Royal Blood

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Royal Blood Page 14

by Victoria Renteria

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good.” Giving him a curt nod, I glide toward the elevator.

  Swiping the key, I climb in with Alex and several of the guards. The ride to the top is swift and uneventful until the lift opens, revealing two of Madame Lin’s henchmen. As I exit the car, Alex takes the lead, stepping in front of me, shielding me from the potency of their beady eyes. A satisfied smile colors my lips and a profound sense of pride swells at the sight of my magnificent protector. Placing an appreciative hand on his arm, I brush the soft fabric of his suit coat with the pad of my fingers. Alex relaxes minutely, never taking the guards out of his sight as he steps to the side.

  An unimaginable amount of strength sweeps through my muscles, making me feel a bit taller as I stride forward.

  Looking pointedly at gorilla number one, I say, “Go and get Lin, now.”

  Scoffing, he sneers disdainfully, dismissing my command. Alex flexes, taking a punishing step forward. Holding up my hand as if I were batting away a fly, I ward off his advance. Halting in his tracks, Alex’s chest bristles with restraint as he levels the guard with a penetrating glare. Tension rises, riding high in the small foyer as I level the guard with a glare of my own.

  The gritty, ominous quality of my tone doesn’t go unnoticed when I proclaim, “You have two seconds to move your ass and tell Madame Lin that 2Mamasan Sun-ye is here. If you’re not out of my way by the count of two and she isn’t in that room waiting for me . . .” I pause, pointing to the sitting room, “. . . then I will have my guards tie you up just so you can feel the sting of my blade as I slice every ounce of skin from your body.”

  The guard blanches, his face becoming pallid as the color leeches from his skin. Without a word, he turns, moving to the office where Madame Lin works. Gorilla number two smiles politely, extending his arm as an open invitation, inviting me into the humble abode.

  “Ass kisser,” I mumble under my breath.

  Alex chuckles darkly, his laughter igniting delicious tingles all over my body. Pushing away my carnal cravings, we move our little entourage into the sitting room. Weaving my way through the large space, I move to the window, taking in the view of Seoul from the high rise. Spacious skies give way to a sprawling cityscape below, bustling with people from every walk of life. Peace and tranquility calm my raging nerves as I soak in the incredible sight. As if some cosmic being decided I’d had enough down time, my inner peace dissipates, dissolving completely with the click of Madame Lin’s heels echoing throughout the tiled room.

  “Mamasan, I’m so glad you are feeling better. I thought it might be a while before your next visit.” Her tone is full of loathing and contempt.

  Turning around to face her, my guard’s part, allowing her to view me for the first time. Alex comes to stand just off to the side, his commanding presence lending me the strength I need. Madame Lin sucks in a shocked breath before gaining control of her emotions and taking a threatening step forward. Alex growls but she ignores his presence altogether, which makes him seem to double in size.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Turning to her guards, she screams, “You told me that Mamasan Sun-ye was here. This is not her!” Spinning around, she pins me with a hateful glare.

  A wily grin creeps across my face as I take a step forward, my smile growing even more when I notice Alex matching my every move.

  “Oh, haven’t you heard?” I say innocently.

  “Heard what, you stupid girl? You have no right to be here.”

  Gritting my teeth, I widen my stance. Anger speeds my pulse, sending my heart into a turbulent thump. I can feel my eyes tapering down into tiny slits as I glower furiously. When I speak, my voice is sharp and cutting like the edge of a finely honed blade.

  “You will watch what you say to your new Mamasan or I will have you on your knees every day for the rest of your life, servicing the men you have coming into this establishment. Not to mention the guards and every damn man who sees fit to enter South Korea.”

  “Y-You. B-But I thought Sang-Hyun . . .” Her words trail off as she watches me warily.

  “Did you really think my mother would leave her legacy to the likes of him?”

  The dark laugh that I emit is edged with menace and danger. Tears of mirth leak from the corners of my eyes. Wiping them away, I give her a little smile.

  “Thank you, I needed that laugh. Although, you and I both know you wanted Sang-Hyun to take over for a completely different reason.” Hesitating, I pause to gauge her reaction. Squirming, she fidgets uncomfortably.

  “Oh, you thought I didn’t know you two had been working together, did you? How you’ve been skimming off the top? Abusing the girls and taking what you want, not caring about the consequences.”

  “But—” she protests.

  Holding up a hand, I interrupt. “Silence. You will speak when you are spoken to and not a moment before, is that understood?”

  Silently, she nods her assent.

  “I said is that understood?” I snap, the thin veil reigning in my anger waning.

  “Yes, Mamasan,” she replies with a little bow of her head.

  “Good. I’m sure you’re quite aware that you’ve cost us a considerable amount of money by damaging the merchandise.” I pause again, letting my words sink in for a moment. Her jaw ticks, tightening as she clenches and unclenches it repeatedly.

  “From now on, there will be no more drugs in this house. Ever. Do you understand?”

  Remaining silent, she nods her head. My eye pulses, impatience bubbling to the surface.

  “Would you like for me to cut your tongue out and make your silence permanent?”

  Her eyes widen in shock, her mouth gaping open like a fish repeatedly at my imminent threat.

  “Then answer my questions when I speak to you or it will become a reality here and now. I’m sure Mr. Devereux here has a lovely blade I can use for the task.”

  “That I do,” Alex replies smugly.

  “Yes, I understand. There will be no drugs in this house going forward.”

  “That’s the spirit. I think she likes her tongue.”

  Looking over my shoulder, I wink at Alex, noticing him eyeing one of the guards. Brushing it aside, I focus my attention back on Madame Lin.

  “The girls will receive three meals a day and clothing. You will also provide them a proper education. They are to be treated with dignity and respect. You’re not to raise a hand to them. Anything that is inflicted upon them will come back to you tenfold. Do you get my drift?”

  “Are you sure this is the way you want to run this house? It has been quite profitable in the past.”

  The palm of my hand connects with her face before I even realize what I’ve done. The sound of fist connecting with flesh ricochets off the walls, reverberating throughout the otherwise silent room. Stumbling back a step, Madame Lin feverishly rubs the spot on her cheek.

  “Do not question me. This is my house and I will run it as I see fit. If that is not something you can live with, all you have to do is say the word and I will have you gone in a matter of moments.”

  As my voice fades, the threat continues to remain, hanging thickly between us. Never wavering, her emotions flicker across her face. Everything from shock, anger, rage, anxiety, unease, and finally acceptance.

  “No, Mamasan. I apologize for questioning you. Please forgive me. Your bidding will be done.” Her quiet tone does nothing to hide the hatred in her voice.

  “You will if you know what’s good for you. I’m changing the way we operate my Tenpro house. We are going for high-end customers, not the slobs and horrible trash you’ve been bringing in. And in order to bring in the best clientele, my girls have to be top-notch. Now, I expect you to make that happen. I will be back in a few days to check on the progress. From now on, all services must be approved through me before you can book them.”

  Inhaling rapidly, I observe her carefully, taking note of the deep-seated rage just below the surface. As I watch her calculating the
odds in her head, my mother’s voice echoes inside mine for the first time in years. “Put an end to this insolence, Ttal. It is the only way.”

  An involuntary shiver wedges its way into my soul, splitting me right down the middle. Shaking off the eerie voice in my head, I feel the urge to assert myself a final time. Stepping into her personal space, I drive my finger into her chest.

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t even consider trying anything because I have a blade with your name on it.” Her pupils dilate, swallowing up her irises completely as she gapes at me in surprise.

  “Now, I expect this house to be clean of drugs and my girls fed and clothed when I return. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Mamasan.” Bowing deeply, she peers up at me through her lashes.

  Her eyes heat with fury as she gazes upon me. Lowering her eyes, she waits for me to step around her before stalking off to her office. A wry smile sweeps across my lips, spreading from ear to ear as I climb into the elevator to exit the building. It’s a good thing I already have a plan in place to deal with that one because there is no doubt about it. She is going to be trouble.

  * * *

  1 Korean term for high end escort or companion service

  2 is a Korean term that refers to the ‘boss’ or ‘owner’


  The case on the phone splits from the force of my hands. Blowing out a breath, I loosen my grip. The last thing I need is to destroy the device. It actually has information I need. Narrowing my eyes, I read the message for the third time.

  Ten minutes.

  Ten minutes until Parker’s contact is due to show—information he deemed appropriate to send via text message. Fucker, he’s ignoring my calls, too, I know it. My blood boils as agitation soars through my veins. I can feel it getting stronger, like a time bomb waiting to blow at a moments notice.

  “Dammit,” I growl, punching the steering wheel.

  So many questions have been left unanswered—answers I’m sure I could get if he’d just pick up the damn phone. The vein in my forehead throbs, pulsing irregularly as I continue to wait for his contact to arrive. How could he do this to me? Is he trying to get me killed? First ignoring my calls then sending me a text message with just the basic information for his contact.

  My gaze automatically falls to the phone where the details of the message are displayed. The name Danbi Lee blares brightly on the white screen—not a name I’m familiar with, not that I expected to be. Like a powder keg ready to explode, my thoughts take on a life of their own. Each irate thought brings with it an unsettling wave of apprehension of what’s to come.

  “Fuck!” I punch the steering wheel again.

  The sting of the plastic cooling only the tiniest bit of my anger. My brow dips low, confusion tugging at the corners of my brain as thoughts of Colonel Parker invade my mind once more. There has to be more to this than I know. Parker knows better than to send someone into a situation blind. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out what the hell is going through his head. And why has he all of the sudden become unreachable, leaving me with very little to go on?

  Acid churns violently in my stomach as I think of the upcoming meeting. Little to go on? Try nothing to go on. The only thing I’ve got right now is Jack’s word that he will keep Black distracted. And what damn good is that when I don’t know a thing about the guy? For all I know, he could be blowing smoke up my ass.

  Scrubbing a hand down the back of my neck, I dart a glance out the window. No sign of his contact anywhere. So much for meeting the contact early. At this rate, the guy will show up when the damn meeting is supposed to go down. Son of a bitch. I blow out an angry breath.

  I really don’t want to have to wing this more than I already have to. But what choice do I have? I’m stuck between a rock and a fucking hard place, left with nowhere to go. He hasn’t given me any other options. My angry thoughts rattle the beast in his cage. I have no alternatives at all.

  I really do have to put my unwavering trust in a man that irritates the shit out of me. The hair on the back of my neck bristles. The uncomfortable reality of tonight’s agenda hits me square in the chest. Swallowing around the sizable lump in my throat, I sit up straighter, taking note of my surroundings. Light reflects in the distance, catching my eye. Taking the safety off my sidearm, I train my eyes on the location the reflection came from.

  In the distance, a figure moves within the shadows, making a beeline right for my SUV.

  “Time to get this show on the road,” I mutter, stepping out of the vehicle.

  Rolling my neck from side to side, I try to release some of the tension from my shoulders. Forcing myself to relax, I clasp my hands in front of me and wait patiently for my target to arrive. The apprehension from earlier returns, an intense sensation that seems to accompany me no matter where I go always there, wreaking havoc on my nervous system. Mentally, I chastise myself. Get your self together, Grant.

  You’ve got a job to do. Rise up, you will do this. Stand tall and fight for what you believe in. She depends on you. They all do. My thoughts are interrupted as the figure closes the gap between us.

  Suddenly, I’m struck with an unexpected sense of surprise that has me struggling to keep my mouth from gaping open like a floundering fish. This is Danbi Lee? It can’t be . . . can it? Shit. This is so not what I was expecting. Talk about throwing a man off of his game.

  My eyes swell as I take in every inch of the person before me. Uh, is Lee supposed to be a distraction? My mind races in an effort to calculate every possible outcome. Gulping, I stare at the 4’6” Korean woman standing before me. She has to be a distraction because there is no way anyone is going to seriously hear anything coming out of her mouth while looking at her.

  Arching a perfectly shaped eyebrow, Danbi conducts a perusal of her own. Placing a hand on her pant clad hip, she calls attention to the sensual cut of the fabric. The custom tailored black pantsuit molds to her curves, drawing attention to each and every one. The deep erubescent silk blouse entices the eye with small glimpses of smooth skin. Her dark hair is swept off her neck in an elegant knot, calling attention to the slender lines of her throat. Crimson heels match the blouse, bringing some height to an otherwise vertically challenged female.

  I snicker inwardly at my thought. While she is beautiful with her soft feminine features and cinnamon colored eyes, I prefer the taller variety—a feisty Parker with chocolate eyes and legs that go on for miles.

  Danbi pins me with an annoyed glare. “You better be sizing me up as an opponent and not checking me out.”

  Her thick Korean accent is unlike the usual high pitch of the female variety. It’s a smooth, sultry tenor that’s soothing to the ear. Fuck. She will definitely be a distraction at the meeting. Hmm. Maybe that will work in my favor?

  I grin deviously at the thought. She’s going to hate that idea. I can tell just by looking at her. Her eyebrow rises higher as she waits for my answer.

  Fighting the urge to laugh, I respond, “You wish, little one.”

  Growling, she takes a step forward, poking me in the chest. “Look here, you. I may be little but I will kick your ass if I have to. Don’t make me have to. Parker will be pissed at me.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that,” I say drily.

  Opening her mouth to respond, I cut her off, lifting my hand. “First off, lady, I don’t even know who the fuck you are so you don’t get to come in here acting all high and mighty. Second, you bet your ass I was sizing you up just like I do everyone I meet. So, again, back to my original statement. You wish.” Glaring down at her, I cross my arms over my chest and wait.

  Sighing heavily, she nods once, extending a hand in my direction. “Sorry, in this line of work, you often get checked out as much as you get sized up. I’m Danbi Lee and you already know why I’m here, so there is no use going into that.”

  “How do I know you’re who you say you are?” I ask, glaring at her outstretched hand.

  Never dropping her hand, she smiles as she r
esponds, “I thought you’d say that. Which is why I asked Parker for something I could use to verify who I was. He told me that I should give you the name Back Door Black.”

  A pang of sadness ricochets through my chest as the nickname Noah gave Black falls from her lips. The memory of my friend takes up all of the space at the forefront of my mind. Shaking away the sadness, I take her proffered hand.

  “I wonder what he would have told you if I hadn’t bought that?” I muse out loud.

  “He said to tell you that he was going to send Sam in to take care of your goddess if you didn’t get your shit together. He also said they’d make cute babies but not to tell you that because you’d probably fly off the deep end.”

  An animal like growl echoes loudly around us. Shaking my head vehemently, I bark, “Like hell he will.” White-hot rage erupts, the tension flowing through every muscle as they expand with my determination. The beast inside of me prowls, pacing uncontrollably inside my head. A delicate pat on my arm snaps my gaze downward.

  Danbi smiles with approval. “Perfect. You will need that tonight. Sang-Hyun is not someone to be taken lightly. Channel that rage, keep it on the back burner and use it when necessary. You’ll know when the time is right. Remember, you’re representing North Korea. You’re expected to be ruthless, underhanded, nasty. All things I’m sure I do not need to tell you. You are a leader, Alexander. Tonight you’re going to be leading a criminal empire in a weapons deal. Any questions so far?” She pauses, holding my gaze for a moment.

  “No, assuming you’re getting to the part about the weapons deal,” I say, meeting her unwavering stare.

  Nodding, she continues. “We’re getting there. You know, it was actually kind of brilliant that you told Sang-Hyun you were Joon Ra’s right-hand man. It makes what we’re doing tonight that much easier. You have to know that what we do tonight changes things. Sang-Hyun will leave here pissed off, so you must be prepared. I need to know that you’re on board with that before we proceed.”


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