Lust of the Kobolds, Part II

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by Dani Dundee

  Lust of the Kobolds, Part II by Dani Dundee

  Copyright Dani Dundee


  Lust of the Kobolds

  An erotic fantasy short story

  Part II: The Indiscretion


  Subject matter: Fantasy creatures, first time, F/M, F/M/M, sex as duty, group sex, oral, breeding, anal, voyeurism.

  Creatures involved: Kobolds.

  If you’re faint of heart, now is a good time to turn back.

  What are Kobolds?

  Kobolds breed like rats. It’s all they seem to care about apart from killing.

  Not a bad life, really.

  - Dervin the Bard

  Standing less than three feet high, reptilian and covered in scales, kobolds are the bane of every low level adventurer. They appear as small, humanoid dragons; they are hairless and have scales, spines on their heads and necks, and a long thick tail.

  As reptiles, a kobold come into season once a month and lay an egg shortly after. Breeding is highly controlled, with a large register and scheduled partners. Females are fertilised communally, and each female is assigned a new male every month.

  Our story today concerns a kobold named Taeni and what happens to her after her first time breeding…

  Chapter I

  Day to Day

  Bug Farmers Quarter

  Kobold city of Emparsdon

  The underground

  Three weeks after Lust of the Kobolds, Part I

  “I know,” I said, facing my friend Kayeli, “I know. But I still miss him.”

  There was no day or night in the underground darkness, but this was rest time, the end of a day’s labour tending the bug herd. It was the same every day. I woke up, tended to the bugs, then at night went back to the simple one-room dwelling that served as the home for a dozen of the herders, including my friend, Kayeli. She had moved in with me after my first breeding. All the kobolds slept in a big pile on the floor. It was very comfortable.

  My life was good, now that I’d been inducted into the breeding roster and had my first egg, but I was distracted. No matter how hard I worked, no matter how much I tried not to, I couldn’t help thinking about Jeruth and his beautiful green scales. His strong arms. The way his seed had flooded my body, giving me a strong, healthy egg. I had not been the only female he had bred that day, but I had completely drained him.

  The egg Jeruth gave me was a solid, large one which I had been assured was healthy. I had laid it with all the other females who were due at that time, and then gone back to work. Yet all I could think about was him, about the breeding rooms and having him bend me over once more.

  Kayeli smiled kindly and squirmed closer to me, accidentally kicking someone. “It’s okay to miss someone you’ve had breed you,” she said, cuddling up to my front, reaching around my middle and cupping my backside, as she had started to do more and more of late. “You miss their seed in you, and the feeling that comes with the relief of your season.” She leaned forward, giving me a firm kiss on the lips. She’d been doing that more and more too. “It’s not really them you’re missing, though. It’s just the seed. It doesn’t matter where it comes from.”

  Maybe. Kayeli did know more about this than I did. “So you’re saying that the male who breeds me tomorrow…I’ll miss them too, just like I miss Jeruth?”

  “Yup,” said Kayeli, her hand snaking around my backside, slipping a digit between my rumpcheeks, rubbing it up my cleft and settling it under my tail. “Don’t you worry, my gorgeous little friend. You’re going to feel a lot better in the morning.”

  I hoped that I would. Ever since laying the egg, I had felt the urge to breed rising up again. Now that I knew what it entailed, and how pleasurable it could be, I wanted more. “If you say so,” I said. “I really need it.”

  Kayeli’s finger wiggled against my tailhole, teasing me a little. I relaxed my muscles and felt her press it within me. Jeruth had done that; Kayeli knew it made me feel good to do it. “I know you do,” she practically purred, pressing her finger in deeper. “A nice strong male is going to bend you over and breed you, and all your worries are going to go away.”

  Nnnf. She was pushing in deeper. I arched my back. It felt good, having her inside me…even if she was a female. “I hope so,” I said.

  Kayeli reached up behind my head, cupping it with her hand, and she kissed me, pressing her face against mine. I returned the gesture, feeling her finger squirm inside my tailhole, teasing me, working me…it was nowhere near as good as when Jeruth had done it, but it felt vaguely nice.

  She sighed and pushed away. “I should let you sleep,” she said, smiling at me. Her finger slipped out from my body. “We’ve both got a big day tomorrow.”

  This was true. I nodded understandingly, and I tried to sleep…but all I could think of was Jeruth and his giant, throbbing cock.


  “Next,” said Syral, the manager of the breeders, a smallish kobold with dark red scales, crouched behind his large desk at the end of a long hallway. Beside it was the pillar of inspection; a place where I would be checked to verify I was in season and be assigned my breeding partner. Kayeli was behind me.

  It was just like last month. Almost. Last year I had been an absolute nobody and none had paid attention to me; this time I was receiving a lot of attention. Hushed whispers. Side glances. Occasional of my backside for good luck. Apparently the other females thought I was a good breeder.

  I stepped up to Syral’s desk. Kayeli gave me a gentle swat on the rump as I did so.

  “I am Taeni,” I said.

  His face lit up in a wide smile. “Well well, young Taeni. I had heard your breeding last year was quite…remarkable.”

  “Everyone keeps saying that,” I said, my tail swishing around behind me. “I’m glad I was of service to the city.”

  “And now it is your time to be of service again.” Syral gestured to the pillar. “You know what to do.”

  I did. I stepped over to the stone pillar. There were grooves before it for my feet; I settled into them, leaned forward, and put my hands out against the stone. I heard faint murmurs and whispers behind me as I raised up my tail, in full view of all.

  Syral slid down from his desk, practically skipping as he made his way over to me. “Just as I remember you,” he said, settling his hands on my hips, staring longingly at my presented body. “Perfection in form. How I would love to breed you myself.” I thought, for a moment, that he had frozen in place, just staring…then, with almost palpable regret, he lowered his maw to my nethers, extended his tongue, and dragged it across my entrance.

  It felt better this time. Even better than last time. Perhaps I was simply more accustomed to sexual things, but Syral’s attention made me shiver.

  He did it again, and again, his damp tongue dragging across my sex, each lick firm and lingering. I kept my tail nice and out of the way for him, letting him sample me as much as he needed to. It was his job after all. Syral’s tongue probed me deeply, pushing aside my lips and slipping inside me, squirming slightly as it stroked my inner walls.

  Syral was licking me a lot more than last month, but I didn’t really care; I was enjoying the sensations a great deal. Everyone was looking on, and that didn’t bother me either. I was just glad to do my duty. I stifled a little squeak as Syral’s attentions on my nethers intensified. Squeak.

  He stopped, raising his head back up, and I almost stood back up again—but he moved behind me, his groin near to my backside. A slight twinge of panic rose in me. Was he going to breed with me? I didn’t mind that notion at all—he was handsome, and red scales were quite lucky, but there was a register. There were rules. He would have said
if he was assigned to mate with me, surely.

  I risked a glance behind me, over my shoulder. Syral’s red shaft was held in his hand and he was stroking it; I could see a bead of seed forming on the head. Maybe he was going to put it in me, and breed with me.

  Instead, he groaned slightly, shuddering as his shaft throbbed, spraying out thick, gooey ropes of his white seed onto my back. The stuff splattered against my scales, soaking into the cracks, easy to see against my rust-coloured scales. The musky scent of seed filled my nostrils.

  Unsure of what to do, I slipped my tail down, sliding it between his legs, stroking it against his shaft as the last of his fluid flowed out over my back.

  The crowd of females behind me erupted in loud cheering. The loudest of which was Kayeli. I smiled across at her, a little sheepishly, and she bounded up to me.

  “And I thought Syral liked you last year,” she said, beaming at us both. She put her hand on the base of my tail, running up it slowly, all the way to Syral’s sticky member which she gave a gentle stroke, too.

  I didn’t know what to say to that, so I instead just flicked my tail over my back once more. “Is this okay?” I asked. “Going to a breeder all…sticky?”

  The two of them considered, Kayeli gently stroking Syral’s thick member.

  “It is less than ideal,” said Syral at length. “Taeni, if you could clean me up, then your friend here could clean you up, and all would be well. Just stay there.” He moved his way around to me, moving between myself and the pillar.

  That seemed fair. “Okay,” I said, raising my hand so he could come around to my front. “Did any get inside me?”

  “No,” said Syral, regret tainting his tone. “Alas, I was careful.”

  That was annoying. I wouldn’t have minded Syral’s seed fertilising me, but at the same time, I had been assigned a breeder. Could one breed with two males? It seemed okay, if inefficient. I could only lay one egg from it. Then again, Syral dumping his load on my back was also pretty inefficient.

  Syral presented his shaft to me, thick and heavy and red, dripping with white seed. I dipped my head down, flicking out my tongue, giving it an experimental taste.

  He was different to Jeruth. Saltier, and a little more fluid-y; less heavy. I carefully lapped up all the seed that was beading on the tip of his shaft, although more came almost immediately to replace it. I lapped that up too.

  Kayeli seemed so happy. She grabbed hold of my hindquarters, stepping around behind me. Although Syral had asked her to clean me, she didn’t do that right away; instead, her tongue found its way down to my nethers, licking at the same place Syral had done, slurping at my sex eagerly.

  Nnnf. I half closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation, the tip of my tail twitching. “I thought you said nothing got in me,” I asked, pausing a moment at licking Syral before returning to work.

  “Just making sure,” mumbled Kayeli.

  I wasn’t quite sure I believed her, but all the sensations around me were too distracting for me to put too much thought into it. I took the whole of Syral’s shaft into my mouth, disappearing the thing down my throat, feeling warm, salty fluid trickle onto my tongue. I slurped at it noisily, swallowing occasionally as the fluid in my mouth got too much.

  Kayeli moved up from my nethers, licking her way eagerly across my backside, up past my tail, and onto my sticky back. Her tongue ran between my scales, cleaning up the white seed that Syral had left there, leaving only glistening saliva. “You’re tasty,” she said to Syral.

  He certainly was. Syral was no Jeruth, of course, but he was delightful. I bobbed my head, working at his shaft, cleaning it up the best I could; I ran my tongue in a swirl around it, slurping up any stray seed, and giving the tip another lick.

  With a shudder and a groan, Syral’s shaft sprayed into my mouth, a salty, musky jet that coated my maw with its fluid. I kept my mouth firmly around him, trying to keep it all within me; I had failed with Jeruth, but I did better with Syral, and only a modest amount trickled out from the edges of my lips, running down my chin in a gooey line.

  I figured that was normal. Still, I swallowed eagerly, trying to keep it all within me. Syral’s hand touched the back of my head, helping guide me as he emptied himself into my mouth.

  “Ahh, ahh,” he groaned, as the flow of his seed ebbed. “Wonderful…”

  Jeruth had said the same thing. I wondered if he thought of me, as I did him? Maybe I’d start to think of Syral in the same way. I carefully raised up my head, keeping the tip of his tongue against my lips, making sure that I got all of his seed as it dribbled out, swallowing infrequently.

  Kayeli continued to clean me, dragging her tongue across my scales, tracing down the little rivers of fluid that ran down my body. She seemed to take to her task with relish; slurping messily whenever she scooped up some of the stuff and swallowed it. Given how tasty it was, and given Syral’s seniority and authority, it made sense—I would have done the same thing in her position—but she really seemed to enjoy all of it.

  “You should go,” said Syral, panting softly, the tip of his shaft throbbing against my lips. “Your very lucky breeder awaits. Door 100.”

  The whole crowd of females, most notably Kayeli, were staring at me with eagerness. With a smile and a wave to all of them, I stepped through the open door to the long corridor beyond.

  Chapter II

  This Month’s Breeder

  Who was it going to be this month?

  That question consumed me as I walked down the corridor, wiping the edges of my mouth, cleaning away most of the mess that had come from Syral. Try as I might, there was some seed that had stubbornly refused to be swallowed, and unless I worked at it, it threatened to trickle out.

  I felt many eyes upon me. Males poked their heads out of their chambers, watching me walk by, and females reached out to touch me, as though I were a good luck charm. Their hands typically came away slick with Kayeli’s saliva and the faint remnants of Syral’s seed. The latter seemed particularly of interest to them; if any were discovered, it was slurped up eagerly, although I was relieved to find none of them putting it between their legs. That I could see.

  They wanted the seed in them, and I knew that as keenly as any, but rules were rules. Such a small amount would produce a poor egg, so it was forbidden. Unless they were out on a raiding party, on a patrol mission or otherwise unavailable, a female could only breed with their assigned breeder. It was to keep our linage strong and prevent inbreeding.

  It also gave the noble and most senior kobolds access to the best breeding females. As was their right, of course.

  That thought stuck with me. Maybe I’d be bred by one of the council members of Emparsdon. Normally a bug farmer like me would have no hope of ever having their seed put in them, but everything was all weird now. Everyone was paying me such attention, and Syral had been so eager to spill his seed on my back…

  The doors counted up. 97. 98. 99. I was getting close to the exit.

  I stopped where the door labelled 100 should have been. Instead, a long passage stretched out, perpendicular to the main hall. I hadn’t noticed this before; last time I’d walked down this corridor I was basking in the afterglow of my first breeding. I hadn’t exactly been taking in the scenery.

  The next door along was the main exit. Where-ever the rooms bigger than 100 were, they were probably down this corridor.

  Sure enough, the next room was labelled 100. The plaque above was a black metal, adamantium, rare and expensive; as were the ones further down the little side passage. The earlier ones had all been iron. Why were these rooms different?

  101, 102, 103…Before I knew it, I was standing outside the door labelled 109. I could hear voices on the other side. Two of them, talking in low tones.

  I waited patiently.

  And I waited.

  And waited.

  What was wrong? Nobody else came down the little side corridor. It was just me. I tapped my tail on the stone with growing impatience.

nbsp; Finally the door swung open, just a crack. A head popped out; a male kobold with blue scales, sharp, angular features, and a strong jawline. His face lit up when he saw me.

  And below him, an identical head popped out, similarly regarding me.

  Identical twins were remarkably uncommon. What were they doing here, both of them? Why were there two males waiting in the chambers assigned to me?

  “Greetings,” said the top one, his maw splitting in a wide smile. “You must be Taeni.”

  “I am,” I said, and shook my head sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I was assigned to room 109…there must be some mistake, if it’s already occupied.” Especially by two males…

  “No mistake,” said the bottom one. “You’re assigned to us.”

  “Us?” I inclined my head in confusion. “You’re both to breed with me?”

  “Yes,” said the top one. “That is correct.” The door slid open a little. “I am Beloth. This,” he said, indicating to the kobold below him, “is Xael.”

  Beloth and Xael. I had heard whisper of them throughout Emparsdon; they were two of our finest warriors. The Claws of the Council. This was quite an honour, although I still wasn’t sure two of them were necessary or practical. Still, I dipped my head low as I stepped forward, pushing open the door and stepping into the room.

  This place was different to the bare stone walls where I had been bred previously. The floor was square tiles of red stone, held together with mortar. At the centre of the room was a small pool of water. Each of the four walls was draped in a thick square of cloth, each depicting heroic scenes from kobold history. One showed the massacre of the gnomes of Silverlight, another the almost-successful attack on the drow city of Delosar, the third a tapestry depicting the one thousand kobold slaves of Cenolth’franae The Red Wing, a massive dragon.

  The final tapestry was one familiar to me: The Tribute to the Breeders. A huge image of thousands of multicoloured kobold females in various stages of breeding. Some were crouched on all fours, tails raised high; others with a male mounting them, their bodies pressed together…others were splattered in white fluid, happily celebrating another season’s breeding. The edges of the tapestry were gilded with eggs.


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