Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1) Page 1

by CY Jones

  Dairy Of A Reformed Mean Girl

  A Bully Romance

  CY Jones

  Copyright © 2019 CY Jones

  Published by CY Jones

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/transmitted/distributed in any form. No part of this publication shall be shared by any means including photocopying, recording, or any electronic/mechanical method, or the Internet, without prior written consent of the authors. Cases of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law are the exception. The unauthorized reproduction/transmitting of this work is illegal

  Published in the United States of America

  Cover By: EVE Graphic Design LLC

  Edited By: Dani Black

  Formatted By: Kassie Morse

  For all the bullies out there. It’s never too late to do better.

  For Dream Crusher & Veronica you know who you are..<3



  1. Aspen

  2. Aspen

  3. Logan

  4. Aspen

  5. Ethan

  6. Aspen

  7. Aspen

  8. Aspen

  9. Mekka

  10. Aspen

  11. Logan

  12. Aspen

  13. Aspen

  14. Ethan

  15. Aspen

  16. Aspen

  17. Logan

  18. Aspen

  19. Mekka

  20. Aspen

  21. Ethan

  22. Aspen

  23. Ethan

  24. Aspen

  25. Mekka

  26. Aspen

  27. Logan

  28. Aspen

  29. Kassie

  30. Aspen

  31. Mekka

  32. Aspen

  Find CY Here:

  Books by CY Jones


  About the Author



  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Father shouts.

  “Do you really think I’ll stand by while you flaunt your whore around?” Mother shouts back.

  “Careful, Izzy. Candice is the new Alpha mate, and the future of this pack. The sooner you get that through your thick skull the better,” dad snarls.

  His words are like gasoline on an already raging fire, and my mum rears her hand back and slaps him across his face. My parents have been fighting for months now, ever since mum found out about my father’s mistress. Their bickering has only gotten worse since mum found out said mistress is now pregnant with my father’s pups. Besides arguing about the problem, there isn’t much of anything mum can do about the situation. The night father found out about Candice being pregnant, he denounced mum as the pack’s Alpha mate before the sun rose the very next morning. He broke I don’t know how many shifter laws to perform a mate bond with Candice, and told mum she’s going to have to move out into another house on pack lands. I don’t know what he was thinking. Once you perform a mate bond, it’s for life. There is no changing your mind afterwards just because you got someone else pregnant. We’re not humans. Divorce does not exist for us. Dad may have denounced mum, but in every shifter law she is still his mate, which I’m guessing is the only reason he doesn’t want her to leave.

  Growling loud from the attack, father is barely keeping his wolf contained. Mum just struck the pack’s Alpha, but at this point I don’t think she cares. She’s always been reckless and making half thought out decisions, like leaving the pack is an everyday occurrence for her. It must be all that fiery Italian blood from her heritage that makes her such a hothead.

  “Come along Aspen, we’re leaving,” she calls over to me. This whole time I’ve been watching them from the porch of our huge mansion on the compound. As the biggest pack in the whole state of Colorado my father is quite wealthy and powerful. Definitely not the type of person you want to make an enemy out of.

  “You’re not taking my daughter anywhere with you,” dad shouts as his eyes glow a golden amber. His statement surprises me. Half the time I wonder if he knows I even exist.

  “She’s my daughter too, and you have already stated you’re turning over Aspen’s status as your heir to your whore’s first-born son,” mum shrieks.

  “The healer said Candice is definitely carrying at least two male pups. Stop acting like you’re so surprised. You’ve always known that I wanted a male heir. You,” he says pointing at mum, “have failed in your duties to provide me one, so stop being a drama queen by making a scene and go back inside,” he orders.

  At his command my mother’s eyes glaze over as she tries to fight the order. To do what she’s doing right now is unheard of, and no easy task, as my father’s order was filled with True Alpha power. A lesser wolf would have not been able to resist, but my mother has my father’s blood running through her veins from the bond, making her more powerful than the average wolf. A True Alpha’s mate. From here I can clearly see the pain etched across her pretty face as she tries to break through the command, falling hard onto her knees from the strain. Panting, she finally rises, and in a hoarse whisper she turns her head to me and says, “come along Aspen.”

  I don’t even hesitate. Stepping off the porch, I quickly run over to her, and she ushers me inside her SUV. I’ve always known my father hated me for being a girl, and not the male heir he always wanted, but to hear him actually say it out loud hurt. Maybe if it weren’t for him, I would have grown up to be a better person, and not the spoilt child I have become. As the daughter of the pack’s Alpha, I ruled the kids of the pack with an iron fist. I’ve been hateful, cruel, and mean. The things I have done to others for my own amusement was just plain horrid. Spoiled from the inside out, I’ve been making others lives as miserable as my own for the last seventeen years, because I could never measure up to be the heir my father always wanted, just the heir he’s been stuck with. My name is Aspen Taylor Wolfhaven, and I’m a Mean Girl.



  Dear Diary

  We have been on the road for the last four hours driving non-stop. Despite mum’s strong facade she put on for dad, it’s quickly starting to crumble here alone with me in the car. Tears are running a river down her tan cheeks, to the point where I’m starting to get afraid for our safety on the road, since I’m sure it’s hard for her to see to drive. Mum’s a beautiful woman with long dark hair, olive bronze skin, and big ocean blue eyes. She’s a full Italian wolf, and has a temper to match, so to see her this way is a little unsettling.

  Another thing that is unsettling is how easily dad let us go. It’s like he was stunned speechless after mum broke through his command that he didn’t even bother stopping us. At that exact moment mum cut all our ties to the pack and I could no longer hear the pack in my head, or communicate with any of them anymore, not even dad. I don’t know how she did it, and I’m afraid to ask. I don’t want to upset her anymore than she already is, which is a step up for me. Before, I never really cared for the feelings of others, but now I’m on the road to recovery from being a spoilt bitch, and this is my first entry as the new me. Why now? I don’t know. It’s not like I didn’t see this break up coming. I knew about Candice way before my mother did. Maybe it’s because leaving here is a fresh new start. I can be anybody, and I want to be a better person. I vow to do better. If not for myself then for what is left of my family.

  After driving six hours, mum pulls into a gas station to refuel. It’s secluded, with only one other car which probably belongs to the employee who works here, but s
ince it's a little past one am, I guess that’s normal.

  “You should get out to use the restroom and stretch your legs. We’re going to be on the road for a while,” mum says as she shuts the ignition off.

  “Where are we going?” I finally ask. My body is sore from being in the car for so long, and I had a crook in my neck from dozing off in an odd angle.

  “We’re going back to my parent’s place in Los Angeles,” she answers, shocking me.

  “We’re going back to your parent’s pack? I thought you hated them."

  Which is true. Mum never has anything good to say about the pack she grew up in. In fact, when my father first came to visit on a political trip in search for a mate, mum saw him as a stepping stone to a better life. She wasn’t the daughter of the Alpha, or even the Beta for that matter. She was just like everyone else, but they say when my father first set eyes on her it was love at first sight. Lucky, or unlucky now for mum, since the ratio of female to male wolf shifters is so off balance that dad was able to have his fair pick of any woman he wanted, no matter if they were from the first line of the ascension or not. Landing a wolf from such a prosperous pack was mum’s golden ticket, and it went straight to her head.

  While father was courting her, she rubbed it in the packs faces any chance she got of how much better she was than the other females, and so much prettier. She was just plain awful and even treated her own parents like crap. They never wanted her to marry father, stating a man like him would only end up hurting her. Apparently my grandparents were a far better judge of character than mum, but mum didn’t care. She only cared about herself, and what my father’s name could get her out of life. I had to learn my wicked ways from somewhere, and mum was my prime example. I am my mother’s daughter after all, so to hear her say we’re going back there was astonishing. There's no way we’ll be welcomed with open arms, probably with torches and pitchforks.

  Sighing, mother says, “we don’t have any other choice. A lone wolf will not survive long in the world as it is today, and I have you to think about. I can swallow my pride as long as you have a safe roof over your head.”

  “That’s very noble,” I murmur as I take in the sincerity on her face. “And so much not like you,” I add.

  “Well, my priorities changed the second your dad invited that whore into his bed and tossed us away like trash.”

  Maybe mum is trying to reform herself too. If I can do it, then maybe she can too, but I suspect she will have a harder go at it than me. She’s returning home with her tail between her legs to all the people she snubbed, never thinking her happily ever after could blow up in her face.

  Nodding my understanding, I step out of the car and into the store. After asking the leering attendant for the bathroom key, I take care of business, careful to keep my body hovered over the seat. It’s disgusting in here, and who knows when the last time it’s been cleaned. After quickly washing my hands, I buy a snack to eat in the car. Mum is waiting on me as she leans against the car, staring at the stars above like they hold all the answers to her problems. Besides moving to Colorado with my father, I don’t think she has ever up-rooted herself like this before. This drive is just as much of an adventure to her as it is for me.

  “Are you ready?” She asks, tearing her gaze away from the sky.

  “Yes,” I answer as I step back into the car.

  The rest of the drive, mum only stops three other times to refuel, insisting she can make the whole thirteen hour drive herself without rest. I think she just wants to distance herself from father as quickly as possible. I noticed while paying for her snacks that she’s no longer using dad’s black card, but her own regular credit card. I left my own black card at the compound along with most of my clothes. I was only able to pack what I could fit in the duffel bag I keep for when we go out on short trips and don’t need to drag around any luggage.

  I sleep on and off. Too uncomfortable and stressed to get any good rest. I’m worried over what our reception will be at the other pack. Even though it was mother who actually snubbed them, the daughter of the offender is grouped the same, at least I know that’s how I’d think things through if the roles were reversed. In fact, another female coming into the pack means more competition, and I would not be happy with that. I hope the Alpha of mum’s old pack doesn’t have a daughter, and if he does, I hope she is nowhere my age.

  My sleep is also restless from my dreams. I keep dreaming about a certain set of twins I was bloody awful to. I treated them so poorly their dad put in a request to transfer to another pack. I don’t even know what possessed me to do most of the things I did to them. Maybe it was because I could. As the Alpha’s daughter, no matter how cruel I was to others, I always got away with it. The world was mine for the taking in the pack, and man did I take. I don’t know why I’m thinking about them now. I haven’t seen them since they left the pack five years ago, nor do I care where they ended up. Just like them, I’m leaving the pack for somewhere new, but unlike them I’m leaving in disgrace while they left for something better.



  The next time I wake the sun is just rising across the horizon. Staring out the window, I take in the surroundings. It’s quite beautiful here, and a big contrast to the snow and ice I’m used to seeing in the Colorado mountains. Here in sunny California there's not a snowflake in sight. The grass is so green it looks unreal, and the highway we’re currently traveling on has palm trees planted in neat rows in the median rising high to the sky.

  As soon as she notices I’m awake, mum tells me, “we’ll be there soon,” as she puts the blinker on so she can get off the highway.

  The farther she drives down this road, the streets and residential areas start getting farther and farther apart, until they disappear completely. The sleek black asphalt roads turn into dirt paths, and soon we’re completely surrounded by trees on both sides in a deeply forested area. I’m not a bit surprised by this. Back home my father’s compound is deep within the Colorado mountains with plenty of forest and open space to run around. It’s important for a pack of wolves to have plenty of space to shift and run free away from humans. The pack here probably owns quite a large area of the forest it’s sequestered in.

  The road we’re on starts to get super narrow, so much so I can hear the branches of the trees scraping along the side of the SUV as we go along. I can tell we’re getting close. With my shifter hearing, I pick up the rise in mum’s heartbeat, and her grip on the steering wheel has tightened till she’s white-knuckling the wheel. She’s nervous, and I can’t really blame her if she was as horrid to her old pack as they say. Finally we pull up to a long gate separating two huge stone wolf statues with the words ‘Grey Wolf Valley’ etched into the iron of the gate. A security post is on one side of the gate, and out walks a burly looking guard stacked with muscles.

  “State your business,” he says in a gruff voice once mum rolls down her window.

  “I’m here to see Antonio and Salena Greywolf,” she answers.

  “And you are?” He questions, raising his brow.

  “Their daughter, Isobella Wolfhaven and this is my daughter Aspen Wolfhaven,” mum answers turning her chin to me. The guards looks us both over with the shock evident on his face. I take it seeing a Wolfhaven in the flesh was not on his agenda when he came on duty today.

  “Well I’ll be. I’ll have to report this visit to the Alpha. He’ll want to know you’re here.”

  “That’s fine. Can we pass now?” Mum asks agitated.

  Giving a signal over to the guard station, there's a loud click before the gates slide open. Rolling up the window, mum presses on the gas and we drive into the compound. About five miles away from the gates we pull up to a two story colonial. It’s charming, and fits the nature surrounding it perfectly. Neither one of us have time to sit and gather our thoughts, because as soon as we pull into the drive an older couple steps onto the porch holding hands as they gaze over at the car.

  “Mom, Dad,”
mum says in greeting as she steps out of the car.

  “Your mate called. He wanted to know if you were here,” my grandmother replies curtly.

  “He’s not my mate anymore, and what did you tell him?”

  “We told him we haven’t seen you since you married him, and what do you mean he’s not your mate anymore? You can’t just un-mate someone,” my grandmother answers.

  "You can if you’re Dante Wolfhaven,” mum mutters under her breath. “Can we speak inside?” Mum asks in a much louder voice and grandmother nods her head. When I take a step towards the house following mum both my grandparents look at me with curiosity dancing in their eyes. I’ve never met them before. I believe when I was born mum only reached out with a courtesy phone call letting them know they had a granddaughter. They never pushed to see me, and mum never wanted to return home. Ignoring their gazes, I follow mum into the house.

  Their home is definitely a big change from the mansion in Colorado. Where the mansion has over ten rooms, this place probably only had half that, but the house has this warm, homey feeling. It was decorated in warm colors of cream, green, and brown and reminded me a lot of the forest outside. The mansion back home always held a cold feeling to me. It’s color scheme of white and black with all the priceless works of art throughout the space only helped add to that cold feeling. It’s a house meant to flaunt one's wealth, and not to be enjoyed like this one.The few times I did let my friends come over they were always too scared of touching and breaking things to even get comfortable. Here everything looks well loved. Not in a bad way, but good. Memories can be made here, and it made me relax a little more.


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