Saving Claire (Chaos MC Book 1): A Chaos MC Novel

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Saving Claire (Chaos MC Book 1): A Chaos MC Novel Page 11

by Cameron Hart

  He drops his hand from my head and steps towards the door, slipping back into his neutral tone.

  “In the meanwhile, feel free to make yourself at home. I’m sure you remember where the bathroom is?” An evil grin pulls at his lips as he gives me one last look before shutting and locking the door.

  I’m frozen with panic. My limbs are heavy, and my mind is foggy. This can’t be how I die. I refuse.

  I stare up at the white ceiling and try to get my thoughts together. I’m such an idiot. I felt so trapped at the clubhouse but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I know what it’s really like to have no choice. I know what overbearing and controlling is. I know what abuse is. I know what it means to be truly powerless and treated like an object.

  None of that describes my time with Chaos, and definitely not with Jax. I truly felt precious to him. I was treated with respect and dignity and I fucked it all up. I’m still pissed that they didn’t want me to be a part of their conversation, but I know I overacted.

  Goddamnit, I miss Jax.

  I think of our fight and what a bitch I was to him. All he wanted was to talk. He refused to leave me, and I went and ran away like the scared little kid I am.

  I have to get out of here. I have to find Jax and make it up to him.


  I don’t know how much time has passed – another wonderful perk of being in The Mercy Room. I hear footsteps coming my way and immediately tense up. These footsteps are light and quick, not heavy and stomping. It can’t be Davis.

  I roll off the bed and walk to the window.


  She helped me on the kitchen crew. She was timid, but always sweet to me. Beth was a few years younger than me. I was assigned to bring food down to The Mercy Room (a nice little reminder from Davis of what would happen to me if I acted out again), but Beth offered to do it whenever Davis wasn’t around. She knew it brought back bad memories.

  She’s probably seeing if there are any trays to collect.

  I ram my shoulder into the door and kick, trying to get her attention.

  “Beth! Beth! Please come here, it’s Claire! Please!”

  She stops and stares right at me.

  “Claire?” She darts her eyes around to see if anyone else is around before scurrying up to the door so her face is right next to mine. “Oh my gosh, everyone thinks you’re dead. How is this possible?”

  “I can’t explain it right now, but please, I need you to let me out. Please, Beth.”

  “You know I can’t do that, Claire.”

  I let out a breath, trying to think of anything to convince her otherwise.

  “They tried to kill me, Beth. Davis is evil. I think deep down you know that.”

  I look at her but she looks away. It’s then that I notice choke marks on her neck.

  “I can get you out of here,” I say, more calmly. “I can get everyone out of here. I have some friends who are going to take care of Davis. He’s evil and they are going to bring him down. I need to help them. Please. I’m begging you, Beth.”

  There’s a long silence. She finally looks up and I see she’s been crying.

  “He’s so awful, Claire. When you left he… he…” She can’t even finish. My heart breaks for her. I have a feeling she was going to say that she took my place. I hate that I did that to her.

  “Beth, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry he did anything to you. I didn’t know he would… God, Beth, I’m so sorry.” I’m crying now too. I hate Davis so much. I know I didn’t deserve what he did to me, because no one deserves abuse, but I outwardly defied him every chance I got, getting under his skin and fighting back. Beth, on the other hand, is so sweet and innocent and I hate that this might break her.

  “It’s not your fault. I know that. I just… you can really get me out?”

  “Yeah, sweetie. I promise.”

  She nods and pulls the key out of her pocket. When she unlocks the door, she uses the key to slice through the duct tape around my wrists. I pull her into a hug and rock her back and forth.

  Remembering the words Jax told me when I first got out, I whisper, “You’re safe now. I won’t let him hurt you anymore.”

  Chapter 23


  I’m going out of my fucking mind. We’re gearing up for war but I can’t get in the right head space. I keep replaying everything in my mind - her outburst, our fight, and most of all, how I just left. I know it was to go get food but I should have stayed. Or at least have someone guard the door. They would have heard her opening the window.

  Goddamnit. I’m so mad that she felt like she had to escape through a window – like she did when they tortured her in that barn. I’m so terrified of losing her, but I know she has to have a choice. I want to make sure she chooses me this time. I have to be that man for her. I have to be her everything. Fuck knows she’s already mine.

  “Alright, brothers. It’s time to ride out,” River’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “Be smart. Be safe. Let’s bring this motherfucker down!”

  Everyone breaks out in a chorus of grunts and agreements. I can’t seem to muster up the energy.

  “Jax, I need to tell you something,” Dom says as he walks towards me.

  “Honestly, Dom, I don’t think I have space in my head for anything else right now.”

  “It’s about Claire.”

  “What? What do you know? Where is she?” I practically bite his head off for not telling me sooner, even though I literally just told him not to talk to me. Yeah, I’m being an irrational asshole but I don’t give a fuck.

  “The prospects are still looking. One of them sent me this photo a few minutes ago.”

  I don’t like the sound of that. My stomach flips at what I’m about to see. Dom hands me his phone. It’s a picture of one of the duffel bags Mia gave Claire. It’s on the side of highway 9. And there’s blood splattered around the bag.

  I don’t even have words, just pure panic. I can’t lose her. I won’t.

  “Breathe, buddy. You’re no good to her if you pass out,” I hear Dom say.

  I didn’t realize I stopped breathing. I take a few deep inhales and close my eyes.

  “He has her. Davis,” I manage to grit out.

  “Yeah, Jax. That’s what I think too.”

  I punch my helmet as hard as I can.

  “Hey, man. I know. I know this sucks. I’m sorry. You gotta keep it together, ok? Now you can focus on this mission. You go in and get Claire. I’ll have your back. You have to be smart about this, ok?”

  I nod. He’s right. I can’t blow up just yet.

  He grips my shoulder in a reassuring gesture and I pat him on the back.

  I get on my bike and ride out with the club.

  Hold on, Claire. I’m coming for you, angel. Please be strong.

  Chapter 24


  Beth and I make our way down the hall. My head is pounding, and I almost fall over a few times. Beth steadies me each time.

  “Thank you. Thank you, Beth. You’re saving my life. I promise I’m saving yours too, ok?”

  She nods and we slowly make our way to the back of the building. The halls are clear since almost everyone in the compound will be at the festival. Well, everyone who has power and influence. The grunt workers still keep things running

  “I think I need to rest for a bit, Beth. Just a minute. I have to catch my breath.” She leans me up against the wall and I take deep breaths, trying to figure out a plan.

  Kitchen helpers will be here, as well as maintenance workers, nursery workers, and a few of our medics. I think about the buildings between The Mercy Room and the back gate. Too many. It’s too far.

  No. We will make it. I have to see Jax again. I have to save Beth. I have to save them all.

  “Ok, lady. I’m good. Here’s the plan. I need you to be my lookout. Take the slop bucket over there with you. Just walk from building to building and when I have the all clear, I’ll crawl over to the next building. If anyone asks w
hat you’re doing, you can tell them you’re emptying out the bucket in the back woods, ok? Can you do that?”

  She seems to have a little more confidence now. I know that look. When there’s a plan in place, everything feels a little more obtainable. I get it.

  “Yes, Claire. I can do that.”

  “Good. Thank you, Beth.”

  She grabs the bucket and heads out. I get down on my hands and knees – it’s the only way I can keep myself upright. I feel like I’m on the verge of passing out.

  After a few minutes, I see Beth give me a terse nod and I crawl over to the greenhouse. It takes me so long, each move sending waves of nausea through my body, my temples throbbing. I’m reminded of my escape from the barn. I had to focus on one thing. I could shove the boxes. And shove the boxes. And shove the boxes. Then, climb the boxes. Climb the boxes. Climb the boxes. Finally, run. One foot in front of the other. Again. Again.

  I take a breath and feel the grass between my fingers, the dampness of the ground on my knees. I walk one hand up, followed by the opposite knee. Then the other hand, shifting my weight, and finally my other leg. Hand, leg. Hand, leg. Again. Again. Again.

  I make it to the back of the greenhouse. I feel like I’ve run a marathon, and we have 5 buildings left to go.

  Beth gives me a few moments to recover and then she walks over to the next building.

  We go on like this, me trying to rally, but feeling the energy drain with each movement. I’m making my way towards the second to last building while Beth waits for me to get to her.

  I see him before she does. I try to call out. Davis grabs her and shoves her into the wall.

  “You let her out? How stupid are you?”

  He raises his hand to slap her and something in me snaps.

  He slaps her and she falls to the ground. He leans back to strike again.

  Adrenaline I didn’t know I had left spikes my blood and I jump up, throwing my body on top of Beth’s cowering form. Davis strikes me instead.

  “You will never get away from me. And now you just sealed Beth’s fate too. When will you learn, little doll?”

  He grabs my arm to rip me off of Beth, but I shake him off and curl around her again.

  “I’m so sorry, Beth. You’re ok. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  I feel her shaking under me and I wrap my arms tighter around her.

  I hear a gun click and I know that we’re dead.

  I’m so sorry, Jax. I love you. I love you.

  Chapter 25


  It’s an absolute war zone out here. Slash, me, and a few of the members from the other clubs were able to sneak in the back while we caused a distraction up front. Claire told us it was a festival day so they’d all be in the same place, for the most part.

  Slash and the hackers from the other clubs were going to get in and copy down bank account information to show evasion, stealing from the members, and other electronic trails that we were unable to pick up on before. They are also going to get photos of The Mercy Room. All our info will be handed back to our friends on the inside, who are actually surrounding the compound, along with ATF officers. Once they have the evidence in their hands, the ATF can invade the compound.

  It works out for everyone because they can’t take down The Guardians without proof, and they can’t storm in without reason. We, however, can do just that. I’m sure we can find people inside to testify. Like Claire.


  I ache for her, all of her. That’s why I’m tagging along. We all need in for different reasons.

  “You let her out? How stupid are you?”

  I hear a smack and then a guttural noise as movement in the corner catches my eye.

  My Claire!

  She’s throwing herself on someone else, absorbing Davis’ blows.

  I’m hit with anger at Davis and pride for my little warrior.

  I run up to Davis, who is too distracted by the two women in front of him to react. I pull my gun and cock it, aiming at the side of his head.

  He hears the click and freezes. I want so badly to put a bullet in his brain. The desire for this man to stop breathing consumes me.

  But I can’t have Claire witness that. She’s seen too much already. Plus, he has to be around for the trial that the ATF will be bringing against The Guardians. That was part of the deal. We wouldn’t kill anyone, so they could all have a fair trial.

  Instead, I shoot his kneecap, effectively making him immobile. He thrashes and screams, and I pistol whip the side of his head to shut him up. I’ll deal with him later. First, my Claire.

  She’s shaking, still wrapping her arms around the woman underneath her, shielding her and telling her she won’t let him hurt her anymore. I kneel down and put my hand on her back. Claire jumps and yelps.

  “It’s me, angel. You’re ok now.”

  “Jax?!” She cries and flings herself into my arms now that she knows the other woman is ok too.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m here. I’m here.” I wrap my arms around her and cradle her to my body. She buries her face in my neck and grips my shirt in her hands, pulling me closer.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” she keeps saying over and over again. She’s shaking from the adrenaline, and a sob rips out of her throat. It fucking guts me.

  “Shh, angel, it’s ok. You’re ok. I’ve got you. Shh, baby, breathe.”

  I lean back to take her face in my hands and I notice blood on the right side of her head and a nasty bruise forming on her left forehead.

  “What did he do to you, sweetheart? Where are you hurt?” A new wave of anger passes over me and it takes all of my goddamn will power to not turn around and stomp kick Davis in the face.

  “Please…” She stutters out between her tears and still shaking. “Please get me out of here. I’m ok.”

  I kiss her forehead gently. Even with dirt and dried blood, she tastes like my Claire.

  “Ok, baby. Let’s go.” I stand up with Clair still in my arms and turn to her friend. The woman is small, younger than Claire, and looks totally shell shocked. “I’m Jax. I’m here to save you. I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”

  She looks like she might pass out, but then she steels her nerves and stands up. “I’m Beth. Get me the fuck out of here, please.”

  I grin and we take off towards the back gate, knowing we’re being covered by the other MCs on our way out.


  We make it back to my bike and I let Dom know what’s up. He offers to take Beth back to the clubhouse on his bike, and she agrees. I haven’t let Claire down yet. She can’t stop looking at me, like she really can’t believe I’d come for her.

  I lean my head down, resting my forehead on hers. “Can you ride, angel? You just have to hold on to me, ok? Can you do that for me?”

  She nods. I set her down carefully and steady her. As soon as I remove my hands she starts to sway.

  “Claire, look at me.” I wrap one arm around her waist to keep her close. I cup her face with my free hand and tilt her face towards me. She’s unfocused. “Sweetheart, you have to tell me what he did so I know how to protect you and get you home safely.”

  “I… he hit me with the back of the gun here,” she rubs her bloodied temple and winces. “And when I woke up he smacked me there again because I spit in his face and the other side of my head hit the metal frame.” She has a little grin on her face. “Worth it.” She adds.

  God, I love her so much, but I hate that she’s in so much pain. She definitely has a concussion, but I don’t think she has any bleeding in her brain. She wouldn’t have made it this far.

  “Ok, my badass little warrior. I’m getting you out of here. I can’t have you on the back of my bike though. I don’t want you to fall off.” I sit her down on the front of my bike and get on behind her. I remember the last time we sat like this and I’d be lying if my dick didn’t jump a little bit.

  “Oooh, are we doing this again?” She giggles, no doubt feeling the r
ush of adrenaline mixed with the exhaustion, making her almost drunk.

  I ghost my lips over the side of her neck and whisper in her ear, “I definitely plan on doing that again, angel. But let me get you home first, ok?”

  She leans back into me, so exhausted. “Take me home then, cowboy.” She smiles at her nickname.

  “Cowboy, huh?”

  “Yeah. I mean you came in on your steel horse and saved the day. My sexy cowboy.”

  I chuckle and kiss the top of her head. “God, I missed you, Claire. I’m going to hold on to you tight, ok? I’ll have my arm around you the whole time. Lean into me, grab my thighs. Try to stay with me, baby. I’ll go slow.”

  She giggles again.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Everything you said sounds so… dirty.”

  I smile and kiss her head again. “Fuck, baby. If I talk dirty to you, will you stay awake till I can get you home?”

  “Mmm… I would like that very much, love.”

  That one is my new favorite nickname.

  I start up my bike and slowly pull onto the highway.


  I take Claire back to my house, the one I’m going to be spending a lot more time fixing up. I already have the master bedroom redone, including the attached bathroom with a giant tub. Yeah, I’m a big ass, tattooed biker who likes a hot bath. So sue me.

  I park the bike and cradle Claire in my arms. She rests her head on my shoulder and strokes my cheek with her hand.

  “Where are we?” She asks.


  “You have a house?”

  “Yeah, angel. It’s a long story. Let’s get you inside, and in a bath.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You have a house and a bathtub?”

  I grin. “Why don’t we go in and see if it can fit both of us?”

  “Yes please.”


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