Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance

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Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason: An Historical Romance Page 30

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  It was long before the conspirators gained sufficient courage torecommence digging the mine. Whenever holy water was thrown upon thestones, the mysterious bell ceased tolling, but it presently began anew,and such was the appalling effect of the sound that it completelyparalysed the listeners. Prayers were said by Garnet; hymns sung by theothers; but all was of no avail. It continued to toll on with increasedsolemnity, unless checked by the same potent application as before.

  The effect became speedily manifest in the altered looks and demeanourof the conspirators, and it was evident that if something was not doneto arouse them, the enterprise would be abandoned. Catesby, equallysuperstitious with his confederates, but having nerves more firmlystrung, was the first to conquer his terror. Crossing himself, hemuttered a secret prayer, and, snatching up a pick-axe, entered thecavity, and resumed his labour.

  The noise of the heavy blows dealt by him against the wall drowned thetolling of the bell. The charm was broken. And stimulated by hisconduct, the others followed his example, and though the awful tollingcontinued at intervals during the whole of their operations, it offeredno further interruption to them.

  Another and more serious cause of anxiety, however, arose. As the workadvanced, without being aware of it, they approached the bank of theriver, and the water began to ooze through the sides of theexcavation,--at first, slightly, but by degrees to such an extent as toconvince them that their labour would be entirely thrown away. Largeportions of the clay, loosened by the damp, fell in upon them, nearlyburying those nearest the tumbling mass; and the floor was now in someplaces more than a foot deep in water, clearly proving it would beutterly impossible to keep the powder fit for use in such a spot.

  Catesby bore these untoward circumstances with ill-concealedmortification. For a time, he struggled against them; and though he feltthat it was hopeless, worked on like a desperate military leaderconducting a forlorn hope to certain destruction. At length, however,the water began to make such incursions that he could no longer disguisefrom himself or his companions that they were contending againstinsurmountable difficulties, and that to proceed further would bemadness. He, therefore, with a heavy heart, desisted, and throwing downhis pick-axe, said it was clear that Heaven did not approve theirdesign, and that it must be relinquished.

  "We ought to have been warned by that doleful bell," he observed inconclusion. "I now perceive its meaning. And as I was the first to actin direct opposition to the declared will of the Supreme Being, so now Iam the first to admit my error."

  "I cannot account for that dread and mysterious sound, my son," repliedGarnet, "and can only attribute it, as you do, to Divine interference.But whether it was intended as a warning or a guidance, I confess I amunable to say."

  "Can you longer doubt, father," returned Catesby, bitterly, "when youlook at yon excavation? It took us more than a week's incessant labourto get through the first wall; and our toil was no sooner lightened thanthese fatal consequences ensued. If we proceed, we shall drownourselves, instead of blowing up our foes. And even if we should escape,were the powder stowed for one day in that damp place, it would neverexplode. We have failed, and must take measures accordingly."

  "I entirely concur with you, my son," replied Garnet; "we must abandonour present plan. But do not let us be disheartened. Perhaps at thisvery moment Heaven is preparing for us a victory by some unlooked-formeans."

  "It may be so," replied Catesby, with a look of incredulity.

  As he spoke, an extraordinary noise, like a shower of falling stones,was heard overhead. And coupling the sound with their fears of theencroachment of the damp, the conspirators glanced at each other indismay, thinking the building was falling in upon them.

  "All blessed saints protect us!" cried Garnet, as the sound ceased."What was that?"

  But no one was able to account for it, and each regarded his neighbourwith apprehension. After a short interval of silence, the sound washeard again. There was then another pause--and again the same rushingand inexplicable noise.

  "What can it be?" cried Catesby. "I am so enfeebled by this undergroundlife, that trifles alarm me. Are our enemies pulling down the structureover our heads?--or are they earthing us up like vermin?" he added toFawkes. "What is it?"

  "I will go and see," replied the other.

  "Do not expose yourself, my son," cried Garnet. "Let us abide the resulthere."

  "No, father," replied Fawkes. "Having failed in our scheme, what befalsme is of little consequence. I will go. If I return not, you willunderstand what has happened."

  Pausing for a moment to receive Garnet's benediction, he then strodeaway.

  Half an hour elapsed before Fawkes returned, and the interval appearedthrice its duration in the eyes of the conspirators. When here-appeared, a smile sat upon his countenance, and his looks instantlydispelled the alarm that had been previously felt.

  "You bring us good news, my son?" cried Garnet.

  "Excellent, father," replied Fawkes: "and you were right in saying thatat the very moment we were indulging in misgiving, Heaven was preparingfor us a victory by unforeseen and mysterious means."

  Garnet raised his hands gratefully and reverentially upwards. And theother conspirators crowded round Fawkes to listen to his relation.

  "The noise we heard," he said, "arose from a very simplecircumstance,--and when you hear it, you will smile at your fears. Butyou will not smile at the result to which it has led. Exactly overhead,it appears, a cellar is situated, belonging to a person named Bright,and the sound was occasioned by the removal of his coals, which he hadbeen selling off."

  "Is that all?" cried Catesby. "We are indeed grown childish, to bealarmed by such a cause."

  "It appears slight now it is explained," observed Keyes, gravely; "buthow were we to know whence it arose?"

  "True," returned Fawkes; "and I will now show you how the hand of Heavenhas been manifested in the matter. The noise which led me to thisinvestigation, and which I regard as a signal from on high, brought meto a cellar I had never seen before, and knew not existed. _That cellarlies immediately beneath the House of Lords._"

  "Ah! I see!" exclaimed Catesby. "You think it would form a gooddepository for the powder."

  "If it had been built for the express purpose, it could not be better,"returned Fawkes. "It is commodious and dry, and in an out-of-the-wayplace, as you may judge, when we ourselves have never hitherto noticedit."

  "But what is all this to us, if we cannot use it?" returned Catesby.

  "We _can_ use it," replied Fawkes. "It is ours."

  There was a general exclamation of surprise.

  "Finding, on inquiry, that Bright was about to quit the neighbourhood,"continued Fawkes, "and did not require the place longer, I instantlyproposed to take it from him, and to create no suspicion, engaged it inPercy's name, stating that he wanted it for his own fuel."

  "You have done admirably," cried Catesby, in a tone of exultation. "Thesuccess of the enterprise will now be entirely owing to you."

  "Not to me, but to the Providence that directed me," replied Fawkes,solemnly.

  "Right, my son," returned Garnet. "And let this teach us never todespair again."

  The next day, Percy having taken possession of the cellar, it wascarefully examined, and proved, as Fawkes had stated, admirably adaptedto their purpose. Their fears were now at an end, and they looked on thesuccess of their project as certain. The mysterious bell no longertolled, and their sole remaining task was to fill up the excavation sofar as to prevent any damage from the wet.

  This was soon done, and their next step was to transport the powderduring the night to the cellar. Concealing the barrels as before withfaggots and coals, they gave the place the appearance of a merereceptacle for lumber, by filling it with old hampers, boxes withoutlids, broken bottles, stone jars, and other rubbish.

  They now began to think of separating, and Fawkes expressed hisintention of returning that night to the hou
se at Lambeth. Nointelligence had reached them of Viviana's captivity, and they supposedher still an inmate of the miserable dwelling with Father Oldcorne.

  Fawkes had often thought of her, and with uneasiness, during histoilsome labours; but they had so much engrossed him that her image wasbanished almost as soon as it arose. Now that grand obstacle wassurmounted, and nothing was wanting, however, except a favourable momentto strike the blow, he began to feel the greatest anxiety respectingher.

  Still, he thought it prudent to postpone his return to a late hour, andit was not until near midnight that he and Catesby ventured to theirboat. As he was about to descend the steps, he heard his name pronouncedby some one at a little distance; and the next moment, a man, whom heimmediately recognised as Humphrey Chetham, rushed up to him.

  "You here again!" cried Fawkes, angrily, and not unsuspiciously. "Do youplay the spy upon me?"

  "I have watched for you for the last ten nights," replied Chethamhastily. "I knew not where you were. But I found your boat here, and Ihoped you would not cross the water in any other."

  "Why all this care?" demanded Fawkes. "Has aught happened?--Is Vivianasafe?--Speak, man! do not keep me longer in suspense!"

  "Alas!" rejoined Chetham, "she is a prisoner."

  _Guy Fawkes laying the train_]

  "A prisoner!" ejaculated Fawkes, in a hollow voice. "Then my forebodingswere not without cause."

  "How has this happened?" cried Catesby, who had listened to what wassaid in silent wonder.

  Chetham then hastily related all that had taken place.

  "I know not what has become of her," he said, in conclusion; "but I haveheard that she was taken to the Star-Chamber by the Earl ofSalisbury,--for he, it appears, was the companion of Topcliffe,--and,refusing to answer the interrogations of the Council, was conveyed tothe Tower, and, I fear, subjected to the torture."

  "Tortured!" exclaimed Fawkes, horror-stricken; "Viviana tortured! And Ihave brought her to this! Oh, God! Oh, God!"

  "It is indeed an agonizing reflection," replied Humphrey Chetham, in asombre tone, "and enough to drive you to despair. Her last wishes,expressed only in looks, for she did not dare to give utterance to them,were that I should warn you not to approach the house at Lambeth, yourenemies being concealed within it. I have now fulfilled them. Farewell!"

  And he turned to depart.

  "Stay!" cried Catesby, arresting him. "Where is Father Oldcorne?"

  "I know not," replied Humphrey Chetham. "As I have told you, Viviana bysome means contrived his escape. I have seen nothing of him."

  And, hurrying away, he was lost beneath the shadow of the wall.

  "Is this a troubled dream, or dread reality?" cried Fawkes to Catesby.

  "I fear it is too true," returned the other, in a voice of much emotion."Poor Viviana!"

  "Something must be done to set her free," cried Fawkes. "I will purchaseher liberty by delivering up myself."

  "Your oath--remember your oath!" rejoined Catesby. "You may destroyyourself, but not your associates."

  "True--true," replied Fawkes, distractedly,--"I _do_ remember it. I amsold to perdition."

  "Anger not Heaven by these idle lamentations,--and at a time, too, whenall is so prosperous," rejoined Catesby.

  "What!" cried Fawkes, fiercely, "would you have me calm, when she whocalled me father, and was dear to me as a child, is taken from me bythese remorseless butchers,--subjected to their terribleexaminations,--plunged in a dismal dungeon,--and stretched upon therack,--and all for me--for me! I shall go mad if I think upon it!"

  "You must _not_ think upon it," returned Catesby,--"at least, not here.We shall be observed. Let us return to the house; and perhaps--though Iscarcely dare indulge the hope--some plan may be devised for herliberation."

  With this, he dragged Fawkes, who was almost frenzied with anguish,forcibly along, and they returned to the house.

  Nothing more was said that night. Catesby judged it prudent to let thefirst violence of his friend's emotion expend itself before he attemptedto soothe him; and when he communicated the sad event to Garnet, thelatter strongly approved the plan. Garnet was greatly distressed at theintelligence, and his affliction was shared by the other conspirators.No fears were entertained by any of them that Viviana would reveal aughtof the plot, but this circumstance only added to their regrets.

  "I will stake my life for her constancy," said Catesby.

  "And so will I," returned Garnet. "She will die a martyr for us."

  He then proposed that they should pray for her deliverance. And allinstantly assenting, they knelt down, while Garnet poured forth the mostearnest supplications to the Virgin in her behalf.

  The next morning, Guy Fawkes set forth, and ascertained that HumphreyChetham's statement was correct, and that Viviana was indeed a prisonerin the Tower. He repaired thither, and tried to ascertain in what partof the fortress she was confined, in the hope of gaining admittance toher. But as he could obtain no information and his inquiries excitedsuspicion, he was compelled to return without accomplishing his object.

  Crossing Tower Hill on his way back, he turned to glance at the sternpile he had just quitted, and which was fraught with the most fearfulinterest to him, when he perceived Chetham issue from the Bulwark Gate.He would have made up to him; but the young merchant, who had evidentlyseen him, though he looked sedulously another way, set off in thedirection of the river, and was quickly lost to view. Filled with thegloomiest thoughts, Guy Fawkes proceeded to Westminster, where hearrived without further adventure of any kind.

  In the latter part of the same day, as the conspirators were conferringtogether, they were alarmed by a knocking at the outer gate; and sendingBates to reconnoitre, he instantly returned with the intelligence thatit was Lord Mounteagle. At the mention of this name, Tresham, who wasone of the party, turned pale as death, and trembled so violently thathe could scarcely support himself. Having been allowed to go forth onthat day, the visit of Lord Mounteagle at this juncture, coupled withthe agitation it occasioned him, seemed to proclaim him guilty oftreachery for the second time.

  "You have betrayed us, villain!" cried Catesby, drawing his dagger; "butyou shall not escape. I will poniard you on the spot."

  "As you hope for mercy, do not strike!" cried Tresham. "On my soul, Ihave not seen Lord Mounteagle, and know not, any more than yourselves,what brings him hither. Put it to the proof. Let him come in. Concealyourselves, and you will hear what passes between us."

  "Let it be so," interposed Fawkes. "I will step within this closet, thedoor of which shall remain ajar. From it I can watch him without beingobserved, and if aught occurs to confirm our suspicions, he dies."

  "Bates shall station himself in the passage, and stab him if he attemptsto fly," added Catesby. "Your sword, sir."

  "It is here," replied Tresham, delivering it to Catesby, who handed itto Bates. "Are you satisfied?"

  "Is Lord Mounteagle alone?" inquired Catesby, without noticing thequestion.

  "He appears to be so," replied Bates.

  "Admit him, then," rejoined Catesby.

  Entering the closet with Keyes, he was followed by Fawkes, who drew hisdagger, and kept the door slightly ajar, while Garnet and the restretired to other hiding-places. A few moments afterwards, Bates returnedwith Lord Mounteagle, and, having ushered him into the room, took hisstation in the passage, as directed by Catesby. The room was very dark,the shutters being closed, and light only finding its way through thechinks in them; and it appeared totally so to Lord Mounteagle, who,groping his way, stumbled forward, and exclaimed in accents of somealarm,

  "Where am I? Where is Mr. Tresham?"

  "I am here," replied Tresham, advancing towards him. "How did yourlordship find me out?" he added, after the customary salutations wereexchanged.

  "My servant saw you enter this house," replied Mounteagle, "and, knowingI was anxious to see you, waited for some hours without, in theexpectation of your coming forth. But as this did not occur, hementioned the circumstance to
me on his return, and I immediately camein quest of you. When I knocked at the gate, I scarcely knew what tothink of the place, and began to fear you must have fallen into thehands of cut-throats; and, now that I have gained admittance, mywonder--and I may add my uneasiness--is not diminished. Why do you hideyourself in this wretched place?"

  "Be seated," replied Tresham, placing a chair for Lord Mounteagle, withhis back to the closet, while he took one opposite him, and near atable, on which some papers were laid. "Your lordship may remember," hecontinued, scarcely knowing what answer to make to the question, "that Iwrote to you some time ago, to say that a conspiracy was hatching amongcertain of our party against the State."

  "I have reason to remember it," replied Mounteagle. "The letter was laidbefore the Earl of Salisbury, and inquiries instituted in consequence.But, owing to your disappearance, nothing could be elicited. What plothad you discovered?"

  At this moment, Tresham, who kept his eye fixed on the closet, perceivedthe door noiselessly open, and behind it the figure of Guy Fawkes, withthe dagger in his hand.

  "I was misinformed as to the nature of the plot," he stammered.

  "Was it against the King's life?" demanded Mounteagle.

  "No," rejoined Tresham; "as far as I could learn, it was aninsurrection."

  "Indeed!" exclaimed Mounteagle, sceptically. "My information, then,differed from yours. Who were the parties you suspected?"

  "As I _wrongfully_ suspected them," replied Tresham, evasively, "yourlordship must excuse my naming them."

  "Was Catesby--or Winter--or Wright--or Rookwood--or Sir Everard Digbyconcerned in it?" demanded Mounteagle.

  "Not one of them," asseverated Tresham.

  "They are the persons _I_ suspect," replied Mounteagle; "and they aresuspected by the Earl of Salisbury. But you have not told me what youare doing in this strange habitation. Are you ferreting out a plot, orcontriving one?"

  "Both," replied Tresham.

  "How?" cried Mounteagle.

  "I am plotting for myself, and counterplotting the designs of others,"replied Tresham, mysteriously.

  "Is this place, then, the rendezvous of a band of conspirators?" askedMounteagle, uneasily.

  Tresham nodded in the affirmative.

  "Who are they?" continued Mounteagle. "There is no need of concealmentwith me."

  As this was said, Tresham raised his eyes, and saw that Guy Fawkes hadstepped silently forward, and placed himself behind Mounteagle's chair.His hand grasped his dagger, and his gaze never moved from the object ofhis suspicion.

  "Who are they?" repeated Mounteagle. "Is Guy Fawkes one of them?"

  "Assuredly not," replied Tresham. "Why should you name him? I nevermentioned him to your lordship."

  "I think you did," replied Mounteagle. "But I am certain you spoke ofCatesby."

  And Tresham's regards involuntarily wandered to the closet, when hebeheld the stern glance of the person alluded to fixed upon him.

  "You have heard of Viviana Radcliffe's imprisonment, I suppose?" pursuedMounteagle, unconscious of what was passing.

  _Guy Fawkes keeping watch upon Tresham and LordMounteagle._]

  _Viviana examined by the Earl of Salisbury, and the PrivyCouncil in the Star Chamber_]

  "I have," replied Tresham.

  "The Earl of Salisbury expected he would be able to wring all from her,but he has failed," observed Mounteagle.

  "I am glad of it," observed Tresham.

  "I thought you were disposed to serve him?" remarked Mounteagle.

  "So I am," replied Tresham. "But, if secrets are to be revealed, I hadrather be the bearer of them than any one else. I am sorry for Viviana."

  "I could procure her liberation, if I chose," observed Mounteagle.

  "Say you so?" cried Fawkes, clapping him on the shoulder; "then you stirnot hence till you have procured it!"


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