Totally Alluring
Page 2
“Jenny. I want to tell you something.” I lifted my eyes to meet Crispin’s, giving him my undivided attention.
Crispin had always been there for me, since we were in middle school.
His hazel eyes locked onto mine. I gazed right back. His face was serious. I knew he was about to tell me something important.
Crispin cleared his throat. “Jenny, I really like—”
And we were interrupted by a phone call.
Crispin flinched, irritated he couldn’t finish what he was about to say. I was pretty curious, too, until I heard the word ‘work’ coming from his mouth.
Yes, that’s right. I needed to find work. That would be my ideal solution. Maybe Crispin could help me. And as soon as he finished his call, I expressed my interest.
“Cris, my good friend. You know how you work at the amusement park part-time. Do you know if they’re hiring any waitresses, one who’s skilled in coffee making?”
Crispin chuckled, making him look even younger than his twenty years of age. “I believe not. But you may just be in luck. My boss asked if I was willing to dress up as a bunny to hand out flyers for a new candy store in the park. I have another job lined up so I don’t think I’ll be taking this one. But...” He eyed me with amusement. “Are you interested?”
Me, as a mascot bunny handing out flyers. I could seriously add that title into my CV.
Jenny Stone. Top class barista. Full time maid to the mafia. And now part time bunny.
Yep. I thought that sounded pretty cool.
Bring it on, Crispin.
Chapter 2
A New Resolution
Giovanni twitched in his seat, his face an angry mask of confusion. Three nights. Three whole fucking nights he’d stayed away from home, at his Las Vegas apartment, just to avoid his maid, Jenny Stone. But every damned night he’d dreamed of her, making delicious love to her, and as a result, every morning he woke up with a ten-foot pole under his blanket.
The fuck! That girl was really messing with his mind.
That dream from last night was too vivid. He could replay every damned scene in his mind. The way she was peeking at him from behind her shoulder length curls. The way her eyes ate him up as she walked to him with that big fluffy towel in her hands. And he was like that little fourteen-year-old boy all over again, mooning over her, allowing her to massage her fingers in his hair. It was soothing and kind of erotic, to the point he was so aroused he’d even asked her for a kiss.
But this Jay was not the least bit timid compared to her real life form. She smacked her lips against his, molding and ravishing his mouth like a starved ginger kitten. And that kind of got his blood boiling hot, so that he crushed her beneath him, running his greedy hands all over her body and up her skirt, squeezing her breasts, and buttocks.
She was delicious and soft. It was what he’d wanted in a lover. The perfect lover. And just when she was about to confess to him that she was his Jennifer, the phone fucking rang.
It’d been Bobby, asking where he was, and why he hadn’t come home after three days absence. Of course, he swore at underling until he was six feet underground. He, himself, had flown home via his private jet, only arriving now at 5:00pm, the perfect time when his maid would be at home, tidying up Cory Mansion, making his coffee, and doing whatever stuff she did to keep the house clean.
But he had to admit something was off. The house didn’t gleam like before. But Giovanni didn’t care about the few dirt marks at the front door, nor his bedroom looking like pig sty. What he wanted to see right now was Jay’s face.
Giovanni scrubbed the distressed look off his face, and waited for his coffee to arrive.
God! Three whole days and nights of not seeing her face had him acting all giddy, like a crazy teen.
Or maybe that was just the caffeine talking.
But God! The cravings. Or more likely, his craving for sex, with Jay, since his subconscious mind had even dreamed of his maid confessing to be his Jennifer.
Now that was fucked up, on a totally different level. Maybe he should just shag her, change the contract from her being his maid to his lover?
The hell? Now why didn’t he think of this before.
Maybe it was because he’d made a promise to his little friend Jennifer he’d look for her. And possibly morphed her into his future lover.
Shit! He was in deep shit. On the one hand, he craved Jay. On the other, he’d a promise to keep.
Fuck this. He was a selfish egotistical bastard. That was what Rocco Bianco, the bastard he’d called father for all of those fourteen years, had called him. So, why shouldn’t he act like one. If that was what people chose to believe of him, so be it. He was a mafia through and through, just moving from the Bianco clan to the Dente clan didn’t make him any different. Yes, he’d have Jay as his temporary lover, until the real Jennifer came along.
His heart could not be denied. He needed Jay, like he needed his coffee. And Jay plus coffee equated to a combination that could not be resisted, the dish tantalizing his taste buds, the combo totally alluring to his senses. But what he found more alluring right then was a taste of that flat white from Jay. Now where the hell was she?
“Jay, where’s my coffee?” Giovanni roared, his voice echoing through the hallway.
A minute later, scrambling feet came rushing in, followed by two bald heads, and two brown heads. His underlings; Bobby, Heath, Finnie, and Jonny.
Giovanni surveyed the door, but no one else seemed to be coming.
“Where is she?” His voice was crisp, authoritative, and cold.
“Who, boss?” Bobby asked.
Giovanni couldn’t suppress his annoyance. “Jay, you numbnuts. Where is she?”
Bobby shook in his boots. “She’s not here, boss?”
“I can see she’s not here. Go to the kitchen. Tell her I want my flat white. And if she doesn’t show her face in front of me in ten seconds, tell her I will add an extra ten percent to her father’s debt.”
Giovanni could tell his men were scared. They gulped down their lumps of fear, but none moved their asses.
He frowned, wondering why. “Why aren’t you moving your asses?”
“Because she’s not in the kitchen, boss,” Jonny squeaked out this time.
“Where is she, then?” he roared again, fist slamming on the mahogany desk.
His men jumped a mile high up the roof. They flinched, their eyes scrambling about, as if trying to think of some excuses for why Jay wasn’t inside his office. They were hiding something from him, he could tell. They’d better spit it out now or there’d be hell to pay.
Giovanni had already confronted his feelings and accepted them with both hands. He was totally captivated with his maid. And tonight, he’d be changing their contract. Tonight, he’d lure her into his trap. He’d personally punish her, until she lay writhing beneath him with pleasure, screaming out his name at the peak of ecstasy. She said she was a virgin. All the better. A squeaky clean lover, one he would teach from the very beginning.
The thought pleased him immensely. Now, if she’d only show her face, and maybe get him that cup of coffee he’d been dying for, then everything would end perfectly. His mind jerked back to the ashen faces of his four underlings. They were babbling something like fools. What were they hiding from him?
“Jay, Jay is not here.”
Giovanni didn’t answer. He was waiting for Bobby to carry on. Seconds ticked by. But Bobby still didn’t flinch. Of course, Bobby couldn’t keep up with the pressure anymore. He burst like a broken dam.
“She’s gone, boss. Gone. We don’t know where she’s gone to, but she disappeared three days ago.”
Giovanni jerked Bobby up, clutching him roughly by the collar.
“Repeat that?” he hissed in Bobby’s face.
“We... we don’t know, boss,” Finnie answered instead. “She just said her goodbyes and left to go to school, but she never came home.”
“And you tell me this now?” Giovanni annunc
iated these cold words, while directing his heated gaze at Finnie.
“We tried to call you but you only picked up today,” Bobby whimpered on the other side.
Giovanni jerked his attention back to Bobby. “Fuck! What the fuck is going on?” he scowled at both Bobby and Finnie. “Did she run away?”
Bobby shook his head. “I don’t think so, boss. She acted normal enough when she left. No tears, nothing. She was normal.”
A thread of fear drummed through Giovanni at Bobby’s explanation. Perhaps she was kidnapped, then? Swirl of dark thoughts raced through him.
Leo! Could Leo have kidnapped her? Fuck! No. He remembered Melena’s warning. They’ll get back at him. But that couldn’t be. Jay had nothing to do with the mafia’s business. God, he hoped she was all right.
Giovanni launched up from his seat and instructed Heath and Bobby to go with him. All three slammed into the car, with Heath tugging the engine into drive.
While veering out of the driveway Bobby asked worriedly, “Where are we going, boss?”
Giovanni replied coldly, his face a dark mask, “To Leo’s. To get Jay back.”
“W here is she?” Giovanni demanded as soon as he stepped inside Leo’s den, which was in downtown Queens, New York. The place smelled of filth, rotten eggs, and three months old socks. The fume was so strong it irritated his nostrils.
“Ah, looks like the bastard prince is here. What do you want? Is it not enough that you hurt my little sister?”
“You are one second away from me smashing your jaw. And you know it’s not an idle threat,” Giovanni said coldly, hand balling into tight fist. “Now tell me. Where did you take her?”
Leo feared Giovanni’s fist. He’d seen firsthand what that fist could do when it was balled up like that. That was also one of the many reasons why he was named the leader of the mafia boss, after the head honcho, Giuseppe Dente. Giovanni was quick witted, with his fist and his mind.
Leo eyed his men, but they were nothing compared to the two strong men Giovanni brought with him. If he made one wrong move, Giovanni would grind him to a pulp. And that was not an exaggeration.
No way would he let a bastard kid like Giovanni remain leader of their clan. The boy’s background was a mystery. And Leo had no respect for mysterious people, especially one who was full of arrogance like Giovanni. For now, though, it was best to mellow out his game, until he found someone to partner up with. Then he would slam Giovanni down from his throne.
“What woman?” Leo asked, pretending to act timid. “I don’t know what you’re barking about?”
“My maid. Jenny Stone.” The clenched jaw meant Giovanni was at the brink of explosion. He gripped his fist, eyes growing dark.
Leo burst out laughing. “Giovanni, you’re fucked up in the head. I didn’t know you had that much sympathy for people, let alone a fucking maid. What is she to you, your fucking whore?”
At the blink of an eye, a blow smashed into Leo’s jaw, banging him to the floor. Blood trailed out of his mouth.
“My maid,” Giovanni seethed again, voice coming out frosty. “Where is she?”
“I don’t know. I don’t fucking know.” Leo lay there limply, mouth hanging open, eyes wide with fear.
Giovanni eyed his enemy for a second longer then let him go. He strode out the door and back into the black Maserati, calmly exuding a look of elegance as he wiped his bloodied hand with a Kleenex tissue, followed by hand sanitizer.
“Boss, why did you let him go?” Bobby asked, following Giovanni into the car.
“He didn’t do it. I could tell by his eyes,” Giovanni said quietly, eyes gazing out the window.
Giovanni thought about his maid. His only hope was to wait for her to return home. By tomorrow, if she didn’t show up, he’d send out his private investigators.
And just when that thought occurred to him, Bobby announced excitedly, after receiving a call from Finnie. “Boss, they’ve found her.”
He snapped his head to Bobby, heart soaring in relief. “Heath, get going. Time to go home.”
Giovanni grinned devilishly. Jay. You’re mine now. No escaping.
Chapter 3
Prince of Mafia, Too Many Jennifer
Giovanni blinked. And then he blinked again. He asked himself this question as he stared at the woman sitting across from him, reclining too comfortably in his lounge chair. Three days of not seeing my maid and she’s changed this much?
Who the fuck was he kidding? Blond hair, E-cup size breasts, lips injected with Botox, she was a fish through and through, just with no scales.
“Who the fuck is this?” He jerked his head to Finnie, then jerked back to give the woman a second glance.
“It’s your little friend, boss, although she’s not so little anymore,” Finnie explained, eyes round as marbles as he took in the size of those massive twin breasts.
“What are you on about?” Giovanni shouted, mind still in confusion. Finnie had said they’d found Jay. But when he got home, he found this fish-like woman.
“Jennifer,” Finnie reminded him. “You were looking for your little friend Jennifer. So, here she is.”
“The fuck are you on about, Finnie? We’re looking for Jay, my maid, not Jennifer.”
“But you went on that show, didn’t you? You wanted to find your little friend Jennifer. So, here she is.”
Shoot him. Just shoot him right now. He hadn’t expected the consequences to turn in this direction. Anger pulsated through him, more at himself than at his underlings. Yeah, it was entirely his fault. He was too enamored with Jay, and he’d wanted to get rid of this feeling inside him. And the only way was to find Jennifer. But now that he’d admitted his feelings, the real Jennifer came along.
But Giovanni was smart. Just one look from this woman, he knew she was not the real Jennifer. His little friend did not look like that. Well, at least he didn’t imagine her to look like this when she grew up. She would look more like Jay, his maid.
“Where is the necklace? Show it to me,” he demanded coarsely, dispelling any so called proper manners he’d adopted for when on television. Yeah, the outside world didn’t know he was mafia. All they knew was his impressive bank account, which was in ten digits.
The girl looked up with large giraffe eyes. “What necklace, Mr. Dente? Or should I call you Giovanni, since I’m your Jennifer?”
Her voice oozed with a kind of seductive charm, but he didn’t find it charming at all. What he found was irritation. He had no time to deal with this bullshit. He needed to find Jay. And fast.
“You’re not my Jennifer. Now get out.”
“Out!” he roared.
This woman didn’t cling to his leg like Jay had the first time he saw her. God, the memory made his chest ache. He missed Jay. Like crazy. Where was she?
Bobby escorted the girl out, only to come scurrying back a minute later, face pale in alarm.
“Boss, big trouble,” he floundered, reeking of sweat.
“What now?” Giovanni barked.
“There’s a stampede of would-be Jennifers in front of our front gate.”
Giovanni face palmed himself.
Oh Fuck!
“W here the hell are all these Jennifers coming from?” Giovanni barked, yelling at security at the front gate to stop any woman from entering his property. They were even worse than reporters, leeching onto his property.
“Didn’t you advertise on television a few days ago that you wanted to meet your Jennifer again?” Bobby supplied the missing information that Giovanni hadn’t managed to digest the first time.
“I don’t know who Jennifer is. Do you?” Jonny whispered to Bobby.
“She’s boss’s little friend,” Bobby whispered back. “From way back. Back when...” Bobby timidly turned to Giovanni and stopped in midsentence.
Giovanni just sat there, a dark aura around him. His men knew perfectly if he didn’t shout, yell, or cuss at them, he would be in his worst mood.
“Fuck this!” Giovanni snapped, having had enough shit for one day. “One of you, make me a cup of flat white.”
Bobby played tug of war with Finnie, pushing each other to do the job for their boss. Bobby ultimately lost. He sighed and wished he’d paid more attention to Jenny when she made the boss his coffee.
Five minutes later, Giovanni was still drumming his fingers on his desk, waiting impatiently for that coffee to arrive. His eyebrow twitched.
Another five minutes passed. Giovanni was gritting his teeth. He was on stage two of near combustion.
Another five minutes passed. Giovanni was brimming with anger, face boiling bright red.
Then Bobby finally arrived, carrying the cup of flat white.
“What the fuck took you so long? Fifteen minutes to make a cup of coffee?” Giovanni roared at his underling.
“Sorry, boss.” Bobby fidgeted under his stare. “Had a little trouble with the barista machine. The thing was hard to operate.” Giovanni showed Bobby his pissed off face, making him even more flustered, and he started talking nonsense. “Plus, we want to make sure it’s delicious.”
With this said, Bobby slid the cup across to his boss. And Giovanni took one sip—
And sprayed the rest back out onto Bobby’s face.
“What the fuck is this piss?” he growled, spitting the disgusting fluid from his mouth. “It doesn’t taste anything like coffee. And why is it lukewarm?”
Bobby snapped his eyes to Finnie. “You didn’t boil the water?”
“Hey? I thought you were the one who’d boiled the water?” Finnie shrugged his shoulders in defense mode.
Giovanni’s jaw ticked. “Why can’t you two numbnuts learn anything from Jay? Now how am I going to survive without my coffee?”
Both looked down at the floor, afraid to even make eye contact with their boss, since they’d failed miserably at this measly task.
Giovanni snorted through his nose. “Go, get out. Go and find Jay. If none of you finds her, be prepared to get a pay cut.”