Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel

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Absolution: A Salvation Society Novel Page 2

by Leaona Luxx

  With each passing minute, consciousness fails me as I fade away. Every fleeting moment slips through my fingers, and I'm thrust back into darkness. At least when I'm out cold, my current situation isn't the only thing I can think about.

  “You’re here.” I reach for her, yearning for her touch. “Please, I only want to hold you.” Her fingers graze mine, sending a tingle through the tips. “I’m so happy you came.” She shimmers in the moonlight as it beams through the cracks in the ceiling. “I need you to save me.” She fades into the distance, her colors running, and the glimmer dulls. “Don’t leave me, please stay with me.” And then she’s gone.

  "He's of no use to us!" The muffled voices wrestle me from my wavering state of mind. The words are no more than a flicker of light in the vast black hole I'm in.

  "He's special forces, he has value. Less if he's dead, so keep him alive."

  "He's been out for weeks."

  "I don't care if he can talk, just make sure he doesn't die."

  Some might think their words would give me solace, but they don't. All they tell me is although I have value, my time is limited. The only thing keeping me safe right now is the fact they're not afraid. And because I am, they’re keeping me alive.

  Chapter Two


  I rouse to the beat of my pulse thumping against my temples. It's the same thing day in and day out, a constant hammering in my head. I press the heel of my palm into my eye, praying for the pain to stop or puts me out of my misery.

  "C'mon." The loud noises outside are making the pain worse. Why I think asking them to ease up will work, I have no idea.

  As the sounds grow closer, I struggle to sit up. Only to lose my balance more than I stay upright, but I can't handle another kick to the head. I'd rather them batter my thigh or ribs than take another blow to my brain.

  A sudden explosion near me is so loud, my ears ring, covering me with dirt and debris. The walls rattle as if they're close to implosion with multiple muffled pops near my enclosure made in hell.

  A massive crash reverberates against the walls as what reminds me of a door being ripped from its hinges outside my cell. Muted voices fill the room; I try to scramble to my feet only to fall from the dizziness.

  "Clear!" I flinch as another round of rapid-fire fills the air, followed by dust and bits of rock peppering me as they blast through the metal barrier. My heart thunders in my chest, sending my heart into my throat. "Go!"

  I find the strength to shield my face, ready for anything but praying for something other than what I've been met with since I've been here. My eyes still won't focus, and even dim lighting hurts them and my head.

  I brace myself against the wall as it bursts from the frame and into hundreds of pieces. A large man, locked and loaded, rushes through the opening. His hand fists my shirt, I don't put up a fight, I'm too weak for a battle.

  "Name?" He growls as shots reverberate off every surface around us. "We're here to help! What's your name?"

  My lips are cracked and bleeding, my mouth so dry I can't even make enough spit to hurl at him. I want to be defiant, strong and prove I have fight left in me. Instead, I mutter the only thing I can.

  "I don't remember." Another man, dressed much like this one, comes running into the room. I feel like I should know who they are, but I don't have a clue.

  "Do we have him?" His voice is deep and commanding.

  The larger guy turns to him. "He says he doesn't remember his name."

  "Let's see." His hand appears beside my face, and with a nod, I crumple to the floor.

  "Fuck! I got him." The big guy grabs me, tossing me over his shoulder before turning to follow the other out of the room.

  I use my right arm to cover my head as shots ring out, and I'm carried from the building. A swarm of people meet us with massive vehicles. I'm tossed like a doll into the back, and people jump in from every side.

  "That's two, no sign of the third."

  "Where the fuck could he be? We have swept the place." The big guy grumbles.

  "No clue." His partner's jaw grinds.

  I push my ear into the back of the seat and cover the other with my free hand - the noise pulses in my head, causing blinding pain. I wince with each thrum, agonizing over whether this is better or just another level of hell?

  I continue to struggle to open my eyes more than a slit and startle easily with movement next to me. Some dude motions to my hand before sliding a headset over my ears. "Here ya go, this should help."

  "Treating for head trauma and at least three bullet wounds."

  "Hmm." The big guy grunts. Who am I kidding? They're all massive men, and I'm not a small guy. At this point, I don't have a clue who they are, but I'm guessing they're on my side because I'm not in that hole anymore.

  The burly guy checking me over, shoves a machine in front of me, rolling my finger over the top. Between the sound and light, I can't open my eyes more than a mere slit, but my hearing is excellent.

  "Got him!" He turns the handheld device around for the others to inspect. "At least we found him."

  "Hopefully, he can tell us more once he gets looked at." The commander says as he types on his phone. Yeah, maybe I will.

  When I can, I eavesdrop on the two men. They're deep in conversation as their eyes cut to me every so often. I'm dizzy, and the piercing sounds around me make my head hurt so much more.

  "Ten minutes," a voice murmurs through the headset.

  I rub the heal of my hands into my eyes, hoping to banish this debilitating throb behind them. What I want to do is to relieve this deep ache in the center of my chest.

  "Where are you taking me?" I croak, my throat still so dry I'm not capable of more than a whisper.

  A hand lands on my knee, drawing my attention. "Home."

  "Thanks." I nod.

  Now, if I can just remember where that is.

  The helicopter descends along with my stomach and the lack of contents in it. I peek around the body next to me just in time to recognize what I believe to be a base below.

  My body shudders as chills wash over me as I realize I don't have any fucking idea if these are the good guys or not. My basic instincts kick in, and I wonder if these guys are on my side. And if not, what in the hell am I going to do?

  "Relax, man. You're in the right hands." This guy next to me has a reassuring presence. Still, I'm apprehensive, worried the bottoms about to drop out from under me. Sweat beads on my forehead, stinging my abrasions.

  "Sure." I squint, trying to focus on the compound below. I inhale sharply when I recognize where we are. "It's been a minute since I've been here."

  "Come again?" The commander searches my face, looking beyond this thin veil I've put up.

  I jerk my head toward the buildings as we land. "The last time I laid eyes on this place was before my mission."

  "We'll get you in triage first and catch up after." His smile doesn't go further, and the mountain of a man beside him stares out the window with a deep v cut between his eyes.

  The doors fly open, followed by a flurry of activity. Bodies move in synchronized motion as I'm pulled from the interior and placed on a bed. I'm strapped in before I can ask where they're taking me.

  "He's lost a lot of blood. Has he told you anything?" A woman leans over me, flashing a small light in my face.

  I lift my hand, shielding my eyes. "Please, stop. The light is killing me."

  "I'm sorry," she smiles, patting my hand. "we're going to run some tests, get you stitched up, and on your way to healing." A mask covers my face as her last words fade away.

  I wake, disoriented and with the same throbbing around my head like a tightened belt on a Thanksgiving belly.

  “Damn. Why does it have to hurt this much?” I wallow, trying to get upright but all I manage to do is make myself nauseous.

  I take stock of my injuries, and scan the room looking for anything I can hurl in. The trash can is the closest object I can aim at.

  My stomach lurc
hes, and I throw my upper body over the side and hit the can. With every jerk of my body, it sends excruciating pain coursing throughout.

  “If it wasn’t for the bed, I’d think I was still in the damn hole.” I roll over onto my back, throwing my arm over my eyes. “And the fucking bright lights.”

  “Dude! Is the food here that bad?” I raise my arm as Mark strolls through the door.

  “Yes.” Is the only word I can gather enough strength to mutter.

  Mark leans over me, narrowing his eyes. “You look like shit! I thought this place was supposed to fix you?”

  “He looked like ass before he was held captive.” Quinn quips, enticing a chuckle from me.

  I grunt, pulling my hands out in front me and flipping them off. “Fuck you both! I can bag your ole ladies any damn day.”

  “Tell me again why we rescued this little shit?” Mark gripes, curling his lip at me.

  “Don’t hate the player, hate the fact your woman would so do me.” I snicker, and pain shoots through me, making me clutch my ribs.

  Quinn raises his brows. “You have to learn when to be a smartass and when not to be.”

  “Point taken.” I struggle to sit upright when Mark slides his hand behind my back.

  “I gotcha.” He gives me the leverage to help myself.

  I flash him a grin. “I knew it.”

  “Me too.” Quinn laughs when I cut my eyes at him.

  “Knew what?” Mark scratches his head.

  “That you were sweet on me.” I waggle my brows. Mark rolls his eyes, shrugging me off.

  “Why did we come by again?”

  Quinn laughs harder. “Just checking in with Hatch. You need anything, man?”

  “For my head to stop pounding.” I pick at my blanket, refusing to meet their eyes. “How long have I been here?”

  Mark and Quinn share a quick glance, both hesitating to answer my question. It speaks volumes, even in my current state.

  “You were out solid for a few days.” Mark half shrugs, as if that’s the answer.

  “But how many?”

  Quinn leans against the wall, running his hand through his hair. “Fourteen.”

  “I’ve been out for two weeks?” My chest caves, the weight of everything I’ve been through up to this point, breaking me from the inside out.

  “You were medically induced for the better part of it.” Quinn continues. “You’ve been through hell, Creed.”

  “Yeah, man. Give yourself plenty of time.” Mark nods in agreement with Quinn.

  I stare at the pattern on the blanket tossed across me. It’s better than looking into their faces full of pity for me.

  “You know, don’t you?” My stomach revolts, and I swallow hard to keep from embarrassing myself further. “I’ve tried every waking moment to force it, to have it not be true. But there’s no use, I can’t run from it and I sure as hell can’t hide from it.”

  Quinn steps closer, laying his hands on the side of my bed. “Creed, it happens. Many soldiers come home with multiple injuries and issues to work through.”

  “You’re not alone, and you will never be. We’re your brothers, for life.” Mark’s words vibrate with emotion. They’re saying everything they should, and telling me what they’re supposed to.

  Fuck that.

  “I have no memory. None! Nothing to tell me who I am or who I’m supposed to be. What about my family? Do I have parents? Do they know or even care about me?” I run my hands over my sheets, drying them as I panic. “How long am I going to live like this… with this?”

  “You need more time, that’s all.” Quinn crosses his arms, telling me he’s as protective of himself as I’m being.

  I rub the back of my neck, trying to quieten my nerves. Every limb is shaking, as I start to freak out. I have to say, I need to face it head on. I don’t know why, but something is telling me this is an important part of who I am.

  “What if someone is out there, missing me, needing me, wanting me to come to them, and I’m not there. What if she’s loving me, only to feel alone.”

  The room grows quiet, and we sit there for what feels like hours. I’m lost in thought hoping something will come to mind.

  Even after Mark and Quinn leave, I spend the rest of the night doing my best to remember who I am. Where I come from. And how I’m going to continue living this life.

  The evening fades into darkness, and I allow it to swallow me whole. I have nothing to give my waking hours, but in my dreams, someone is needing me.

  Light erodes my tranquility, dragging me into a conscience state. The bright room is made worse by the white walls, using them like a prism to reflect a glaring beam.

  The throbbing pain between my temples is torturous, and I haven’t even opened my eyes yet. To do so, would mean exerting myself to peel my lids back.

  The glow that’s already piercing them is more than I can bear. Why would anyone think this a good idea?

  “What in the hell? Is this the newest device in tormenting your captives?” I grumble, tossing a pillow over my head.

  “It’s called the sun, people actually flock to it after a long, dismal stay indoors.”

  I lift my blinder to take a peek at the voice standing next to me. “I might not remember much, but I do know there are sunglasses for a reason. This is the reason.”

  “I’ll close them…”

  “Thank you.” I mumble.

  “A little.” She does just that, and it’s of no help. “You should’ve let me finish.”

  I wrestle my sheets, rolling to my side. “Well, I didn’t want to spoil your fun.”

  “Good news! You’ve been with us six weeks today, looks like you’ll be transferred to a rehab facility in the next few days.” Jill’s nice, she’s one of the best nurses here but we both know we loathe one another.

  I cut my eyes at her. “You’re right, it’s good news.”

  “Hate you’re going to miss me. The month and a half you’ve been here has flown by; it’s been such a pleasure.” She sneers at me.

  Here’s the short story, we met when I was another person. Now, I’m told that I’m actually an entirely different person than this one.

  I’m angry and she thinks I should be cheering because I’m alive. Although I can appreciate her train of thought, I’m the furthest thing from being happy.

  “Let me grab your temp, and I’ll be out of your way.” She sticks a gun in my ear. No, not a real one.

  “It’s the same as yesterday, and it’ll be the same tomorrow. You might want to make a note of that real quick.”

  “Have a great day, Hatcher.” Jill snatches her things up and bolts from the room.

  I lay my head back down, waiting for the rest. I more than know the routine by now, and the parade of people has just begun.

  It’s a relentless barrage of people telling me that I’m doing great and should be thrilled to be going home.

  “But where is home?” Those words have become my mantra, and not in a positive way. I hate the not knowing.

  The door swings wide, and another nurse walks through. The constant flow of personnel is the only normal thing I can count on right now.

  “So, you’re leaving us and I’m here with the mountains of paperwork we need signed. Are you ready to break out of this place tomorrow?” She pulls up a chair, smiling.

  “Definitely.” I nod. “Where am I going?”

  She jumps, flipping through the file in her hand. “Virginia Beach.”

  “Well, I guess it could’ve been worse.”

  “Do you remember where Virginia Beach is or what’s there?” She asks without hesitation.

  I can’t help myself, it’s why Jill loves me so much. I widen my eyes, clutching my chest. “They’re sending me back to the hole, to those people?”

  “Oh, my gracious! No! You are going back to your home there.” She says slowly, nodding with each word.

  “I know.” I grimace. “Can we hurry this along?”

  We race through th
e paperwork, and I scoot her out the door. I’d rather poke my eyes out than put up with happy people.

  Chapter Three


  The next day, I’m on my way back to Virginia and as far as I’m concerned, not a moment too soon. I’m settled in for the night, but sleep escapes me. All I can think about is what new doctor will tell me I’m going to be okay.

  Morning dawns, and I ready myself for the onslaught of poking and prodding, and that’s just the questions. A rap on the door as it’s swung wide, puts a smile on my face I wasn’t expecting.

  “Creed,” Jackson saunters over, taking my hand as I reach for him. He’s quickly followed by Mark, the doctor, and another man I met briefly at the other hospital.

  “Creed, I’m Doctor Burgess.”

  I take his hand, glancing around the room. “Alright.”

  “How are you doing with all of this?” The doctor asks as if he knows the answer but wants mine anyway.

  I rub my chin, hoping my words are nicer than my thoughts. “As if I have a choice.”

  “Well, let’s go over a few things and we’ll revisit.” Doctor Burgess begins a rundown of my life, from birth to rescue. If he leaves anything out, I suppose someone else will fill me in because I sure in the hell don’t have any idea.

  I look around the room, searching every face for a fucking clue of what my reaction should be right now. I’ve got nothing, it’s like the switch has flipped and everything is shutdown.

  “I know this can be information overload, so if you have questions or you just need more time, that’s perfectly fine. There’s no wrong answer or way here.” Doctor Burgess crosses his arms over his chest, pensive as ever.

  My eyes bounce around the room, Jackson and Mark sit to my right, protective as ever of me since the rescue. Doctor Burgess standing to my left, scrutinizing my every move, and making me thankful he can’t read my thoughts.

  I glance at the man in front of me, he’s standoffish and quiet. As I stare at him a little longer, I can see the resemblance they all recognize. Still, he’s a stranger like everyone I meet as of late.


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