Royal Blood

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Royal Blood Page 12

by Victoria Renteria

  There has to be some way, something that can bring her back to me and fast. Her destructive behavior is bound to lead her to do something reckless. Kind of like tonight. The beast erupts, flooding my muscles with rage. My nostrils flare with anger as the memory of her lies and coming back to an empty house fills my mind.

  If it weren’t for the trackers I had in place, I likely would have burned the entire city down. Gritting my teeth, I can feel my jaw grinding as I think about having to hunt her down and showing up to witness her showdown. My heart beats manically as I clench and unclench my fists over and over again. The phone in my pocket vibrates, cutting through some of my rage. Retrieving the device, I frown, answering the unknown number.

  “Devereux,” I bark angrily.

  “Hey, now. No need to be a bear with a sore head, Alex. I’m doing you a favor here,” the voice hums into the phone.

  “Who the fuck is this?” The anger that was already on the surface grows hotter with the unknown male taunting me on the line.

  “Come now. Is that any way to treat a friend?”

  “You’ve got approximately two seconds to tell me who you are before I hunt you down and skin you alive.”

  “How about I give you the address and you come meet me, pretty boy. We can do a little dance. Maybe I’ll take you to dinner and a movie first.” His slightly accented tone is full of mirth and seems oddly familiar.

  “Is this really a game you want to play?” I growl into the phone.

  “No, but it is rather amusing when you’re all riled up, big guy.” He laughs.

  “For the last time, who the fuck are you?”

  “That is not something I’m willing to discuss over the phone.” All of the mirth fades away as his tone takes on a serious quality.

  “Get to the point already. What do you want?” I snap, barely able to reign in my angry roar.

  “Meet me at the abandoned warehouse in ten minutes. You know the one.”

  The hair on the back of my neck rises at the mention of the warehouse where Cooper was injured. So much has happened since then. So much has changed.

  Shaking away my thoughts, I automatically reply, “Not a fucking chance.”

  “Trust me, it’s in your best interest to meet me there.”

  “I don’t know you much less trust you, so I think I’m gonna sit this one out. Thanks for that chat, though.” I start to pull the phone away from my ear to disconnect the call when the man says something that makes me freeze, fear and shock equally paralyzing me to the spot.

  “If you want to make sure your cover isn’t blown, then I would suggest you get your happy ass into that vehicle and get over to the warehouse. And to answer your question . . . Yes, Grant, I know everything.”

  The line disconnects before I have an opportunity to speak. Fuck that shit. There is no way in hell my cover is being blown. That puts Kylee in danger. The beast rattles in his cage, a warning to be cautious. It could very well be a trap, but that’s a chance I will just have to take.

  She’s worth the risk. She is worth any risk, even if she doesn’t see it. Glancing back at the house, determination fills me, reinforcing my decision to climb into the vehicle, leaving her behind. She’ll be safe here for now. Starting the SUV, I peel out of the driveway with the skill of a NASCAR driver. Well, at least in my head I do.

  Reaching the warehouse in less than six minutes, I quickly exit and access the security box in the rear of the vehicle. Sifting through my gear, I find what I want, lock up, and jog across the street toward the warehouse. Unholstering my sidearm, I approach the building with caution. Who in the hell is this guy? How does he know me? Better yet, how did he find me?

  Irritated with myself for being distracted, I bite my cheek to gain some focus, and approach the door with care. Scouting out the interior of the warehouse, my eyes scan the vast, empty space, searching for anyone or anything out of place. Beams of moonlight shine down, providing just enough light for me to walk. Remnants from the explosion cover the floor, scattering in different directions. Stepping over chunks of concrete and mortar, the memories of that fateful day threaten to overpower my senses.

  Not gonna happen, Grant. Not gonna happen, I tell myself as I stand immobile, scanning my surroundings.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I chose this location. It just seemed like the best option considering what happened. I mean, it is the last place anyone would come looking for us at the moment.” His thick Spanish accent fills the void between us.

  Targeting the direction of his voice, I raise my sidearm as he steps into the moonlight. My eyes dilate in surprise as the man who was traveling with General Morozov raises his hands in peace. Hell no. Who the fuck is this guy? And how does he know who I am? The muscles in my body tense, preparing for the knockdown drag out fight I know is coming.

  Aiming directly for his head, I take a hostile step forward. “You have about two seconds to start talking before I start shooting.”

  Chuckling, he responds, “I really wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”

  “Because if you shoot me, then you’re fucked at that weapons deal in a few days.”

  Some of my anger wanes with his words, mistrust quickly taking its place. This man travels with a known arms dealer and a traitor. Somehow, I find it hard to believe he’s here to help me.

  Choosing my words carefully, I reply, “Forgive me if I fail to jump at the opportunity to believe you. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just . . . Oh wait, it is that. You didn’t really march in here and expect me to fall for this, did you?” Cocking my head to the side, I watch his expression intently. His cool features give nothing away as he stands motionless under my inspection. Dropping his hands to his side, he sighs heavily, waving at the gun.

  “You think you could put that away so we can talk like big boys? Or do you really need to hold onto your security blanket?”

  “It’s not a security blanket, asshole,” I growl, taking an angry step forward. Lifting an eyebrow, he patiently waits for me to come to a decision. Ah, fuck. A little hand to hand would be good for my anger issues at the moment if it comes down to it. Grinning, I holster my sidearm and cross my arms over my chest.

  The man smiles in return. “If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it the moment you entered the building.”

  “You wish you were that fucking talented.” My arms bulge with restraint against the suit jacket. Every muscle in my body is taut, tight as a bowstring, ready to shred this son of a bitch at a moment’s notice.

  “Relax, Grant. I didn’t come here for a pissing contest,” he says, holding up a hand as if it would pacify me in some way.

  “Well, don’t hold back now. Do tell exactly what it is you came here for. You seem to know so much about me. Yet I haven’t the slightest clue who you are other than you like to run with known arms dealers.”

  “You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you? Although we weren’t so much running as we were standing. But you already know that.” He pauses, casting a sly glance in my direction.


  He chortles in response. “Let’s start over, shall we? I will fill in all the blanks, I promise, just bear with me. My name is Jack Vega, and like you, I’m working off grid. An undercover operation designed to flush out the leaks we have within our system. I knew there was a Delta Op working nearby, but you have to understand, I didn’t have any of the specifics.” He stops, peering at me for a long moment. With his next inhalation, he presses on.

  “When I saw you on the rooftop, my first thought was that you had to be working with Colonel Black. That there was no way in hell he’d be arrogant enough to meet with Morozov and not have someone covering his six.” I snort derisively. Of course Black is that arrogant.

  Jack grins widely. “Imagine my surprise when I found out he really is that stupid.”

  In a moment of weakness, I laugh at his genuine surprise, tears of mirth stinging the
backs of my eyes as I fight to contain myself. “Yeah, well, at least you weren’t subjected to his naked ass streaking out the window. That is a day forever burned into my retinas. Let’s just say Back Door Black hasn’t kept up with his squats.” I shudder, remembering his pasty white ass.

  Jack boisterous laugh fills the air, taking away some of the tension. “Back Door Black . . . that’s fitting. You’ll have to tell me about that someday,” he says between laughs.

  A steep cold slinks its way in, seeping the warmth from my body, souring my mood instantly. Noah’s memory burns brightly in the distance, ready to invade my consciousness at a moment’s notice. Swallowing thickly, I push him aside, not willing to confront all that has happened. Nodding at Jack, I acknowledge that I heard him even though I have no intention of ever disclosing that story to anyone. Jack’s eyes narrow as he watches me carefully. After a moment, he clears his throat and proceeds.

  “Fortunately for me, once I got the General back inside of the building, he decided to take a little break by way of someone’s bedroom, which freed me up to follow you.”

  “Makes sense. I would have done the same thing.”

  Jack nods at my response. “I thought you were working for Black all the way up until I followed you to that gigantic house.” He pauses, taking a breath, his brows lowering in concentration.

  “I don’t know why I didn’t recognize it at first. I really should have. I still can’t believe it took me a moment to figure out where you were going.” His eyes meet mine, and I bristle, uncomfortable with the thought of him or the General anywhere near my goddess.

  “Then it clicked.” He stops, snapping his fingers for emphasis. “You know that proverbial light bulb turning on?”

  I nod in understanding, hoping like hell he gets to the point before I pull out my gun and shoot him in the foot.

  “The moment I realized you were pulling into Min Sun-ye’s home, I knew you didn’t work for Black. At that point, I knew I’d found another leak . . .”

  “The fuck you did!” I snarl, cutting him off mid-sentence. His eyes pop in surprise at my outburst before a smile slowly crawls across his lips.

  “Calm down, Grant. I know you’re not a leak.”

  The amusement in Jack’s tone does nothing but further agitate my enraged beast. My chest heaves with exertion, every breath a struggle as I fight through the red haze of anger clouding my vision.

  “Then, by all means, tell me exactly what the fuck it is you do know. And make it quick because you are getting on my last nerve,” I say through clenched teeth.

  Jack laughs heartily, taunting the angry beast. The ligaments in my body vibrate, radiating with tension as I angrily stalk toward Jack.

  “Do you need me to wipe that smirk off your face, boy?”

  Jack’s eyes narrow into tiny slits. “You better be fucking glad I’m on your side because right now you’re starting to piss me off.”

  “Is that so?” I jeer, relishing in the fact that I’ve riled him up.

  His eyes narrow even further before he shakes his head. “You know you’re an asshole, right?” he asks quizzically.

  “I’ve been told that a time or two,” I snicker.

  “Good. I just thought that should be clear. I know what you’re doing, by the way. Trying to assert dominance, asshole. You’re the alpha in your unit. I get that, but right now, whether you like it or not, you need me, so back the fuck up and let’s get on with this shit. Or are you too badass to accept help from someone else?”

  “Hey, you don’t get to come in here and tell me to back the fuck up. You’re damn straight I’m the alpha for a goddamn reason. That’s something you’d do well to keep in mind. You called me, remember? And so far, all you’ve done is accuse me of being a leak,which is quite insulting, I might add. And to answer your question, no, I am not too badass to accept help from someone. As long as that someone is trustworthy and can add value to the job,” I say, crossing my arms.

  Jack nods, his eyes brightening in understanding. “I didn’t accuse you of being a leak.” He holds up his hand to stop me from interrupting him again.

  “I said I knew I’d found one, but you didn’t let me finish. If you had, you would have heard that I thought I’d found another leak and called Colonel Parker with my intel quite literally from outside the damn gate. At which point, the Colonel deemed it necessary to inform me that you, in fact, were not a leak but working undercover. He gave me the rundown and all of the essentials I needed to know about the case, including how to contact you since our cases have become intertwined.” Pausing, he watches me warily, gauging my reaction.

  A sudden coldness hits at the core of my chest, spreading through my body with each breath. Colonel Parker knew about Jack and didn’t tell me? To what avail? What the hell is gained by keeping me in the dark? The less I know only serves to put Kylee in more danger. My surprise wears off, transcending anger and rage, becoming something more.

  “Colonel Parker?” I ask in a disbelieving tone.

  Jack nods, apparently following my train of thought. “You weren’t hearing things. Your girl’s dad told me everything. I assumed he would have called you to fill you in. Judging by your reaction, I guess that didn’t happen.”

  “Ya think?” I snap. This covert op meant to protect Kylee has gone all kinds of FUBAR.

  Jack sighs heavily. “Look, I know how fucked up this is. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, and I’m not going to try. I won’t pretend to have all of the information because I’m positive there were things left out. You know how these things go. But the bottom line is, I can help you. Your cover will be blown to hell and back in a few days when you meet with Sang-Hyun if you don’t let me. And you and I both know that will put your girl in danger. You of all people know that is the last thing you need right now.”

  “You keep saying my cover is going to be blown. Why? What makes you think that?”

  Jack lowers his brows in indignation, scoffing at my questions. “Really? Are you seriously telling me you haven’t tried figuring out how to get Black out of the picture before then? That way your cover isn’t blown and you’re not outed to Sang-Hyun? Because if you haven’t, maybe I need to question your intelligence.” Jack smiles and throws me a wink.

  Ignoring his taunt, I reply, “I had been contemplating how to get around that little blip in the road. I just hadn’t managed to figure out how to do it.”

  Jack’s smile grows impossibly wider. “Well, I have great news for you. Something has just come up, and General Morozov is going to require his presence that evening.”

  “Why are you helping me?” I ask earnestly.

  “Because it is in everyone’s best interest that these two be taken out of commission. If they move into positions of power, it spells catastrophe for the rest of the world. All you have to do is look at North Korea for proof of what they’ll be like on a global scale. Tyranny at its finest.”

  He’s right. I’ve thought the exact same thing. It’s why I’ve been trying so damn hard to get my hands on Sang-Hyun. If he comes into any kind of power or weapons of mass destruction, it will ultimately mean the end of society as we know it.

  Giving a sharp nod of agreement, I ask, “Did Parker give you everything you needed for the meeting? Date, time, place? Is there anything you need from me?”

  He shakes his head no. “I have everything. I’ll distract Black while the meeting takes place. Then after, you can do what needs to be done.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a sliver of paper, handing it to me.

  “My number is on there. Memorize it. Call if you need anything.”

  Taking the paper from his hand, I can’t help but retort, “I’d offer you my number, but it seems you already have it. That being said, when this is all over, you owe me dinner and a movie, ass-wipe.”

  Jack’s boisterous laughter splits the lingering tension, dissolving it completely. Wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, he grins broadly. “You know, Grant, I think I�
�m going to like you. Make sure you take care of that girl of yours.”

  Clapping me on the shoulder, he turns and strides from the warehouse. Retrieving the phone stowed in my pocket, I dial the number I’d memorized a short while ago. It rings once before going to voicemail. Disconnecting the call, I automatically dial the number again. There is no way he’s going to dismiss me that easily. He knew there was another covert op going on right here that interfered with this one and didn’t say a fucking word.

  The anger that fled returns swiftly as he sends me to voicemail yet again. Disconnecting the call, I center my anger on Sang-Hyun, focusing all of my energy on the upcoming meeting. It’s time to end this. I’m ready to get my girl back. It’s time to let the beast out of his cage.

  THE ALLURING SOUND OF WATER sluicing over a body arouses me from my slumber. Stretching my arms over my head, every muscle protests, aching from yesterday’s hallway escapade. A smile begins to form but quickly disappears. I don’t remember what time he came to bed last night. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure that he came to bed at all. A dull, heavy ache forms in the center of my chest as I glare at the partially open door.

  Steam billows out of the bathroom as sounds of soapy water rush along Alex’s body. The naughty little minx inside me conjures up visions of Alex running his thick masculine hands over the expanse of his body. Beginning with his rock hard chest, he moves south, soaping up his abdominals and trailing down to his . . . a small groan parts my lips. Becoming breathless, I pant as waves of heat flow through my core. The empty ache inside of me grows as my body rhythmically clenches with unfulfilled desire. Trembling with need, I rise from the bed, taking tentative steps toward the bathroom.

  As I reach the door, I shed my clothing and enter the misty room. Dense clouds of steam billow from the shower, engulfing the small space in a fog-like haze. Closing the distance between Alex and myself, I quietly enter the shower, opening the door and sliding in. Alex remains unmoving, lost in his thoughts, his head resting comfortably on one arm against the shower wall. Fat droplets of water slide down the long, lean muscles of his back, rolling down his hips and getting lost in his lusciously powerful thighs.


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