Faking With The Enemy: An Enemies-To-Lovers RomCom: Milestone Mischief #2

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Faking With The Enemy: An Enemies-To-Lovers RomCom: Milestone Mischief #2 Page 7

by Piper James

  “Why not?”

  “Why are you here, Nate? I really am busy.”

  I pushed down the frustration I felt, silently deciding to examine it more carefully later, when I was alone. This was a fake engagement. I had no right to feel slighted because Ivy didn’t wear the ring twenty-four-seven.

  “Have dinner with me,” I said, keeping my tone even. “We need to be seen together in public.”

  Her lips curved up the slightest bit with my first words, then fell with the last. She gave me a distracted nod.

  “Okay. Pick me up at my place at eight.”

  She turned and strode away, disappearing around a corner. Her response had been tepid, at best, but I would take what I could get. Did I expect her to jump for joy at the prospect of going out with me? To swoon?

  No. And I needed to keep my head on straight. Ivy not liking me was the reason why she was so perfect for this act we were putting on. No feelings would be hurt when it ended.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  I spun around at the sound of that deep, familiar voice. Shit.

  “Hey, bro. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to say hi.”

  Rafe looked at me like I’d grown a second head. I’d never “popped in to say hi” before, and there was no logical reason for me to do so now. His eyebrows raised in question, and my shoulders slumped.

  “I came by to see Ivy.”

  “Why would you do that?” he asked, his narrowed eyes spearing me on the spot. “I know you said you asked her out, but I honestly thought you were joking.”

  “Do you have a few minutes?” I asked.

  It was time to tell him. It might be the coward’s way out, but at least here he wouldn’t have time to chew me out. I could spit it all out and escape when his next patient needed him.

  He led me into an empty exam room and shut the door behind us. He opened his mouth to question me, but before he could utter a word, his pager beeped. He checked it with a curse before narrowing his gaze back on me.

  “Duty calls,” I said, grinning. “I’ll just see myself out.”

  “We’re going to talk about this later, Nate,” he said.

  I gave him a little salute before swinging open the door and sauntering out. I’d worry about Rafe’s possible reaction to my deal with Ivy later. Right now, I needed to get ready for my date.

  The date that would hopefully be the beginning of the end of Charity Glasscott’s presence in my life.

  “You look…nice.”

  It was all I could do to keep my tongue rolled up in my mouth as Ivy stood before me in the doorway to her apartment. She was wearing tight jeans paired with a baby blue sweater that looked so soft, I wanted to rub my hands all over it. The neckline hung off one shoulder, revealing an expanse of smooth skin that made my mouth water.

  Clearing my throat, I offered her an elbow. “Shall we?”

  She gave me a soft smile before stepping out and turning to lock up. Her ass looked amazing in those jeans. I quickly raised my eyes as she turned back to face me. She slipped her hand over my still-extended elbow, and I noticed she was wearing my ring.

  My lips curved up without my permission, and I quickly wiped it away. The only reason I was happy was because Ivy was following through with her end of the deal by wearing my ring. I could practically see the end of Charity’s plot against me. That’s it. Nothing more.

  I walked her to the Mustang’s passenger door and held it open while she climbed inside. She looked almost startled for a moment, like she couldn’t believe I was being a gentleman. I wanted to feel offended, but I couldn’t.

  I was self-aware enough to realize I’d never really shown Ivy this side of me. She’d only seen the douchebag I wanted her to see. An exaggerated version of myself that only came out for her. As I rounded the hood to the driver’s side, I made a decision.

  I wasn’t going to pull any punches with her tonight. I’d give her Nate two-point-oh—the affectionate, romantic, chivalrous side of myself I rarely let the world see.

  I ignored the little voice in my head that asked me why I wanted to impress Ivy. I didn’t. It was just fun, giving her the unexpected and watching her reactions.

  “Any new threats from Charity?” Ivy asked as I started the car.

  “No. She’s been quiet for a couple of weeks,” I said, pulling away from the curb and heading toward town.

  “I don’t understand why you don’t just call her and tell her you’re engaged,” she said.

  I shook my head. “The direct approach doesn’t work with her. She’s stubborn and will just refuse to accept it…like she’s refused my attempts to put her off. She’ll think I’m making it up.” I paused to grin at her, and my breath caught when she smiled back. I cleared my throat and went on. “But if she hears the news mixed in with idle town gossip, she’ll come sniffing around to see if it’s true.”

  “So, she’ll believe the gossip, but not when it comes straight from the source? That doesn’t even make any sense.”

  “I know,” I said, “but that’s been my experience with her. You know, the first time I saw her, I asked her out? She said she knew I was a mechanic and turned me down, flat.”

  “What?” she exclaimed, a sarcastic look of horror on her face as she mocked me. “What the hell is wrong with her?”

  “I know,” I said, smiling. “I’m a catch. Anyway, she heard some rumors about me, came sniffing around, and wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “What? About your magic dick?” she asked, making me flinch. Then she laughed. “Sorry. It was just too easy. I’ll stop. I promise.”

  “Anyway,” I said, stressing the word. “I figured, why not? Worst. Mistake. Ever.”

  “Okay. I get it,” she said. “So, where are you taking me?”

  “I wanted to take you someplace casual, where we can just relax and enjoy a meal. I thought Hero’s would be the perfect spot.”

  “Hero’s?” she asked, her voice unnaturally high.

  “Yeah,” I said, glancing at her quickly before returning my eyes to the road. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” she squeaked before clearing her throat. “Hero’s is fine.”



  This was so not fine. How was I supposed to sit through a meal with Nate in the place where my hopes for us had been blown to hell? I hadn’t been inside the place since that night. And now Nate was taking me there for our first fake date?

  I didn’t know if I had the skills to pretend like I was happy and in love in the one place I never wanted to step foot into again. And I certainly couldn’t go anywhere near that ladies’ room.

  Oh, God. What if I had to pee?

  Just the thought made my bladder spasm to life. Now I really did have to pee. Great.

  “Stay right there,” Nate said after parking the car.

  He climbed from his seat and jogged around the front end, stopping beside my door. Pulling it open, he held out a hand to assist me.

  “I can do it myself,” I growled, ignoring his gesture.

  Once I was standing beside him, he shrugged and pushed the door closed. Before I could pull away, he twined his fingers through mine and brought my hand up to his mouth. His lips brushed softly over my knuckles, sending a shiver racing down my spine.

  I smiled, putting on the show I’d agreed to. My insides were churning with dread as he led me to the entrance and pulled open the door. I extricated my hand from his and stepped inside Hero’s for the first time in years.

  Scents of pizza, hot wings, and garlic bread assaulted my nose, the usually pleasant aromas making my nausea intensify. My eyes flew first to the empty table where I’d sat with Rafe and his family, trading hungry stares with Nate. Then I looked toward the short hallway where the restrooms were located.

  Where I’d seen Nate fucking some random stranger against the bathroom wall.

  My steps faltered, and Nate’s palm immediately pressed against my lower back to steady me. My fi
rst instinct was to shy away, but I forced myself to appear grateful for his touch. People could have been watching, and this was my part to play.

  Nate guided me toward a more private booth in the corner, waiting until I’d slid into one side before he claimed the other. At least, I thought he was going to sit across the table from me. Instead, he slid in beside me, stretching his arm across the back of the booth behind my head.

  I scooched away from him, tucking myself into the corner, but he only followed.

  “We have to make this look real, Ivy,” he murmured quietly.

  I forced myself to relax, not even flinching when his fingers stroked my hair. This was all an act, and being here only solidified how much I hated Nate. My mixed emotions settled down as I grabbed onto that loathing.

  “Is this okay?” he whispered, tugging lightly on my hair.

  I nodded, even as my mind screamed “No!” He opened his mouth to say something else, but a waitress approaching our table stopped him.

  “Hey there, Nate,” she said, her tone much too sultry to be considered professional. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Her eyes never left the man at my side. It was if I were invisible. Could she not see me tucked against Nate? The fact that he commanded her attention so fully made me unreasonably angry at both of them.

  “I’ll have a light beer. Whatever you have on tap,” I said, leaning closer to Nate as I laid my hand on the table.

  That did the trick. Her eyes followed the movement of my hand, widening when they spotted the sparkly rock on my third finger. Her gaze collided with mine, wide with shock, before darting back to Nate.

  “I’ll have what she’s having,” he said smoothly before turning his head to press his lips against my temple.

  The waitress stuttered something about getting our drinks before spinning on a heel and practically running away. I watched her go with a strange sense of satisfaction before Nate chuckled.

  “Now, that’s how you stake your claim,” he whispered, his breath on my ear making me shiver.

  “I wasn’t…” I said, my words trailing off. Wasn’t I? I brushed the thought off, saying, “Is that another of your many conquests?”

  “Conquests?” he asked, his tone matching his offended expression. “Do you think I’ve slept with every woman in Milestone?”

  I shrugged, lowering my gaze back to the diamond ring. “Kind of.”

  “Well, I hate to disappoint you, sweetheart, but that’s just not the case.”

  “But I see you didn’t answer my question,” I shot back, meeting his eyes once more.

  Without blinking, he pressed his palm against the side of my neck and tilted my chin up with his thumb. “No, Ivy. I’ve never slept with her. I just eat here a lot. I know everyone on the staff.”

  As far as I could tell, he was speaking the truth. Some of the tension left my back and shoulders as unwanted relief filled me. I shouldn’t have been relieved. Who Nate slept with was his business, and had no effect on me, whatsoever.

  “Were you jealous, Ivy?” he teased, the deepened rasp in his voice making me tense up again—this time for a whole different reason.

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” I blurted in a panic before silently cursing myself.

  I did not want to go into that room, but it was too late. I’d already said it, and Nate was slipping out of the booth to let me out. I held my breath as I squeezed past him and took slow and measured steps toward the restroom.

  I could do this. It was just a fucking bathroom. And I really did have to pee.

  As I pushed open the door, I saw it like it was happening all over again. As if I’d somehow travelled back in time, I felt every one of my hopes for Nate and me shatter as small pale fingers fiddled with his belt buckle. I heard the woman’s moan as she sucked at his neck, and Nate’s hands moving to her shoulders to pull her closer.

  I shook my head to clear it and charged into the room like I was on some sort of mission. Locking myself in a stall, I concentrated on going through the motions, leaving no room in my mind to dwell on the memory of Nate and his mid-meal liaison.

  After flushing and stomping out of the stall, I washed my hands and dried them, keeping my eyes down and my jaw clenched. I needed to pull myself together.

  A fake engagement for a fully-restored car. That’s all this was. Nothing more.

  With that wall firmly rebuilt around my heart, I left the restroom and headed back to the table. Nate made a move to get up and let me back in, but I quickly quashed the notion by sliding onto the seat across from him. A look of disappointment flashed across his features before he wiped it away, giving me a blank stare.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” I said quickly. “Did the waitress come back?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “I ordered a large pepperoni and bacon and some hot wings. I hope that’s okay.”

  I nodded as Nate pushed a full glass of beer toward me. I picked it up and chugged half of it before setting it back down. I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth with a sigh.

  Nate remembered my order from all those years ago. Or maybe he’d asked Rafe. Or maybe we just liked the same toppings on our pizza. Something warmed in my gut, and I told myself it was the alcohol.

  I grabbed the glass and drained it, earning a quizzical look from Nate.

  “I’m so thirsty,” I said, flinching at the lame excuse.

  With a slight nod, Nate raised his hand to get the waitress’s attention. He held up two fingers and pointed to his beer, which was still half-full. Then he smiled at me, and I cursed the butterflies fluttering in my stomach at the sight of it.

  Nate stretched an arm across the table and wiggled his fingers. When I just stared at it, he whispered, “Take my hand, Ivy. You may not want to sit beside me, but you still have a part to play. We need to sell this.”

  “Right,” I murmured under my breath and placed my hand in his.

  I ignored the shiver of pleasure that raced through me as his fingertips tickled the sensitive skin of my wrist. I stared into his eyes and gave him a tight smile, imagining my mother driving that Bel Air, her hair blowing in the wind as she cruised around town with the top down when the weather warmed.

  I could handle a little discomfort for her happiness. I could handle Nate Walton.

  “You look like you’re in pain,” he said with a slight smirk before squeezing my hand. “Is this so terrible?”

  I was saved answering by our waitress, who shuffled up to the table bearing two beers. Another server followed behind her, holding a tray on each hand. I gently extracted my hand from Nate’s under the pretense of grabbing my glass. As the server set down our pizza and wings, I took a long swig of my drink.

  “Can I get anything else for you?” the waitress asked, keeping her eyes on me.

  She thinks Nate’s off-limits, I thought. Well, isn’t he? Technically speaking?

  “We’re good. Thank you, Heather,” Nate said.

  She nodded—at me—before turning to scurry away. Nate chuckled, bringing my eyes to him. I shot him a questioning look, and he shrugged before serving me a slice of pizza.

  “It’s not so bad, having a fiancée. I can actually eat in peace without…”

  His words trailed off, and I arched a brow at him. “Admirers buzzing around, begging for scraps?” I offered.

  “Something like that,” he said holding a tray toward me. “Wing?”

  “Sure,” I said, plucking one from the tray.

  Then, out of pure habit, I stuck my sauce-covered thumb in my mouth and sucked it clean.



  Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

  My eyes burned with the need to blink, but I held them open, unable to look away from Ivy sucking her fingers. My dick twitched, and I shifted my weight in my seat. She had no idea how beautiful she was—how sexy—and that fact only made her more desirable.

  The food seemed to improve her mood, for which I was thankful. I
was having a hard time figuring her out. She’d been fine when I picked her up. Friendly, even.

  But then her whole vibe had changed, and she’d become skittish and grumpy. And I had no idea why. I played our whole conversation over in my mind, and I didn’t think I’d said anything to piss her off or make her uncomfortable.

  Ivy Anderson was a bit of an enigma.

  And I didn’t hate it.

  Most of the women I’d spent time with were completely transparent. They’d use their words or their bodies to tell me exactly what they wanted. If we didn’t want the same things, I’d let them know. All very straightforward and for the most part, emotionless.

  Ivy, however, kept me on my toes, constantly wondering what she was thinking. She’d spout angry or irritated words, but her eyes told me a different story. She’d feign indifference, but her blush showed me just how I affected her.

  There was no denying it—despite years of animosity, I wanted her. And I was pretty sure she wanted me.

  It was crazy. I didn’t even like her very much. Or did I? I was so confused.

  The one thing I was sure of was that if she kept sucking her fingers, I was going to do something ridiculous, like launch myself over this table and stick my tongue in her mouth. I shifted positions again and cleared my throat.

  “How’s the food?” I asked, taking a sip of my beer.

  She’d already downed her second glass and ordered another. I thought about offering to get her some water, but quickly disregarded it. The devil on my shoulder wanted to meet Tipsy Ivy. Maybe she’d be more inclined to share the secrets hidden behind those blue eyes.

  “It’s good,” she said, smiling at Heather as she approached with a fresh glass of beer.

  I breathed a small sigh of relief. Ivy had been so sure I’d slept with the waitress at first, and while it shouldn’t matter, I was glad I’d managed to disabuse her of the notion. I would never take Ivy somewhere where we might run into one of my ex-lovers on our first date. The fact that she thought I would kind of irked me, but I pushed the feeling away.


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