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Defiler Page 10

by Cari Silverwood

  It was lonely, watching them, until Rimmil came to her and kissed her cheek and drew her away.

  Dassenze had decided it wasn’t safe for her to be near Willow. The aliens valued her highly in this fight against the Bak-lal. It made sense and perhaps it should’ve made her proud? Instead it deepened her sorrow.

  Later that afternoon, Dassenze came to her and asked if she was feeling well. Only then did she come to the shocked realization that she was in the midst of twenty or more people and they hadn’t driven her insane with their thoughts. The aliens, perhaps they were different, maybe Betty too? But Steve had no effect either, or Talia or Brittany.

  She saw and felt very little from any of them.

  Had something cured her? Perhaps, and this made her shudder, perhaps the creature in her head was doing this. Maybe it had chewed through some essential part of her brain. The fear in that idea threatened to swamp her. What if it ate her mind away until nothing was left? She wasn’t sure which was worse – that or becoming a mindless Bak-lal.

  It was lucky she had Rimmil to walk her away under the stars to find a deserted place where they could sit on a rug and talk to each other and exchange kisses and caresses.

  “I don’t deserve you,” she whispered, blinking back a sneaky tide of tears that had crept up on her.

  He hugged her to him and stroked her nose with his finger. “You deserve everything wonderful that can happen to you. I say this, and if I say this, it is true. Okay?”

  The tears were swallowed and wiped away before she could answer. “Mmm.”

  She didn’t tell him that her little friend in her head had come back to life with a vengeance. The painkillers she’d souvenired from someone’s medicine cabinet would have to do for now, until she found something better. Maybe it was karma for what she’d done to Willow.

  “You know they say, Dassenze and the others, that bond mating protects the women? It gives them greater powers?”

  “Oh?” Bond mating. Did he mean what she thought he did?

  “It makes a good excuse for bedding you.”

  “Bedding?” Ally laughed, unable to resist. “That’s so medieval. Bedding!”

  “What do you prefer?” Rimmil rolled over on top of her. “You want a jig a jig? A screw? You horny, Earth girl?”

  “Oh my god! That’s so bad it’s awful.” She smacked his solid-as-rock shoulder, trying to ignore how having him over her and looking down at her, pressing his thigh between her legs, was making her breathless and turned on. “Stop trying to make me feel better.”

  “I wasn’t. I was overcome by your sexiness. We need to ignore the world for a while. I’ll just kiss you some more then undo the buttons on this...” He popped the first button on her top and slid his finger down into her cleavage. “Then I’ll kiss your nipples and suck on them.”

  Ignore the world.

  There were no words to say. She drew him down lower and kissed him, feeling that wayward hand of his slip further into her bra. Slowly, he undressed her. Only when he’d bared her breasts and she was moaning into his mouth and grinding her pelvis up at him did Rimmil speak again.


  His raspy male voice sent tingles everywhere.

  “Mmm?” She watched avidly as he circled her nipple with his fingers, making it tighten and ache, then drifted that hand down her body to the fastening of her jeans. “Don’t stop.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” He popped the jeans button one-handed and inched down the zipper.

  That same hand, he wriggled beneath the elastic of her panties, worming it even lower while he observed her face. Soon the sensations had her closing her eyes and groaning. His fingers slipped over and past her clit, leaving a magic trail of unfurling warmth, then along her cleft. She felt one finger dip slowly into her entrance, stretching her, making her wet.

  She arched into his hand, wishing he’d go farther inside her. Vibes had nothing on what this man could evoke.

  “I wasn’t going to stop. I was just checking...” His fingers circled her slippery entrance, around and around in her moisture. Her jeans had somehow been pushed down to her thighs.

  “For? Oh god. That’s so nice.”

  He chuckled. “I thought so. I was checking, sweet girl, how tight you were and that you were ready for me to fuck.”

  Her eyes snapped open and she stared up at him. “Oh I am. I am. Please?” she added breathlessly. “You found the right word.”

  “Yes. I did.” Rimmil sat up on his knees and dragged off her jeans.

  “Panties?” she suggested.

  “They can stay on.” He gave her a wicked grin. “Until I either bite, lick, tear, or rip them off you.”

  “Oh myyy. Any of those will do.”

  Then he pulled off his own clothes. When his cock sprang loose as he took off his pants, she decided her education had been lacking. The pics on the net had never been this good, long, or hard.

  “However is that going to fit?” Her eyes must be so big. Fuck. She was doing this, now, losing her virginity, and to her alien knight in armor.

  “I’ll go slow, really, really slow, and I’ll make you come first.” He smiled down at her and settled over her body, his arms to either side of her as he teased her with his cock sliding up and down her seam. “You’ll like this.”

  Already she was bursting with ache, so much so that she was certain she was going to die soon. Ally groaned.

  “More. Do...something, more. Now. Please.” She leaned up on her elbows and kissed him then drew her legs higher, lifting her ass up too, and feeling the soft hardness of his cock against entrance. “I know I’ll like it. Because it’s you.”

  Chapter 13

  Talia unlocked the door to the motel room with the key she’d found at the front desk. Clean room, double bed, and someone had hooked up power so they had lights and clean water from a nearby artesian bore. It seemed they were staying the night, so she may as well make herself comfortable. She put the sword and a new set of clothes she’d found, a pair of denim shorts and a navy blue top, on the coffee table at the bottom of the bed.

  No one knew what to do about poor Willow, and there was a discussion going on about where to go the next day and how. Steve’s rig was the only transport they had apart from a motor-bike. The shuttle wasn’t going anywhere.

  She stripped down to her underwear as she wandered about looking at things, turning down the bed sheets, making sure the door was locked. Not that a locked door would stop a Bak-lal.

  Willow. Now that was one painful enigma. They were all together now, all the witches, as everyone now called them. It was a convenient label. Only Willow was something else, as well as a witch, or instead of, and nobody knew if she was too dangerous to keep nearby. Not that Stom would have changed his response. He’d stay with her no matter what. Maybe even if Dassenze ordered him to go.

  Dassenze. The Ascend had that powerful aura about him that said he’d know what was best in any situation. He wouldn’t harm anyone if it could be helped, except the Bak-lal. The thought led her on a tangent and she wondered what he would do if it were her not Willow.

  The connection between her and him was palpable. Indestructible. He’d stay with her, wouldn’t he? Perhaps not. She sat on the bed and poked at the seaside-patterned quilt. He’d said he couldn’t mate with her because he couldn’t afford to be vulnerable. Then he’d held her still for Brask. Which had seriously been the hottest thing ever.

  She shut her eyes and shuddered.

  What was wrong with her? Wanting to be made to stay still while Brask did what he wanted to her? These alien men were the complete opposite of the academics she’d taken to bed in the past.

  Maybe that was why it worked for her. She flopped back on the bed, arms spread, and watched the ceiling fan.

  Brask would stay with her, she decided. Now there was another enigma. Ever since the two of them had made her mate with him, she’d gone into overdrive when he was near. Worse than before. The man exuded sexual attraction,
like a light calling to a moth, and she was afraid she’d sizzle and burn if she stayed too close.

  Even here, the attraction pulled at her. She could tell where he and Dassenze were, at any moment.

  She put her hand between her legs, fingers over the crotch of her lace panties, and palm pressing on her clit, trying to quell the ache. As if that would work. It made it worse.

  She sighed, tempted to push a finger inside herself.

  No. Yes. No. Damn, her clit was screaming for attention. Fuck it. She had self-control. She bounced off the bed to her feet. Time was wasting. Showers were waiting.

  The little bathroom was simple but good enough. Sink, tap. Walk-in shower with a flimsy plastic curtain with bunnies on it. The pinnacle of elegance and luxury. While she waited for the water to hit the right temperature, she leaned on the wall and did what her body had been urging her to.

  She worked a finger into her pussy and began to play with her clit, not enough to come, not really. The need to come wasn’t really there; she just wanted to enjoy herself, a little. She soon found the stimulation was too much and she’d slowed, sighing, when she sensed him. Brask.

  Her eyes popped open. The little room had become steamy, the mirror fogged. Brask had found a room down the corridor, but so had most of the warriors who weren’t on watch – even Dassenze. Only now he was outside her door...and knocking.

  “Talia? Let me in.”

  She held her breath. Surely the man could come back another time? She remembered to pull her hand from her panties and hurriedly rinsed her fingers under the shower.

  “I’m showering!”

  “Grab a towel. Open the door.”

  Crap. He couldn’t know what she’d been doing, could he?

  She stayed silent, hoping.

  This time, he must’ve put his mouth right next to the timber, as his words came through as a low grumble. “Open it unless you want me to drag you out here naked.”

  Oh myyy. She swung her head to stare through the bathroom wall at where the door would be. If she let him in, they could have dirty crazy alien-cock sex.

  The hunger swept her and the memory returned, of how it had been on the rooftop. Brask had such a great cock, when it was inside her, filling her. She’d been holding her breath and she exhaled.

  She refused to see that as right, but he’d fucked her once already. Made her do it. On reflection, that’d made the sex even more delicious. She thought awhile. Did she want to?

  Yes. God, yes.

  But making it easy for him was wrong. He deserved some...resistance and if he failed the hurdle, so be it. Without Dassenze, maybe Brask was a wimp? The idea of teasing him was irresistible.

  She could get in the shower then, if he managed to unpick the lock, she’d be all wet. Too easy. Besides, if he was going to get in that way, he would’ve already. Definitely adding up to wimp. She marched out into the bedroom, thought about grabbing the sword, but no, too crazy. Instead she picked up the single timber chair.

  Talia approached the door, chair in hand, feeling like a lion tamer, and wedged the chair against the doorknob. It worked in the movies.

  “Go away! I’ll come and see you after I’m done. To talk about whatever it is you want to talk about.”

  “If you’re there, on the other side, you can let me in.”

  He was going to wait for her to let him in? Ho hum and yawn.

  “No, I cannot. Asshole.” She said that to herself as she backed away, grinning. There was a thrill to calling Brask bad names, akin to poking a bear with a stick. A big, slightly annoyed bear.

  His sigh sounded exasperated. “Do you have any idea how good my hearing is? Or whatever this other sense is. I can tell when you’re aroused.”

  She snorted. “Tough.”

  His next move was to smash his fist through the door, sending splinters flying. Then he shoved aside the chair and opened the door from the inside.

  “Damn,” she muttered. “Impressive.”

  Running on ceilings was impressive too but this was a whole other realm – a man who would smash down a door to get to her.

  Scary as hell.

  Keeping her expression defiant was difficult. She found herself cycling between a smirk and an oh-shit-what-have-I-done expression. Fear had some plusses. Excitement for one. He wouldn’t hurt her and she wasn’t going to hurt him, but her heart was pounding away like it wasn’t sure.

  Now she had an annoyed Brask on her side of the door. He kicked it farther open and took a step inside as the handle hit the wall and the door swung back in a foot.

  “I see you’re ready for me. Nice underwear.”

  Breathless, she gathered her reply. “I wasn’t expecting guests. Maybe you should leave?”

  “I only just arrived, but if you insist.” But then he stepped closer, until she had to tilt her head back farther to keep the encounter eye to eye. Between the width of his shoulders, general body bulk, and the way his blond spiky hair seemed ready to brush the ceiling, he was making her feel like a small female snack.

  Never look away from a predator, right? On shuffling back a step, she found the coffee table pressing at her bare legs.

  Insolently and probably stupidly, she angled a brow. “Leaving means going in the other direction.”

  “It does?”


  He crowded her some more until only inches separated them, and she could feel his body heat. She didn’t dare shut her eyes. She was faster than him, but that wasn’t everything. Not at all. But he didn’t lunge at her, instead he deliberately reached out and around her, with both hands, and took a grip of the back of her hair. Then he screwed both hands in and twisted, thoroughly trapping her.

  Something stopped her resisting. Probably raw unadulterated lust. She licked her lips, waiting. When he remained silent, she couldn’t resist asking a question.

  “Now what are you going to do? My hairstyle?”

  “Depends. His eyes narrowed. “Getting down on your knees and sucking me into your mouth is one option.”

  Her gaze flicked downward. He still had the military leggings on and his erection beckoned. She almost wanted to. Almost. Challenging Brask made it so much more of a thrill.

  “No.” She tried to shake her head but his grip stopped her dead. “I don’t think so.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d say that.” Then he freed one hand and dragged her toward the door by her hair. “You told me to leave. I’m leaving, with you.”

  She dug in her heels. “Hey! I’m in my underwear!”

  “Did you know that on military bases pets are often mated in public? Mostly when in the base recreation areas, of course.”

  He stopped in the doorway, smiling down at her. “I’ve decided your doorway is a recreation area.” His hand screwed into her hair some more. “Any comments you want to make?”

  “You can’t. Not here. I’m not a pet,” she insisted in a whisper, turned on but mortally horrified at the prospect of humiliation...but turned on. Her head was a great example of chaos theory.

  Luckily her room was at the end of the hallway, though all the noise might draw someone to check the cause. With her head held rigidly in place, she couldn’t quite see but the hallway seemed empty.

  “You’re my pet until you show bond markings. You should have thought. I told you I’d fuck you wherever and whenever I wanted to.” He splayed his hair-holding hand to the door frame and leaned in, pinning her there very efficiently. “I need to teach you that taunting me is not a good idea.”

  Bond markings? Would she get ones that matched Brask?

  Talia tongued her lip. She couldn’t resist. “I may be a slow learner.”

  “Maybe.” He paused, eyeing her mouth then her cleavage and smiling a little. She figured wheels were turning somewhere in his head. “A fun idea, though, now that I think about it, because I get an excuse to do what I like to you.” Slowly he came even closer, teasing her with that wicked smile. To her shock, he only kissed her nose.
r />   What he liked? She shivered. Crap. Having someone watching him fuck her was not her idea of fun. Or was it? That heart clutching combination of fear, anxiety, and desire had her in its claws again. Dassenze watching had worked for her exceptionally well.

  She grew wetter just imagining him watching this.

  It might be hot.

  Or embarrassing. Maybe both? Hot and embarrassing? Eek she didn’t know and wasn’t about to see which if she could avoid it.

  “Wait. Wait. Brask, please.”

  “Hmm?” He waited, patient, but nevertheless running his hand over her bra and squeezing her breasts, then toying with her nipples. A second before she went to speak, he reached into the cup and bared one breast, then reached into the other cup and did the same, tucking the bra beneath.

  “Hey. That’s –”

  “Better. I should get you to walk about like this, all the time.” His eyes brightened and he traced a curve under one nipple, then ducked his head and sucked on it, tugging with his teeth before suckling again.

  Her knees weakened before she caught herself. Getting aroused out here would only encourage him.

  She grabbed his head with both hands. “Wait!”

  The abrupt growl and stare he gave her shook her into letting go.

  “Do you get to stop me touching you?” His light pinch on her already abused nipple changed to him squashing it more and more with each second.

  Talia squeaked. Damn, even that was heating her up. She gasped out, “No.”

  “Good.” The pressure on that nipple stayed as it was while he examined her face. “Good.”

  Finally, he released her nipple.

  She could hear her own panting in the quiet. Someone snored farther down the corridor. Any second, a man might come out and see this. She squirmed in his grip, testing it. Nothing gave. Pain sparked on her scalp from the twisting of her hair.

  “I like seeing you wriggle.”


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