An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 8 (Premium)

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 8 (Premium) Page 5

by Fuminori Teshima

  Kimaris bowed down deeply, and Zagan put his hand to the lion’s shoulder and shook his head.

  “Stop that. I was being insensitive. There are things that people don’t want others to ask them about.”

  To Zagan, those things may have been matters related to Marc and Stella. Kimaris finally showed a relieved expression.

  “Mm! Mm! Nice Alshiere Imera! I can feel a sharp love power all over today! You! Girl! I’ll give you an apple! Today is a good day!”

  An old woman’s voice rang in the air, and Kimaris’ expression turned so grim that it felt like all the hard work he had just put in was trampled underfoot.

  “Aah... Mm. That’s enough for today, Kimaris. You’re busy, right?”

  “Excuse me! I must go seize Miss Gremory!”

  Kimaris vanished like the wind, living up to his name of the Black Blade.

  I’ve got a bad feeling about this...

  Zagan promised he wouldn’t prod any further, but he felt like something troublesome was going to happen. And with his right hand man fully occupied with that old woman, Zagan was unable to realize that a single shadow slipped into the alleyway where he was talking to the children.


  “The Archdemon was a good guy, huh?” “I kinda feel sorry for him, though.” “Mmm. Let’s share our food with him next time.” “Dummy. The Archdemon’s a big important guy, right? He at least has food, you know?” “It would’ve been good to include him in Alshiere Imera, though.” “Mmm...”

  The children in the alleyway were chatting in good spirits. And just a little further away from them, one girl, Lisette, was simply watching them. This was the girl who first showed wariness toward Zagan. Lisette brushed back her dirtied blonde hair, and buried her face in her knees.

  Was the Archdemon kind because he used to be one of us?

  He was an adult, but he didn’t beat any of them. He also went out of his way to teach them what he called arts just in exchange for a few questions. It may even have been the case that the questions he had was a simple excuse, and his original intent was to teach the children a means of defending themselves. At the very least, that’s what the children who came in contact with him were thinking. Even Lisette had a feeling welling up inside her that she wanted to believe him.

  But, I don’t know if I can.

  The only ones who gave her a place to belong were these children here, but Lisette was still a newcomer and had yet to close the sense of distance between them.

  I wonder what that would person say here...?

  She didn’t know their name, and couldn’t even remember their face. But nevertheless, that person was Lisette’s one and only emotional pillar of support. And as she sat on her own with her head hung low, one of the children beckoned her over.

  “Lisette, come on over. It’s warmer if we’re all packed together, you know?”

  The laughing children had their shoulders pressed up against each other, and it certainly did look warm.


  And just as she joined the group...

  “Hmm, Hm, Hmm♪ I’m a pirate, a selfish pirate♪ Today I’ll kill and steal in the west♪ Tomorrow I’ll be robbed and killed in the east♪ I’m in a grave of theft and murder♪ Who will I steal from today♪ Who will steal from me tomorrow♪”

  A disturbing song suddenly rang out in the alleyway. It came from the path Zagan left on, and a single shadowy figure was drawing nearer to them. The shadowy figure wore a hooded robe, and took light steps like that of a fox on the hunt while humming a disturbing song. They had a necklace covered in gems hanging from their neck. It was beyond easy to see that this was a sorcerer.

  Their out of tune singing was jarring, making the eeriness of this sorcerer remarkably conspicuous. It was impossible to sense the kindness they received from the Archdemon Zagan they were just talking to earlier from that song.

  “That guy looks dangerous!”


  The children scattered off in every direction. However, for some reason, Lisette felt like she recognized that face under the hood, and was unable to run. Before long, the hooded figure came a stop right in the middle of the alley, and took a big sniff of the pungent air as if it were pleasant.

  “Mmmm, this rotten air is so nostalgic.”

  Lisette could see a warped smile under their hood.

  “And he’s... not here, huh? Well, it’s been a few years since then, so it can’t be helped. I wanted to have another match with him again too... Too bad... Too bad...”

  The sorcerer didn’t seem disappointed at all, and their mutters conversely sounded to be in high spirits. The sorcerer then suddenly spun around on the spot.

  “By the by... you got some business with me?”


  Lisette was definitely reflected in the sorcerer’s eyes.

  “Hmmm? You have a hearing problem? That’s not a good attitude to have, didn’t anyone teach you that? Hey, did you curse your own misfortune at never having been taught that?”

  “Y-You’re wrong... I...”

  Lisette’s knees trembled with a clatter, and she fell back on her butt. This was surely what the phrase ‘going weak in the knees’ meant. She knew she had to run away, but she couldn’t put any strength in her legs. The sorcerer with the twisted smile then kicked off the ground toward Lisette.


  Lisette covered her head and closed her eyes. She was surely going to die here. And contrary to that fear in her heart, something warm wrapped around Lisette’s body. She couldn’t realize at the moment that the sorcerer was hugging her. At the same time, the sound of something being smashed rang in the air and something was dripping down on her from above.

  “Hey, I’m talking to you here. What’re you trying to do to my little sister?”

  Lisette timidly turned her head, and saw a grotesque looking ‘something’ behind her. They were also wearing a robe just like the sorcerer, but they had four arms covered in fur sticking out of it. She couldn’t see their face because the sorcerers fist was planted right there, but at the very least, she’d never seen this race before.

  “A brahma...? Why the hell are you here?” The sorcerer muttered in an unexpected tone.


  Even with their face gouged by the sorcerer’s fist, those four arms charged in toward them... no, toward Lisette.

  “Good grief... don’t bite your tongue, okay?”

  With that, the sorcerer grabbed Lisette in one arm and jumped back. The four arms chased after them just a step behind, and taking a look at them now, she could see they were longer than the sorcerer by two heads or so. If Lisette were to stand up next to them, they would truly be two times her height. The sorcerer’s previous punch seemed completely ineffective, and the four arms came down toward them in a barrage.

  “What poor taste. You’re gonna make girls hate you like that, you know?”

  The sorcerer muttered along with a sigh, and put Lisette down on the ground. The sorcerer then unleashed a kick that drew an arc in the air. And the moment it felt like that leg was going to come into contact with one of those arms...


  The four armed body span in the air with a thud.

  Is this the same arts the Archdemon was teaching us...?

  It wasn’t just in the realm of grabbing someone and throwing them down, but a full on kick. Even as an ignorant child, she could tell that the level of ability and technique was on an entirely different dimension.

  She didn’t even understand what actually happened, but the four armed beast went head first into the ground. And the sorcerer’s art didn’t end there. They spun around like a top on one leg and brought down their other foot on its head. A dull shockwave spread through the air from that axe-like strike. However, the strike only managed to connect with the ground.


  The sorcerer’s jeering tone vanished. The four armed beast planted its hands to the ground and u
sed them to propel itself back. It was now postured with all its hands on the ground, and the two of them were now just glaring at each other. However, they didn’t clash.


  Before the sorcerer could even take action, the four armed beast leaped back a great distance and vanished.

  “...Looks like it ran away.”

  The sorcerer then finally turned to look at Lisette.

  “You alright? Can you stand?”

  Lisette only just noticed that she had fallen back to the ground. She grabbed the hand the sorcerer held out to her and was somehow able to get back to her feet.

  “U-Um... Did you... save me?”

  “I meant to?”

  “Why...? I can’t... give you anything... back.”

  Adults didn’t show kindness without expecting anything in return. Those who did were all liars.

  Protect yourself.

  That was the one and only truth within Lisette’s heart. After she timidly wringed out her question, the sorcerer let out a laugh and rubbed her head.

  “I’m from this area too. In a sense, you’re a little sister of mine. Do siblings of the streets need any reason to save each other?”

  This was a sort of motto of the city waifs. The children who lived in the streets and didn’t trust the adults called each other siblings of the street.

  The sorcerer then removed their hood.

  “Good grief. I came here to get a look at Zagan’s face, but I can’t just ignore a sibling in crisis now can I?”

  And upon seeing their face, Lisette gulped down.

  This person... is the one drawn in the Archdemon’s picture...

  Her clothes and the color of her eye was different, but her profile was certainly similar. Her features were exactly what one would imagine if ten years had passed. But one of her eyes was the same color as Zagan’s, silver.

  And so, the silver-eyed sorcerer muttered.

  “Anyway, that’s the first time I’ve seen a brahma. I heard they went extinct a long time ago, though.”

  One who had perished was wandering around the present times. It was something that was originally impossible, but on this day... on Alshiere Imera, it could be said to be inevitable.


  “Hey Kuroka, you gonna be okay running your errands alone? Should Kuu come along? Kuu’s gotta go to work today anyway, so Kuu can come along partway, you know?”

  Kuroka’s roommate Kuu called out to her in a worried voice as the two of them sat in their room in the church.

  “I’m just going out to read scriptures at the orphanage and the public office. You have preparations for Alshiere Imera on top of your job, right, Kuu?”

  “That’s... true.”

  Kuu puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction and flopped back on her bed.

  “You’re working too much even though it’s Alshiere Imera, Kuroka. Why are Miss Nephteros and Miss Chastille taking a break today of all days?”

  Chastille and Nephteros both weren’t at the church today.

  “Lady Chastille works too much, so the Three Knights forced her to take a break. Miss Nephteros doesn’t work for the church to begin with.”

  “Huh? She doesn’t? I thought she was some big wig like a priest or a bishop or something.”

  Kuu sat back up with a surprised expression, and Kuroka replied with a smile.

  “The reason she lends her assistance to the church is completely out of her own kindness. That’s why you shouldn’t be unreasonable with her. Isn’t it normal to want to spend time with your family at least on this day?”

  “Family... What kind of people are Miss Nephteros’ family?”

  “I don’t know all that much myself, but she apparently has a bigger sister. Nephteros went out to meet her today.”

  “Hmmm... a big sister, huh? Is she amazing?”

  Kuroka put her hand to her chest and nodded.

  “She’s wonderful.”

  “Kuroka, did you meet her?”

  “Yes. Back when I went to Liucaon, just for a moment...”

  She’s the one Mister loves.

  She was surprised when she found this out, but at the same time, she was fully convinced of it. Kuroka held out her hand in front of her. A world without light was a little different from a completely pitch black world. Rather than being akin to a moonless night, it was more like a fog where one couldn’t even see their hands. It wasn’t black or white, simply a world without color.

  Even in such a world, Kuroka was able to make memories. She was able to imagine the contours of what she touched. She could get a firm understanding of what was at her feet by striking her cane against the ground. That’s how she was able to create a view of the outside world within her.

  She thought that she was quite used to it by now, but the sensation of being able to see wasn’t something that disappeared quite so easily. Every now and then, she would be assaulted by an inescapable anxiety.

  Does my hand here truly have five fingers? Am I just of the belief that I have two arms and two legs, and in truth, there are pieces of my body missing? Or perhaps, does my face have a horrible scar on it, and everyone just won’t say anything about it?

  Kuroka lost her sight when she was unable to avoid the sorcery fired off by a sorcerer, after all.

  Maybe... that’s why I couldn’t answer...

  Nephteros’ sister Nephy had told her the following.

  “I may be able to heal your eyes.”

  She was a high elf who manipulated miracles which differed in nature from sorcery. There was a possibility that her powers were capable of restoring the light to Kuroka’s eyes. That’s what Nephy told her. It wasn’t an opportunity she could obtain no matter how much she wished for it. It should have been something she jumped at immediately even if she had to run her face against the ground and beg.

  And yet, I froze up, and I couldn’t speak.

  She was scared. And Nephy didn’t scorn her, nor did she scold her. She just said that she would wait. She said it was fine to wait until Kuroka had properly sorted out her feelings.

  There’s no way I could even compete.

  A full month had passed since then, and Kuroka was still unable to take a step forward. She didn’t even register on the same scale as Nephy. That’s why Kuroka revered her.

  Setting that aside, Kuroka shook her head and stood up.

  “Now then, it’s about time for me to get to work. Kuu, please do be careful out there. It’s good that the town is lively today, but it’ll be all that more dangerous as well.”

  “Okaaaaay. You take care too, Kuroka. Ah, wait a sec.”

  Just as Kuroka went to pick up her cane, Kuu called her to a stop.

  “Is something the matt... Huh? Kuu?”

  Before she knew what was going on, Kuu had embraced Kuroka.

  “Eheheh, mmmmm. It’s okay. Kuu will be with you forever, Kuroka.”

  Those words made Kuroka’s heart feel at ease to a mysterious extent. Apparently Kuu had noticed Kuroka’s anxiety, and this was her answer.

  “...Thank you. Let’s go have some cake or something when I get back.”

  “Mm! Kuu will make something delicious!”

  After being comforted by her kind roommate, Kuroka left the room.

  “Ah! Kuroka! In front!”

  “Hu— Hrk!”

  A dull thud rang out from Kuroka’s head.

  “Ah, sorry. Are you okay?”

  The owner of that voice was the Angelic Knight Richard. Apparently he was carrying around some large piece of lumber and Kuroka walked into it. It was quite busy in the church today since it was Alshiere Imera.

  “That’s kinda what I’m worried about here...”

  Kuroka’s kind roommate squatted down and rubbed her head.

  And one hour later, in Kianoides’ shopping district.

  In the end, I had to be helped by all sorts of people.

  Even though she had a body that needed the help of others, she ended up getting more help
than necessary.

  “I even made Lilith and Selphy worry...” Kuroka inadvertently muttered.

  Her two childhood friends, especially Lilith, were worrywarts, and they came to check up on her even after returning to Kianoides. She too was now working under Zagan, so she would show up basically once every two days.

  Kuroka focused her mind, telling herself to get it together, as she recalled the contents of the scriptures. This was one of the few chances she could be useful to others without having to swing a sword. If she didn’t put all her effort into doing so, what was there for her to even do?

  And just as she pulled herself together, a familiar scent reached her nose.

  All the fur on her body from the tips of her ears to the very ends of her tails stood up. There was no way she could forget it. This smell was precisely the reason Kuroka set down on the path of revenge.

  This smell... it’s the guy who attacked my village...!

  It was the smell of her sworn enemy who had destroyed her people. Kuroka joined the dark side of the church, Azazel, and killed many sorcerers just for the purpose of killing this one.

  Calm down. It’s not definitively the case...

  She didn’t know if it was the exact same person, or one who just resembled them. Besides, when she was part of Azazel, she couldn’t find the sorcerer no matter how much she searched. It was far too convenient for them to suddenly pop up in front of her like this. Kuroka tried to persuade herself of this, but her thumping heart brought back memories of that tragedy.

  My revenge... is already over...

  She gripped her cane tightly. Kuroka had once run wild full of hatred, and Zagan said nothing and accepted all of it. There was no need for him to do so, yet he let Kuroka unleash all her rage upon him. That’s why Kuroka’s revenge was already over.

  But, I want to bring an end to it. Even if I don’t, I want to ascertain who exactly they are.

  Kuroka considered the time. She left the church already taking into consideration that she might get lost. She had quite a bit of time before she had to get to work. She only hesitated for but a few seconds before following that scent.

  The bustling shopping district carried the smell of the body odor of the crowd, the dirt on the ground, and the dampness from the canal. And the specific smell she was chasing followed a narrow path which diverted from the shopping district.


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