Lust of the Kobolds, Part II

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Lust of the Kobolds, Part II Page 2

by Dani Dundee

  Strange, though, were some of the pictures on the outskirts of the tapestry. Images of three kobold males onto one female; the first taking her mouth, another under her tail, and the third breeding her. I wasn’t sure what to make of them, or why I had not noticed this particular thing before. Perhaps it was added to this copy.

  “Very pretty, aren’t they?” said Xael, resting a blue hand on my backside and giving a firm, lingering squeeze to one of my rumpcheeks. “The Tribute to the Breeders is my favourite.”

  “Mine too,” said Beloth, cupping and squeezing the other side of my hindquarters. “The females all look so happy.”

  They did, too, and I could understand why. I raised up my tail, curling it up against my back. “I’m ready to do my duty, but I have to ask…why are there two of you?”

  Beloth laughed at that, sliding a digit up under my exposed tail, stroking around my tailhole in small circles. “The council has sent us to evaluate you,” he said.

  Nnnf. His motion was nice. I tried to remain still. “Evaluate…me? For what purpose?”

  Twin hands stroked over my backside, rubbing my scales. “The council,” said Xael, “has very specific needs regarding its breeding females. They have to be more than simply skilled in the arts of pleasure, as you are. They have to possess a certain stamina that only a few do.”

  To breed with a member of the council would be a high honour. I nodded enthusiastically. “Certainly,” I said. “I am to please the council in all matters.”

  “I’m sure you do,” said Xael, casually slipping his hand around the back of my head.

  I knew what this meant. I quickly dipped my head low, bending right over, letting Xael guide my head down to his crotch. His shaft, thick and blue and pulsing slightly, was ready for me; I nosed forward, licking at it carefully, giving an experimental lick with the tip of my tongue as he stroked the spines on the back of my head. It tasted nice.

  No, this was no time for caution. I opened my mouth and took him completely into me, swallowing his shaft right up to the base, my tongue brushing against it all the way down. Wetly, I raised my head, slurping loudly as I squeezed its length with my lips, until just the tip remained. Tangy, but not unpleasant.

  “Dragon Gods alight, she could suck the horns off a minotaur,” said Xael, breathlessly. I wasn’t sure how that was possible but it certainly seemed to be a compliment. “Her lips are like velvet…”

  “Let me see,” said Beloth, sliding a scaled hand under my chin and lifting me off, guiding me over to him. “I want to take her muzzle.”

  “Here you go,” said Xael, helping move me. Guiding me to his identical copy.

  Their shafts looked identical. But did they taste identical? I lowered my head down onto Beloth’s member, kissing it before engulfing it fully, dragging my head up after a brief moment’s pause. Identical tasting. They reminded me of Jeruth in a way, but not quite so good. Not nearly as sweet…

  “You’re right,” said Beloth, scratching under my chin affectionately. “She’s perfect. The council will adore her.”

  That sounded positive. I happily pushed his shaft back into my mouth, slurping wetly. His member throbbed against my lips, eagerly,

  Xael moved around behind me. I knew what was coming. Carefully, I lifted my tail up over my back, resting the tip above my neck. He wasted little time settling in behind me, and I felt his thick shaft nudge against my nethers. Xael’s hands stroked up my body, over my hips, travelling up my sides, but he didn’t enter me right away.

  “You smell of seed already, little one,” he said, idly flicking his finger as though some might have gotten on it. Given Syral’s mess, it probably had.

  I slid Beloth’s shaft out of my mouth, nudging it against my nose. “Syral spilt his on me,” I admitted, although I knew it wasn’t my fault at all. “During the inspection. None got inside.” Well, except for my mouth that was, but I didn’t mention that.

  “That dirty little red kobold,” said Beloth. I didn’t want him to be angry, so I quickly pushed his shaft back into my mouth, silencing his grumbling.

  Xael’s shaft nudged at my entrance needfully. I arched my back, adjusting the angle, giving him plenty of access. I didn’t have long to wait; he pushed forward, parting my sex, his thick, eager shaft sliding forward into me, pressing forward until his groin pressed flush with my backside. Squeak!

  A now familiar sensation, having a male inside me. It had been too long; a month had passed so quickly since Jeruth had planted his seed inside me, and I longed for it again. I pushed back against Xael, my tailtip twitching eagerly.

  “This is great,” Xael murmured, pushing me forward with his hips, Beloth’s shaft disappearing further down my throat. Beloth pushed too. It felt like they were trying to meet in the middle of me, their thick, eager members throbbing against my flesh. My whole body tingled with pleasure and I emitted a muffled squeak.

  Slowly, with palpable reluctance, both of them eased back. I ran my tongue over Beloth’s tip as he slid back; he seemed to like that, not pushing in once more, but Xael had other ideas. He slid forward, pushing himself into me once more, stretching my sex lewdly as he filled me up, his groin pressing against my backside.

  Despite my efforts, the force of the motion pushed Beloth further into my mouth again. I didn’t mind this at all—and he most certainly didn’t, a soft moan escaping his lips, his grip on the back of my head tightening. He seemed to especially like that.

  Xael leaned over me a little, his back curving. He pushed off with his legs, thumping firmly at my backside, each stroke pushing his shaft deeply within my sex, his groin slapping against my rump. Each motion pushed me forward onto Beloth, who in turn, rocked his hips, pushing me back onto Xael. They worked together as a team, pushing me back and forth between the two of them, thrusting into me alternately.

  Clearly, they’d done this before.

  I wanted to say something, to compliment them on their successful efforts, but my mouth was full. Instead, I chose to say it the only way I could; a little adjust of my position, a squirm of my hips, and a tightening of my lips around Beloth’s shaft. I was careful to keep my sharp teeth away from his flesh; I did not want to injure him.

  Thump-slurp, thump-slurp, thump-slurp. My body bounced between the two of them; a push of Xael’s hips hilted himself within me, and then Beloth would push back, driving his shaft right up against the back of my throat while Xael backed up for another go.

  It felt amazing. Lewd, more than the previous effort…much more sexual. Before was just work, my duty, but this was something more. I wasn’t sure exactly what, but I was enjoying it wholeheartedly. I pushed back as much as I could, swinging my tail to get a little more momentum, bouncing back and forth between the two. It felt like the two of them were trying to meet in the middle; each pushing hard toward each other, with only my body stopping them. They went deep. They went hard. They went over and over and over.

  “Amazing,” Xael panted, his hands stroking over my hips, tugging me back against him. “Nnnf, ahh…”

  “We should switch,” said Beloth between breaths, “you need to feel this…ahh!”

  “In a moment,” said Xael. “Just going to…j-just going to…”

  I squeezed Beloth’s member with my lips. His groin thumped against my face. Both males quickened their breathing, their bodies shivering slightly, and I knew what to expect. I could barely contain a muffled squeak.

  Then I felt it; the warm, sticky splattering of seed into my nethers, coupled with a similar salty, sticky jet into my mouth. Xael shuddered behind me, his shaft throbbing inside my body as it emptied its load into me, warm ropes of gooey fluid splattering against my inner walls. At the same time, Beloth’s shaft splashed his seed against my tongue, salty and sticky, and I closed my lips tight to stop it escaping.

  Most of it stayed in. There was so much that I couldn’t hold it all, and just as it typically did, I felt thin trickles leaking out from the sides of my mouth, running down my chin. A simi
lar flow gushed down my legs, twin rivers of white fluid flowing over my scales, trickling down past my knees.

  Xael pulled me in close to him as he planted his seed within me. I pushed back against him as hard as I could, almost letting Beloth’s shaft slip out of my mouth. I wanted it all in me, as much as he could give…but then Xael pulled himself out, splattering my backside with warm fluid. The second time today that had happened…I was getting pretty used to feeling the warm, thick splatters on my body. I’d hoped for more inside me, however.

  Over so soon? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I had hoped it would continue. A little disappointed, I twisted around to look at Xael, careful not to let Beloth fall out of my mouth. Xael’s motion had felt so good…I didn’t want him to stop.

  Finally, the spray in my mouth subsided. I felt Beloth was holding back, for reasons I could only speculate. I slid him back a little, keeping my lips kissed to his tip, but giving myself enough room to talk.

  “Is everything alright?” I said, voice muffled by Beloth’s member pressing against my lips, watching over my shoulder as Xael pushed himself forward once more, driving his shaft back into my sex, thumping into me, more of his fluid splattering into my body.

  “Mmmph,” Xael said, squeezing my hips with his hands, another sticky wave of fluid splattering into me. “It’s fine.” That was good to hear, and it was even better to feel.

  “Okay, okay,” said Beloth, moving away from my front and sliding around behind me. “That was really good. But now it’s my turn with her front.”

  “Just a second,” Xael said. I felt as though he wanted to get as much of the stuff in me as he could, and I was totally okay with that.

  Beloth gave him a playful shove and, with palpable reluctance, Xael slipped out of me with a wet splat. Then, his intentions rather obvious, slowly moved around in front of me, his thick shaft glistening with fluids.

  I reached up and wiped my lips with the back of my hand, trying to clean up at least a little. Not that I thought either of them minded, but, well…it seemed polite. I swallowed firmly, trying to get as much of the stuff down as possible, but it seemed to cling to the inside of my mouth. That was potent seed…it felt strange to waste it like that, but I enjoyed the salty taste.

  “Here we go,” said Beloth, sliding his hands onto my hips, staring at my hindquarters. “Dragon Gods, you made one hell of a mess of her back here…your seed is everywhere.”

  “I’m an artist,” said Xael, his gooey member nudging against my nose, a thick, gooey trail running from the tip. “The bodies of adorable females are my canvases. Painting them is my calling.”

  I carefully opened my mouth, sliding Xael’s shaft into my maw. He hissed pleasantly, sucking in air, and a thick splash of seed burst against my tongue. My lips made a firm seal as I lowered them down, sinking his thick, glistening shaft into me, until my nose was nudged firmly up against the base of him.

  “It would help,” said Beloth, “if you got at least some of it inside her. We do have a job to do, you know.”

  “Always with the complaining,” said Xael, resting his hand on the back of my head, gently nudging me down further. I complied as much as I could, jamming his shaft into my mouth as far as it would go, the tip scraping against the back of my throat.

  Beloth used his hands to part my rumpcheeks. I could feel the warm trickle of Xael’s fluid flowing down my small scales, flowing down the cleft in my backside and running down my body. I thought, for a moment, the he might want to clean me, but instead, he simply slid himself forward, his own member—wet and glistening from the application of my tongue—nudged up against my sticky nethers, the tip of it throbbing needfully as it pressed against me. “Don’t you worry, little Taeni,” he said, his hands squeezing my rump tightly. “We’ll breed you yet.”

  Xael lifted up my head. His shaft slid free of my mouth with a wet pop. I began to drop my head down again, to take him once more, but he held up my head. Instead, he lifted my chin up, up, up, until my mouth was equal to his.

  I could still feel Beloth nudging up against my sex. Confused, I went to bend forward and allow him inside, as I had done in the past, but Xael slid forward, pushing his front up against mine. We were snout to snout.

  “Is…everything okay?” I asked, as the two of them nestled up against me, Xael’s chest to mine, Beloth’s against my back.

  “Perfectly fine, my dear,” said Beloth as he nudged the tip of his member inside me, my wet and sticky nethers parting easily to allow him in. Strangely, I felt another presence—Xael’s shaft, too, nudged up against my entrance, trying to squeeze in alongside its companion’s.

  I needed to take in the seed of my assigned breeding partner in order to fulfil my duty to the community, and to help create the generations of the future. If I was being assigned two breeding partners I should accept both their seed. That was the only thing that made sense to me. The two of them were identical, after all…but at the same time? I was ready and willing to let them take turns with me, but this?

  Maybe the council didn’t believe I could breed again. Why else would they instruct these two to do this? To make certain? Had I not already laid an egg already?

  This was all very confusing, and difficult to think about sandwiched in-between two strong, eager kobolds as I was. I felt Xael push forward, stretching my entrance lewdly, his shaft nestling in amongst his companions. I felt myself stretch to accommodate him; it was a tight fit, and lewd, too. My tail twitched as he went further in. Stretching, stretching…

  “W-wait,” I said, my sticky nose pressed in against Xael’s, “I don’t think it’s going to, fit—”

  He pressed his lips to mine, stealing my protest, his hands settling on my hips, pushing me down against him. My tail curled around Beloth’s waist. The slick juices splattering my sex, along with the warm-up it had received, helped lubricate everything and—with a tauntness that bordered on the painful—both shafts slid into my body with a wet squelch, pressed tightly against each other inside me.

  Nnnnnnf. The slightest motion solicited a muffled squeak that went straight into Beloth’s lips. I felt so full; not even Jeruth had been able to do this to me, to make me feel like I was going to explode from being stretched beyond what my body could allow.

  Slowly, gently, the two of them eased backward, sliding themselves completely out of my body, firmly sandwiching me between themselves. I squirmed a little but I could barely move. My hands found their way around Xael’s body, hugging him around his middle, the tips of my claws scraping against his scales.

  Then they pushed in again, filling me up so tightly that I thought I might burst. I gripped Xael, grinding my teeth together as they both hilted within my sticky sex, shafts pressing against each other.

  It would have hurt had it not felt so good.

  “She’s tight,” breathed Xael in my face, “but also…takes two.”

  “The best take two,” said Beloth behind me, his hands tracing over my hips. He slid half out, then in again, bouncing me between the two of them.

  Slowly, evenly, they began to work at me, their hips moving at opposite times. As one left my body, the other slid in, with a fair amount of overlap. I felt the tip of each of their members hilt within me, nudging up against the roof of my inner passage, and the moment it left its companion would take its place.

  Thud-thud. Thud-thud. Thud-thud. The two of them worked together in tandem, thrusting in firmly and deeply, the two keeping me full almost all the time. Sometimes there would be a gap, and sometimes the two of them would slide into me together, stretching me out, twin tips of their shafts nudging against the ceiling of my sex.

  There wasn’t much for me to do. I wiggled between them both, my hands snugly around Xael’s waist, gritting my teeth in pleasure as they took their turn thrusting into me. They went deep, their bodies pressed tightly against mine, ruffling my scales and sending the feeling of pleasant sparks flying up and down my spine.

  Beloth’s pace changed, his spee
d and force picking up. He shivered against me, and I knew what was coming next. “Come on,” I said, between panted breaths. “It’s time…”

  It was, too. Beloth buried himself into me, right up to the hilt, his groin pressed in snugly against my backside. I could feel him in me, deep and throbbing, as his eager shaft pumped out a wave of thick, gooey seed into me, the warm fluid splashing up against the roof of my sex. And then another, and another…unlike his friend Beloth seemed to only want to plant his seed as deeply into me as possible, an outcome I entirely supported. Outcome? Or income? Squeak.

  Xael continued to thrust in and out as Beloth emptied himself into my body, the sticky stuff forming a slick coating on my insides, helping him work harder, faster, deeper. I reached down and scratched above the base of Xael’s tail, bumping my nose to his.

  “No painting this time,” I said between laboured gasps, curling my tail around his ankle to emphasis my point.

  Xael’s hands found my backside, squeezing it tightly as he drove himself into me, pushing in as deeply as his friend did, right up to the hilt, joining the other shaft inside my sex. He, too, shuddered and moaned as his member erupted, splattering another round of warm fluid into my body, mixing with the stuff that was already there, planting another round of his seed deeply.

  I kept myself pressed up against each of them, taking wave after wave of their combined seed, way more than I could possibly handle. It gushed out of me, a sticky flow that ran down my legs despite my attempts to keep it within me.

  And then something strange happened.

  I felt really good.

  My whole body tingled from snout to tail. I felt a powerful wave of pleasurable heat run through my whole body, like someone were igniting some kind of furnace in my nethers. It faded as quickly as it came, but it was palpable.


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