one on top of the other. “What the fuck?” he said to himself.

  He scurried across the lawn to investigate. Then he heard the sound of hurried footsteps behind him.


  8-Ball cried out as he hit the deck after Blaze shattered his ankle with the baseball bat, immobilising him. Danny clamped his mouth shut with his hands. He sadistically whispered in his ear, “Go on, make another sound, I fucking dare you.”

  8-Ball writhed in pain. He snorted heavily through his nose for air, and trembled as he recognised Danny’s voice. Blaze intimidated him by prodding his chest with the baseball bat, and said, “Give me one good reason why Danny shouldn’t add you to that pile of dead mutts over there.”

  Danny slowly removed his hand from his mouth and stepped back to let him speak. 8-Ball stupidly tried to shout for help. Blaze was ready for any such stupidity and savagely unleashed the bat to his face.


  Danny added the corpse to the pile of dogs.

  “So why did they call him 8-Ball?” Blaze asked Danny.

  “It was his M.O. He thought it was a neat trick to put an 8-Ball inside of a sock and cave people’s heads in with it.”

  Blaze looked at 8-Ball’s bloody face. “I think you’ll find my trusty baseball bat does an equally sound job.” He smirked.

  Trigger saw everything that had happened. “Come on, Ace, the coast is clear. Get that fucking door open,” he said.

  Ace made light work of the padlock, then pushed the door open. They stepped inside. After a moment of snooping around he and Trigger smiled to one another. “Danny was right about Gunner’s stash of exotic weapons,” Trigger said as he selected one of a dozen Beretta AR70s for himself. “You want a handgun or an A K?” he asked.

  “Why don’t we take an assortment,” Ace replied.

  “Fair play.”

  Ace went weak at the knees as he found dozens and dozens of uncut keys of coke sitting on a stack of shelves, just asking to be taken. “You know, it might be nice to have something to party with later?” Ace hinted to Trigger.

  “Blaze told us to leave the drugs alone,” he replied.

  “Come on, man. It’ll just be our little secret.”

  Trigger considered it for a moment. “Sorry, man, I can’t do it. Blaze will kick the shit out of us if he finds out. You know how much Danny means to him. Don’t fuck it up over some fucking powder.”

  “Fucking pussy.”

  “Just put it back. We wanna be on our A-game while all this goes down. That’s why Blaze made the decision.”

  “And just why the fuck are we doing this?”

  “Hey, you didn’t have to come.”

  “I know, but Danny’s new, and Blaze is fucking in love with him or something. It’s like we don’t exist anymore.”

  Trigger slammed him up against the wall. “Watch your mouth, brother.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I’ll get Blaze to shut it for you.”

  “Oh, really? Not man enough to do it yourself?”

  Trigger roughly let him go. “I’m not the fucking enemy here. I follow orders. Blaze is in charge and what he says goes. If you don’t like it, you can fuck off.”

  Ace relented. “I’m sorry, man,” he said. “I think I’m just jealous. Me and Blaze used to be so tight, and now, well...”

  “You’ve still got me, you fucking sook.” He playfully put him in a headlock, digging his knuckles into the top of his head. He eventually let him go, and said, “Blaze and Danny went through some serious shit together. Things will settle down once this all blows over. You’ll see.”

  They laid out a series of Ciggy’s explosives, then double-checked them to be sure they were set up correctly. They took as many weapons as they could carry with them back to the hole in the fence where Papa Bear and Lemon were waiting, then returned for a second load.

  Ace hung back from Trigger as they went inside the shed for the second time, and when he was sure he wasn’t looking, slipped the key of coke inside his jacket.

  Chapter 27

  Charlotte and Ellie walked into one of the nightclubs in Summit Lake’s township. It was crowded with people—all well and truly on their way to a decent hangover.

  “Fuck, I hate this music,” said Charlotte, referring to the hip-hop music blaring from the sound system.

  “I don’t mind it,” replied Ellie, “I’m used to it because of my job at The Underground. It’s totally the in-thing at the moment.”

  They straddled stools at the bar and ordered two bourbon and colas. “Aren’t you worried about Spider and the boys?” Ellie asked Charlotte as the barman slid their drinks across the counter.

  “They know what they are doing,” she replied. “And Blaze is back, so
if I had to guess, they’ll be more than fine.”

  Ellie didn’t understand how Charlotte was so casual about it. “How can you be so sure? I don’t want anything to happen to Danny.” She looked worried. “I really like him,” she confessed.

  “Look, there’s some things you need to know about Blaze and the club, sweetie.”

  “Such as?”

  Charlotte removed a strand of her jet-black hair out of her face, then replied, “Well, Blaze bleeds confidence, which can often be mistaken for arrogance at times, but my point is that it rubs off on the other boys. And what he lacks in natural skill, he more than makes up for it with sheer determination and self-assurance. Spider was a good leader while Blaze was doing time, but in my opinion, he’s twice the man he usually is with Blaze at the head of the table. He doesn’t have to think so much. And believe me, if Blaze puts his mind to something, you had better get out of his way, because that angry son-of-a-bitch will see it through regardless of the consequences.”

  Ellie leaned in close to Charlotte. “Even if it means—you know—killing someone?” she whispered.

  Charlotte held her hand as she replied, “Look, honey, if you wanna be an old lady in this family, you have to understand that the rules of the land don’t apply to Blaze or any of us. Blaze’s leadership is what makes us strong. So, yes, if in Blaze’s opinion someone deserves whatever punishment he dishes out, we don’t bat an eyelid.”

  “Okay.” She hesitated. “So, do you enjoy the lifestyle?” she asked. “I’m seriously thinking about leaving The Underground to be with Danny.”

  “Ooh, you’ve really fallen for him, haven’t you?”

  “He’s almost too good to be true!” she giggled.

  “I’m so happy for you! And in answer to your question: I love the lifestyle! Yes, the boys might do some not-so-legal business for Mr Lombardi, but there are certain financial rewards that come with it.”

  Ellie beamed as she said, “Oh, just think of all the shopping we could do together!”


  They took a long swig of their drinks.

  Ellie leaned in close as she said, “So what’s up Zoe’s ass, then?”

  “Oh, don’t read too much into her tonight,” Charlotte replied. “She’s normally a fucking cool chick. She’s loyal to Blaze and loves him more than anything. You must remember they both thought they were never going to see each other again. She’s just a clingy bitch at the moment.”

  Ellie nodded. “Can’t say I blame her for falling for Blaze. He is a bit of a stud with that rugged look and all those tattoos.”

  “And he’s a fucking badass! Oh, I was always a sucker for the bad boys, hence why I fell for Spider.”

  Ellie giggled. Just then two guys rocked up next to them at the bar. They were obviously drunk and randy as hell. One of them said to Ellie, “Nice tits, baby.”

  She replied, “Thanks; they’re almost as big as yours, asshole.”

  “What did you just say, bitch?” he said aggressively, towering over her.

  She got up from her stool. She was bloody gorgeous. Her long, blonde hair almost reached down to her sensational cleavage. “Why don’t you just get lost,” she said fiercely.

  The barman intervened. “Is everything all right here?” he asked.

  The men turned around and headed outside.

  “Thanks,” Ellie said to the barman.

  They had another drink then decided they’d better head back to the motel.

  When they stepped outside onto the sidewalk, the two men were waiting for them. “How about a quick blowie, love,” the same guy who’d harassed Ellie in the bar said.

  Ellie and Charlotte quickly walked the other way.

  The two men followed them. The over-talkative man raced up behind Ellie and firmly grabbed her arm, dragging her into a quiet alleyway. His partner, in turn, grabbed Charlotte.

  “Get off! You’re hurting me!” Ellie cried as the man roughly pinned her against the alley-wall. One of his hands started working its way up her dress.

  The other man thrust Charlotte against the bonnet of a beat-up car parked downed the alleyway. To his surprise, she said, “Fuck me hard, baby. I’m up for a good time.”

  Startled, he replied, “Oh, you can bet I’m gonna do that, you dirty slut.” He smirked.

  She pulled him forward and started undoing his belt buckle. “Let’s see what you’re packing,” she said seductively.

  He let her undo his zipper and she pulled his pants down to his thighs. She leaned back on the bonnet and opened her legs. “Come and take me, big boy.” She licked her lips.

  He leaned forward to pull down her black jeans, then without warning, he screamed as she grabbed hold of his nut sac and twisted it hard. “Tell your mate to get off my friend, now!” she demanded.

  His mate stopped groping Ellie and came to his aid as he heard his cries. Ellie pulled her knickers back up from around her knees. She started to cry.

  Charlotte didn’t let go of the man’s genitals. She squeezed them harder. She looked at his mate as she said, “You’re gonna regret what you just did!”

  He rushed at Charlotte, forcing her to let his partner go. He dropped to the ground, grabbing his balls, and curled up in the foetal position. She ducked to the side of the car and steadied herself. “I’m gonna fuck you till you bleed, bitch,” the man taunted her.

  “Be careful what you wish for,” she replied.

  He boldly moved forward. He was a whole head taller than her, but she wasn’t concerned. “Come to papa,” he sneered, then lunged forward and tried to tackle her. She reacted by latching onto his arm, and suddenly dropped to the ground, using his momentum to roll him over until he was face-down on the jagged concrete with his arm hooked behind his back. Then she ruthlessly snapped it like a twig. Then she wrapped herself around one of his legs before his ankle succumbed to the same fate. He squealed like a baby.

  Ellie gathered herself. She picked up her handbag from the ground and scurried over to help Charlotte, not that she needed any.

  Charlotte noticed a pile of broken bricks. “Ellie, grab the biggest brick in that pile and put it in your handbag,” she said.

  She did as she was told.

  “Give it here,” said Charlotte.

  Ellie handed it over. Charlotte got up off the man, and said, “if he moves, kick him in the face.”

  Charlotte went and stood over the man with the twisted nut sac. “You’re a vile piece of shit,” she said. Then she swung the brick-laden handbag across his face.


  He lay motionless on the ground.

  “Your turn, Ellie. Hurt that motherfucker for what he did to you.”

  She looked at the man lying on the ground, groaning in pain. “I can’t,” she replied.

  “Do it, Ellie. He was going to rape you, for fuck’s sake!”

  Ellie visualised the man groping her a moment ago. A switch flipped in her mind. She looked fucking angry.

  She snatched the handbag from Charlotte and delivered a savage blow to the man’s head. He lay on the ground, unconscious, just like his friend. But Ellie wasn’t finished.

  She hit him again, and again, and again.

  Charlotte rushed to stop her. She held her tight as she whispered, “It’s all right, sweetie; it’s over now.”

  Tears streamed down Ellie’s face; she trembled as she observed the mess she’d made of the man’s face. He would be lucky if he ever regained consciousness.

  They left the alleyway and started back to the motel. As they were walking, Ellie said, “Where did you learn all those moves? Those guys didn’t lay a finger on you.”

  “Just another requirement of being an old lady in the SAS,” she replied. “We come across all kinds of nasties in our world.”

  Ellie smiled meekly. “Thanks for what you did.”

  “No problem,” she grinned, “if anything it was fun.”

  Chapter 28

  “It’s a pity we couldn’t nab some of
those files,” Sandra said to Ryan on the drive back to Brighton. “All that way for nothing.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly say nothing,” he replied. “We’ve confirmed the location, vessel, and time the girls were smuggled into the country. I’d call that a worthwhile trip. With luck, we can convince the commissioner to send in a team, so we can get another shot at those files.”

  She nodded. “You know, I was terrified when that man went down in the yacht and discovered you poking around. I was about to sneak up behind him and shoot him if necessary, but his partner came looking for him, so I hid.”

  “That’s okay; there’s nothing more you could have done. And besides, we are still in one piece.” He smiled at her.

  “Thanks to your quick thinking, Ryan Gibson,” she chuckled.

  He laughed with her. “Yes, well, it was the first name that came to mind. I hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass. I honestly shouldn’t have used either of our names.”

  Ryan’s phone rang. It was the commissioner. He said, “Sorry for the late hour, detective, but there’s been a further development on the case.”

  “Can it wait until morning?”

  “No, it can’t.”

  “What could be so urgent you need to call me in the middle of the bloody night?”

  The commissioner cleared his throat. “How does a double homicide grab your attention?”

  Jesus Christ, thought Ryan. “Where?”

  “In a small town along the Southern Highway: Worthington. I have personally locked down the crime scene until you arrive in the morning.”

  Now why does Worthington sound familiar? thought Ryan. “Who are the victims and how do they relate to this case?”

  “The names of the deceased are a retired elderly couple: Marilyn and Laurie Bowman. As for the motive behind their untimely deaths: that is for you to find out. All I know is the witness who came forward saw a biker fitting Bobby Blaise’s description leaving the victims’ property around the approximate time of death.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” Ryan snapped.


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