Liam (The Murphy Boys Series Book 4)

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Liam (The Murphy Boys Series Book 4) Page 16

by Holly C. Webb

  “So, you’re back together,” Dylan repeated, this time he smiled. “Wow!”

  “Yep,” Liam said, wrapping his arm around Lexi. “So, you can call Mom, and tell her that I’m just fine.”

  “It will be my pleasure,” Dylan laughed, looking genuinely happy for his brother. “I know Mom will be thrilled too.”

  “How about I make us some coffee?” Lexi asked, giving the two brothers a questioning look.

  “Sounds good,” Liam replied, leaning in, kissing her once more before she turned and vanished into the kitchen, leaving the brothers alone once more.

  “So,” Dylan said in a hushed voice, once Lexi was out of earshot. They both sat down on the sofa. “How the hell did this happen?”

  “To be honest,” Liam replied, leaning forward in his seat. “I don’t really know myself. She just turned up yesterday, and she said that she ended things with Eric because she still loved me.”

  “Wow!” Dylan said again. “To be honest, I really thought I was going to have to pick you up from the floor again. You know, after yesterday. I never imagined I would find you both here together.”

  “Yeah,” Liam sighed, laughing to himself. “If I’m honest, I never imagined she would be here either.”

  “But you’re happy?” Dylan asked, though Liam was sure his brother already knew the answer to that question.

  “I’ve never been happier,” Liam assured him.

  “I’m happy for you,” Dylan said, patting his brother on the arm. “I really am.”

  “Thanks, Dylan,” Liam replied, grateful for his brother’s support. “I mean, we still have a lot to talk about. It’s all moving so fast. But first things first. Lexi has agreed to move in with me. So I would be grateful if you guys would help me with that. I’m not fully sure when that will be, but assume it will be sooner rather than later.”

  “Well don’t forget about the wedding,” Dylan said reminding him, just as Lexi returned with three coffees on a tray.

  “What wedding?” Lexi asked as she set the tray down on the coffee table.

  “Finn is getting married,” Liam explained, smiling at Lexi. “He and Emmy have been together almost two years now.”

  “Wow,” Lexi said as she took her seat next to Liam. “I can’t believe Finn is settling down.”

  “Yeah,” Liam said, giving her a smile. “I guess a lot has happened while you were in New York.”

  Lexi smiled, but there was something in her eyes, something that bothered Liam. He thought about the scar on her stomach once more, and he knew that there was definitely something she wasn’t telling him.

  Liam knew that whatever it was, he would have to get to the bottom of it. And he would do it soon.

  Chapter 16

  “Where do you want this box?” Finn asked from the hallway of Liam’s apartment. He stood there looking at his brother, waiting for instructions. Liam walked over to check out the number written on the side. Lexi had suggested numbering each box so they would know where to put them when they got to Liam’s place.

  “Number one,” Liam said, looking up at Finn, smiling. “That one is for the bedroom.”

  “Got it,” Finn said before he headed on down the corridor. Liam smiled to himself. He still couldn’t believe this was actually happening.

  While they had their coffee with Dylan earlier that day, Lexi mentioned she needed to go back to her place to get some clothes until she figured out when she could go back and get all her stuff. She had said that Eric was at work and she would rather do it while he was, as she didn’t really cherish the idea of facing him again, just yet.

  Liam suggested that he call his brothers, and just get all her stuff there and then; saving her from having to go back.

  So that’s exactly what they did. Three hours later, she was actually moving in.

  “Where do you want this one?” Callum asked as he too came into the apartment behind Liam, carrying another big box.

  “Ummm,” Liam replied, as he checked the number on the side. “This one is for the bedroom too.”

  “You better have beers in that fridge,” Callum called over his shoulder with a chuckle. “You owe us big time.”

  “I have lots of beer,” Liam confirmed with a laugh. “And there is lots of pizza on the way too.”

  “Sounds good,” Landen said as he walked in behind Liam, carrying a box full of kitchen stuff. “I think I know where these are going.”

  “Great,” Liam said so grateful for his brothers help. He couldn’t believe they all agreed to drop everything then and there to help move Lexi in. But then Liam knew he could always count on his brothers.

  “Where’s Dylan?” Finn asked as he walked back into the living room. “I thought we were all helping out.”

  “I’m here,” Dylan said suddenly, as he made his way into the apartment, followed closely by Lexi. Both carrying boxes of photography stuff. “Keep your panties on, Boy Genius.”

  “Play nice, Girls,” Landen said, as he walked back into the living room. “There is not much left down there, so the faster we do this, the faster we get to have a beer.”

  “I’m very grateful to you all for helping me like this,” Lexi said, giving them all a grateful smile. “I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

  “There’s no need to thank us,” Callum said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze. “You’re family, and this is what families do. Besides, you’re taking on this loser, so I think you need all the help you can get.”

  “Thanks for that, Cal,” Liam sighed, but he couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too.”

  “Come on,” Landen said, slapping Dylan on the back. “Let’s get the rest of these boxes in before the pizza arrives, or Liam will eat it all before we get any.”

  “Good point,” Dylan laughed as he and the rest of the brothers headed for the elevator once more.

  Liam looked at Lexi, smiling when he saw the big grin on her face.

  “You look happy,” he said as he stepped towards her, wrapping his arms around her, drawing her into his embrace.

  “I forgot how sweet, and how much fun your brothers can be,” she replied, looking up at him. “You’re lucky to have them.”

  “I know I am,” Liam nodded kissing her softly on the forehead. “But you know you’ve got them too, right?”

  “That I can live with,” she replied with a smile. “Are you sure you’re okay with me moving in?”

  “Are you crazy,” Liam said, this time kissing her on the lips. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. How could you not know that?”

  “I was just checking,” she whispered, leaning up, kissing him softly on the lips.

  “Get a room, you two,” “Landen said, as he walked back into the room, followed closely by the rest of the boys. “You will be pleased to know; these are the last of the boxes.”

  “Great!” Lexi replied, giving him a big smile. “Thank you guys so much.”

  “You’re very welcome, Lexi,” Finn said, stopping to kiss her on the cheek as he passed her by before he disappeared down the hallway with the box he was carrying, followed closely by Dylan and Callum, as Landen took another box to the kitchen.

  “I guess you’re officially moved in now,” Liam said, wrapping his arm around her once more.

  “I guess I am,” Lexi sigh contentedly as she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “Trust me,” Liam replied wrapping his arms around her tightly. “I didn’t just do this for you.”

  Twenty minutes later, with all the boxes put away in the rooms that they were supposed to be in, Lexi brought all the boys a nice, cold bottle of beer, while Liam went out to collect the pizza from the delivery guy who had just arrived.

  “I still can’t believe that you’re living with a girl, Liam,” Callum laughed as he took a long swig of his beer once they were all seated. “You’re one of us now.”

  “I know,” Liam chuck
led. “There are hearts breaking all over the city tonight, but what can I do? My heart belongs to this girl. It’s that simple.”

  “Who are you, and what have you done with my brother Liam?” Finn asked, giving Liam a broad smile. “I never thought I’d see the day a girl would calm your wild ass down. It’s a good look on you. I approve.”

  “Well, you ladies kept telling me how great it was,” Liam said before he turned to look at Lexi. “And you were so right. Besides, I was not letting Lexi get away again.”

  “I guess this means that Dylan is the last Murphy boy out there, keeping the ladies happy.” Landen laughed as he threw his arms around Dylan’s shoulder, giving him a squeeze. “Make us proud, Baby Brother.”

  “Please,” Dylan groaned as he slumped back into his seat, holding his bear. “The only relationship I have time for is the one with this damn pager. I spend more time in that hospital than I do in my own house.”

  “Then maybe you need to ask a hot nurse out,” Liam suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. “Maybe get a little action in the on-call room.

  “Dude, you watch too much T.V,” Dylan laughed before he brought his beer to his lips.

  “Can we come in?” Amelia’s voice suddenly called from the doorway. Before Liam could reply, Amelia, Emmy, Georgie, and Nikki appeared in the living room. “We heard there were beers and pizza, so we came to join the party.”

  Amelia set two bottles of wine down onto the coffee table, as Georgie set down some more beers.

  “Your Mom has Henry and Macy,” Amelia said as she took a seat next to Landen. “So we thought we would come and give Lexi a proper housewarming party.”

  “I think that is a great idea,” Liam beamed, happy that the girls were making an effort with Lexi. He introduced her to Amelia, Emmy and Georgie, before Nikki gave her a hug too. “Let me get you, ladies, some glasses. Help yourself to some pizza before Dylan eats it all.”

  He glanced at Lexi, giving her a big grin the moment he saw the happy smile on her face.

  Hurrying to the kitchen, he returned with some wine glasses and a bottle opener. Opening the bottle, he poured the girls a glass of Merlot, before he returned to his seat.

  “I’d like to make a toast,” Callum said as he sat forward in his seat, lifting his beer. “I just want to wish Liam and Lexi all the best for the future. I know you guys have stuff to figure out, but that’s what family is for; to get you through it. So, here’s to family; here’s to the future.”

  “To the future,” everyone repeated after him.

  They all sat talking and laughing for the next hour, and Liam loved to see Lexi genuinely smiling once more. He was also happy that she seemed to get along really well with the rest of the girls. Things really couldn’t have gone any better.

  Dylan was telling them a story about a guy who came into the emergency room, with a rubber chicken stuck up his ass, and they all howled with laughter as he explained that every time he moved, the chicken squeaked from inside him.

  Suddenly Liam’s phone began to ring, and he glanced at Lexi before he pulled it from his pocket. He didn’t know why, but before he even answered the phone, he knew it was going to be Matt. There was something in the pit of his stomach that told him it had happened again. The guy had struck again.

  “I should get that,” Liam said, standing up from the sofa, picking up his phone from the table as a hush fell over the group. Liam hurried into the kitchen before he hit accept on the call.

  “Liam,” Matt’s voice came through the phone. “I hate to do this to you today…”

  “He’s struck again,” Liam cut his partner off mid-sentence. “Hasn’t he?”

  “Yeah,” Matt sighed, and Liam knew that this time it was bad. “The woman has been rushed to UCSF Medical Center. They are taking her straight down to surgery. He beat the shit out of her.”

  “Jesus!” Liam sighed, knowing that this asshole was spinning out of control badly and he needed to be stopped.

  “The building is close to the last place,” Matt continued. “We can head there before we go to the hospital.”

  “Okay,” Liam sighed once more, as he turned, looking out towards the living room from where he stood in the kitchen. His eyes instantly found Lexi, and he realised he was going to have to tell her that the guy had struck again.

  Liam knew she was terrified that he was still out there. He hated leaving her, but he needed to do what he had to if he was going to catch this asshole.

  “Are you at your place?” Matt asked, pulling Liam from his thoughts.

  “Yeah,” Liam replied. “Can you swing by and get me? I’ve had a beer.”

  “Sure,” Matt said. “I’m not that far away, so I’ll be with you in about five minutes.”

  “Cool,” Liam replied, before hanging up the phone, then slipping it into his pocket.

  He took a deep breath before he walked back into the living room.

  “Is everything okay?” Landen asked, sitting his bottle of beer down as he looked up at Liam.

  “I’m sorry,” Liam said, his gaze falling to Lexi. “But I need to go.”

  “But it’s Sunday,” Landen said giving Liam an unimpressed look. “Surely you’re allowed a day off.”

  “I know,” Liam sighed, knowing his brother was right. “I won’t be that long.”

  “What’s happened?” Lexi asked, but the look on her face told Liam she already knew the answer. “It was him again, wasn’t it?”

  “We don’t know yet,” Liam replied, trying to make it sound less serious than it was. “We think it could be.”

  “You mean the guy that broke into Lexi’s place?” Amelia asked, and Liam could see that she was worried too. “Was anybody hurt?”

  “We think so,” Liam replied with a sigh. “The victim has been taken to UCSF; she’s in surgery.”

  “How bad?” Dylan asked, sitting forward in his seat.

  “We don’t know,” Liam replied before once more his eyes met Lexi’s “We are going to catch this asshole.”

  “I know,” she replied, forcing a smile on her face, but Liam knew inside, she was freaking out.

  He walked to Lexi, crouching down in front of her, as he reached out and took hold of her hands.

  “I know you’re worried,” he said, smiling at her. “But I promise you’re safe here. I will be as fast as I can be, then I will come right back.”

  “I know,” she replied with a whisper, forcing another smile.

  “I’ll stay with her,” Dylan said, moving from where he was sitting to the seat next to Lexi. “Until you get home. I’ll make sure she isn’t alone.”

  “Thanks, Dylan,” Liam said, giving his brother a grateful smile, just as the buzzer for the front door sounded. He leaned forward, kissing Lexi softly on the lips. “I’ll be as quick as I can be.”

  “Okay,” she nodded, this time giving him a genuine smile.

  Liam stood up and said his goodbyes to everyone else, before he turned and headed for the door, stopping to grab his jacket on the way out.

  When he stepped out into the early evening air, he found Matt sitting in his car, waiting for him.

  Liam took a deep breath before he hurried to the car.

  Fifteen minutes later, Matt pulled the car to a stop behind one of the squad cars that were already parked outside the apartment building of the latest victim.

  Liam released a sigh, before he pushed open the door and climbed out.

  “She’s up on three,” Matt said, joining Liam on the sidewalk.

  “Okay,” Liam replied, following him into the building. The door man nodded at them as they passed by.

  “So,” Matt said as he and Liam stepped into the elevator. “You seem happier than you did yesterday.”

  “I guess I am,” Liam said with a smile. “I just wish we could catch this asshole. This has gone on long enough.”

  “And Lexi?” Matt asked, giving him a questioning look. “You wanna tell me how you know her?”

  “Lexi and I used t
o live together,” Liam replied. “It was a long time ago, but she was the one girl I never got over.”

  “I see,” Matt replied, his eyes not leaving Liam. “And now?”

  “And now,” Liam said, realising he would have to tell Matt the truth. “We are going to try again. Like I said yesterday, it’s complicated.”

  “So you and she…” Matt asked, clearly sensing there was more.

  “She has agreed to move in with me,” Liam said. “And before you say anything, I know this is a mess, what with her being involved with this case. But I can do my job. There is no conflict here.”

  “I never said a word,” Matt replied, smiling at Liam. “You know I’ve got your back.”

  “Thanks, Matt,” Liam said giving his partner a grateful smile as the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened with a ping.

  As they stepped out and walked down along the corridor, Liam nods at the uniformed officer that was posted outside the apartment of the latest burglary, before he stepped through the door of the apartment. Liam quickly stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scene that was before him.

  It was like nothing he’d ever seen before. The place was completely trashed, almost like a tornado had come through the apartment. There was nothing that wasn’t destroyed. From pictures on the wall to the cushions from the sofa ripped open, the filling spilling out onto the floor. The walls were smeared with blood, and what could only be described as human faeces.

  “Jesus!” Matt exclaimed as he moved next to Liam. “What the fuck brought this on?”

  “I have no idea,” Liam sighed as he looked around the mess that was once someone’s home. His mind instantly went to Lexi, and how lucky she had been to get away from this asshole.

  “You should see the girl,” one of the uniformed officers, who had been first on the scene said as he joined them in the sitting room. “My partner went with her to the emergency room. She was barely breathing.”

  “What happened?” Matt asked as he moved further into the apartment. “I mean, I know he had upped his game with Daisy Miller, and the last victim…”

  He stopped when he realised who he was talking about.


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