Mission: Her Protection (Team 52 Book 1)

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Mission: Her Protection (Team 52 Book 1) Page 15

by Anna Hackett

  Suddenly, a soldier in gray fatigues landed right in front of Lachlan. Anger flooded him, and he kicked the man’s weapon away. They charged at each other.

  Lachlan gripped the man, swinging him around, and landed a hard punch to the man’s gut. The soldier stumbled back, then yanked a combat knife off his belt.

  Fuck this. Lachlan moved in, ducked the swipe of the man’s knife and landed a hard jab to the man’s throat with his prosthetic hand. As the man choked, Lachlan followed up by slamming his elbow into the man’s head. The soldier’s head snapped back with a gurgle, and his knife clattered to the ice.

  With another punch, Lachlan knocked him out. Lachlan stepped over the man. He had to get to Rowan.

  He spotted Airman Kowalski balancing on the edge of the rooftop, still holding a struggling Rowan in her arms.

  Kowalski’s milky-white gaze locked on him.

  “Stop, Lachlan.” Rowan stared at him, her eyes huge. Then she looked back at Kowalski. “It’s okay, Airman Kowalski. We just want to help you.”

  The airman tilted her head, looking confused.

  “You have a daughter who misses you,” Rowan said. “You want to see her, right?”

  Airman Kowalski made a sound like a moan.

  Suddenly, a soldier raced past Lachlan. He fired his weapon at Kowalski and Rowan.

  “No!” Lachlan swung his weapon up and fired. The man fell to the ice with a cry.

  Lachlan turned and watched as a startled Kowalski lost her balance. She fell over the edge of the rooftop.

  Taking Rowan with her.

  “Rowan!” Lachlan leaped forward. “No!”

  He watched them plummet toward the ground, his stomach contracting. God, Rowan, no. He’d lost her, he’d failed her.

  Pain pulsing with every tortured beat of his heart, he turned and raced for the stairs.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They hit the ground with a force that stunned.

  For a second, all Rowan could do was stare up at the blue sky and blink, trying to get her bearings.

  Beneath her, Airman Kowalski moaned. Rowan instantly realized the woman had protected her. The airman had wrapped herself around Rowan and taken the brunt of the fall.


  Rowan scrambled to her knees on the broken pavement. God, the woman had spoken.

  “Airman Kowalski? I will help you. Just hang on. Lachlan and Team 52 will be here shortly.”

  Airman Kowalski moaned again. “Ai-mee.”

  “Aimee? Your name is Aimee.” Rowan pressed a hand to the woman’s white shoulder. It felt icy to the touch. “I’m Rowan.”

  Aimee’s white eyelids fluttered.

  A screech of tires made Rowan’s head jerk up. A gray SUV and a small delivery truck pulled up right beside them.

  No, no, no. She shifted in front of Aimee.

  Armed men dressed in gray leaped out of the SUV. Rowan stepped forward, but the men shouldered past her. She gave one a hard shove but he grabbed her arms, holding her still.

  “Leave her alone!” Where the hell was Lachlan?

  Several soldiers knelt by Aimee, gripping her arms and legs. She struggled weakly.

  “Get it loaded on the truck,” a man barked.

  “No.” Rowan had to stop them.

  She rammed into the man holding her. She knocked him off balance and grabbed at his rifle. She snatched it and stepped back, aiming it at his chest. “Back off.”

  Another soldier off to the side whipped his weapon up and fired. The shot hit right near Rowan’s feet. With a cry, she leaped back, her shoulder hitting the side of the building.

  The man who’d fired gave her a nasty smile. “Bad move, chaton.” He had a lyrical French accent. He took a step closer, and she aimed her rifle at him.

  The group of soldiers lifted Airman Kowalski off the ground. They hustled her prone form toward the truck.

  No. The soldier near her took a step closer.

  “Stay back or I will shoot you,” she snapped.

  “I don’t think you will.” He took another step closer.

  “You really don’t want to test me. I’ve had a few really bad days.” She watched helplessly as the back doors of the truck swung open, and the soldiers carried Airman Kowalski inside.

  The man kept advancing on Rowan, a menacing look on his face. He had a narrow, almost pretty face. Her gaze dropped to his weapon and she glimpsed a tattoo on his wrist.

  Shit, Rowan didn’t want to kill him.

  Suddenly, gunfire erupted from nearby. The man’s body jerked and he dropped his weapon. Rowan ducked and saw Team 52 burst out of the Cosmopolitan, led by Lachlan.

  The soldier near her cursed, then turned and ran for the truck. Rowan raised her rifle and fired. She peppered the truck, aiming at the tires.

  Soldiers at the back of the truck returned fire. Rowan swallowed a scream and saw Team 52 dive for cover.

  Except Lachlan. He strode forward, continuing to fire his weapon. God. He moved with sure, fluid steps, like he was bulletproof.

  His team moved in around him, weapons up.

  With a squeal of tires, the truck and SUV screamed off. Team 52 walked out onto the street, firing at the fleeing vehicles.

  Finally, they lowered their weapons. Rowan straightened and watched Lachlan walk toward her, his finger pressed to his ear.

  “Brooks, track the vehicles,” Lachlan ordered. He looked at Blair and Seth. “You’re lead on finding those assholes.”

  The pair nodded, swinging their weapons onto their shoulders and taking off at a jog.

  Lachlan zeroed in on Rowan.

  She froze, and suddenly wished she could run away, as well. He reached her and took her stolen rifle. He shoved it at Smith.

  Then Lachlan grabbed her and started patting her down.


  “Quiet.” He checked her over, his face intense.

  Satisfied she wasn’t hurt, he looked at her face. “Fuck.”

  She winced at his tone and cleared her throat. “I’m okay.”

  “You fell off a building!”

  “Again,” Axel added unhelpfully.

  She shot the man a glare just before Lachlan yanked her to his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tight.

  That’s when she realized his big body was shaking.

  “I’m really okay,” she assured him. “Aimee—Airman Kowalski—broke my fall.” She looked up. “Lachlan, she asked me for help, and told me her name. I don’t think she can control herself, but she’s in there and wants help.”

  “Forget about Kowalski for now.” He pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

  She held on. Absorbing the heat and strength of him.


  Rowan turned her head to look at Axel, standing beside them. “Brooks lost the truck. They went into a warehouse in an industrial area nearby, and then disappeared.”

  Lachlan cursed. “We need to find them.”

  Smith stepped forward. “I’ll join Blair and Seth. We’ll find them.”


  Rowan found herself loaded into the back of one of the Suburbans with Lachlan, Axel, and Callie. Soon, they were back at Lachlan’s apartment.

  Rowan made coffee, while Lachlan and the others worked. They had various maps and satellite feeds up on the television screen.

  Blair and the others kept reporting in. No sign of the truck or Aimee Kowalski.

  Everyone was tense, and feeling useless, Rowan kept serving refills of coffee. The minutes ticked by, and Rowan kept hoping Aimee was okay.

  Suddenly, Brooks’ face flashed on the screen. He was flanked by an unhappy-looking Ty and a man so handsome he made Rowan blink. He had silky black hair, high cheekbones, and an air of unshakable authority.

  “Jonah,” Lachlan murmured.

  So this was Jonah Grayson. Holy cow, the man would just have to crook a finger and the women would come running.

  “We have some news.” Jonah’s green
gaze moved to meet Rowan’s.

  Unease slithered over her. Jonah Grayson had the same kind of look in his eyes that Lachlan did—scary. But his actually scared the crap out of her. Her hindbrain was telling her to run.

  “Lars is awake.”

  Lachlan saw Rowan tense. He reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezing her fingers.

  The screen changed, and showed the image of a pale, shaky-looking Lars propped up on pillows in his hospital bed.

  “Rowan?” The man’s face lit up. “You’re okay?”

  “I am.” She leaned forward. “How do you feel?”

  Horror filled the man’s face. “My memories are foggy, but…but I killed them.” A sob tore from the man’s chest. “I killed our friends.”

  Lachlan felt a rush of sympathy for the man. He’d been through hell and had a lot to come to terms with.

  Rowan shook her head. “It wasn’t your fault, Lars. It was the artifact we pulled from the ice.”

  The scientist gave a sad nod. “Dr. Sampson and Dr. Blackwell explained, but I remember, Rowan.” His voice cracked. “I remember their screams, and I’ll always remember.”

  “We need your help, Lars.” Lachlan kept his tone crisp and commanding.

  Lars straightened, swiping the tears from his face. “Okay.”

  “Lars, this is Lachlan,” Rowan said. “He’s the leader of the team who rescued us from the base.”

  “Lars, another person is under the influence of the artifact,” Lachlan said. “We need to find her and help her.”

  Lars’ hands twisted in the sheets. “I just remember overwhelming feelings. Urges. I needed the cold, needed ice. I wanted to…hunt.” He shook his head. “I don’t really know how to describe it.”

  “You’re doing fine,” Lachlan said. “That’s good.”

  “Anything will help, Lars,” Rowan said.

  Lars’ brow creased. “I remember I was looking for Rowan.”

  Rowan glanced at Lachlan, but he kept his gaze on the man on the screen. The young scientist’s cheeks went pink.

  “I, ah…I like her a lot.”

  Lachlan forced a smile. He couldn’t blame the young guy, he had good taste. “There’s a lot to like.”

  “He needs to rest,” Ty said.

  “Take care, Lars,” Rowan said. “I’ll see you soon.”

  The screen went black.

  “You think she’ll try to see her husband and daughter?” Rowan said.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t help since she’s been caught by this group. Dammit.” Lachlan turned and barely resisted thumping his fist into the wall.

  “Who are they?” Rowan asked.

  “No idea, yet.”

  “The man who shot me and the one I tangled with at the Cosmopolitan had accents. French, I think.”

  Lachlan frowned. “Anything else?”

  Her nose wrinkled. “He looked like a soldier.”

  Brooks was back on the screen and listening. He looked at Rowan. “Any identifying marks? A scar?”

  “No, I…” She frowned. “Wait. He had a tattoo on his wrist. A trident.”

  Brooks started tapping. “Running a search now.” A moment later, he turned his tablet toward them. “This it?”

  Rowan nodded. “That’s it.”

  Brooks’ face turned serious. “European crime syndicate known as Legion de Mer. The Sea Legion. They’re on Interpol’s Most Wanted list, and are known for a whole host of ugly crimes.”

  “They have any properties or links in Las Vegas?” Lachlan asked.

  “That will be a slightly longer search,” Brooks said. “Leave it with me.”

  Rowan had wandered over to the window. Lachlan watched her, seeing the way she wrapped her arms around her middle.

  He moved up behind her. “We’ll find her.”

  Rowan nodded. “I just want this to be over. To know that no more people will get hurt. For life to go back to normal.”

  His muscles stiffened. So she could leave and forget this happened? Forget him?

  He wrapped his arms around her. Hell no. He wasn’t going to let her go.

  Everything in him went still. For years, he’d avoided relationships and kept his interactions with women casual. All his life, he’d worried the darkness he carried would make him change, like his dad.

  But he wasn’t his father. Rowan was his, and everything inside him wanted to protect her, cherish her, ensure her happiness. He wouldn’t let anything hurt her, especially himself. He was going to stake his claim and convince her to stay.

  But Lachlan knew that before he could do that, he had to find Airman Kowalski.

  “Okay,” Brooks called out. “I got a hit.”

  Keeping hold of Rowan’s hand, Lachlan pulled her back to the screen. “Tell us.”

  “It’s a warehouse. Not far from where we lost track of the truck. I had to dig hard to find it, because a legitimate business runs out of it. One that stores props for Vegas shows. It was buried, but I found a link back to Legion de Mer. They own it and rent it out.”

  “Call Blair and the others, Brooks. Tell them to meet us there.” Lachlan met Axel’s and Callie’s gazes. “Let’s go.”

  Rowan stepped forward. “I’m coming.”

  “No.” Lachlan’s gut rebelled. “I think it’s safer if you stay here. My condo has good security and now that these assholes have the artifact, they aren’t interested in you.”

  “I’m seeing this through, Lachlan.”

  Her words were firm and there was determination on her face.

  “I want to help end this,” she said. “No, I need to help. And Aimee talked with me, connected with me. I could help.”

  “Fuck.” He shoved his hand through his hair. He didn’t want her in danger again. “You just fell off a building, Rowan.”

  “Twice,” Axel said.

  Lachlan growled.

  “I know, I was there.” Rowan grabbed his arm. “Please.”

  “Lachlan—” Axel said.

  He spun to face his teammate. “It’s been pure luck she hasn’t been killed.”

  “But she’s right,” Axel said. “Airman Kowalski spoke to her. Rowan could help us contain her. We’ll keep her safe.”

  “We all will,” Callie added. “Besides, you know she won’t just sit here quietly if you leave her behind.”

  Lachlan ground his teeth together and glared at her. “You stay right beside me.”

  Rowan nodded.

  “You don’t run off into danger.”

  Another nod.

  He shook his head. “Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me?”

  She touched his arm. “Because I’ll do whatever I have to do to help. I don’t know what that might involve yet.”

  Damn. Trust him to fall for a courageous woman who scared the hell out of him. “Let’s end this.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Wearing a bulletproof vest again, Rowan sat next to Axel in the back seat of the SUV as they sped toward the warehouse.

  She was nervous. They had no idea what they were heading into, and the Legion de Mer didn’t sound like nice people.

  She could feel the anger vibrating off Lachlan from the front seat. She sighed. She hated that he was upset and worried, but she had to do this. She had to do her part to help.

  They stopped a block from the warehouse and slid out of the SUV. A moment later, Blair, Seth, and Smith appeared from nowhere.

  Team 52 moved into formation, moving silently. Rowan found herself surrounded by them, and she tried to move as quietly as they did. She watched Lachlan every time he made a hand signal, his team responding like a well-oiled machine.

  They reached the side door of the large warehouse. Smith moved forward. She watched him fiddle with the handle and then, with a nudge of his large shoulder, he broke the door open. They moved inside.

  The place was huge. Rowan looked around. Sunlight filtered in from high windows. Rows of shelves filled the space, but unlike the Team 52 warehouse back at the base
, this didn’t look orderly. The place was packed with stuff. The shelves were stacked to bursting with an array of odd items. Some were small, and others were huge. As they walked down a row, she took in painted horses, large feathers, scary-looking masks, and other pieces that looked like they definitely belonged on a stage.

  She stared at a giant clown’s face and shivered. The place was more than a little creepy.

  After another hand signal, Blair, Smith, and Seth peeled off, moving down a different row of shelves. Lachlan, Axel, and Callie stayed with Rowan.

  From somewhere deep in the warehouse, she heard a roar.

  Oh, God. Lachlan held up a closed fist and they stopped. Rowan peered around him and saw the glint of lights ahead.

  Lachlan motioned for them to move cautiously. They crept forward, and ahead, the shelving units ended, giving way to a large, open space at the back of the warehouse. From the shadows, she could see Airman Kowalski covered in chains. Struggling soldiers were trying to get close to her and pry the artifact off her chest.

  Aimee threw her head back and roared again.

  “Just kill it,” one man muttered. “That should free the device.”

  “Or fry it,” another said in accented English. “I do not want to be the one to explain to Caïd how we destroyed the artifact he wants.”

  “Steady,” Lachlan murmured in his earpiece.

  He pulled something off his belt. It looked like a small silver ball. He crouched and rolled it across the floor. She caught a brief glimpse of it rolling toward the Legion de Mer men.

  Lachlan blocked her view. “Close your eyes.”

  Rowan did as ordered. Bang.

  “I can’t see!” someone yelled.

  “Merde. What the fuck?”

  Lachlan tapped her arm. She opened her eyes and peered over his shoulder. A bright light was fading, and several of the Legion soldiers were stumbling around, hands over their eyes.

  “Now,” Lachlan ordered. His gold gaze locked on Rowan. “Stay.”

  Then he turned and was gone, lifting his weapon. His team fell in behind him. They moved like ghosts—fast, steady, and badass.

  Rowan stayed where she was, and watched Lachlan take down one soldier with ease. The rest of Team 52 engaged, slamming into soldiers. Gunfire echoed through the warehouse.


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