Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance

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Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance Page 25

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Towards the close of the sixth day after their departure from OrdsallHall, the party approached the capital. The sun was setting as theydescended Highgate Hill, and the view of the ancient, and then mostpicturesque city, was so enchanting, that Viviana, who beheld it for thefirst time, entreated her companions to pause for a few minutes to allowher to contemplate it. From the spot where they halted, the country wascompletely open to Clerkenwell, and only a few scattered habitations laybetween them and the old grey ramparts of the city, with their gates andfortifications, which were easily discernible even at that distance.Above them rose the massive body and central tower of Saint Paul'scathedral,--a structure far surpassing that which has succeededit,--while amid the innumerable gables, pointed roofs, and twistedchimneys of the houses sprang a multitude of lesser towers and spires,lending additional beauty to the scene. Viviana was enraptured, and,while gazing on the prospect, almost forgot her sorrows. Guy Fawkes andCatesby, who were a little in advance of the others, turned their gazewestward, and the former observed to his companion,

  "The sun is setting over the Parliament House. The sky seems stainedwith blood. It looks portentous of what is to follow."

  "I would gladly behold the explosion from this hill, or from yonheights," replied Catesby, pointing towards Hampstead. "It will be asight such as man has seldom seen."

  "I shall never live to witness it!" exclaimed Guy Fawkes, in amelancholy tone.

  "What! still desponding?" returned Catesby, reproachfully. "I thought,since you had fully recovered from your wound, you had shaken off yourfears."

  "You misunderstand me," replied Fawkes. "I mean that I shall perish withour foes."

  "Why so?" cried Catesby. "There will be plenty of time to escape afteryou have fired the train."

  "I shall not attempt it," rejoined Fawkes, in a sombre voice. "I willabide the result in the vault. If I perish, it will be a gloriousdeath."

  "Better live to see the regeneration of our faith, and our restorationto our rights," rejoined Catesby. "But we will speak of this hereafter.Here comes Garnet."

  "Where do you propose we should lodge to-night?" asked the latter,riding up.

  "At the house at Lambeth, where the powder is deposited," returnedCatesby.

  "Will it be safe?" asked Garnet, uneasily.

  "We shall be safer there than elsewhere, father," replied Catesby. "Ifit is dark enough to-night, Fawkes and I will remove a portion of thepowder. But we are losing time. We must pass through the city before thegates are closed."

  In this suggestion Garnet acquiesced, and calling to Viviana to followthem,--for, since his late atrocious attempt, Catesby had not exchangeda word or look with her, but during the whole of the journey keptsedulously aloof,--the whole party set forward, and proceeding at abrisk pace, soon reached the walls of the city. Passing throughCripplegate, they shaped their course towards London Bridge. Viviana wasfilled with astonishment at all she saw: the multitude and magnificenceof the shops, compared with such as she had previously seen; the crowdsin the streets,--for even at that hour they were thronged; the varieddresses of the passengers--the sober garb of the merchant, contrastingwith the showy cloak, the preposterous ruff, swelling hose, plumed cap,and swaggering gait of the gallant or the ruffler; the brawls that wereconstantly occurring; the number of signs projecting from the dwellings;all she witnessed or heard surprised and amused her, and she wouldwillingly have proceeded at a slower pace to indulge her curiosity, hadnot her companions urged her onward.

  As they were crossing Eastcheap, in the direction of Crooked-lane, a mansuddenly quitted the footpath, and, rushing towards Garnet, seized hisbridle, and cried,

  "I arrest you. You are a Romish priest."

  "It is false, knave," returned Garnet. "I am as good a Protestant asthyself, and am just arrived with my companions from a long journey."

  "Your companions are all rank Papists," rejoined the stranger. "Youyourself are Father Garnet, superior of the Jesuits, and, if I am notdeceived, the person next you is Father Oldcorne, also of that order. IfI am wrong you can easily refute the charge. Come with me to thecouncil. If you refuse, I will call assistance from the passengers."

  Garnet saw he was lost if he did not make an immediate effort atself-preservation, and resolving to be beforehand with his assailant, heshouted at the top of his voice,

  "Help! help! my masters. This villain would rob me of my purse."

  "He is a Romish priest," vociferated the stranger. "I call upon you toassist me to arrest him."

  While the passengers, scarcely knowing what to make of thesecontradictory statements, flocked round them, Guy Fawkes, who was alittle in advance of Catesby, rode back, and seeing how matters stood,instantly drew a petronel, and with the butt-end felled the stranger tothe ground. Thus liberated, Garnet struck spurs into his steed, and thewhole party dashed off at a rapid pace. Shouts were raised by thebystanders, a few of whom started in pursuit, but the speed at which thefugitives rode soon bore them out of danger.

  By this time they had reached London Bridge, and Viviana, in some degreerecovered from the fright caused by the recent occurrence, ventured tolook around her. She could scarcely believe she was crossing a bridge,so completely did the tall houses give it the appearance of a street;and, if it had not been for occasional glimpses of the river caughtbetween the openings of these lofty habitations, she would have thoughther companions had mistaken the road. As they approached the ancientgateway (afterwards denominated Traitor's Tower), at the Southwark sideof the bridge, she remarked with a shudder the dismal array of headsgarnishing its spikes, and pointing them out to Fawkes, cried,

  "Heaven grant yours may never be amongst the number!"

  Fawkes made no answer, but dashed beneath the low and gloomy arch of thegate.

  Striking into a street on the right, the party skirted the walls ofSaint Saviour's Church, and presently drew near the Globe theatre, abovewhich floated its banner. Adjoining it was the old Bear-garden--thesavage inmates of which made themselves sufficiently audible. Garnethastily pointed out the first-mentioned place of amusement to Viviana asthey passed it, and her reading having made her well acquainted with thenoble dramas produced at that unpretending establishment--little betterthan a barn in comparison with a modern playhouse,--she regarded it withdeep interest. Another theatre--the Swan--speedily claimed herattention; and, leaving it behind, they came upon the open country.

  It was now growing rapidly dark, and Catesby, turning off into a narrowlane on the right, shouted to his companions to keep near him. The tractof land they were traversing was flat and marshy. The air was damp andunwholesome--for the swamp had not been drained as in later times,--andthe misty exhalations arising from it added to the obscurity. Catesby,however, did not relax his pace, and his companions imitated hisexample. Another turn on the right seemed to bring them still nearer theriver, and involved them in a thicker fog.

  All at once Catesby stopped, and cried,

  "We should be near the house. And yet this fog perplexes me. Stay herewhile I search for it."

  "If you leave us, we shall not readily meet again," rejoined Fawkes.

  But the caution was unheeded, Catesby having already disappeared. A fewmoments afterwards, Fawkes heard the sound of a horse's hoofsapproaching him; and, thinking it was Catesby, he hailed the rider.

  The horseman made no answer, but continued to advance towards them.

  Just then the voice of Catesby was heard at a little distance, shouting,"I was right. It is here."

  The party then hastened in the direction of the cry, and perceivedthrough the gloom a low building, before the door of which Catesby, whohad dismounted, was standing.

  "A stranger is amongst us," observed Fawkes, in an under tone, as herode up.

  "Where is he?" demanded Catesby, hastily.

  "Here," replied a voice. "But, fear nothing. I am a friend."

  "I must have stronger assurance than that," repl
ied Catesby. "Who areyou?"

  "Robert Keyes," replied the other, "Do you not know my voice?"

  "In good truth I did not," rejoined Catesby; "and you have spoken justin time. Your arrival is most opportune. But what brings you hereto-night?"

  "The same errand as yourself, I conclude, Catesby," replied Keyes. "Icame here to see that all was in safety. But, who have you with you?"

  "Let us enter the house, and you shall learn," replied Catesby.

  With this, he tapped thrice at the door in a peculiar manner, andpresently a light was seen through the windows, and a voice from withindemanded who knocked.

  "Your master," replied Catesby.

  Upon this, the door was instantly unbarred. After a hasty greetingbetween Catesby and his servant, whom he addressed as Thomas Bates, theformer inquired whether aught had occurred during his absence, and wasanswered that, except an occasional visit from Mr. Percy, one of theconspirators, no one had been near the house; everything being inprecisely the same state he had left it.

  "That is well," replied Catesby. "Now, then, to dispose of the horses."

  All the party having dismounted, their steeds were led to a stable atthe back of the premises by Catesby and Bates, while the others enteredthe house. It was a small, mean-looking habitation, standing at a shortdistance from the river-side, on the skirts of Lambeth Marsh, and itssecluded situation and miserable appearance seldom induced any one tovisit it. On one side was a deep muddy sluice communicating with theriver. Within, it possessed but slight accommodation, and only numberedfour apartments. One of the best of these was assigned to Viviana, andshe retired to it as soon as it could be prepared for her reception.Garnet, who still carried his arm in a sling, but who was in otherrespects almost recovered from his accident, tendered every assistancein his power, and would have remained with her, but she entreated to beleft alone. On descending to the lower room, he found Catesby, who,having left Bates in care of the horses, produced such refreshments asthey had brought with them. These were scanty enough; but a few flasksof excellent wine which they found within the house made some amends forthe meagre repast. Viviana was solicited by Guy Fawkes to join them; butshe declined, alleging that she was greatly fatigued, and about toretire to rest.

  Their meal ended, Catesby proposed that they should ascertain thecondition of the powder, as he feared it might have suffered from beingso long in the vault. Before making this examination, the door wascarefully barred; the shutters of the windows closed; and Guy Fawkesplaced himself as sentinel at the door. A flag beneath the grate, inwhich a fire was never kindled, was then raised, and disclosed a flightof steps leading to a vault beneath. Catesby having placed a light in alantern, descended with Keyes; but both Garnet and Oldcorne refused toaccompany them.

  The vault was arched and lofty, and, strange to say, for its situation,dry--a circumstance owing, in all probability, to the great thickness ofthe walls. On either side were ranged twenty barrels filled with powder;and at the further end stood a pile of arms, consisting of pikes,rapiers, demi-lances, petronels, calivers, corslets, and morions.Removing one of the barrels from its station, Catesby forced open thelid, and examined its contents, which he found perfectly dry anduninjured.

  "It is fit for use," he observed, with a significant smile, as heexhibited a handful of the powder to Keyes, who stood at a littledistance with the lantern; "if it will keep as well in the cellarbeneath the Parliament House, our foes will soon be nearer heaven, thanthey would ever be if left to themselves."

  "When do you propose to transport it across the river?" asked Keyes.

  "To-night," replied Catesby. "It is dark and foggy, and fitting for thepurpose. Bates!" he shouted; and at the call his servant instantlydescended. "Is the wherry at her moorings?"

  "She is, your worship," replied Bates.

  "You must cross the river instantly, then," rejoined Catesby, "andproceed to the dwelling adjoining the Parliament House, which we hiredfrom Ferris. Here is the key. Examine the premises,--and bring wordwhether all is secure."

  Bates was about to depart, when Keyes volunteering to accompany him,they left the house together. Having fastened down the lid of the cask,Catesby summoned Fawkes to his assistance, and by his help as manybarrels as could be safely stowed in the boat were brought out of thevault. More than two hours elapsed before Bates returned. He was alone,and informed them that all was secure, but that Keyes had decided onremaining where he was,--it being so dark and foggy, that it wasscarcely possible to cross the river.

  "I had some difficulty in landing," he added, "and got considerably outof my course. I never was out on so dark a night before."

  "It is the better for us," rejoined Catesby. "We shall be sure to escapeobservation."

  In this opinion Guy Fawkes concurred, and they proceeded to transportthe powder to the boat, which was brought up the sluice within a fewyards of the door. This done, and the barrels covered with a piece oftarpaulin, they embarked, and Fawkes, seizing an oar, propelled theskiff along the narrow creek.

  As Bates had stated, the fog was so dense that it was wholly impossibleto steer correctly, and Fawkes was therefore obliged to trust to chanceas to the course he took. However, having fully regained his strength,he rowed with great swiftness, and, as far as he could judge, had gainedthe mid-stream, when, before he could avoid it, he came in violentcontact with another boat, oversetting it, and plunging its occupants inthe stream.

  Disregarding the hints and even menaces of Catesby, who urged him toproceed, Fawkes immediately lay upon his oars, and, as the water wasperfectly smooth, succeeded, without much difficulty, in extricating thetwo men from their perilous situation. Their boat having drifted downthe stream, could not be recovered. The chief of these personages wasprofuse in his thanks to his deliverers, whom he supposed were watermen,and they took care not to undeceive him.

  "You may rely upon my gratitude," he said; "and when I tell you I am theEarl of Salisbury, you will be satisfied I have the means of evincingit."

  "The Earl of Salisbury!" exclaimed Catesby, who was seated by Fawkes,having taken one of the oars. "Is it possible?"

  "I have been on secret state business," replied the Earl, "and did notchoose to employ my own barge. I was returning to Whitehall, when yourboat struck against mine."

  "It is our bitterest enemy," observed Catesby, in an under tone, toFawkes. "Fate has delivered him into our hands."

  "What are you about to do?" demanded Fawkes, observing that hiscompanion no longer pulled at the oar.

  "Shoot him," replied Catesby. "Keep still, while I disengage mypetronel."

  "It shall not be," returned Fawkes, laying a firm grasp upon his arm."Let him perish with the others."

  "If we suffer him to escape now, we may never have such a chance again,"rejoined Catesby. "I will shoot him."

  "I say you shall not," rejoined Fawkes. "His hour is not yet come."

  "What are you talking about, my masters?" demanded the Earl, who wasshivering in his wet garments.

  "Nothing," replied Catesby, hastily. "I will throw him overboard," hewhispered to Fawkes.

  "Again I say, you shall not," replied the latter.

  "I see what you are afraid of," cried the Earl. "You are smugglers. Youhave got some casks of distilled waters on board, and are afraid I mayreport you. Fear nothing. Land me near the palace, and count upon mygratitude."

  "Our course lies in a different direction," replied Catesby, sternly."If your lordship lands at all, it must be where we choose."

  "But I have to see the King to-night. I have some important papers todeliver to him respecting the Papists," replied Salisbury.

  "Indeed!" exclaimed Catesby. "We must, at least, have those papers," heobserved, in a whisper, to Fawkes.

  "That is a different affair," replied Fawkes. "They may proveserviceable to us."

  "My lord," observed Catesby, "by a strange chance you have fallen intothe hands of Catholics. You will be pleased to deliver these papers tous."

  "Ah! villains,
would you rob me?" cried the Earl. "You shall take mylife sooner."

  "We will take both, if you resist," replied Catesby, in a menacing tone.

  "Nay, then," returned Salisbury, attempting to draw his sword, "we willsee who will obtain the mastery. We are equally matched. Come on; I fearyou not."

  But the waterman who had rowed the Earl was not of equal courage withhis employer, and refused to take part in the conflict.

  "It will be useless to contend with us," cried Catesby, relinquishingthe oar to Fawkes, and springing forward. "I must have those papers,"he added, seizing the Earl by the throat, "or I will throw youoverboard."

  "I am mistaken in you," returned Salisbury; "you are no common mariner."

  "It matters not who or what I am," rejoined Catesby, fiercely. "Yourpapers, or you die."

  Finding it in vain to contend with his opponent, the Earl was fain toyield, and reluctantly produced a packet from his doublet, and deliveredit to him.

  "You will repent this outrage, villain," he said.

  "Your lordship will do well to recollect you are still in my power,"rejoined Catesby. "One thrust of my sword will wipe off some of theinjuries you have inflicted on our suffering party."

  "I have heard your voice before," cried Salisbury; "you shall not escapeme."

  "Your imprudence has destroyed you," retorted Catesby, clutching theEarl's throat more tightly, and shortening his sword, with the intent toplunge it into his breast.

  "Hold!" exclaimed Fawkes, grasping his arm, and preventing the blow. "Ihave already said you shall not slay him. You are in possession of hispapers. What more would you have?"

  "His life," replied Catesby, struggling to liberate his arm.

  "Let him swear not to betray us," rejoined Fawkes. "If he refuses, Iwill not stay your hand."

  "You hear what my companion says, my lord," cried Catesby. "Will youswear to keep silence as to what has just occurred?"

  After a moment's hesitation, Salisbury assented, and Catesbyrelinquished his grasp.

  During this time, the boat had drifted considerably down the stream,and, in spite of the darkness, Catesby noticed with some uneasiness thatthey were approaching more than one vessel. The Earl of Salisbury alsoperceived this, and raised a cry for help, but was instantly checked byCatesby, who took a seat beside him, and placing the point of his rapierat his breast, swore he would stab him if he made any further clamour.

  The threat, and the dangerous propinquity of his enemy, effectuallysilenced the Earl, and Catesby directed Fawkes to make for the shore asquickly as he could. His injunctions were obeyed, and Fawkes plied theoars with so much good-will, that in a few minutes the wherry struckagainst the steps, which projected far into the water, a little to theright of the Star Chamber, precisely on the spot where WestminsterBridge now stands.

  Here the Earl and his companion were allowed to disembark, and they hadno sooner set foot on land than Guy Fawkes pushed off the boat, androwed as swiftly as he could towards the centre of the stream. He thendemanded of Catesby whether he should make for the Parliament House, orreturn.

  "I scarcely know what to advise," replied Catesby. "I do not think theEarl will attempt pursuit. And yet I know not. The papers we haveobtained may be important. Cease rowing for a moment, and let uslisten."

  Guy Fawkes complied, and they listened intently, but could only hear therippling of the current against the sides of the skiff.

  "We have nothing to fear," observed Catesby. "He will not pursue us, orhe cannot find a boat."

  As he spoke, the glimmer of torches was visible on the shore, and theplunge of oars into the water convinced him his opinion was erroneous.

  "What course shall we take?" inquired Fawkes.

  "I care not," replied Catesby, sullenly. "If I had had my own way, thiswould not have happened."

  "Have no fears," replied Fawkes, rowing swiftly down the stream. "Weshall easily escape."

  "We will not be taken alive," returned Catesby, seating himself on oneof the barrels, and hammering against the lid with the butt-end of hispetronel. "I will sooner blow us all to perdition than he shall captureus."

  "You are right," replied Fawkes. "By my patron, Saint James, he istaking the same course as ourselves."

  "Well, let him board us," replied Catesby. "I am ready for him."

  "Do as you think proper if the worst occurs," returned Fawkes. "But, ifwe make no noise, I am assured we shall not be perceived."

  With this he ceased rowing, and suffered the boat to drop down thestream. As ill-luck would have it, it seemed as if the hostile bark hadstruck completely into their track, and, aided by the current, and foursturdy rowers, was swiftly approaching.

  "The Earl will be upon us in a few minutes," replied Catesby. "If youhave any prayers to offer, recite them quickly, for I swear I will be asgood as my word."

  "I am ever prepared for death," replied Fawkes. "Ha! we are saved!"

  This last exclamation was occasioned by his remarking a large barge,towards which they were rapidly drifting.

  "What are you about to do?" cried Catesby.--"Leap on board, and abandonthe skiff, together with its contents?"

  "No," replied Fawkes; "sit still, and leave the rest to me."

  By this time, they had approached the barge, which was lying at anchor,and Guy Fawkes, grasping at a boat-hook, fixed it in the vessel as theypassed, and drew their own boat close to its side--so close, in fact,that it could not be distinguished from it.

  The next moment, the chase came up, and they distinctly perceived theEarl of Salisbury seated in the stern of the boat, holding a torch. Ashe approached the barge, he held the light towards it; but the skiffbeing on the off-side, entirely escaped notice. When the chase had gotto a sufficient distance to be out of hearing, the fugitives rowedswiftly in the contrary direction.

  Not judging it prudent to land, they continued to ply the oars, untilfatigue compelled them to desist, and they had placed some miles betweenthem and their pursuers.

  "Long before this, the Earl must have given up the chase," observedCatesby. "We must return before daybreak, and either land our powdernear the Parliament House, or take it back to the vault at Lambeth."

  "We shall run equal risk either way," replied Fawkes, "and, havingventured thus far, we may as well go through with it. I am for landingat Westminster."

  "And I," rejoined Catesby. "I do not like giving up a project when Ihave once undertaken it."

  "You speak my sentiments exactly," returned Fawkes. "Westminster be it."

  After remaining stationary for about an hour, they rowed back again,and, aided by the stream, in a short time reached their destination. Thefog had in a great degree cleared off, and day began to break as theyapproached the stairs leading to the Parliament House. Though this wasnot what they desired, inasmuch as the light added to the risk theywould have run in landing the powder, it enabled them to ascertain thatno one was on the watch.

  Running swiftly in towards a sort of wharf, protected by a roofedbuilding, Catesby leapt ashore, and tied the skiff to a ring in thesteps. He then desired Fawkes to hand out the powder as quickly as hecould. The order was promptly obeyed, and in a few minutes severalbarrels were on the strand.

  "Had you not better fetch Keyes to help us, while I get out the rest?"observed Fawkes.

  Catesby assented, and hurrying to the house, found Keyes, who was ingreat alarm about them. He instantly accompanied the other to the wharf,and by their united efforts the powder was expeditiously and safelyremoved.


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