Their Wanted Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

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Their Wanted Bride (Bridgewater Brides) Page 5

by Raisa Greywood

  The thought made me feel somewhat better, but I’d have to make sure not to incite them again, at least not when we were out in public.

  “Caleb and Justin!” a woman’s voice called. “Come, join us and introduce us to your bride!”

  My face flamed at the smiling gazes of a threesome at a table positioned far too close. Judging by their smiles, they’d heard everything. I tried to hide behind Justin’s massive form, but he wasn’t having it and kept me locked against his side, pressed tightly between his hard body and Caleb’s.

  Their cheerful grins weren’t cruel though. All three wore expressions of genuine delight. Two men surrounded a young blonde woman with flushed cheeks and a look of supreme satisfaction with her lot in life. All were finely dressed, and appeared comfortably well off. The woman wore a pale green dress, revealing a slim, yet well-proportioned figure, while the men were very handsome in warm woolen shirts and dark trousers.

  “Robert, Andrew,” Caleb said, nodding to each man in turn. “And Miz Ann. How are you this fine evening?”

  “Very well, thank you. Will you introduce us to your new wife?” Robert asked.

  “This is Miss Maddy. We’re headed to the church right now,” Justin said.

  Andrew arched a brow, his expression darkening. “Ann, love, will you take Maddy and help her freshen up? Robert and I need to have a few words with Caleb and Justin.”

  I scanned the men’s faces, disliking Andrew’s judgmental glare. Lifting my chin, I returned his ferocious scowl with interest and wriggled free to stand in front of Caleb and Justin. “Is there a problem?” I asked tartly.

  Both Andrew and Robert blinked at me in surprise, but Ann giggled and rose to her feet. “I’ll take you to the powder room,” she said, rounding the table. “Robert and Andrew want to yell at your new husbands for a bit to make sure they haven’t besmirched your honor.”

  Robert nodded, peering at me speculatively over the rim of a teacup.

  “Oh? What happens if I besmirched theirs?”

  Tea sprayed from Robert’s mouth and he choked as Andrew pounded his back. Ann let out a tinkling laugh and dragged me away. “You and I are going to be the best of friends, I just know it.”

  “Lord help us all,” I heard Andrew mutter behind us.

  Extricating my hand from Ann’s tight grip, I patted my hot cheeks as she led me into a small powder room. A tiny oil lamp provided scant illumination, revealing a vanity table and a somewhat cloudy mirror. “I have no idea what made me say such a thing. Please, accept my apologies for causing a scene.”

  “Don’t worry. You’re absolutely perfect.” She beamed and encouraged me to sit on the low stool at the vanity, then pulled a few pins from her coiffure. “We’ll get your hair presentable for a wedding, but we’ll need flowers, and… Let’s see, you have a blue dress, so that just leaves something new, something old, and something borrowed. Did they tell you the story of Mohamir and how Bridgewater came to be?”

  “Yes, I’d heard of Mohamir before, but it’s all quite fascinating. I hope to talk to some of the men who were there.”

  “My Robert and Andrew will be most pleased to tell you what they saw. They spent some years in Mohamir and Egypt.”

  “Will your husbands be very upset with Caleb and Justin?” I asked, chewing on a thumbnail as Ann twisted my curls into order.

  “No, of course not. It’s…well, honor is very important to the men of Bridgewater. It’s just not done for men to take liberties with their wife before the wedding.”

  “But they didn’t. I mean, obviously you heard, but… Well, they didn’t.” Ann’s words sent warmth deep into my chest. Justin and Caleb could have had their way with me as a husband should take his wife. Their wife, I silently corrected myself. I was so muddled with delight, I’d have let them without question. Even though their need was obvious, they’d controlled themselves for my benefit.

  The remembered feel of Justin’s thick member rubbing against me sent a fresh surge of wet heat through my tender womanhood and I shifted uncomfortably on the cushioned stool. My nipples perked into tight, achy buds as I recalled Caleb baring me to his avid perusal.

  A few hot tears pricked my eyes, and I thanked God for giving me that newspaper all those weeks ago. I even thanked Nathan and Celeste for showing me the way to Bridgewater and my two wonderful men. I was growing to trust them more with each passing minute, and I’d be able to tell them about my bequest soon. Yet the thought made me frown. Would Justin and Caleb be accepted in Kentucky? It wasn’t likely, and I couldn’t ask them to leave their home either. They’d made a life for themselves here. I resolved to think about it later.

  Ann nodded knowingly and dusted a bit of powder across my nose. “I thought it was something like that. The most important question is, did you like it?”

  “How could I not? It was…” I tried to find words for the surfeit of sensation my men had given me, and their solicitous care. “It was…astonishing.”

  “Well, then everything will be fine. Let’s get back to what’s important.” She unclasped a strand of white pearls at her throat and wrapped it around my neck. “Here’s something borrowed. What should we do for something old and new?”

  “My boots are old, but I don’t have anything new, I’m afraid.”

  “Hmm.” Ann put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. Her face brightening, she said, “I know. Those hairpins are new. I just got them last week. I believe that satisfies everything.”

  I rose and gave Ann a brief one-armed hug. “Thank you. It’s good to find a friend so soon after my arrival.”

  “How long have you been here?” she asked.

  “I arrived today on the noon train in response to Caleb and Justin’s advertisement for a wife.”

  “Oh, goodness! You must be exhausted! How far did you come?”

  “I…” Biting my lip, I decided to tell the truth. I was sure I was safe enough to be honest with my new friend. Well, at least I would be once Caleb married me. “Kentucky. My stepmother wanted me gone and colluded with a horrible man to force me to marry him, so I had to escape.”

  She patted my hand in commiseration. “You’re quite brave. Andrew and Robert also saved me from a most unwanted marriage, but I’d have been too frightened to make my own way as you did.” Grimacing, she added, “Of course, I was on a ship at the time, so escape was quite impossible unless I wanted to swim.”

  “I think I’d have taken my chances with the sea monsters before marrying Nathan Bergman,” I muttered, still shuddering at the thought of that despicable man laying a hand on me. “My stepmother sold my horse to him, and he threatened to send him to slaughter if I didn’t agree.”

  “How awful for you.” She hugged me again, smelling of sweet lily of the valley. “We’ll get you safely married, and you’ll never have to worry about that horrible man or your stepmother ever again. I am sorry about your horse though.”

  I grinned and rose to my feet. “Don’t be. My friend Dahlia and I painted him brown with walnut dye. I dressed as a man and got us both on the train with no one the wiser.”

  Giggling, she clapped her hands together. “That’s utterly brilliant! I can’t wait to tell my husbands your tale. I almost wish I’d been that clever and brave, but then I might have missed Robert and Andrew.”

  “I hope they find it more amusing than Justin and Caleb did. They were quite upset with me. I’d planned to make myself presentable and ride out to their ranch, but they were the people I asked for directions when I arrived. I didn’t mean to tell them a falsehood.”

  The thought made my stomach tighten around the unpalatable meal I’d tried to choke down. What would they say about my bequest? I had to tell them soon.

  “I’m sure they’ve already forgiven you.”

  Straightening my spine, I nodded, resolving to forget all about Kentucky— at least for the time being. “Will you stand with me?”

  Ann flashed me a brilliant smile. “Of course! How could I refuse my new frien


  * * *

  “Tell us about your new bride,” Robert ordered, clearing his throat after choking on Maddy’s parting shot across his bow. Despite his years out of the military, he’d never quite lost the air of command. Andrew was no better in that regard, but I supposed we owed them an explanation. He was right to ask.

  Good men simply didn’t debauch a woman without having put a ring on her finger first. Although I was sure he and Andrew had both enjoyed soiled doves in the past, as had Caleb and I, we’d never countenance it without their express consent. We’d been too eager with Maddy, but she was too tempting to resist.

  I wanted to see her eyes cloud with passion again. I needed to taste her more than I needed to breathe, and my body demanded I make her mine. In an effort to hide my thickening cock, I sat down across the table from them. Caleb joined me a few seconds later, suffering the same condition.

  “She’s…unusual, to be sure,” Andrew murmured. “You’ll have a time bringing that one to heel.”

  “Hold your tongue,” Caleb snapped. “I’ll not listen to you disparage our wife.”

  “She’s not your wife,” Robert replied, giving us a smirk I wanted to punch from his face. “Perhaps we should introduce her—”

  When Caleb growled, I held up my hands in an attempt to stop the coming fight. As much as I wanted to beat Robert to a pulp, it wouldn’t be helpful, and I refused to stand in front of God with Maddy after fighting. It was disrespectful and I wouldn’t sully her special day with violence.

  “Enough,” I said, my voice deepening with implied threat. “You two are the only reason we’re not at the church right now. Maddy is perfect just the way she is, and we won’t hear a word against her.”

  Caleb settled, but shot a dark look at Robert and Andrew. “She came all the way from Kentucky dressed as a man in response to my advertisement for a wife.”

  To my surprise, reluctant appreciation crossed Robert’s face. “Why was she in men’s clothes?”

  I told him the rest of her adventure, my chest swelling with pride at his exclamation of admiration.

  “Clever,” Andrew murmured. “That was incredibly foolhardy.”

  “But brave of her,” Robert said, nodding. “Why is the horse so important that she’d go so far?”

  “She says he’s valuable,” I replied. “She had enough funds from his stud fees to get here on the train, rent the hotel’s finest room, and pay for our supper.”

  “He’s supposedly an Arabian,” Caleb added. “He’s about sixteen hands, and very distinctive.”

  “Small ears and a concave face with large nostrils?” Andrew asked, leaning forward with interest.

  “Yes. How did you—”

  “Three dollars a mare for stud services,” he interrupted. “Present the deal to your Maddy. I’ll go as high as five. Ten if he’s native-bred.”

  “She says he’s from Morocco,” I replied. “The beast follows her like a puppy.”

  A dreamy smile crossed his features, softening the harsh lines of his face. “Robert, do you remember the mares we had in Egypt?”

  Nodding, Robert said, “Yes, fine animals they were. I would have liked to bring them back with us.”

  “Make it fifteen. I won’t insult Maddy with less.” Coughing, Andrew flushed, then added, “Your new wife has brought you two lucky bastards a fine dowry.”

  “I don’t give a damn about her dowry,” I replied, my fists clenching at the look of avarice on Andrew’s face.

  “The horse doesn’t matter to us, aside from being something Maddy loves,” Caleb added. “We don’t care about money. She’s what’s important.”

  “Ten dollars is acceptable, sir. I don’t plan to overcharge my new neighbors,” Maddy said, surprising me into stillness by plopping herself into my lap. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, she kissed my cheek. “I’m delighted to see a man who knows his horseflesh out here in the wild mountains.”

  “Would you be interested in selling—”

  The smile fell from her face, making Andrew lean back warily. “Not under any circumstances,” she said firmly, rising to her feet. “He’s mine, and so are Caleb and Justin. If you’ll excuse us, we’re on our way to a wedding.”

  Robert blinked, then shared a telling glance with Andrew. “Of course, Miss Maddy. We’ll escort you and bear witness to this happy event. Welcome to Bridgewater.”

  “Madelaine, if you please,” she retorted.

  Caleb barked out a laugh and I lowered my face to hide my grin of satisfaction. I liked being claimed by Maddy, but sooner or later, he and I would have to teach her she could relax and let us protect her instead of the other way around.

  I wrapped my coat around Maddy’s slim form before we left. It was much too cold for her in that thin cotton dress. We’d have to buy her a more appropriate wardrobe soon. She couldn’t have much money left after getting herself here, and once she was our wife, we would take care of her needs.

  We sandwiched her between us, Caleb on her left while I took my position on her right as we escorted her down the street to the church. Her soft curves felt perfect in my arms. I couldn’t wait for the wedding to be done. I wanted to take her back to the hotel and finish what we’d started in the restaurant.

  Robert and Andrew followed with their Ann snugged up between them.

  As usual, the church door was unlocked, but we’d probably have to search for the preacher. Likely, he was in the parsonage with his wife, seeing as how it was suppertime and the sun was setting.

  Maddy’s feet stalled and she looked up at the white clapboard steeple, biting her lip. “Are you ready, sweetheart?” I asked, leaning down to inhale the fragrance of citrusy soap.

  She jumped and gave me a tremulous smile. “Yes, of course. Shall we?”

  Keeping a firm hold on her waist, we escorted her inside.


  * * *

  “Do you have a ring?” the preacher asked. “I can sell you one for two dollars if you don’t, and you can pay me back when you get your cows sold.”

  “I think I have it, but that’s awful kind of you,” I replied, praying I had that much. Digging into my pockets, I scowled when I produced no more than two bits. I didn’t bother to look to Justin for the dollar fifty we needed. He never carried money. I fumbled a coin and bit back a curse when it hit the wood floor.

  Dropping to her knees, Maddy bent down and shifted her weight, hiding her movements. A second later, she stood and handed me two silver dollars.

  “These fell from your pocket. You need a coin pouch.” Letting her lips curl into a smile, she reached up and kissed my cheek. “I declare, I’d lose every single penny I had if I didn’t have one.”

  I gritted my teeth, unsure whether to thank her or take her outside for a sound spanking. Where on earth did she get that money? It didn’t escape my attention that she’d essentially paid for a ring she hadn’t wanted in the first place. Infernal woman.

  I barely listened to the thankfully brief ceremony. There were only a few words I wanted to hear.

  “I now pronounce you husbands and wife. You may both kiss your bride.”

  She lifted her chin, pursing her lips as her eyes closed. Cupping her cheeks in my palms, I kissed her gently, and not quite chastely. Her lips parted and my cock surged in my trousers when she let out a little gasp of air. I took full advantage, deepening our kiss until she whimpered softly. Before she could catch her breath, I passed her to Justin and grinned when her knees buckled under his expert touch. Our new wife was a passionate thing under that prim blue dress.

  The sound of the preacher clearing his throat pulled us out of the spell Maddy cast upon us with her soft lips. He handed us a hastily prepared marriage certificate. Folding it carefully, I put it in my pocket for safekeeping.

  We made our goodbyes and left the church. Maddy hissed out a breath as snowflakes dusted her face, and Justin wrapped his coat more tightly around her shoulders.

’s go back to the hotel,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms to share his warmth. “It’s too late to go home tonight, Mrs. Mathis.”

  Her teeth chattering, she scowled up at the sky. “It’s almost April! How c-can it be snowing in April?”

  “We’ll see about getting you a good coat tomorrow,” I promised.

  “Yes, please. I had no idea it would be so cold.”

  It wasn’t that bad, but if I recalled correctly, Kentucky was a bit more temperate than Montana. When her blood thickened up, she’d be fine. We hurried her down the street, her small frame nestled against us.

  I let her sit by the Franklin stove while Justin took care of our horses. Not a moment too soon, we had her upstairs where we could warm her properly—with her naked body between ours.

  Justin unlocked the door and lit an oil lamp, revealing a spotless chamber. The bed was more than large enough for all three of us and covered with a patchwork quilt. A wooden dressing screen stood in a corner, and there was even a chamber pot tucked discreetly under the bed. The washstand had a full pitcher of water, and several snowy white towels in a neat stack. A small table rested in the center of the room, surrounded by three chairs. This hotel was well prepared for Bridgewater families.

  The shutters were tightly closed against the weather, and a fire was already laid, waiting to be lit. Setting her down on the bed, I knelt in front of the hearth and soon had a small blaze going to warm the room.

  Maddy sat on the edge of the bed and twisted her fingers together. “I don’t even have a pretty nightgown to impress my new husbands.”

  “Do you want one?” I asked as Justin locked the door. She didn’t seem the type to crave fripperies, but we barely knew her.

  She turned to look at me, her eyes glowing in the faint lamplight as she stroked the coverlet on the bed. “Not really. Seems a waste to spend money on something I’ll wear only once.” Grinning impishly, she added, “I wouldn’t say no to a glass of good bourbon if such a thing is available out here.”


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