Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1)

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Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1) Page 6

by Harley Wylde

  “You want me to hook you up with Fangs? Like a date, or…” I was trying not to be rude, but I had to wonder if Tawny was even eighteen. She didn’t look it, but then I’d always sucked at judging someone’s age.

  “A date would be awesome,” Tawny said.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Tawny smiled widely and helped me gather so many clothes the dressing room looked like it might explode. Spider and Fangs never uttered a word of complaint, even though it took me over an hour to figure out what I wanted to buy. I was even able to change into one of my new outfits before we left the store, and I noticed that Diane was miraculously absent.

  We shopped at several more stores, picking up everything I would need, from underthings to shoes and bathroom items. Spider vanished at one point, leaving me with Fangs and the others, but he wasn’t gone long. When I couldn’t shop another moment, my feet and back aching from all the walking, Spider ordered food to go at the diner before driving us back to the compound. He had one of the Prospects carry my bags into the house while he led me into the kitchen, gently pushing me down into a chair. After we each had a container of food in front of us, and each had a drink, he sat down, gave me a wink, then dug into his food.

  “You’re not upset?” I asked.

  “About what?” he asked between bites.

  “That your Surge married us.”

  He stopped chewing a moment and stared. After he’d swallowed, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black velvet box. He set it on the table, then reached into his pocket and pulled out something shiny. My eyes went wide as he slid a solid silver band onto his ring finger. When he opened the box and I saw a silver band with sparkling diamonds across the top, I couldn’t hold back my gasp.

  “If it’s not the right size, they said they can resize it for you,” Spider said. “But to answer your question, no, I’m not angry. I’d already claimed you, and in my world that’s pretty much the same thing. Except once a biker claims you, there’s no divorce, no going back. It’s a forever kind of thing. What Surge did, that’s just paperwork to make it legal in the eyes of the law.”

  My hand trembled as he grasped it and slid the ring onto my finger.

  “Now everyone will know you’re claimed even if they don’t see your ink, which you’ll be getting soon, or your cut, which should be ready by tomorrow. You’re mine, Luciana. Forever.”

  Tears gathered in my eyes as I gazed at the ring, and his hand holding mine. Nothing could have prepared me for the emotions welling inside me. No one had ever wanted me, but he did. A sob escaped me and then another. When Spider pulled me into his arms, it wasn’t long before I soaked his shirt with my tears. He rubbed my back and let me cry. I clung to him, wondering how I had gotten lucky enough to be given to a man like him, and hoping I never had to let him go.

  Chapter Five


  It had been so damn long since I’d had a woman in my bed. I smoothed Luciana’s hair back from her face, admiring her profile as she slept soundly. After she’d cried yesterday, I’d urged her to finish her food before insisting she had a nap. She’d seemed embarrassed over her breakdown, but after everything she’d been through it was a miracle she hadn’t bawled her eyes out sooner. She was stronger than she gave herself credit for, and I hoped one day she’d see it.

  The diamonds on her finger twinkled in the sunlight peeking through the blinds. She was mine. Not just my old lady, but my wife, thanks to Surge. To me, it was just a legality. Once I’d claimed her, that was it. Didn’t matter if she shared my name or not, she was mine. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever felt as protective of someone, or rather over a woman, as I felt over Luciana. I wanted to slay all her dragons, but mostly I wanted to bury her father six feet deep. After torturing the shit out of him. I didn’t know what Casper had planned for Mateo Gomez, but I wanted in on it.

  I left a note on the nightstand so Luciana wouldn’t wake up and worry when she couldn’t find me, then I put on my cut, pocketed my phone, and grabbed my keys. I’d never bothered locking my doors inside the compound, but with a pregnant woman under my roof -- my woman -- I made sure the house was locked up before I left. My Harley rumbled as I started the engine and drove to the front gates. A Prospect was already there with one of the trucks, as well as Hornet, Slider, and Bear. If I hadn’t set up this deal weeks ago, I’d have canceled the damn thing so I could focus on other shit like Mateo Gomez and whether or not he was a threat to my club and my woman. I had a hard time believing he was willingly giving up his daughters, even if he thought he was getting an alliance out of it.

  Teller opened the gates, and we pulled through with me taking point. Bear was to my right and half a length behind, then the truck, with Hornet and Slider pulling up the rear. We hit the highway and headed out of town. The pick-up location was outside St. Louis in a spot no one knew about. No one still living at any rate, except my club and now the Quiet Killers. Getting mixed up with organized crime groups was always dicey, but these guys were the new go-between for several arms dealers. Since D.C.A. would only deal with me, thanks to my government connections, providing them with quality guns was a top priority for my club. The Deadly Cobra Association only hired the best assassins, ex-special ops, and other men you didn’t want to meet in a dark alley. They were the government’s go-to when their military elite got into a bind, or their hands were tied with red tape and a situation needed to be handled immediately.

  We were only on the road about an hour before I pulled down a dirt road that looked more like an accident than a true pathway. I slowed my bike, avoiding the pony-sized potholes, and drove through the wooded land, keeping an eye out for trouble. In the clearing ahead, there were two SUVs and a truck. The men waiting were armed, dark glasses hiding their eyes from view. My gut clenched as I came to a stop about four yards away, Bear pulling up next to me.

  “What do you think, Pres?” he asked.

  “I’m not getting any bad vibes. From what I’ve heard, these guys are legit and wouldn’t want to fuck up this deal.”

  Bear nodded. We moved in closer and dismounted from our bikes when we were about ten feet away. The truck behind me stopped as well, and I heard Philip get out. The bag of cash was clutched in his hand and I gave him a nod. He walked forward and set it down in front of Miguel Juarez, my contact with Quiet Killers, before backing away. With a snap of his fingers, Miguel had two of his guys sifting through the bag.

  “It’s all here,” one of them confirmed.

  I followed Miguel to the truck and motioned for my guys to unload the crates in back. Two crates of M4’s and another of CZ 75B’s. The head of D.C.A.’s lead tactical team would be very pleased. Mason Parkes could probably get this shit himself, but he was like me and buried up to his neck in fucking paperwork when he wasn’t actively kicking the shit out of someone. It was just easier for him to hire me to handle it, and I appreciated the business. D.C.A. was privately funded and money wasn’t an issue for them.

  “Appreciate it,” I said, shaking Miguel’s hand.

  “If they want more, or need something else, let me know. I can get my hands on just about anything,” Miguel said. “Or perhaps you’d like something with a bit more power.”

  I smirked. “What makes you think I don’t have enough firepower already?”

  “No such thing as enough,” Miguel said. “I’ll be in touch.”

  We pulled away and hit the road, keeping a constant watch for trouble. The first pop had me tensing and trying to find the source. With the second, I felt a searing pain my shoulder. Fucking hell! Bear started firing back as I sped up and left him behind, the truck with our cargo right on my ass. I heard more gunfire and the sound of shots hitting metal. The dumbasses were shooting the fucking truck full of guns! Whoever these guys were, they weren’t overly intelligent. Hornet slid up next to me, motioned that he was going to cover the rear, then fell back.

  We raced back toward the compound, but I could feel myself growing weake
r. The blood had soaked my shirt and covered my arm, but it seemed like it was through and through. I grunted as another round slammed into me, this one lodging in my fucking back. Enough of this shit!

  I motioned for Philip and Hornet to keep going, and I slowed down. Drawing my gun from my waistband, I opened fire on the assholes trying to steal our cargo. Three rapid fire shots took one out, his bike skidding across the road. He didn’t get up, so I focused on another while Bear handled a third. I didn’t know how many there had been to start, but we were down to four. After another moment, we’d managed to take them all out, but not before I saw their cuts. Chaos Killers MC. Those fucking idiots were a Goddamn menace. Caused a shit ton of trouble for everyone, but thankfully they were too damn stupid to do much other than piss off my club and others in the southern states. They only had one chapter in this area, and with some luck, we’d wipe that one out before it had a chance to spread like a fucking virus.

  “Pres, you need to pull over,” Bear said.

  I shook my head and kept going. It made my vision swim a moment, but I pushed through the pain. When we reached the compound, Teller opened the gates. I brought my bike to a halt just outside the clubhouse, then fell off like a pansy ass. Motherfucker!

  “Someone get Dread,” Bear said as he knelt next to me.

  Everything was spinning and getting darker. I fought to keep my eyes open, to stay present. Luciana needed me. I didn’t have time for this shit, and I would not pass out like some Goddamn pussy in front of my club. I groaned as Bear and Shooter lifted me, carrying me into the clubhouse. They started for the hallway to the back rooms, but I stopped them. If Luciana came here, I didn’t want to be in the room where I’d taken the club whores.

  “Stop.” My command came out weaker than I’d have liked.

  They halted and looked at me, Bear’s look clearly saying he thought I was losing my mind.

  “You need to lie flat.” Bear folded his arms and his jaw went tense, as if he were expecting a fight. He would get one too, if he insisted I go to my room down the hall.

  “Not in that damn bed I don’t.”

  I heard booted steps, then Fox peered down at me. “Not the bed?”


  He tipped his head to the side and then understanding lit his eyes. “Right. Lay him out on the bar. Won’t be comfortable, but Dread can get to him easily there. Once he’s patched up, we’ll worry about getting him home.”

  “Should we call Ryker?” Shooter asked.

  “Not dying, you fuckers.” My voice was getting weaker. I could tell I was losing too much blood. Cold was seeping into me, and it felt like my heart was racing. Shit. “Get Luciana.”

  Fox’s jaw tightened, but he nodded.

  “On it,” Slider said.

  “Dread is on his way,” Shooter said. “Just hang in there, Pres. We’ll have you patched up in no time. Then that pretty little woman of yours can give you sponge baths and shit.”

  I managed to lift my arm enough to flip him off, but what should have taken no effort at all made me feel like I’d just run a damn marathon.

  “What the fuck did he do now?” I heard Dread’s voice boom through the room.

  “Got shot. Twice,” Fox said.

  Dread glared at me and shook his head. “You take too many fucking chances with your life, Pres. You have other priorities now. Can’t be rushing off into danger.”

  “Fuck you,” I mumbled.

  “Stay with me.” Dread checked my pulse, then shined one of those damn pen lights in my eyes.

  Someone lifted me enough to ease my cut off and I fought to remain conscious. Dread pulled out some scissors and cut my shirt off, then let out a long whistle.

  “Through and through in the shoulder.” Dread prodded the area.

  “Got shot in the back too,” Bear said.

  Dread rolled me onto my side and the silence was telling enough. I could feel the cold wetness on my skin and knew it was a fuck ton of blood. Mine.

  “This is going to hurt.” And that was all the warning I had. I bellowed out my pain and rage as he tried to work the bullet out of my body. It felt like forever before I heard the wet suction of the bullet popping free of my skin. “Missed the important things in there. You got lucky.”

  “Just stitch me up and shut up,” I said.

  “You’ve lost a lot of blood,” Dread said.

  He wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t know already, but a hospital was out of the damn question. They’d notify the police, and then I’d have other problems to deal with. No, I’d recover at home like I always did.

  “Spider!” I wanted to turn toward Luciana’s voice, but Dread’s hand, along with Shooter and Fox, kept me immobile. The hole in my back burned like shit when Dread poured something over it. Likely alcohol.

  “How close are you to passing out?” Dread asked.

  “Not close enough,” I said.

  “No drugs. Not until we’re done. I need you alert, which means…”

  “Just do it,” I said.

  Slider led Luciana around the other side of the bar. She stopped in front of me and gripped my hand. Tears trickled down her cheeks and she looked fucking terrified as she held onto me. I felt like an asshole for scaring her like this. Maybe Dread was right and I needed to slow the fuck down. I fought to not only stay awake but to not squeeze Luciana’s hand as Dread started the process of stitching me back together. It felt like hours passed before he’d finished my back and sutured both sides of my shoulder.

  “We’re never getting all that blood out of the bar,” Shooter said.

  Luciana turned to him and let loose with rapid fire Spanish that I couldn’t follow. Shooter’s eyes went wide and he took a step back, his hands up.

  “Sorry. I have no idea what you just said, but I’m sorry. Obviously I’m being an insensitive asshole or something.”

  “He could have died,” Luciana said, “and you’re worried about a stupid bar?”

  “Not dead, darlin’,” I said, then coughed, which just made everything hurt even more.

  Teller grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and passed it to Luciana. She helped me sip at the cold liquid. As much as I wasn’t looking forward to moving, I was more than ready to get off the damn hard wood surface that was digging into my bones. I was too old for this shit. Hell, I’d been too old for this shit since I was forty. I was just too stubborn to back down.

  “We need to lay him in the backseat of the SUV. He’ll need help getting into his house,” Dread said.

  “I’ll go,” Teller said.

  “I would, but I don’t want to scare your wife,” Fox said.

  “Just help him,” Luciana said. “Don’t worry about me.”

  I braced myself for the pain as they lifted me and carried my ass out to the SUV. Luciana had already climbed inside and they eased me down, but I worried about crushing her with my upper body across her thighs. She didn’t seem to care about my weight but ran her fingers through my hair, her gaze full of concern and a bit of fear.

  “I’m fine,” I told her. “Just need some rest and I’ll be good as new. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot.”

  “It better be the last,” she said, then her cheeks flushed.

  Shooter chuckled. “Spoken like a true wife. We’ll have you home in a moment, Pres. Teller’s going to drive you, and the rest of us will follow.”

  Luciana held onto me as the SUV slowly headed toward our house. Funny. That was the first time I’d thought of the place as ours. When we came to a stop and Teller got out, I was both relieved and dreaded being moved again. I knew I had to be covering Luciana in my blood, but she didn’t seem to care. Well, she cared I was bleeding, but I didn’t think she minded that it was getting on her clothes and skin. The back door opened on Luciana’s side.

  “I’ll go in and get the bed ready if that’s all right,” Teller said.

  “Yes,” Luciana said. “Maybe something to clean him off? He can’t be comfortable wi
th the blood drying on his skin. A warm wet cloth?”

  Teller nodded and I closed my eyes a moment. I felt Luciana’s light touch as she brushed her fingers over my cheeks, down my beard, and then smoothed my hair back. Her hand trembled and I knew she was scared. I felt like an asshole for doing this to her, and for what? More money? I wasn’t ready to step down as President, but maybe I could delegate more tasks, not take point quite as often. She needed me, and the kid in her belly would too.

  A shadow fell across me and I opened my eyes to see Bear leaning into the vehicle. A glance in the other direction showed Shooter and Fox opening the door with grim looks. Teller came back with the cloth Luciana had requested and she wiped down the front of me, but Fox had to help turn me so she could reach my back. I felt like a fucking infant and hated this shit.

  “I’m not dead, you dumbasses. I can get out of the car.”

  “Sure you can, Pres,” Fox said with a smirk. “But we’re going to help just the same.”

  Despite their words, I did my best to get out of the SUV on my own, then staggered my way into the house with Fox supporting my weight. Luciana was within sight the entire time and rushed ahead of us. She smoothed the sheets on the bed and plumped my pillow like I was an invalid or something. I wasn’t going to say anything, though, not since she seemed to feel the need to do something to help. Fox helped me sit on the edge of the bed, then Luciana knelt at my feet and removed my boots. I eased my legs up on the bed and leaned back against the pillows.

  “Everyone out. My wife will let you know if I stop breathing.”

  “Not funny,” Fox muttered, but he walked out along with the others. Teller hung back, hovering in the doorway.

  “What’s up, kid?” I asked.

  “Maybe I should stay close? In case you need something?” he asked, his gaze skirting to Luciana, then back to me.

  I looked at the woman now kneeling on the bed next to me. She didn’t seem overly concerned about Teller in the house. Maybe getting shot wasn’t such a bad thing after all, if it meant she’d finally trust the men in my club.


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