Protective Instinct

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Protective Instinct Page 4

by Katie Reus

  “Yeah. Been in communication with Rafael and they’re okay.” He started to say more when his radio beeped.

  Ryan unashamedly listened to the conversation and nearly lost his shit when he realized what was happening. The EMT crew who’d gone down to pick up Teresa and Rafael were taking them straight to the hospital using another service road. From the sound of it and what Ryan knew of the area, it’d be a hell of a lot quicker for them to get there from where they were now as opposed to coming back up the mountain, then heading back into town. Still, he didn’t like it. Teresa wouldn’t agree to go to the hospital unless she was injured. That panic was back, a raw clawing fear like he’d never known before shredding up his insides.

  After a grunted goodbye, Ryan headed back the way he’d come to find Connor about to pull off onto the side of the road and park. He slid into the front seat. “They’re on their way to the hospital.”

  “Shit.” A real thread of worry rolled off Connor as he slowly made a U-turn. Shifters didn’t go to hospitals easily. Only if they were really injured and often not even then. They didn’t like humans poking and prodding at them.

  For the first time in as long as he could remember Ryan felt absolutely helpless. Even with that vampire attack three months ago at the club where Teresa had been doing some undercover scouting with Aiden and others in the pack, Ryan had been in control. He’d been doing security and when the shit had hit the fan, he’d jumped right into the fray, protecting Teresa. Hell, that had been the turning point in their relationship. Now he was useless as he waited for Connor to drive them to the hospital, waited to find out if she was really okay.

  “How’d you live without Ana for so long?” he rasped out suddenly, surprised by his own question. He hadn’t meant to ask, but deep down he wanted to know how the Alpha had managed to live without her for fifty years.

  “I wasn’t living. I was just surviving,” Connor said softly.

  He was a stronger male than Ryan. Right now he couldn’t fathom five days away from Teresa, let alone fifty years. Once he got to her side he wasn’t letting her go.

  * * *

  “This is stupid,” Teresa muttered, crossing her arms over her chest as Rafael helped her into one of the hospital beds.

  They’d arrived at the hospital not long ago and she’d immediately been taken to get X-rays. She knew it was because she was an injured shifter and human doctors almost never got to look at shifters in any sort of medical capacity. So she’d been moved to the front of the line instead of having to wait.

  “Not stupid. You were a little out of it before and—”

  The door to her private room slammed open, making her jump. Connor and Ryan strode in. Elation immediately filled her that Ryan was here even if he did look ready to rip someone’s head off. There were too many scents in this hospital; she hadn’t even smelled them nearby. Ryan bared his canines at Rafael who just glanced at Teresa. “I’ll be waiting with Connor if you need me.”

  She guessed he just said that to rile Ryan up. Though she wasn’t sure why. She was really surprised when Connor nodded once at her and left her alone with Ryan, but maybe she shouldn’t be. Ryan looked almost rabid as he stalked into the room. Even so, it was a relief that he’d come. Her wolf calmed down just being in his presence.

  “Are you okay?” His voice shook as he came to crouch by the bed right next to her. He reached out as if to take her hand, but looked unsure.

  She hated that they were at that point where they were both unsure of each other. “I’m seriously fine. This is just about the silly humans wanting a look at a shifter.” She tugged at the scratchy gown, annoyed at herself for letting them convince her to put the thing on. She should have just left her own clothes on.

  He growled. “Bullshit. Connor and I have been all over this hospital trying to track you two down. We went from X-rays to some jackass doctor. You have a concussion—”

  “That’s already healed.”

  He continued as if she hadn’t interrupted. “And cracked ribs.”

  Okay, that was true and it sucked. She wasn’t going to admit that it actually hurt to breathe. “They’ll be good as new in twenty-four hours.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry this happened.” He reached for her hand and on instinct, she pulled back.

  Immediately his expression turned remote and she felt like the biggest jerk on the planet, but when he touched her, it made her wolf all edgy and she couldn’t deal with that right now. Not when she was already in physical pain. She was so thankful he was here but the touching was too much. “Ryan…” She trailed off at his hurt expression. After she’d been injured all she’d been able to think about was seeing him.

  He immediately masked it though, and grabbed a bedside chair so he could sit close. “What do you need?”

  She wanted to reach for him, but decided against it, not wanting to make things worse. “Honestly, nothing. As soon as I talk to the doctor I’m leaving. There’s nothing they can do for me and I just want to go home and sleep in my own bed.” No one was going to stop her either. She didn’t care if they released her. She was leaving.

  “I’ll get the doctor then.” He stood and was gone before she could say another word.

  In his absence Connor and Rafael came back in, with her Alpha looking concerned. For some reason that made her burst into tears. And that wasn’t like her. She rarely cried. Usually when she was upset she just shifted to her wolf and ran off the steam or anger or whatever emotion. Now she couldn’t shift until her ribs were healed and all her pent up emotions decided to leak out of her eyes. It was so embarrassing. And it hurt something fierce. She wrapped an arm around her side in an effort to add some pressure and ease the pain. Even though she was still upset with Ryan she wished he was in the room. Hell, even if touching made her wolf edgy she needed him right now.

  Rafael muttered something about finding coffee and Connor’s eyes widened as he stared at her like a deer caught in headlights.

  “You live with three females,” she said, her voice watery. “This shouldn’t freak you out.”

  A ghost of a smile tugged at his lips as he took the seat Ryan had vacated. Without pause he took one of her hands in his. His strength was almost palpable. “I’m sorry you were hurt and I’m sorry…” He trailed off, looking at the closed door before back at her. “Well, I’m sorry for my gender in general. We can be stupid sometimes.”

  His understanding of the real reason she was upset made her cry harder. Which just sucked even more for her pain scale.

  * * *

  Once again Ryan felt helpless as he walked next to Teresa. On the drive back from the hospital she’d tried to hide it, but he’d seen her wince a few times when they hit bumps in the road. And he’d heard her crying to Connor in her room. That killed him—because he was pretty certain he was the reason for her tears. She hadn’t let him see her vulnerable and he hadn’t gotten to comfort her—because she hadn’t wanted him to touch her. God that cut deep. Even if she hadn’t said the words he could read her.

  “You sure I can’t carry you?” he murmured, hovering like a fucking nurse maid. He wanted to soothe her pain so badly.

  “I think it might hurt worse, but thank you.” She gave him a real smile then and it eased some of the tension inside him. When she reached for his hand and linked her fingers through his, it was as if he could actually breathe again for the first time all night.

  At the hospital when she’d pulled back from him he’d felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart with a silver dagger. Then twisted it for good measure. Because her reaction had clearly been instinctive—and it was all his fault. He’d wanted to make sure he was doing the right thing by keeping distance between them and instead he’d pushed away the only female he’d ever loved. He’d been afraid to touch her since then, not wanting to push her when she was injured. And if he was being honest, he couldn’t stomach the thought of her rejecting him again.

  “I bet I could get December to make you a blu
eberry pie,” he said as they neared the house she shared with her three sisters. He simply wanted to crawl in bed with her right now, to take care of her.

  Teresa grinned again. “I think she’s ahead of you. I’ve already gotten texts from my sisters that she brought over enough baked goods to feed a small shifter army.”

  “Oh shit, she made you cookies but they’re still in the SUV.” He’d forgotten about them with everything that happened.

  “I was wondering what that bag was for. And I’m surprised you didn’t eat them,” she said playfully.

  The lightness in her voice eased even more of his tension. “Listen, Teresa…” He wasn’t sure how to finish his thought.

  “We don’t need to talk about anything tonight.” The lightness in her voice was gone as they reached her front porch. She wasn’t angry, but he could sense her pulling back from him again. It was almost a physical thing. Which sliced him up. “And…I want to sleep alone tonight.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he snapped, then cursed himself for the outburst. She’d been hurt and he was being a dick.

  She withdrew her hand from his. “My ribs hurt.”

  He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He couldn’t push her now, not when she was injured. His wolf swiped at him, snarling and angry. “I want to sleep with you tonight, to take care of you.” He didn’t care if he sounded like he was begging.

  “I want that too, I just…” She shook her head, her dark hair swishing around her shoulders. “Not tonight.”

  “Did you leave with Rafael earlier to make me jealous?” The question was out before he could think about censoring himself. He should have just kept his damn mouth shut.

  Her expression was incredulous as she stared at him. So much so that he knew without a doubt that she hadn’t. And okay, deep down he’d known that anyway. Teresa didn’t play games. But right now his wolf was shoving at him, knocking him off balance and apparently making him unable to control his big mouth. “God, sorry, just forget I—”

  “Goodnight, Ryan.” She stepped back from him. Didn’t kiss him, didn’t fight with him, nothing. He could actually feel the walls she’d erected between them too.

  The sensation raked over his skin like shards of glass, digging in and drawing blood. That was worse than if she’d shouted and called him a jackass. Which he was. He couldn’t believe he’d asked such a stupid question.

  The door shut in his face. He wanted to push his way into the house and demand she talk to him, to apologize to her, but knew it would be pointless at the moment. She needed space from him, that much was clear. And she needed rest and time with her sisters. He wouldn’t take that away from her tonight.

  But that didn’t mean he’d be leaving her anytime soon. Sighing, he stripped off his clothes and shifted to his wolf. Tonight he’d keep guard and make sure his mate was safe.

  Tomorrow he’d figure out a way to make things right. He had to.

  Chapter 5

  The rich scent of coffee was the best thing about this morning. Teresa eased her way down the stairs, already feeling a hundred times better than she had last night. Her midsection was sore, as if she’d done a bunch of sit-ups, but that was it. Considering how bad that accident could have been, she was grateful it wasn’t worse.

  She’d hated sleeping without Ryan though. The male’s scent permeated her sheets and she’d gotten used to cuddling up to him the past few months. One stupid night and she missed him far too much. Most of her anger had tempered at this point; she was just…hurt. And tired of feeling as if she wasn’t good enough to officially mate with. It was no wonder her wolf was going insane.

  The sound of her three sisters’ voices greeted her before she reached the kitchen. And she scented Aldric too, no surprise. The second she stepped into the room her sisters started fussing over her.

  As the oldest it was a little weird. She was so used to taking care of them, but as Rosa ushered her to a chair and Natalia got her coffee and Gloria started getting her breakfast, she realized she could get used to this. Temporarily at least. Twenty-four hours at the most. Long term would make her crazy. But for now, man she loved her sisters. Considering how raw she felt she was even more grateful for them. At this point she could barely think about what she was going to do past breakfast.

  “They’ve been having a fit all morning worrying about you,” Aldric murmured. “I offered to cook but they won’t let anyone do anything for you.”

  “Because we know best,” Rosa snapped, the heat in her voice out of character.

  Damn, her sisters really were worried. “Listen guys, I’m fine, I swear. What you’re doing is so sweet, thank you. But after a day of rest I’ll be ready to work again tomorrow.” Otherwise she’d go stir crazy. And she loved her job working around the ranch and with the horses.

  At her words all three of them turned to stare at her as if she’d just said she ate kittens for breakfast.


  Natalia frowned. “Drink your coffee.” Then they all proceeded to set the table and finish up with breakfast. And Aldric hadn’t been kidding. He tried to help a couple times but got swatted by her two beta sisters. Which was funny to watch.

  “Rafael asked about you yesterday,” Teresa said before taking a sip of her coffee, wanting to gauge Rosa’s reaction.

  Since Rosa was the only one who looked at her, clearly it wasn’t a surprise who she was talking to. “What did he say?”

  “Just wanted to know if you were seeing Matt.”

  Her dark eyebrows rose. “Rafa’s come into the shop a few times and was a little hostile to Matt. I wondered about that.” Now her cheeks turned pink, but she didn’t say anything more. And her little nickname for him, Rafa, was adorable.

  “So, what’s going on with you two?” Teresa persisted. She’d been so wrapped up in Ryan the past few months that clearly she was out of the loop on some things.

  “Nothing, because Rosa’s a chicken-shit,” Natalia said without looking up from pulling plates from one of the cabinets.

  “That’s not it and don’t be a bitch,” Gloria murmured before nudging Natalia with her hip.

  As the three of them discussed what Rosa should do about Rafael, Aldric leaned closer in his seat, his own coffee in hand as he lowered his voice. “You gonna take pity on Ryan and let him in this morning?”

  She frowned. “Take pity?”

  Aldric shrugged. “Guy slept on the front porch all night. Saw him when I got here this morning.”

  What? Ignoring her sisters’ protests, she got up and headed through the house. When she opened the front door sure enough she found Ryan laying on the front porch in wolf form just as Aldric had said. It was eight in the morning so he could have gone home last night then come back, but she didn’t think so.

  Guilt racked her as he stood up on all fours, looking so sweetly at her. At the sight of him literally guarding her threshold, she couldn’t hold back. Ignoring the twinge of discomfort, she moved to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. In lupine form he was huge, with a dark brown coat that was incredibly soft. She buried her face against his neck, inhaling that desert smell. It didn’t matter that they lived on the East Coast, something about his scent had always reminded her of the desert; just a little bit wild.

  “You’re a frustrating male,” she murmured, inhaling his masculine scent. It was addicting and soothing at the same time. Holding him now made it hit home exactly how much she’d missed him last night. She didn’t want to be apart from him anymore but she also didn’t know how much longer she could stand the pendulum swing of her emotions.

  He just whined and nuzzled back.

  “You want to shift?” she asked.

  He let out a quiet yip before he underwent the change to his human form. His bones shifted as skin replaced fur and seconds later he was crouched in front of her. All beautiful, naked male. It was hard not to let her gaze roam over his delicious body. She loved it when he was naked.

  “Did you
stay out here all night?” She was already fairly certain of the answer but wanted to know. Since she was on her knees and he was crouching she didn’t change positions.

  He nodded, his dark eyes filled with concern. “Yeah.” His voice was raspy and deeply sexy.

  “I missed sleeping with you last night.” A small part of her wondered if she should have held that back but she didn’t want to keep anything from him. She wanted him to know how much he meant to her, how much she wanted to be with him. He needed to get it through his thick skull apparently.

  She slid her hands up his chest and linked her fingers together behind his neck. His skin was so warm. It was hard to resist the male, especially when he was naked. There was just too much skin she wanted to touch and stroke. Even though he’d been making her edgy, she knew she was safe with the male.

  “Me too.” His fingers gently skated down her hips, as if he was afraid to hold her too tight. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Just sore. I should be okay to shift, but I’m going to wait until tonight or even tomorrow to try it.”

  He nodded, that expression of concern etching deeper in his face. His fingers tightened a fraction on her hips, but just barely. “I don’t like arguing with you.”

  She sighed. “Me neither.”

  “And I’m so sorry, Teresa. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you.”

  She swallowed hard, unsure how to take his apology. He wasn’t saying he wanted to bond with her, just that he didn’t want to hurt her. As she tried to think of a response—and she didn’t know what the heck to say at this point—the front door swung open.

  Natalia looked at the two of them with her eyebrows raised. “Connor just called. Wants to see the two of you, pronto.”

  Well, hell. She needed to have a serious sit down with Ryan, but apparently it would have to wait.

  * * *

  Ryan scented who was inside the main house before they stepped over the threshold. Connor, Ana, and Rafael. Ryan liked Rafael well enough, but after he’d gone off with Teresa yesterday, Ryan was feeling edgy. Territorial.


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