Broken French: A widowed, billionaire, single dad romance

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Broken French: A widowed, billionaire, single dad romance Page 7

by Natasha Boyd

  One level up was the main living area we’d walked into upon arriving on the boat. No one was around, but a delicious smell of grilled fish and garlic wafted from somewhere, and my stomach grumbled. It had been a long time since that baguette on the train. I turned to the stairwell and continued up, holding onto the brass handrail. Outside the windows, the sun was low in the sky and gleaming off all the other boats bobbing in rows. The third deck was a smaller sitting room with three steps to the bridge where I saw the captain, Paco, pouring over some large unrolled maps.

  I knocked lightly on the highly varnished wood paneling on the wall next to me, and he looked up. “Hi,” I said. “I didn’t realize people still used paper maps to navigate.”

  His swarthy face split into a grin, revealing perfectly straight, though tobacco stained, teeth. “Ah, yes, but I am also a treasure hunter. Old charts are the way to find the old bays and caves.” His English was good, but his accent was hard to place.

  My eyebrows rose. “Really?”

  “Yep. If you’re lucky you’ll see old annotations and symbols. Dauphine likes to come up here and look over the charts and let me know where she thinks treasure might be.” His kindly eyes crinkled up as he smiled. “Is everything to your liking in your cabin?”

  “Yes, thank you. More than comfortable. Am I allowed to keep the window open?”

  “As long as the weather is good and we are anchored, I see no problem with that. We have air-conditioning though.”

  “It’s more that I need to be connected to a wide-open space. Fresh air.”

  “Ah.” He nodded with understanding, then his eyes flicked to the ceiling. “He’s waiting for you.”

  I gave the captain a casual salute and turned toward the stairs.

  As my head emerged on the top level, the evening breeze cooled my damp hair. My attention was immediately captured by a sparkling turquoise plunge pool glowing with underwater lighting in the twilight. Wow. A pool on a boat. The sounds of chatter, music, and clinking silverware drifted from the port-side restaurants. The smells were heavenly—garlic, charcoal, baking bread. I dragged my eyes toward the presence I could feel to my left, and the skin on my neck tingled.

  Xavier Pascale sat at the teak table, leaning back on a matching chair, watching me. His face was expressionless, his blue eyes—glowing with the last of the setting sun hitting his face—were intent. He wore his white linen shirt from earlier and had changed from jeans into a pair of navy shorts and canvas white-soled boat shoes. His toned legs were tanned and sprinkled with dark hair and crossed at the ankles. An arm, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to reveal corded forearms, was slung casually over the backrest of the chair next to him.

  My stomach muscles clenched of their own accord, my ovaries jerking like racehorses in a starting block. I swallowed hard. Being attracted to my boss to this extent was going to be very, very dangerous. It was just lust, I told myself sternly, and pressed two fingers against the pulse on my wrist as if I could force my heart to slow down. And given one of the reasons I’d just dropkicked my career, also really ironic that I’d think my boss was hot. I just hoped I didn’t make a fool of myself.

  He had papers and a phone spread in front of him, but the other end of the table was set with three dinner places.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” His voice broke the silence between us. It was gravelly yet smooth, like a bed of wet pebbles.

  “Hi,” I managed, clearing my throat and feeling as if I’d been caught ogling.

  My belly gurgled again.

  His brows furrowed.

  “That I’m very, very hungry,” I answered with a half-truth, smiling with embarrassment. “It’s been a while since I ate.”

  He didn’t respond, and I wasn’t sure if I’d somehow stumbled into a cultural faux pas.

  “Okay, well, um, also I’d like to know what you expect of me as Dauphine’s nanny.”

  He inhaled through his nose, and then slipped his arm off the chair next to him and sat forward in a slow and deliberate movement. “Take a seat.” He gestured to a chair opposite him.

  Obediently, I pulled it out and sat.

  Several seconds passed as he perused the papers in his hand. My eyes were drawn to the long fingers and short clean nails of his hand that held the pages, then to his wrists. He wore a wide band stainless steel watch that glowed silver against his tanned skin sprinkled with dark hair. The scent of him danced elusively as I inhaled the sea air permeated with all the smells of the port. I breathed again deeply, trying to catch the thread of something that brought to mind worn leather, eucalyptus, and bad decisions. Was that what an honest-to-God pheromone smelled like?

  He set the stack down, and I caught sight of my name amid upside down typed French. Then he leaned forward and clasped his fingers together. Blue eyes drilled me. “Why are you here?”

  “Uh.” I blinked, my mouth drying. “To nanny for Dauphine.”


  I didn’t feel like telling him I’d quit my job. It could make me seem flighty or temperamental. And frankly I didn’t want to relive the awkward experience. “I needed a change of scene. And you needed a nanny. It seems combined circumstance brought me here.”

  His eyes flickered, and I imagined he’d expected the standard because I love children so much response.

  Emboldened, I went on. “I haven’t worked for Tabitha’s agency before, and I am sure you’ve had more experienced nannies for Dauphine than I. But I am honest, I work hard, and I really need this job. If you want a better reason than that, then I don’t have one.” Holding his gaze, I tried hard not to let the forcefield of it cower me. The intensity level he emitted felt as though I was staring into the sun.

  “You are attracted to me,” he stated.

  A rush of heat hurtled up my neck to my cheeks as my mind stumbled to deal with the shock of his forthrightness. God, had I been that obvious? After only a handful of interactions? My family and friends always laughed that I wore my emotions on my face too easily. I tried to formulate a denial, but I wasn’t fast enough.

  “I’m not interested,” he said dismissively before I could even form a response.

  The heat that had come from embarrassment quickly seared to irritation. The arrogance! “Excuse me?”

  “I said, I’m not interested. You are here for Dauphine and only her.”

  My blood pressure rose as the tips of my ears burned. “I’m well aware of that fact,” I managed through stiff lips.

  “Good. Then we understand each other.” He looked back at his papers as if the conversation was boring him. ‘“Unless you think it will be a problem?”

  My blood pounded in my ears. “And just because you’re attractive, doesn’t mean I want to—that I would …” I stammered.

  He looked up, an eyebrow raised.

  Great. Now, I’d just confirmed I found him attractive. I wanted the boat to swallow me up.

  Under the table my fists clenched tightly. I willed my embarrassment into something useful. I was reminded of just two days ago when I’d also sat with a boss who only saw women as sexualized Barbie dolls. Did this guy think all women wanted to jump him? Gross.

  “Will it be a problem?” he asked again, calmly.

  I’d fucking had enough. “No. It won’t,” I snapped icily, attraction utterly cooled. What a jerk. “I’m offended that you think so little of me, and you’ve only just met me. I’m doing a good friend a massive favor by taking this position. I wasn’t even aware you existed until two days ago. So if you could give me a tiny bit of credit, I’d appreciate it.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” He snorted. “That you didn’t know I existed. You wouldn’t be the first trying to get to me through my daughter. I’m just making sure you understand.”

  My mouth dropped open at his sheer level of arrogance. “Oh my God.” My chair screeched as I pushed back from the table, and I leaned forward on my hands, pushing my face close to his. His pupils flared, almost eclipsing
the blue of his eyes.

  “You might be a king in your part of the world,” I growled, realizing that tiredness and hunger were getting the better of me, but unable to stop myself. “But I’ve had bigger problems on the other side of the ocean in my own world than to waste my time reading gossip magazines and daydreaming about marrying a rich prince. I don’t give a continental how important you think you are. For me, you are a means to an end. A job. Nothing more.” My mind screamed at me to shut up. “I’m sorry. I’ve had a really shitty few days. I’m hungry. I’m tired. And I fucking hate boats.” So, if he was done with his misguided misogyny, I guessed I should go pack up my things and email Tabitha that this did not work out because my boss was an entitled, sexist, arrogant asshole. I wanted to help her out with this job, but not so much that I’d stand for being made to feel like a gold-digging piece of trash. “I don’t think this is going to work out. Good luck. You and Dauphine probably need to spend more time together anyway. You don’t need me for that. For the second time in three days, I quit.” I pushed back from the table and turned on my heel quickly, making my way back down the way I’d come. My heart thundered in my throat.

  Paco looked up, surprised, as I hurried past without a word. Tears of impotent rage streaked my cheeks before I was even halfway back to my cabin. God, why did being angry and embarrassed always make me cry? I flew down the next set of steps and hit a brick wall of a chest.

  “Whoa,” the wall rumbled. Evan. I tried to push past but hands gripped my upper arms gently but firmly. “Hey. You all right, love?”

  I shook my head. “Let me go, please?”

  “What happened?”

  “Please, can you drive me back to the train station in the morning? I just quit.”

  His eyes bugged out. “You what? What happened?” Then his forehead drew down sharply. “Did something happen? He didn’t …” Evan shook his head like he couldn’t believe the question he was asking. Then the look of utter disbelief warred with a sudden heroic chivalry on his face. “He didn’t like … do anything to you, did he?”

  “God, no,” I assured. “No. He implied some things. Accused me of being here to get to him. Using Dauphine to get to him.”



  Evan shrugged with a small grimace. “It wouldn’t be the first time. You can understand, he’s a bit of a target.”

  “Ugh. Why would anyone want to be with that entitled, arrogant ass?” God, his personality had literally just made him the most unattractive man I’d ever come across. “There’s not enough money in the world.” I’d pretty much probably told him that too by quitting.

  Evan threw back his head and barked out a laugh.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “It kind of is. Did you tell him that?”

  I folded my arms. “Along those lines. Now, can you get me off this boat or what?”


  “No?” I cried. “I just lost my temper at my boss and quit. I have to leave the building. Like now. You’re security, help me box up my shit and escort me the hell out of here. Now.” Especially as I began to suspect I may have slightly overreacted. “He’d fire me for how I reacted if I hadn’t already quit.”

  Evan laughed harder, his face crinkling and his eyes tearing up. “This … this is perfect.”

  I stomped my foot. “Okay, move. I need to pack. I’ll find my own way back.”

  He moved but didn’t stop laughing.

  I glared at him as I passed. “What pray tell is ‘perfect’ about this situation?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing you’d understand. Just, uh, I’ll tell Andrea you aren’t eating with Mister P.”

  “You do that.” I was really hungry, though. “Any chance of making myself a sandwich or something without getting in the chef’s way?”

  “Impossible. I’ll have something brought to you or you can wait until about midnight when Chef is out of the kitchen. But I don’t recommend it. He’s totally OCD and counts the grains of rice left over.”

  “Wow. Okay.” I swallowed. “I don’t want to … rock the boat, so to speak.”

  Evan erupted in a new round of laughter, mumbling something about how I killed him.

  “Perhaps I’ll just quickly pack and get off the boat and get something in town,” I continued and headed into my room. I would have slammed the door on his craziness if it didn’t mean it would set off all my claustrophobic alarms to be closed inside the cabin while my heart was pounding. I stared at the bed and let out a big sigh. I’d miss being able to sleep a night on that comfy bed after being crammed into a tiny airplane seat all night. I’d just unpacked and now I was leaving. I’d have to call Tabs and break the news. A heavy dose of guilt thudded in my belly. I hated I was letting her down already. But it couldn’t be helped now. God knew where I’d stay in town while I tried to get home. But I’d figure it out. I grabbed my bag I’d stashed under the side table shelf, then turned to the dresser.

  “You know you can’t leave, right?” Evan said from the doorway, finally sobering.

  I scowled at him. “Excuse me?”

  “You can’t leave. We don’t allow anyone on or off the boat twelve hours before we move. As his security detail, I have to advise you that you are required to stay put.”

  I stared at him for any hint that he wasn’t serious. “You’re joking.”

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  “I can’t leave?”

  “Affirmative. Not tonight, anyway.”

  “So, you’ll keep me against my will? I’m a prisoner?” I opened a drawer and pulled out pajamas, bras, and underwear, dumping them onto the bed.

  Evan’s eyes stayed on me. “I wouldn’t call it that.”

  I folded my arms. “What would you call it?”

  “A chance to cool off. And a contracted employment period.”

  “For a jerk?” Who I just totally went off on?

  “I guess if you see him that way, then yes. But something tells me that won’t last long.”

  “Have I told you how much I fucking hate boats?” I looked around before catching his eye again. “I don’t care how luxurious it is.”

  His attention seemed to go somewhere, then his wrist came up to his mouth. “Yes, she is.”

  I frowned and realized his attention had gone to his earpiece. “I’m what?” I asked.

  Evan cleared his throat and stepped out of the doorway to my room.

  In his place, and in no way less of a virile and commanding presence, appeared the object of my outrage—Xavier Pascale.

  Chapter Ten

  I unfolded my arms, glaring at the looming figure in the doorway of my cabin. Xavier Pascale’s sheer presence could shrink a room into a fraction of its size.

  His eyes raked over me and settled on the suitcase I’d set on the bed between us. Behind him a small face with wide eyes appeared then ducked away. I had no doubt she’d be listening to every word. At the sight of Dauphine, I felt another twinge of guilt. Crap. I ground down the thought. I didn’t even know these people.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, embarrassment crawling over my skin.

  “I … I would like you to take dinner with me and Dauphine. Have.” He shook his head. “Have dinner.”

  “Why?” I cocked my head to the side.

  “You need to eat. And also, you did not stay to hear the rest of the details about taking care of my daughter.”

  “I quit. Remember?”

  “And I do not accept.”

  I barked out a confused laugh. “You don’t accept?”

  “No.” He didn’t return my amusement. After a beat, he looked at the heavy watch on his wrist. “Dinner will be served in five minutes,” he said impassively. “I will see you at the table.”

  Then he turned and, unlatching the cabin door where it was being held open against the wall, closed it behind him. I had a feeling he’d felt like slamming it.

  Well. Me too.

  “Ugh!” I picked up a swi
msuit, wadded it up and threw it at the closed door with all my might. The weightless scrap of material made it only a few feet before wafting impotently onto the bed.

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I took a deep breath. If he was still willing to employ me after my outburst upstairs, I guessed I should hear him out. Especially since I had nowhere to go tonight. He wouldn’t apologize, that much I knew. Then again, why apologize? He’d stated a fact—I was attracted to him. Had been, I quickly corrected myself. It was upsetting that he’d accused me of using Dauphine to get to him, but both he and Evan mentioned it had happened before.

  I cringed. Poor Dauphine. I hoped she was none the wiser. I exhaled the air I’d been holding, not feeling better at all. I was usually much better at handling my emotions in tough situations. Hell, I could be unjustly sidelined in my dream architectural position while holding my head up high as had happened just days ago. But Xavier Pascale had turned me into a raw bundle of emotions. I felt so very, very human and weak. It was exhaustion, I reasoned. Emotional and physical.

  I picked up the clothes on the bed and returned them to the dresser. Then I zipped up my empty suitcase and re-stowed it under the table.

  Opening the door, I jumped when I saw Dauphine waiting in her doorway to my left. She smiled shyly at me.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Bonsoir. Allons-y?”

  I shrugged. “Sure, let’s go. You lead the way,” I said.

  She danced past me in bare feet and the same dress she’d been wearing earlier. “What games do you like?” she asked over her shoulder as we made our way up the inside of the yacht.

  “Games? Like board games?”

  “Hide and seek?”

  “Actually, that’s a game I never play.”

  She swung around to face me, a challenge in her eyes. “Non? Pourquoi?”

  “Because I don’t like small cramped spaces. And all the best hiding places are like that. So I’m not a very good player.”

  Her brow furrowed, reminding me of a certain caustic Frenchman upstairs. There was no mistaking Dauphine as his daughter. Then her expression smoothed out. “Then I will win all the times. We must play!”


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