Power Couple: A Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 1)

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Power Couple: A Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 1) Page 12

by Laramie Briscoe

  His hands cup the sides of my neck, pulling me up from his shoulder so that we’re looking at one another. “No need to be embarrassed, Bri. I wanna know what you like. I wanna know everything about you.”

  Heat drifts up from where he’s touching me to my cheeks. “It’s just hard.”

  “What is?”

  “Being bare in front of you.”

  He chuckles, moving one hand down my chest, hooking his finger in the vee of my shirt, pulling me toward him. “Newsflash, babe. You’ve been very bare in front of me.”

  Closing my eyes, I sigh, still amused. “Emotionally Everett. Not physically. Emotionally.”

  “Either way, over the next two months you’re gonna see it all with us, so you might as well get used to. I don’t hold my feelings back well, something I get from both of my parents. Whatever the two of us have to face together, we will. If I ask you if you’re good, tell me the truth.”

  “Got it.” I nod, feeling like I can finally breathe, knowing that we’re getting away from the pressure of the US media, being on our own together really for the first time, and actually getting to spend some real time together. I’m nervous, excited, and scared all at once. But I figure anyone in my position would be that way.

  “And if you don’t,” - EJ leans in, kissing me softly - “I got you, even when you don’t have yourself.”

  The sentiment sends a warmth through my body I’ve never had before. “I’ve never counted on anyone else to make sure I’m okay,” I admit softly to him.

  “You can count on me. With me, you’ll always be good. Don’t give a shit what else is going on. You’re good with me. If you can’t count on anyone else, you can always count on me.”

  As he wraps me up in his arms, I pray to God he doesn’t disappoint me like so many others in my life have. Because if he does? I’ll break, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be put back together.


  “I’m starving, I need fried potatoes and schnitzel, stat,” I tell the group as we all load into a van, taking us to our favorite restaurant here in the part of Germany we’re in.

  “Dude, a stein sounds amazing,” Knox says as he has a seat in the front next to the driver.

  “This is a tight fit.” I put my arm around Bri’s shoulder as we all try to get inside. The four of us are big guys and even being in a van, our height alone is sometimes an issue.

  “No shit,” RJ grumbles as he moves to slide the door shut. “I think my arm is going to have a permanent imprint of this door handle on it.”

  “Oh, shut the fuck up,” Cale, our drummer throws something at him from the back seat. “At least your knees aren’t up into your chest, man. We all make sacrifices.”

  I roll my eyes as I try to situate myself more against the other side, to give RJ some more room. Bri gets closer to me. So close she might as well be in my lap. And that’s when I say fuck it, and pull her up and over my thighs so that she’s sitting horizontal on me. Her feet swing partially as she stretches her legs out, but she’s so short, she doesn’t even touch RJ.

  “Thank fuck.” RJ moves over into the seat she abandoned, spreading out more comfortably. “Sorry, sis.” He gives her a sheepish grin. “You’re little and don’t take up much room, but we’re big fuckers and need all the space we can get. Hope you like her riding on your lap.”

  “I’m sure he does,” the barely muttered comment comes from the back as snorts and giggles aren’t even repressed.

  I freeze, because I’m not sure how Bri’s gonna handle this. She’s the only girl in this group of men who aren’t used to checking their comments. Can she hang with us? Will she get pissed?

  She slides down slightly, kicking RJ’s leg with her foot. “Maybe I like riding on his lap, and not the other way around.” She gives him a smart-ass grin, tucking her arm around my neck.

  “Yeah, Rhett maybe she likes right where she is.” I kiss her neck softly as I put my hand on her thigh.

  He holds his hands up in surrender. “I stand corrected.”

  She laughs as he holds his hand out for her. “Forgive me?”

  “Forgiven.” She gives him a high-five.

  Eventually everyone else goes on to do their own thing. Cell phones are pulled out of pockets, leaving the two of us to be lost in one another. “For the record,” she says softly to me. “Anywhere with you is quickly becoming my favorite place to be.”

  Something in my chest catches, and I wonder what I’ve done to deserve this, when there are so many people working hard all over the world trying to make their relationships stand the test of time. This wonderful, perfect woman landed in my lap without me even trying. Neither one of us can take this shit for granted, and we have to remember it every day of our lives. There are so many people who never get the chances we’re getting. “You’re my favorite place too, babe. No doubt about it.”

  She smiles at me, a soft, private smile that I never want to share with anyone else. I stuff it into my memory bank, holding it there with all the important ones, and know that when we’re apart again this moment will be one I replay over and over. Because right here, in a cramped van in the middle of Germany with this woman on my lap? It’s the most content I’ve ever felt in my life, and I never want to let it go.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Are you sure you wanna go out the second night you’re in Germany? Wouldn’t you and the guys feel better hanging out with one another?” I question EJ again.

  “Why are you trying to not go out on a date with me, babe? You’re starting to kill my confidence.”

  My eyes roll so far back in my head, I don’t know how I can’t see my brain. “It’s not that, I just don’t want to be a third wheel. I don’t know what you guys normally do.”

  “I’m trying to impress you,” he laughs. “Stop making it hard for me to do.”

  “Okay.” I bite my lip. “I just don’t want to get in the way.”

  “You’re not going to get in the way,” he assures me.

  But people have told me that my whole life, and somehow I’ve managed to get in their way. It’s the last thing I want to do with EJ and his band. “How should I dress?”

  “Something short and tight.” He waggles his eyebrows at me. “We’re going to a nice dinner.”

  “Define nice.”

  “I’m wearing a dress shirt.”

  I slow blink. “Really?”

  “Really.” He tips my chin up. “It’s a proper date. I’m going to hit the shower.”

  “How long do I have to get ready?” I ask, even though I’m barely breathing at this point.

  “An hour, and we can’t be late.”

  I watch his back disappear into the bathroom, wondering what the hell he’s got planned for me. No one has ever gone to this much trouble before, and I have a feeling it was definitely trouble for him to get this planned.

  Going through all the clothes I bought, I settle on a little black dress, along with a pair of bright heels. Smoky makeup and curls to my hair complete the ensemble. By the time I exit the bathroom he’s ready too.

  I’ve never seen him looks so nice. A pair of dark dress pants, along with a gray button-down shirt, rolled up on his forearms, showing off his tattoos and sinewy muscles. His wedding ring shines in the bright lights of the hotel room.

  “You ready?” He holds his elbow out for me to take.

  “As ready as you are.”

  Dinner is an elegant affair, where we’re given wine to complement each dish and sorbet to cleanse our palate between course. We eat things I’ve never heard of before. We make small talk, both of us seeming to be nervous.

  What for, I’m not sure. Out of nowhere, I throw out a question I’ve always wondered. “What’s your favorite color?”

  He smirks. “If you’re wearing it, it’s black lace.”

  I can’t help but tossing my napkin toward him. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I,” he chuckles. “I’m a green guy myself.”

“Like dark green or neon.”

  He widens his eyes playfully. “Dark. None of that neon shit. What’s yours?”

  “Depends on the day.” I shrug. “I tend to gravitate toward pinks and purples though.”

  He tilts his head. “I can see it.”

  “Favorite song?” He continues with the game.

  “That’s a hard one. This year or of all time.”

  “All time. It’s gotta be the one you sing along to every time it comes on the radio. The one that makes you smile. You know all the words to it.”

  “’I Remember You’ by Skid Row.” I duck my head, almost embarrassed.

  “No shit? I wouldn’t have taken you for a hair band type of girl.”

  “It’s one I’ve always loved to sing at karaoke.”

  He reaches over, grabbing my hand. “Maybe we can sing it together one day.”

  “Maybe so. What about you?”

  Without hesitation he answers. “’One’ by Metallica. First song I ever learned to play on the guitar.”

  “Another band of the nineties. We have more in common than either of us knew,” I comment, taking a drink of my wine.

  “They’re a band of forever, babe. They can’t be delegated to one decade. It’s important that you know the difference.”

  Our waiter comes back, asking if we want another course, we both decline.

  But neither one of us can pass up dessert. A chocolate mousse cake with strawberries and a chocolate drizzle on top.

  “It’s so good,” I moan after taking a bite.

  EJ scoots in. “That moan went straight to my dick, just so you know.”

  I laugh, even though I probably shouldn’t. “Can I have another bite?” I ask him under lowered lashes.

  He grabs up a bit of all of it, slowly slipping the fork into my mouth.

  My eyes meet his as I take the metal inch by inch, letting my lids fall closed as I savor the sweet treat.

  “Goddamn,” he moans. “We gotta get out of here.”

  Before I know what’s happening, we’ve paid the check and we’re out on the German streets. He holds my hand tightly. I have no idea where we’re going, but he seems to be familiar with the area.

  “This place is so beautiful.” I look around, wondering what it would be like to live here.

  “It sure is,” he answers, but when I gaze over at him, he’s looking right at me.


  “Trying,” he laughs.

  We walk a few more streets up, until he seems to find what he’s looking for. “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going?” I ask, before I’m pressed softly up again the wall.

  His lips claim mine in a slow kiss. He eases me in until the kiss takes on a life of its own. Tongues and teeth clash, breath is exchanged, and when we come apart, I flutter my eyes open to see my lipstick streaked across his lips.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, rubbing at my waist. “I wanna make all your dreams come true.”

  He reaches down, grasping me by my ass, moving his hands up the short skirt of my dress, heating me up, in a location he shouldn’t be. It’s then, that it dawns on me. All my dreams?

  “EJ?” I pull back. “Is this for me?”

  He bites his bottom lip, trying to keep the smile off his face. “Don’t you know by now? Everything is for you.”

  And that’s when I fall in love with my husband.

  But like always, I’m too scared to make the first move.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “Look at you two, matching and shit.”

  I hear RJ speak loudly over my shoulder, amusement coloring the tone of his voice. We’re in one of the back areas of this festival in Germany, starting to warm up. For me that means vocals, for the rest of the band it means maybe playing a few chords, drumming, doing a few jumping jacks and pushups, limbering up. We move a lot during our show, and if you don’t stretch first it’s no joke how much you’re hurting afterward.

  Lifting my gaze to the entrance of the room, I can’t help the smile as I see Brianna making her way inside. She’s wearing a black t-shirt that shows the smooth skin of her stomach. Just enough of a peek of flesh that would allow me to my hands around her waist and touch skin instead of material. Jeans cover her legs, a black and gray flannel shirt is tied around her waist.

  Much like the one I wear over a black t-shirt, with a pair of jeans.

  She wasn’t around when I got dressed, deciding to tour the venue with Knox, and get a feel of what a festival of this is like. So the fact that we’re matching, is pretty fucking hilarious.

  “When you’ve got it on the level we do.” I shrug, giving her a smile. “You’ve got it.”

  She laughs as she comes over to sit next to me. “No, wait,” RJ stops her. “Stand up and let me take a pic of the two of you. This is too good not to commemorate with a photo.”

  Easily she wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap one around neck, one around her waist, both of us turning to face him. “Smile for me, Bri,” I whisper before RJ takes the picture.

  “Here you go,” RJ texts both me and Bri.

  “How’d you get her number?” I question my little brother as I hear both our phones indicate we have a new message.

  “Do you doubt the power of my persuasion?” He gives me a grin. One that he uses to get whatever he wants from Mom. I hate this grin.

  “You’re a fucker.” I throw a bottle of water at him that he catches easily, with a flick of his wrist.

  “He asked me for it last night when you went to the bathroom,” Bri laughs at the two of us, having a seat next to me.

  I make myself comfortable, throwing my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me. This morning when I woke up, she was in my arms, and damned if I don’t feel more rested today than I have in a very long time. There’s something about this woman that’s very, very good for me.

  “And she gave it to me.” RJ gives me a look.

  “He’s an ass,” she interrupts. “He asked me for the number so he could add me to your family group text.”

  I groan, kicking my feet out in front of me, throwing my head. “You’re gonna be so fuckin’ sorry you gave him that number. Our grandmothers can’t figure out how to just text one member of the family or just each other, so every damn message they send goes right to the group text. Just be prepared when they get going, and when you get your Christmas gift, just act surprised.”

  She giggles. “That’s cute. My family doesn’t have a group text.”

  Her smile falls slightly, and I fucking hate that. Reaching over with my free hand, I grab hers in mine, playing with her fingers. “That’s cool, babe, now you got mine.”


  Standing backstage, I try to stay out of the way as the guys get ready to go on. EJ is talking to one of the techs while the rest of the guys are tuning instruments.

  “Have you ever seen one of their shows?” Knox asks as he comes to stand next to me.

  “On YouTube,” I admit sheepishly.

  He snickers. “Well, I think you’ll enjoy what they do live and in person more. They’re one of the best live bands I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.”

  “I’ve seen them at an award show or two, but you and I both know that’s nothing like when you have a show with your own fans.”

  “Right.” Knox takes a drink from his bottle of water. “And EJ is becoming such a good front man, totally reminiscent of his dad and mom combined. He used to be really shy when he’d go out onstage, but he’s gotten better at it. Especially in the last year or so, he’s kinda become comfortable in his skin. I think you’re gonna have a good time tonight.”

  “I’m sure I will.” I watch as EJ and RJ do a little handshake thing before hugging that makes my heart beat faster. It’s so obvious that EJ loves his brother and RJ hero worships him like no other.

  EJ looks around before he spots me, coming over to give me a kiss. “Have fun out there, Everett.”
  “Will do, I’ll come find you when this is over,” he assures me as they’re announced, and he sticks his in-ears in as he runs to his spot on the stage.

  “Germany! How are you doin’ tonight?”

  The crowd is massive and so loud I can hear them, even with the ear protection I have in. They respond with enough enthusiasm it makes me smile and wish I were out there on stage with the guys. Instead, I sit back, and watch the show like the fan I am.

  Halfway through, EJ comes out of his flannel and I can see he’s ripped the arms off the black t-shirt he’s wearing underneath. The armholes have gotten so big, they go to edge of his jeans, giving just enough of a glimpse of his arms and torso to make me want to see more.

  I have my phone out, taking videos, posting them to my IG account, saving some for myself, and even a few of me singing along as I’m turned around with the band in the background. Toward what I know has to be the end of the set, EJ makes his way over to where I am, pointing at me, smiling as he sings and blows me a kiss. It’s cute, and more than I ever expected him to do. Wanting to save it forever, I upload it, and immediately see the comments coming in about how sweet he is and how cute we are as a couple. They’re all right - this situation between the two of us could have turned out so much differently, but right now I’m loving the spot we’re in, and I can’t wait to see where this summer takes us.

  “This the last song,” Knox tells me. “Do you want to go ahead and make your way to the bus?”

  “Yeah, they won’t have to worry about getting me through the crowd with them.” I start collecting my stuff.

  “I’ll come with you.”

  As we’re walking, he introduces me to people here and there. I have no idea how I’m going to remember everyone, but I do appreciate that he’s trying to make me feel a part of the family, so to speak. As we get to the bus, I turn to thank him for walking me.

  “No problem, but I do have a question for you.”


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