Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1)

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Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl (Reformed Series Book 1) Page 11

by CY Jones

  “Yes,” I mumble.

  “It's done once the mated pair retires for the evening in private. It’s what seals the mating and notifies the pack that the mating has been consummated. Once bitten, it’s hard to resist having sex. I’m surprised your mates have such restraint. You all will be consumed with need until the deed is done.”

  “That sounds so medieval, like when the royals use to have witnesses in their chambers while they have sex.”

  “It’s tradition, sweetheart. Something you have neglected,” she chastises.

  “It’s not like I could have known. You and father always left me in the dark about these kind of things,” I say defensively.

  “I’m not mad at you, figlia. It’s your mates that should have known better, but you’re not completely ruined. At least they had sense enough to keep their dicks to themselves.”

  “Mum,” I yell. "Must you be so crude?”

  “This from the girl with mating marks all over her body. I didn’t get to talk to Tyler about this yet. It’s tradition to not be seen until the ceremony, but I wrote him a letter explaining things.”

  “Are the twins going to get in trouble?” I ask suddenly worried for them.

  “I don’t know. That is Tyler’s decision to make. I do know due to your actions, there will be a change in the ceremony. The twins will be in it now, standing beside you as your mates. With the mating scent all over you three, there will be no hiding it until your own ceremony next month,” she says dropping the bomb.

  “Next month. Why so soon?”

  “Be lucky it's not today. Mating ceremonies can only be performed on the night of the full moon.

  I’m still in high school. Before I even graduate, or even turn eighteen, I’ll be married off in human terms. I feel like I should be on a reality show or something, and I still don’t know how the twins feel. That much hate doesn’t just disappear overnight, and what of Mekka? I want to tell him the truth before the ceremony, but I don’t know how with everything going on. He shouldn’t have to find out this way.

  “I need to get something out of my room, I’ll be right back,” I tell mum, and hurry off before she can stop me.

  In my room I pull out my cell, and send Mekka a text asking him to meet me before the ceremony starts. I hope he gets it. I don’t want to hurt him. Praying to whatever Gods are listening I go back to mum’s room before she sends someone after me.



  “You two did what?” Dad yells.

  “It was an accident,” Ethan says, which judging by the look on dads face was the wrong thing to say.

  “An accident? Tripping over your feet and spilling a drink is an accident, walking into the wrong bathroom is an accident, but biting someone and mating them for life is no fucking accident,” he yells even louder. His pale skin is turning a remarkable shade of red, and if I weren’t also on the chopping block, I would be laughing right now.

  “Look dad, we’re sorry. We meant to keep Aspen from doing something stupid to Kassie, and we got caught up in the bond. You don’t know how hard it is to resist your soulmate, but we did stop before doing other things,” I try explaining.

  “I’m glad to hear that my daughter in law is still untouched, but you know the pack will not look at it that way. They will assume you both been with her. Until you three are properly mated with a ceremony blessed by a seer, the pack will talk, and you’ve made it even harder on Aspen to fit in here. She’s already has her old pack name going against her,” Alpha explains, and we both lower our heads.

  My brother and I didn’t want this for Aspen. We really did go to her room with good intentions. It’s just so hard to be so close to her and not touch her. It’s like our bond is trying to make up for five years of lost time. I’m hoping Alpha can understand our struggle because of his own situation with his mate. He has every right to end us right here and now. We defied him and put his leadership at risk, but I'm hoping it won’t come to that.

  Instead, he blows out a deep breath and says, “we will handle it day by day. You’re already living the biggest punishment I can think of. You two are the ones who will have to keep your dick in your pants for the next month, unless you think you can’t do it, and we’ll have to make changes to have your ceremony tonight with ours.”

  My eyes grow wide. A month of not being able to sink myself into Aspen’s body will be pure torture, and by the look on my brother’s face I can tell he’s thinking the same thing. Already our bond is pushing us to finish what we started last night and take our mate, but I know too many things are unsettled with Aspen, and she’s not ready for that yet. I can feel her mind buzzing with unanswered questions, and feelings. I’m doing my best to block her out, but she’s very powerful. Probably because she’s a True Alpha.

  “I take it by your silence this is something you can’t do, and I need to make preparations for her to be mated to you tonight,” Alpha says, looking between the both of us.

  “No,” Ethan quickly responds, looking straight at me. “Aspen isn’t ready yet, and we won’t do that to her.”

  Satisfied, Alpha nods and smiles. “I’m glad you’re putting her first. I couldn’t think of two better wolves for her.”

  “You two heard Alpha. You are both to keep your dicks in your pants for the next month. Do you understand?” Dad says, staring us both down.

  “Yes sir,” we both shout at the same time.

  The rest of the day we make sure all the preparations for tonight is ready. Aspen's mom had a really detailed list of everything she wanted done. The whole pack was supposed to be here for the night festivities, but only about a hundred or so wolves will be at the actual ceremony. The elite members of the pack, including Aspen’s grandparents. I’m kind of jealous of them. They’ve gotten to spend time with the new Aspen. It’s a crazy thought I know, since our antics from school kept her from us, and after fire gate, the code name I have given the fire incident, I don’t blame her. I would keep away from us too, if I were her. When I finish sprinkling the last bunch of lilies on the aisle Aspen’s mom will be walking down, I take a seat in one of the chairs tied with gold silk ribbons.

  “How are we going to keep from fucking Aspen for a whole month? This bond already has me by the balls. All I can think of right now is being inside of her,” I tell Ethan once he takes a seat beside me.

  “You heard dad and Alpha. We don’t have any other choice,” he answers, but I can tell this is just as hard on him as it is on me.

  “I wonder what would have happened if Aspen didn’t pass out last night.”

  “You know what would have happened,” Ethan says raising his brow at me. “We would have fucked her, and probably be dead right now.”

  “You mean you would have fucked her. I would have made love to her. I love her Ethan. I’ve always have since we were twelve, when she let us kiss her for the first time. Hell, probably even before that,” I tell him.

  He doesn’t say anything. We both have a lot of issues with Aspen to sort out. Him more than me.

  “There you two are. My dad wants you to get ready,” Kassie says walking over to where we’re sitting. “How did you even get him to let you in the ceremony anyways?” She has on a bright red silk gown that ties around her neck. It’s short in the front, and has a long train in the back, and it’s also completely see through. I can clearly see the gold stickers covering her breasts, and I know no way in hell did Aspen’s mom pick this out for her to wear.

  “You should take a picture Logan. It will last longer, or if you’re a good boy I’ll give you a sneak peek,” she says seductively, rubbing her hand on my chest.

  “Don’t touch me,” I growl, and she takes a step back like she’s been slapped.

  Frowning, she takes a deep sniff and growls. "Why do you two smell like that whore?”

  Damn, I thought the flowers would cover Aspen’s scent, but with Kassie so close, of course her wolf would pick up the scent.

  “Call our mate a whore again i
n our presence and I’ll rip your throat out,” Ethan threatens.

  “What is with you two? Her pussy can’t be that good. Just a couple of days ago you hated her.”

  “Kassie, people change, and I pray to the Gods you change too, because no one is going to want to be with the girl you are now,” I tell her before walking away and Ethan follows.

  “You did well, brother. I’m usually the one with the harsh words,” Ethan says once we’re far enough away from Kassie.

  “Maybe coming from me she’ll actually think about what I said.”

  “I doubt it, but we can dream,” he replies, and I know he’s right.



  It’s almost time for the ceremony, and I’m pacing outside one of the tents waiting on Mekka. He should be here by now, where the hell is he?”

  “Aspen," Mekka calls as he runs up to me, and gathers me in his arms. His hair is still a little damp from a recent shower, but he looks good as hell in his dark fitted suit. Moving closer he kisses me deeply, and I get lost in his lips.

  “Sorry, love, I got off work late. What is it you wanted to tell me?”

  “Well, well, well, isn’t this just cozy? Fucking around with your mate’s best friend right after you’ve just been with them. Even I didn’t think you were that cold,” Kassie says stepping out of the shadows.

  “As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about Kassie,” I retort.

  “I think you made it quite clear. I can’t wait to inform the twins. By the way, your mother is looking for you. Ta ta, Aspen,” she says smugly, before walking off.

  “What the hell is she talking about? What did you do with the twins?” Mekka asks, but goes quiet as soon as he sees Logan’s bite mark on my body, and his whole face pales.

  “You didn’t,” he whispers.

  “That’s why I texted you to meet me here. I didn’t want you finding out like this at the ceremony.”

  “So it’s done now. You belong to the twins,” he says, so sad it makes my heart break.

  “Mekka no, Gods no. I’m yours as well. Tyler is going to bless my pairing with the twins tonight, but I planned on informing him that you’re my mate as well.”

  “Do you think he’s going to let you be with me? I’m the bastard son of his long dead Omega. I don’t have the set hierarchy like the twins, and now you’ve given me an uphill battle I can’t win by mating with the twins.”

  “Tyler doesn’t care about that, and you know it. Even if he did, what he went through with my mum will help him see your plight. I will not live in a world without you by my side,” I get out before I do the most impulsive thing I have ever done in my life, and I strike forward as quick as a snake, and bite him dead center on his neck. With a growl he responds and bites me on my bicep, sealing us together together forever.

  “Aspen there you are, I’ve been looking for you everwher… For the love of the Gods, what did you do?” Mum growls.

  “Umm, you see, Mekka is also my soul bound mate,” I mumble as I rush my words.

  “The boy you’ve been sneaking off with,” she shrieks.

  “You knew about that?” I ask shocked.

  “Of course I knew. I know everything dealing with you. What I didn’t know is that you’ll be out here making more unsanctioned mating bonds on my big night,” she whispers yell. “Fuck, figlia, if it were up to me, I’d rip your teeth out your mouth myself.”

  Staring at mum with wide eyes, I think I'm more surprised that she just cursed than her threatening me.

  “You,” she says, pointing at Mekka. “Go to the front, and stand next to the twins. Thanks to my daughter’s careless actions you’re part of the ceremony now. Pray that the Alpha decides mating me is more important than killing you, and you figlia, keep your teeth to yourself. I don’t care if another soulmate falls from the sky,” she mutters, pulling me along with her.

  Shit, what did I just do? Please don’t let Tyler kill Mekka.



  Very few times in my life I have been scared, and this would be one of those times. I’ve been on my own, raising myself since my mother died when I was thirteen. I’ve gotten into plenty of trouble, especially after the twins entered my life, but I’ve never did anything to piss the Alpha off at this level before. I’m not really concerned about the twins. Them I can handle, but Alpha? Yeah I’m scared shitless, but I wouldn’t take anything back. Aspen’s words, and her teeth piercing my neck as she binds me to her forever are everything. She chose me. The bastard son of an Omega. As soon as her blood hit my system, I knew I would move heaven and earth to protect her, and no one can take that away from me, not even the Alpha. As I walk to the front of the crowd where they’re all standing, all eyes fall on me as I walk past. A lot of curious eyes, wondering what the hell I’m doing here. When I walk by Aspen’s grandparents in the front aisle, her grandmother grabs my hand, pulling me to her. Bending low, I give her my full attention.

  “Mekka, so nice to see you, son. My granddaughter has told me many nice things about you,” she says softly, for only my ears to hear.

  “I adore your granddaughter,” I tell her honestly, and she pats me on my cheek.

  “Make sure you and those fine boys up there take good care of her. She will need it with the trials to come.”

  I’m wondering what she’s talking about, but before I can ask, Ethan pulls me next to him where they’re all standing up front.

  “What the hell Mekka? Explain yourself,” he growls. His eyes are glowing as he stares angrily at Aspen’s mating mark.

  “I’m not going to get into this with you right now. Just know Aspen is also my soul bound mate,” I tell him, and he lets go of my arm, shocked.

  “No way,” Logan says beside him, looking at me like I have suddenly grown an extra head.

  “I see we have another complication,” Alpha states, staring at the crescent shaped bite mark on my neck.

  “It’s Aspen’s,” I admit, lowering my gaze. At my words, I can feel his anger vibrating off his body, and I truly believe he’ll strike me down while the pack watches.

  “Out of respect for your mother, I'm not going to kill you. And to be fair, I will give you the same punishment I gave your friends. But do know, if you ever go against pack laws again, I will not hesitate to strike you down. Not only is this bonding unsanctioned, you didn’t even come to me to ask for permission to mate Aspen in the first place. You three need to learn this isn’t a free for all. We have laws and rules put in place for a reason. Aspen may be an Alpha’s daughter, but she’s clueless to these laws. She doesn’t know better, but you three did. In the eyes of everyone, you three are making it look like I can’t control my pack,” he whisper yells, and we lower our eyes, ashamed. We were all being selfish, and not once did we think about how this will affect our Alpha.

  “I’m really sorry,” I apologise.

  “Oh you will be,” he says giving me a feral smile. “You are not to stick your dick anywhere in Aspen until you’re properly mated next month. Later we will talk further, but for now go stand next to the twins,” he orders.

  “We’re also going to talk about this later,” Ethan growls low in my ear, and I nod my head. I owe them an explanation.



  The music starts to play and I take my place beside my mother. She hasn’t said a word to me since we got back and I don’t really blame her. I’ve tied myself to three different wolves within a twenty-four hour period. That’s a little much, even for me. I’m still working out my feelings for them, but I didn’t lie to Mekka when I said I couldn’t live without him, or the twins.

  “Mum,” I start to say before she cuts me off.

  “Not now Aspen.”

  If I know what’s best for me I might want to stay quiet. Who knows what mum’s quota for defiance is for the day. She was already not happy with me from my antics earlier today when she found out about the twins, and Kassie showing up in the hooker outfit s
he has on now didn’t help things either. It’s funny how she’s always calling me a whore when she definitely looks the part right now.

  “Awww, is the princess having mommy and mate problems?” The whore in question taunts.

  “Kassie dear, you must love hearing yourself talk, even when no one seems to ever listen to you,” mum says, and I crack a smile. Turning, mum winks at me, and we walk forward together, leaving a red faced Kassie trailing behind us.

  I’m nervous as I walk up the aisle in front of all these strange shifters I have never met before. It’s easy to tell those who still hold a grudge against mum, because their faces look like they’re stuck in a permanent scowl, while the ones that are genuinely happy for her smile brightly. When my eyes land on my three mates, I look each of them over critically. They don’t look like they’ve gotten into any altercation, but words are just as sharp as the sword. Maybe worse. The cut of a sword is immediate, either it kills you or not, but words fester and grow deep inside, giving you pain that lingers, and kills parts of you over time. When they see me each of their eyes light up, taking in my body hungrily. I want nothing more than to touch them. The bond pulls me closer quickening my steps to the point where mum has to take a hold of my arm pulling me gently to her. As we pass I hear whispers of shock, and I know the cause is from the mating marks and bites covering my body. In the light from the flaming torches around us, Ethan’s mark can be seen through the sheer material of my gown, making all three of them visible, explaining why Ethan, Logan, and Mekka are all standing tall up front in an Alpha’s mating ceremony. Finally, when we reach the front, mum lets my arm go and I stand by my men, confirming everyone's suspicions. Kassie goes to stand on her father's side staring daggers at us once she sees Mekka next to the twins. She must be pissed her little plot to tell on me, like the jealous cow she is, has been ruined.


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