On Viviana's return from her devotions, she found her father in thegreatest perturbation and alarm. The old steward, Heydocke, who hadridden express from Ordsall Hall, had just arrived, bringing word thatthe miserable fate of the pursuivant and his crew had aroused the wholecountry; that officers, attended by a strong force, and breathingvengeance, were in pursuit of Sir William Radcliffe and his daughter;that large sums were offered for the capture of Guy Fawkes and FatherOldcorne; that most of the servants were imprisoned; that he himself hadescaped with great difficulty; and that, to sum up this long catalogueof calamities, Master Humphrey Chetham was arrested, and placed in theNew Fleet. "In short, my dear young mistress," concluded the old man,"as I have just observed to Sir William, all is over with us, and thereis nothing left but the grave."
"What course have you resolved upon, dear father," inquired Viviana,turning anxiously to him.
"I shall surrender myself," he answered. "I am guilty of no crime, andcan easily clear myself from all imputation."
"You are mistaken," she replied. "Do not hope for justice from those whoknow it not. But, while the means of escape are allowed you, availyourself of them."
"No, Viviana," replied Sir William Radcliffe, firmly; "my part is taken.I shall abide the arrival of the officers. For you, I shall intrust youto the care of Mr. Catesby."
"You cannot mean this, dear father," she cried, with a look of distress."And, if you do, I will never consent to such an arrangement."
"Mr. Catesby is strongly attached to you, child," replied Sir William,"and will watch over your safety as carefully as I could do myself."
"He may be attached to me," rejoined Viviana, "though I doubt thedisinterestedness of his love. But nothing can remove my repugnance tohim. Forgive me, therefore, if, in this one instance, I decline to obeyyour commands. I dare not trust myself with Mr. Catesby."
"How am I to understand you?" inquired Sir William.
"Do not ask me to explain, dear father," she answered, "but imagine Imust have good reason for what I say. Since you are resolved uponsurrendering yourself, I will go into captivity with you. Thealternative is less dreadful than that you have proposed."
"You distract me, child," cried the knight, rising and pacing thechamber in great agitation. "I cannot bear the thought of yourimprisonment. Yet if I fly, I appear to confess myself guilty."
"If your worship will intrust Mistress Viviana with me," interposed theold steward, "I will convey her whithersoever you direct,--will watchover her day and night,--and, if need be, die in her defence."
"Thou wert ever a faithful servant, good Heydocke," rejoined SirWilliam, extending his hand kindly to him, "and art as true in adversityas in prosperity."
"Shame to me if I were not," replied Heydocke, pressing the knight'sfingers to his lips and bathing them in his tears. "Shame to me if Ihesitated to lay down my life for a master to whom I owe so much."
"If it is your pleasure, dear father," observed Viviana, "I willaccompany Master Heydocke; but I would far rather be permitted to remainwith you."
"It would avail nothing," replied Sir William, "we should be separatedby the officers. Retire to your chamber, and prepare for instantdeparture; and, in the mean while, I will consider what is best to bedone."
"Your worship's decision must be speedy," observed Heydocke; "I had onlya few hours' start of the officers. They will be here ere long."
"Take this purse," replied Sir William, "and hire three of the fleetesthorses you can procure, and station yourself at the outskirts of thetown, on the road to Saint Asaph. You understand."
"Perfectly," replied Heydocke. And he departed to execute his master'scommands, while Viviana withdrew to her own chamber.
Left alone, the knight was perplexing himself as to where he shouldshape his course, when he was interrupted by the sudden entrance ofCatesby and Garnet.
"We have just met your servant, Sir William," said the former, "and havelearnt the alarming intelligence he has brought."
"What is your counsel in this emergency, father?" said Radcliffe,appealing to Garnet.
"Flight,--instant flight, my son," was the answer.
"My counsel is resistance," said Catesby. "We are here assembled inlarge numbers, and are well armed. Let us await the arrival of theofficers, and see whether they will venture to arrest you."
"They will arrest us all, if they have force sufficient to do so,"replied Garnet; "and there are many reasons, as you well know, why it isdesirable to avoid any disturbance at present."
"True," replied Catesby. "What say you then," he continued, addressingRadcliffe, "to our immediate return to Holt, where means may be found toscreen you till this storm is blown over?"
Sir William having assented to the proposal, Catesby instantly departedto acquaint the others, and, as soon as preparations could be made, andhorses procured, the whole party composing the pilgrimage quittedHolywell, and, ascending the hill at the back of the town, took thedirection of Mold, where they arrived, having ridden at a swift pace, inabout half an hour. From thence they proceeded, without accident orinterruption, to the mansion they had recently occupied near Holt. Onreaching it, all the domestics were armed, and certain of their numberstationed at the different approaches to the house to give the alarm incase of the enemy's appearance. But as nothing occurred during thenight, the fears of Sir William and his friends began in some degree tosubside.
About noon, on the following day, as Guy Fawkes, who ever since thevision at Saint Winifred's Well had shunned all companionship, walkedforth beneath the avenue alone, he heard a light step behind him, and,turning, beheld Viviana. Gravely bowing, he was about to pursue hiscourse, when quickening her pace she was instantly by his side.
"I have a favour to solicit," she said.
"There is none I would refuse you," answered Fawkes, halting; "but,though I have the will, I may not have the power to grant your request."
"Hear me, then," she replied, hurriedly. "Of all my father's friends--ofall who are here assembled, you are the only one I dare trust,--the onlyone from whom I can hope for assistance."
"I am at once flattered and perplexed by your words, Viviana," herejoined; "nor can I guess whither they tend. But speak freely. If Icannot render you aid, I can at least give you counsel."
"I must premise, then," said Viviana, "that I am aware from certainobscure hints let fall by Father Oldcorne, that you, Mr. Catesby, andothers are engaged in a dark and dangerous conspiracy."
"Viviana Radcliffe," returned Guy Fawkes, sternly, "you have once beforeavowed your knowledge of this plot. I will not attempt disguise withyou. A project is in agitation for the deliverance of our fallen church;and, since you have become acquainted with its existence--no matterhow--you must be bound by an oath of secrecy, or," and his look grewdarker, and his voice sterner, "I will not answer for your life."
"I will willingly take the oath, on certain conditions," said Viviana.
"You must take it unconditionally," rejoined Fawkes.
"Hear me out," said Viviana. "Knowing that Mr. Catesby and Father Garnetare anxious to induce my father to join this conspiracy, I came hitherto implore you to prevent him from doing so."
"Were I even willing to do this,--which I am not," replied Fawkes, "Ihave not the power. Sir William Radcliffe would be justly indignant atany interference on my part."
"Heed not that," replied Viviana. "You, I fear, are linked to thisfearful project beyond the possibility of being set free. But he is not.Save him! save him!"
"I will take no part in urging him to join it," replied Fawkes. "But Ican promise nothing further."
"Then mark me," she returned; "if further attempts are made by any ofyour confederates to league him with their plot, I myself will discloseall I know of it."
"Viviana," rejoined Fawkes, in a threatening tone, "I again warn youthat you endanger your life."
"I care not," she rejoined; "I would risk twenty lives, if I posses
sedthem, to preserve my father."
"You are a noble-hearted lady," replied Fawkes, unable to repress theadmiration inspired by her conduct; "and if I can accomplish what youdesire, I will. But I see not how it can be done."
"Everything is possible to one of your resolution," replied Viviana.
"Well, well," replied Fawkes, a slight smile crossing his ruggedfeatures; "the effort at least shall be made."
"Thanks! thanks!" ejaculated Viviana; and, overcome by her emotion, shesank half-fainting into his arms.
While he held her thus, debating within himself whether he should conveyher to the house, Garnet and Catesby appeared at the other end of theavenue. Their surprise at the sight was extreme; nor was it less whenViviana, opening her eyes as they drew near, uttered a slight cry, anddisappeared.
"This requires an explanation," said Catesby, glancing fiercely atFawkes.
"You must seek it, then, of the lady," rejoined the latter, moodily.
"It will be easily explained, I have no doubt," interposed Garnet. "MissRadcliffe was seized with a momentary weakness, and her companionoffered her support."
"That will scarcely suffice for me," cried Catesby.
"Let the subject be dropped for the present," rejoined Garnet,authoritatively. "More important matter claims our attention. We came toseek you, my son," he continued, addressing Fawkes. "All those engagedin the great enterprise are about to meet in a summer-house in thegarden."
"I am ready to attend you," replied Fawkes. "Will Sir William Radcliffebe there?"
"No," replied Garnet; "he has not yet joined us. None will be present atthis meeting but the sworn conspirators."
With this, the trio took their way towards the garden, and proceedingalong a walk edged with clipped yew-trees, came to the summer-house,--asmall circular building overrun with ivy and creepers, and ornamented infront by two stone statues on pedestals. Here they found Sir EverardDigby, Ambrose Rookwood, Francis Tresham, Thomas and Robert Winter, Johnand Christopher Wright, awaiting their arrival.
The door being closed and bolted, Garnet, placing himself in the midstof the assemblage, said, "Before we proceed further, I will againadminister the oath to all present." Drawing from his vest a primer, andaddressing Sir Everard Digby, he desired him to kneel, and continuedthus in a solemn tone, "You shall swear by the Blessed Trinity, and bythe sacrament you propose to receive, never to disclose directly norindirectly, by word or circumstance, the matter that shall be proposedto you to keep secret, nor desist from the execution thereof, until therest shall give you leave."
"I swear," replied Digby, kissing the primer.
The oath was then taken in like manner by the others. This done, Catesbywas about to address the meeting, when Tresham, glancing uneasily at thedoor, remarked, "Are you assured we have no eavesdroppers?"
"I will keep watch without," rejoined Fawkes, "if you have any fears."
"It were better," replied Robert Winter. "We cannot be too cautious. Butif you go forth, you will not be able to take part in the discussion."
"My part is to act, not talk," rejoined Fawkes, marching towards thedoor. And shutting it after him, he took up his position outside.
Upon this Catesby commenced a long and inflammatory harangue, in whichhe expatiated with great eloquence and fervour on the wrongs of theCatholic party, and the deplorable condition of their church. "It wereeasy to slay the tyrant by whom we are oppressed," he said, inconclusion; "but his destruction would be small gain to us. We muststrike deeper, to hew down the baneful stock of heresy. All ouradversaries must perish with him, and in such a manner as shall bestattest the vengeance of Heaven. Placed beneath the Parliament-house, amine of powder shall hurl its heretical occupants into the air,--norshall any one survive the terrible explosion. Are we all agreed to thisplan?"
All the conspirators expressed their assent, except Sir Everard Digby.
"Before I give my concurrence to the measure," observed the latter, "Iwould fain be resolved by Father Garnet whether it is lawful to destroysome few of our own faith with so many heretics."
"Unquestionably, my son," replied Garnet. "As in besieging a city wehave a right to kill all within it, whether friends or enemies, so inthis case we are justified in destroying the innocent with the guilty,because their destruction will be advantageous to the Catholic cause."
"I am satisfied," replied Digby.
"As to the tyrant and apostate James," continued Garnet, "he isexcommunicated, and his subjects released from their allegiance. I havetwo breves sent over by his holiness Pope Clement VIII. three years ago,one directed to the clergy, and the other to the nobility of this realm,wherein, alluding to Queen Elizabeth, it is expressly declared that, 'sosoon as that miserable woman should depart out of this life, none shallbe permitted to ascend the throne, how near soever in proximity ofblood, unless they are such as will not only tolerate the Catholicfaith, but in every way support it.' By this brief, James is expresslyexcluded. He has betrayed, not supported the church of Rome. Havingbroken his word with us, and oppressed our brethren more rigorously eventhan his predecessor, the remorseless Elizabeth, he is unworthy longerto reign, and must be removed."
"He must," reiterated the conspirators.
"The Parliament-house being the place where all the mischief done us hasbeen contrived by our adversaries, it is fitting that it should be theplace of their chastisement," remarked Catesby.
"Doubtless," rejoined Ambrose Rookwood.
"Yet if the blow we meditate should miscarry," observed Thomas Winter,"the injury to the Catholic religion will be so great, that not only ourenemies, but our very friends will condemn us."
"There is no chance of miscarriage, if we are true to each other,"returned Catesby, confidently. "And if I suspected any one of treachery,I would plunge my sword into his bosom, were he my brother."
"You would do wrong to act thus on mere suspicion," remarked Tresham,who stood near him.
"In a case like this, he who gives the slightest ground for doubt wouldmerit death," replied Catesby, sternly; "and I would slay him."
"Hum!" exclaimed Tresham, uneasily.
"Mr. Catesby will now perhaps inform us what has been done to carry theproject into effect?" inquired Sir Everard Digby.
"A small habitation has been taken by one of our confederates, Mr.Thomas Percy, immediately adjoining the Parliament-house," repliedCatesby, "from the cellar of which it is proposed to dig a mine throughthe wall of the devoted building, and to deposit within it a sufficientquantity of gunpowder and other combustibles to accomplish our purpose.This mine must be digged by ourselves, as we can employ no assistants,and will be a laborious and dangerous task. But I for one willcheerfully undertake it."
"And I," said the elder Wright.
"And I," cried several others.
"Supposing the mine digged, and the powder deposited," observed AmbroseRookwood, "whose hand will fire the train?"
"Mine!" cried Guy Fawkes, throwing open the door. As soon as he hadspoken, he retired and closed it after him.
"He will keep his word," remarked Garnet. "He is of a nature so resolutethat he would destroy himself with the victims rather than fail.Catiline was not a bolder conspirator than Guy Fawkes."
"Well, gentlemen," observed Catesby, "we are now at the latter end ofJuly. All must be ready against the meeting of Parliament in November."
"There is some likelihood, I hear, that the meeting of the house will beprorogued till February," remarked Tresham.
"So much the better," rejoined Catesby, "it will give us more time forpreparation."
"So much the worse, I think," cried Ambrose Rookwood. "Delays are everdangerous, and doubly dangerous in a case like ours."
"I am far from desiring to throw any impediment in the way of ourdesign," observed Sir Everard Digby, "but I would recommend, before weproceed to this terrible extremity, that one last effort should be madeto move the King in our behalf."
"It is useless," replied Catesby. "So far from toleration, he meditat
esseverer measures against us; and, I am well assured, if Parliament isallowed to meet, such laws will be passed as will bring all of us withinpremunire. No, no. We have no hope from James, nor his ministers."
"Nor yet from France or Spain," observed Thomas Winter. "In myconference with the Constable Velasco at Bergen, I received assurancesof the good-will of Philip towards us, but no distinct promise ofinterference in our behalf. The Archduke Albert is well disposed, but hecan render no assistance. We must depend upon ourselves."
"Ay, marry, must we," replied Catesby, "and fortunate is it that we havedevised a plan by which we can accomplish our purpose unaided. We onlyrequire funds to follow up with effect the blow we shall strike."
"My whole fortune shall be placed at your disposal," replied Sir EverardDigby.
"Part of mine has already been given," said Tresham, "and the rest shallfollow."
"Would I had aught to peril in the matter except my life," said Catesby."I would throw everything upon the stake."
"You do enough in venturing thus much, my son," rejoined Garnet. "To youthe whole conduct of the enterprise is committed."
"I live for nothing else," replied Catesby, "and if I see it successful,I shall have lived long enough."
"Cannot Sir William Radcliffe be induced to join us?" asked Rookwood."He would be an important acquisition, and his wealth would prove highlyserviceable."
"I have sounded him," answered Catesby. "But he appears reluctant."
"Be not satisfied with one attempt," urged Christopher Wright. "Thejeopardy in which he now stands may make him change his mind."
"I am loth to interrupt the discussion," returned Garnet, "but I thinkwe have tarried here long enough. We will meet again at midnight, when Ihope to introduce Sir William Radcliffe to you as a confederate."
The party then separated, and Garnet went in search of the knight.
Ascertaining that he was in his own chamber, he proceeded thither, andfound him alone. Entering at once upon the subject in hand, Garnetpleaded his cause with so much zeal that he at last wrung a reluctantconsent from the listener. Scarcely able to conceal his exultation, hethen proposed to Sir William to adjourn with him to the private chapelin the house, where, having taken the oath, and received the sacramentupon it, he should forthwith be introduced to the conspirators, and thewhole particulars of the plot revealed to him. To this the knight, withsome hesitation, agreed. As they traversed a gallery leading to thechapel, they met Viviana. For the first time in his life Radcliffe'sgaze sank before his daughter, and he would have passed her withoutspeaking had she not stopped him.
"Father! dear father!" she cried, "I know whither you are going--and forwhat purpose. Do not--do not join them."
_Guy Fawkes preventing Sir William Radcliffe from joiningthe Conspiracy._]
Sir William Radcliffe made no reply, but endeavoured gently to push heraside.
She would not, however, be repulsed, but prostrating herself before him,clasped his knees, and besought him not to proceed.
Making a significant gesture to Sir William, Garnet walked forward.
"Viviana," cried the knight, sternly, "my resolution is taken. I commandyou to retire to your chamber."
So saying, he broke from her, and followed Garnet. Clasping her hands toher brow, Viviana gazed for a moment with a frenzied look after him, andthen rushed from the gallery.
On reaching the chapel, Sir William, who had been much shaken by thismeeting, was some minutes in recovering his composure. Garnet employedthe time in renewing his arguments, and with so much address that hesucceeded in quieting the scruples of conscience which had been awakenedin the knight's breast by his daughter's warning.
"And now, my son," he said, "since you have determined to enrol yourname in the list of those sworn to deliver their church from oppression,take this primer in your hand, and kneel down before the altar, while Iadminister the oath which is to unite you to us."
Garnet then advanced towards the altar, and Sir William was about toprostrate himself upon a cushion beside it, when the door was suddenlythrown open, and Guy Fawkes strode into the chapel.
"Hold!" he exclaimed, grasping Radcliffe's right arm, and fixing hisdark glance upon him; "you shall not take that oath."
"What mean you?" cried Garnet, who, as well as the knight, was paralyzedwith astonishment at this intrusion. "Sir William Radcliffe is about tojoin us."
"I know it," replied Fawkes; "but it may not be. He has no heart in thebusiness, and will lend it no efficient assistance. We are betterwithout him, than with him."
As he spoke, he took the primer from the knight's hand, and laid it uponthe altar.
"This conduct is inexplicable," cried Garnet, angrily. "You will answerfor it to others, as well as to me."
"I will answer for it to all," replied Guy Fawkes. "Let Sir WilliamRadcliffe declare before me, and before Heaven, that he approves themeasure, and I am content he should take the oath."
"I cannot belie my conscience by saying so," replied the knight, whoappeared agitated by conflicting emotions.
"Yet you have promised to join us," cried Garnet, reproachfully.
"Better break that promise than a solemn oath," rejoined Guy Fawkes,sternly. "Sir William Radcliffe, there are reasons why you should notjoin this conspiracy. Examine your inmost heart, and it will tell youwhat they are."
"I understand you," replied the knight.
"Get hence," cried Garnet, unable to control his indignation, "or I willpronounce our Church's most terrible malediction against you."
"I shall not shrink from it, father," rejoined Fawkes, humbly, butfirmly, "seeing I am acting rightly."
"Undeceive yourself, then, at once," returned Garnet, "and learn thatyou are thwarting our great and holy purpose."
"On the contrary," replied Fawkes, "I am promoting it, by preventing onefrom joining it who will endanger its success."
"You are a traitor!" cried Garnet, furiously.
"A traitor!" exclaimed Guy Fawkes, his eye blazing with fierce lustre,though his voice and demeanour were unaltered,--"I, who have been warnedthrice,--twice by the dead,--and lastly by a vision from heaven, yetstill remain firm to my purpose,--I, who have voluntarily embraced themost dangerous and difficult part of the enterprise,--I, who wouldsuffer the utmost extremity of torture, rather than utter a word thatshould reveal it,--a traitor! No, father, I am none. If you think so,take this sword and at once put an end to your doubts."
There was something so irresistible in the manner of Guy Fawkes, thatGarnet remained silent.
"Do with me what you please," continued Fawkes; "but do not compel SirWilliam Radcliffe to join the conspiracy. He will be fatal to it."
"No one shall compel me to join it," replied the knight.
"Perhaps it is better thus," returned Garnet, after a pause, duringwhich he was buried in reflection. "I will urge you no further, my son.But before you depart you must swear not to divulge what you have justlearnt."
"Willingly," replied the knight.
"There is another person who must also take that oath," said Guy Fawkes,"having accidentally become acquainted with as much as yourself."
And stepping out of the chapel, he immediately afterwards returned withViviana.
"You will now understand why I would not allow Sir William to join theconspiracy," he observed to Garnet.
"I do," replied the latter, gloomily.
The oath administered, the knight and his daughter quitted the chapel,accompanied by Guy Fawkes. Viviana was profuse in her expressions ofgratitude, nor was her father less earnest in his acknowledgments.
A few hours after this, Sir William Radcliffe informed Sir Everard Digbythat it was his intention to depart immediately, and, though the latterattempted to dissuade him by representing the danger to which he wouldbe exposed, he continued inflexible. The announcement surprised bothCatesby and Garnet, who were present when it was made, and added theirentreaties to those of Digby--but without effect. Catesby's proposal toserve as an escort wa
s likewise refused by Sir William, who said he hadno fears, and when questioned as to his destination, he returned anevasive answer. This sudden resolution of the knight coupled with hisrefusal to join the plot, alarmed the conspirators, and more than oneexpressed fears of treachery. Sir Everard Digby, however, was not of thenumber, but asserted that Radcliffe was a man of the highest honour, andhe would answer for his secrecy with his life.
"Will you answer for that of his daughter?" demanded Tresham.
"_I_ will," replied Fawkes.
"To put the matter beyond a doubt," observed Catesby, "I will set outshortly after him, and follow him unobserved till he halts for thenight, and ascertain whether he stops at any suspicious quarter."
"Do so, my son," replied Garnet.
"It is needless," observed Sir Everard Digby; "but do as you please."
By this time, Radcliffe's horses being brought round by Heydocke, he andhis daughter took a hasty leave of their friends. When they had beengone a few minutes, Catesby called for his steed; and, after exchanginga word or two with Garnet, rode after them. He had proceeded about acouple of miles along a cross-road leading to Nantwich, which he learntfrom some cottagers was the route taken by the party before him, when heheard the tramp of a horse in the rear, and, turning at the sound,beheld Guy Fawkes. Drawing in the bridle, he halted till the latter cameup, and angrily demanded on what errand he was bent.
"My errand is the same as your own," replied Fawkes. "I intend to followSir William Radcliffe, and, if need be, defend him."
Whatever Catesby's objections might be to this companionship, he did notthink fit to declare them, and, though evidently much displeased,suffered Guy Fawkes to ride by his side without opposition.
Having gained the summit of the mountainous range extending from Malpasto Tottenhall, whence they beheld the party whose course they weretracking enter a narrow lane at the foot of the hill, Catesby, fearfulof losing sight of them, set spurs to his steed. Guy Fawkes kept closebeside him, and they did not slacken their pace until they reached thelane.
Having proceeded along it for a quarter of a mile, they were alarmed bythe sudden report of fire-arms, followed by a loud shriek, whichneither of them doubted was uttered by Viviana. Again dashing forward,on turning a corner of the road, they beheld the party surrounded byhalf-a-dozen troopers. Sir William Radcliffe had shot one of hisassailants, and, assisted by Heydocke, was defending himself bravelyagainst the others. With loud shouts, Catesby and Guy Fawkes gallopedtowards the scene of strife. But they were too late. A bullet piercedthe knight's brain; and he no sooner fell, than, regardless of himself,the old steward flung away his sword, and threw himself, with the mostpiteous lamentations, on the body.
Viviana, meanwhile, had been compelled to dismount, and was in the handsof the troopers. On seeing her father's fate, her shrieks were soheart-piercing, that even her captors were moved to compassion. Fightinghis way towards her, Catesby cut down one of the troopers, and snatchingher from the grasp of the other, who was terrified by the furiousassault, placed her on the saddle beside him, and striking spurs intohis charger at the same moment, leapt the hedge, and made good hisretreat.
This daring action, however, could not have been accomplished withoutthe assistance of Guy Fawkes, who warded off with his rapier all theblows aimed at him and his lovely charge. While thus engaged, hereceived a severe cut on the head, which stretched him senseless andbleeding beneath his horse's feet.
Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance Page 16