Love's Liability

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Love's Liability Page 7

by Flynn Eire

  “You are so soft and snuggly,” Gary chuckled after he picked him up. He glanced over at me. “Are you really going to make a huge kettle of cocoa? What are you going to do if we don’t drink it all?”

  “Make ice cream or truffles,” I answered with a shrug. “Yup, a huge kettle and another massive bowl of fresh whip cream. We go all out for cocoa parties.”

  “Can I have a dance?” Marissa asked Ethan. He squealed and reached for her. I bit back a laugh as she and Gary went over to my iPod and picked out a song before dancing with them.

  “When I met her I had a thought that she was what I would think of when I saw Zara as an adult,” Linden told me quietly.

  I swallowed loudly before nodding. “You’re right. I didn’t see it, but you’re right, she has the same heart and giving spirit Zara did. That explains why I instantly loved her and trusted her with the twins. Normally it takes me way longer to not be terrified of anyone near them, certainly not leaving them alone right away.”

  I left it at that and got to work, melting the chocolate before adding the gallons of milk someone had finagled from the cafeteria since more supplies were coming or something. I’d have to start adding what I needed personally to my professional orders and work it out with Proximo, as I knew they made supply runs for the warriors but there wasn’t a store down the street if I forgot something.

  And given the houses were fucking massive, I was not walking a mile to ever borrow a cup of sugar from a neighbor.

  It didn’t take long with a professional setup and real kettle going. The whip cream finished up at the same time, and I scooped a bit out into two kiddie cups that were half filled with milk and gave them a dollop of cream. I brought them over to the table with all the toppings and extras, swallowing a laugh when the twins wanted everything on them.

  “What are the rules?” I reminded them gently.

  “Two toppings,” they both answered.

  “Cinnamon and marshmallows,” Ethan said.

  “Caramel and sprinkles,” Evan announced at the same time.

  I helped them get set up, Marissa and Gary promising they had them before getting everyone else cups and starting to dish it out. Zibon took the ladle from me and took over, everyone helping and even asking where more of anything was when we ran out. They were also thrilled that they got huge rainbow lollipops to take home in thanks for their help earlier.

  Those were by the other door because I didn’t want the twins to see it. I was very, very careful about their sugar intake given what I did and how often they were around it.

  “Dad better?” Evan asked as I took over watching them so Marissa and Gary could have some.

  “Yup, thanks for checking,” I answered, always careful to say that as I never wanted them to feel like I was brushing them off or they couldn’t ask me anything they wanted. Ethan pursed his lips for a kiss for thanks like he’d asked. It was so cute I of course gave them both kisses.

  “Can I join you guys?” Linden asked as he brought over his mug.

  “Sure,” I quickly said, not wanting the twins to think something was going on with us or there was a problem. He was their uncle too after all.

  “Thanks.” He sat down and smiled between them before taking a sip. “Okay, this is way better than any cocoa I’ve ever had, and I include fancy cafes.” He smiled at Ethan. “I guess I’m a cinnamon and marshmallow guy too.” It was super cute and sweet of him, and I was fairly impressed that he’d caught on that Ethan had asked for cinnamon when he didn’t say it sounding like the word.

  Then again, Linden had always been really good at speaking kid. I knew that from experience.

  “I wish they had jammies like this when I was a kid,” Linden grumbled, rubbing Evan’s fuzzy leg. “They look so soft and warm.”

  “Dad has some,” he reminded Linden, glancing at me.

  “I doubt they come in my size,” Linden replied.

  I smirked behind my cup. “Oh no, they carried your size. They had all the way to like four XL. Apparently I’m not the only adult who likes penguins.” I gave him a challenging look, no longer upset with him after how nice of a dinner we had. That didn’t mean I was okay with everything, but I knew he hadn’t meant to hurt me or lash out as he had.

  Hey, no one was perfect.

  Linden’s lips twitched. “Am I cool enough to get the same and match you guys?”

  “We have more than penguins,” Ethan told him, excited to get others to have fun with us. “Everyone matched and got new ones too.”

  “From the old group,” I added, knowing what he meant but not wanting to confuse Linden. “It was fun and became a bit like ugly holiday sweater parties where the goal was to find the silliest ones. Plus, they make such cute ones for kids.”

  “And we share,” Evan added.

  “Right, when you guys grow out of them, we give them to the younger kids,” I praised. “It was always nice that you shared.” They both frowned, and I knew exactly what they were thinking. “Other kids will be moving here too. I heard they have some at the orphanage already.”

  They both nodded, and I wasn’t sure if they remembered what an orphanage was. Probably not at their age, but I used to donate to the orphanage that had been by the store all the time. Plus, they both looked like they were on their last lap of being awake.

  Suren enough, after we finished our cocoa, Ethan fell asleep against Linden, and Evan zonked out in my arms when I carried him up to bed. Linden helped me, and I thanked him after they were tucked in.

  “I’m sorry about earlier,” he apologized once we were out in the hall and I had the baby monitor in my hand.

  “I’m sorry I handled my worries or questions in a way that insulted you.”

  “You didn’t,” he sighed. “It’s just a very, very sensitive topic with me.”

  I studied his face for a moment, not sure what exactly that was. “Acting inappropriately with someone?”

  “No, doing anything with an endgame in mind.”

  Then I fully understood, as that was all his family did. I had walked right on huge landmines for him given he wanted away from them. “You’re nothing like them. I never thought it was like that. I wondered if it was subconscious or you didn’t have enough time to process and realize what you were feeling. It just happened, Linden.”

  “You’re right, and thank you for explaining.”

  I ducked him when he leaned in to kiss me. “I’m having dinner with Danek.”

  He growled and wrapped his arm around me before throwing me over his shoulder. I couldn’t help the yelp that I let out, shocked he would do that and over something like not wanting to kiss until more was settled. He wasn’t just some hookup to me, and I wanted to make sure he felt the same. I didn’t have just me to worry about anymore, and I hadn’t gotten involved since the twins were born.

  He carried me back out to the garage and set me on my feet, steadying me when I wobbled a bit. I realized we were standing right in front of Danek and his friends, not understanding what was going on.

  “I don’t want him to have dinner with you and you get closer to him,” Linden announced, giving Danek a hard look. “I know you’re not dating. I heard the trainers were looking for more sparring examples. Why don’t we give them a fight tomorrow and the winner gets that dinner and a kiss from him.”

  Danek smirked as he raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have a chance in hell for one, and I could just ask him to dinner for another night. He’s sexy and sweet, and I wanted to get to know him before he asked me to play his boyfriend.”

  “Really? Dinner and a kiss?” I drawled, not wanting this to blow up. I didn’t really want them to fight at all. “How ridiculously pure and innocent for the non-virgin before you. If two seriously hot guys want to fight for me, at least make it good for me like the three of us in bed or something.” My cheeks heated at what I blurted out when they both looked at me with wide eyes.

  “Had many threesomes?” Linden asked coolly.

  I smirke
d at him. “Yes. I knew who I wanted to settle down with, so I wanted to get as good at all of the good stuff that I could and sow all my wild oats.” I cleared my throat, remembering there were a lot of people around. “I always planned to come back and find you once I wasn’t a kid anymore.”

  “Sure, all three of us can go to bed,” Danek chuckled, giving me a heated look that made me shiver.

  “Maybe after we’ve dated a while and have a solid foundation,” Linden interjected before I could answer.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t remember you asking me out or anything more than stealing a kiss. You didn’t even confirm you wanted that dinner you asked for when you walked away, so don’t act like you were dumped or the jealous boyfriend. I made a deal with Danek, and I was saying that I’m not in a position to do casual with the twins.”

  “You didn’t get to that last part,” he grumbled.

  “Because you keep trying to kiss me or get pissy when I say the first part,” I drawled. “And I was going to say that I wanted to talk to him because he asked me not to hurt him if I wasn’t open to dating him. Basically, I was trying to ask what you wanted, and I had some questions I needed answered, and it went…”

  “Not well,” he offered. “Got it. I don’t want you to have dinner with him. I want you to have dinner with me. I want you to have all of your dates with me. I get what you were worried about, but even if I was a dick in the way I said it, I think you know now I liked you and this isn’t guilt or anything else besides real desire for you.”

  I flushed so hot I could have melted the remaining snow outside.

  “Fine, then win the fight tomorrow,” Danek interjected. “I’ll join in for a fun dinner or another cocoa party instead of a romantic dinner with Zeke I was planning on.”

  “You’re like ten thousand years older than him,” I worried, glancing between them. “And I’m not a fan of being the collateral.”

  “You’re right, and that was rude,” Danek accepted, dipping his head to me. “However, I can say I will give up trying to date you if he shows me he’s serious since I won’t just stop for someone flighty or unsure. He gets one hit on me and I’ll concede.”

  I gave Danek a shocked look, getting that it wasn’t really about him or being a jerk but he was doing it for me to see that Linden was a good guy and serious about dating me. “You’re kind of awesome.”

  He gave me a wink, probably understanding I figured it out. He leaned in until he was close enough to kiss me but didn’t. “And I stand by my original assessment that you’re delicious, so if I can’t have you, the one you’re with better be worthy of you or it will seriously annoy me.”

  “Would you rather date him?” Linden asked in a clipped tone when I flushed.

  “I like you, but I’m not dead,” I grumbled. “He’s seriously hot, is really understanding with my situation, and I’ve never had anyone be so open about liking me, not just liking the idea of me being under them, so cut me some slack.”

  He leaned in on the other side of me, his breath tickling my neck. “You would be perfect under me, but I’ve imagined you more on top of me since I like your bratty, saucy side most.”

  I had to lock my knees to stay standing. Honestly, it sounded like such a stupid thing from an eye roll inducing romance novel, but I did. There was too much heat and hormones and sexiness surrounding me that my deprived mind and body about melted. I mean, these were ancient Wyrok who had to have bedded thousands of men, and here they were focused on me and laying down the hard flirt.

  It was a miracle I didn’t faint. I swallowed loudly and tried to find my voice.

  “You’ve got something to say, I can see it,” Danek chuckled. “What are you thinking?”

  “That being sandwiched between you might be my version of heaven,” I mumbled before darting across the garage, trying to be subtle as I fanned my face but failing miserably as Zibon and his friends caught me. That didn’t help, but they weren’t making fun of me, instead coming over and telling me a story of how Wally had almost had sex in the middle of the cafeteria with hormones like that.

  It was nice to feel included, especially when I was new and not a warrior even if I was their age. They also helped me get a jump on making a ton of Berry Blast chocolate bars that I needed to get on for one of my orders.

  “You got this?” I asked when I heard a noise from the baby monitor, more in tune with it than was probably normal or healthy. I was already heading for the door when Gary promised they had me covered. Moments later I was racing up the stairs in the house and at the twins’ room seconds later.

  Ethan held his arms out to me when he saw me, not even trying to hide he was crying. I went over to him and picked him up, sitting on his bed with him on my lap. I let him calm down a bit, rubbing his back and holding him until he was ready to tell me what was going on.

  “Miss everyone,” he hiccupped, explaining why he was upset.

  “I know, I do too,” I whispered, kissing his hair as I rocked him. “It’s been nice that they’ve checked on us, but it’s not the same. Having a party without them made you think of them, right?”

  “Yeah,” he sniffled, wiping his boogers all over my pajamas.

  “How about we make them something special and new tomorrow? Not to sell, but we’ll make something super fun.”

  “Marshmallows? Pink ones?” he asked.

  I smiled and nodded. A few of the kids he was friends with had gone ballistic for the different marshmallows I sold like unicorn or crazy Christmas ones. “Or we could do fun green ones with shamrocks?”


  I glanced over at Evan and gave him a wink, letting him know I saw he was awake too. “What do you want to send?”

  “Suckers,” he mumbled. “Rainbow ones.”

  Oh, someone caught what I’d been trying to keep quiet. “Okay, but you guys can only have small ones. That’s too much for you.”

  They both agreed, and I read them their normal bedtime story to get them back to bed, relieved when it worked. I kissed their heads once they were tucked back in and quietly left. It wasn’t until I reached the garage again that I realized I had left the baby monitor there… And everyone had been watching.


  Gary raised his hand like he was in class. “If I cry, do I get special treats, because I will seriously turn on the water works.”

  I snorted, expecting something like that from him already. “They asked for their friends, not themselves. I don’t bribe my kids to behave or reward them if they cry like I’m okay with tantrums. They’ve just had a huge move and upset to their lives, and they don’t understand it all.” I had been rotating my shoulder while talking and almost hit Marissa as she moved up to me. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine, but let me take a look.”

  “Right, you’re a massage therapist, right?” I smiled when she nodded. “I’m fine, really. I just get a bit stiff some nights because I always have one on my left hip since I’m right handed.”

  “Well, you have melted chocolate going, but let’s set up a time when I can really take a look and help.”

  I narrowed my eyes suspiciously even as I smiled. “You want shamrock marshmallows, don’t you?”

  “So much so it’s not even funny and pretty embarrassing given my age,” she admitted, shrugging when several people laughed. “Plus, I checked out the Instagram page for the store. Those chocolate covered unicorn marshmallows and the Valentine’s Day heart ones were so friggin popular that people were raving all over for them.”

  I sighed, scrubbing my hand over my head. “I know, Starbucks wants to sell them in their stores, but I’m just not there and lost all my staff, so they’re on hold. Everything is sort of on hold.”

  “You are ridiculously stressed out,” she worried, her eyes flashing shock. “And you’ve been hiding it.”

  I smiled at her. “You’re a parent. You know you have to hide a lot of reality until the kiddies go to bed.”

��s ready,” someone called over.

  I nodded and headed that way, pouring the melted chocolate into the huge mixer and adding the different berries for the Berry Blast bars. I showed them how the metal bowl for the mixer rolled over to the large depositor. It was already by the vibrating table with the chocolate bar molds. All that was left was checking the right volume to come out each time the button was pushed and it squirted out the chunky chocolate.

  “This is relaxing,” Gary muttered as he moved along filling trays. “The vibrating noise is making me sleepy too.”

  “Yeah, I like to do it after the twins are in bed to slowly turn off my mind,” I admitted. “Once all the molds are filled, load the trays, and twenty minutes in the freezer will harden them while new chocolate melts, and then do it all over again.”

  Zibon frowned. “You wrap these by hand? I’m not good with wrapping paper.”

  “I used to, but I have a few wrapping machines now. You just have to put them on the conveyor and it will wrap them, and it’s adjustable for different products. Someone else stands on the other end and loads them into the right shipping boxes and all done.”

  While I was at it, I showed them how the taffy I’d made earlier was stretched out and sent through the machine that chopped and wrapped it. They were actually adorable as they watched, looking a bit like the twins as they stared in awe at how cool it was to take the huge taffy and get it into bite sized pieces while keeping everything sanitary.

  “What do you do from here?” Nate asked me.

  “There’s another machine that you load and it weighs out the correct amount,” I explained. “You step on the peddle to release it into the bag you hold, and then they get sealed and packed. I do several batches of a flavor before that because it goes pretty fast once you’ve got everything set, but that takes a bit to get it lined up. I haven’t checked all the machines and adjusted them from after the move.”

  “We can probably get you some pre- and post-trans for after dinner if you keep it idiot proof and they got treats and candy for studying,” Verge told me. “There are a lot of manuals to memorize and classroom learning warriors go through as well, not just physical and fighting.”


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