The Sword of Light: Book One of the Veredor Chronicles

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The Sword of Light: Book One of the Veredor Chronicles Page 17

by E J Gilmour

  ‘What do you know of my father?’ asked Eben. The Skathean simply grinned evilly and said nothing.

  ‘Even if we die today we will die with our honour,’ said King Ignis firmly.

  The Skathean scoffed and sneered. ‘Honour! Your honour is nothing but a lie; it is your greatest mistake,’ said the Skathean, sneering at King Ignis with contempt. ‘You hope to hide yourself from the real truth: there is always a price on a man’s honour. And freedom, we Skatheans are free from the burden of your foolish morality. We possess real freedom.’

  King Ignis held his head high and stared directly into the eyes of the Skathean. ‘You are completely enslaved by your evil desire; freedom has no place in you.’ The King’s voice was clear and strong. ‘Today you will see our honour in all its glory, and you will see that these good Ortarian men are prepared to sacrifice themselves for the good of all people. What I speak of is real freedom. Freedom is the choice not to be ruled by fear, pain, and desire. Such freedom has no place in you, Skathean. Today you will see real courage, and you will realise that you are mistaken. You have taken the dark path because you believe you will gain something for yourself, but nothing is ever truly gained that isn’t given.’

  The Skathean backed away and stared at King Ignis in silence. He then looked from the King to Eben.

  ‘I look forward to taking possession of the Sword of Light.’ He sneered contemptuously and then turned his horse back toward the enemy lines. Falsig waited a moment before turning his horse and following after the Skathean. King Ignis and Eben then rode back to the waiting company.


  King Ignis and General Hugo were riding at the front of the army. The lines had slowly advanced to be within a thousand yards of the enemy ranks. Eben rode with Red, Cassiel, and Stella. They looked across the plain toward their enemies. The army of muckrons was waiting in the flat area between the two small hills. Smoke rose above the monstrous army, creating a thick dark cloud that hovered low. The three wyverns circled in the smoky sky as the sound of deep booming drums echoed across the plain.

  ‘They are using the hills and forest as a natural shield to stop our cavalry flanking them,’ said General Hugo.

  ‘We will ride directly at them and smash through their front lines like we did in Scaldonia,’ said King Ignis. ‘Eben, I’ve told my knights to challenge the Skatheans. I’m hoping that you, Red, Stella, and Cassiel can focus your strength on the wyverns.’

  ‘We will,’ said Red proudly. King Ignis nodded and then turned to General Hugo.

  ‘Hugo, tell the archers to position themselves on the two hills and to shoot at the muckrons below. Tell them to hold those hills.’

  King Ignis then looked back at his army. The army was eager to make a move. Hugo rode through the ranks of the men and shouted orders. The King rode over to be beside Eben.

  ‘This will be a mighty battle. If we are overwhelmed I will blow a horn four times to tell the army to retreat.’

  General Hugo returned from giving the orders a moment later. ‘We are ready to advance,’ he said. King Ignis rode in front of his army.

  ‘Today we are called to rise up and fight for our freedom!’ he cried. ‘We will show our enemies that this is our land! Ortaria is our country! We will live free from oppression, now and always! Let courage and bravery be your weapon! Be strong! Be true! Fight for your family! Fight for all that is good!’ A loud cheer rose from the lines of troops.

  The men were ready to advance. King Ignis turned to face the enemy. He drew his sword and pointed the blade at the muckron horde. A moment later the first line of heavy cavalry started moving forward.

  Swiftwing leapt after them and the pace rapidly increased. Red, Stella, and Cassiel followed closely behind. The light cavalry followed further back. King Ignis rode ahead with the knights toward the left of the advance. Eben stared ahead at the front line of muckrons. They had crossed five hundred yards. The smoke cloud above them was darkening. Several moments later the cloud above began to swirl.

  ‘For Ortaria!’ cried King Ignis. The knights brought their horses to a gallop.

  The swirling dark cloud began to glow red. Eben could see wizards standing on both the small hills with their hands held high above their heads. The sound of a mighty boom echoed across the plain; a moment later fire began raining down on them from above.

  Massive flaming blasts exploded around them. Cavalrymen were being thrown from their horses as the rapid charge continued. Eben felt the heat of an explosion beside him; Swiftwing leapt over burning ground and charged onward through the heat and smoke. Eben drew his sword. The muckron lines were fast approaching. The knights and heavy cavalry crashed through the front lines, and a moment later Eben was among them. He hewed down a muckron as he rode forward into the enemy ranks. Red and Stella were beside him, both of them swinging their swords wildly. Cassiel was throwing bright flames to the left and right as he rode a little back from them. Eben continuously cut and stabbed in all directions. The muckrons scattered before him. Swiftwing pushed forward through the throng of monsters.

  Twenty feet away a wyvern swooped down and dragged a knight from his horse, casting him to the ground. Eben turned Swiftwing and saw Red struggling with a muckron and Stella backing away as two muckrons attacked her. He charged forward and cut down one of the muckrons that was attacking Stella. Meanwhile Red cut down the muckron he was fighting.

  ‘We have to kill that wyvern!’ shouted Eben above the calamity of the battle. Cassiel rode over. His hands were glowing brightly.

  ‘You lead the way!’ shouted Red.

  ‘Follow me!’ cried Eben.

  Swiftwing dashed forward through the battlefield toward the red wyvern. The four of them smashed their way through the horde of hideous pig headed muckrons. Directly ahead the wyvern was causing havoc among the Ortarian cavalry. The beast was leaping from rider to rider, ripping them from their horses. Eben charged onward. The wyvern turned itself around and howled. It then jumped at him ferociously. Eben stabbed out with the Sword of Light, but the wyvern parried the blade with the edge of its scaled arm. The beast then pounced forward and knocked Swiftwing over. Eben fell to the ground and rolled away. Stella swung her rope, and the grappling hook caught on the wyvern’s horns. The creature howled ferociously and whipped its head, dragging Stella off her horse. She leapt through the air and flipped backwards in a feat of acrobatic mastery. Eben had lost sight of Swiftwing in the heat of the battle.

  Eben, now on foot, ran at the fierce beast. He propelled himself at the howling wyvern, stabbing out with the Sword of Light. A flash of red light struck him in the same moment, sending him tumbling back. He fell in the grass and for a moment felt breathless. Zarceler appeared and was standing near the wyvern with two Skatheans beside him. His hands were surrounded by a bright red glow.

  Eben quickly regained his feet. An instant later one of the Skatheans charged. He parried the incoming strikes and counterattacked with several cuts and stabs, but the Skathean blocked his counterattacks. The other Skathean came into view.

  ‘Hand over the Sword of Light!’ hissed the Skathean, leaping at Eben. Eben deflected the first cut and the second. He then struck back, knocking the Skathean off balance.

  He felt the claw of the wyvern grab him around the chest from behind. The beast lifted him off his feet and squeezed him tightly as it beat its wings and flew skyward. Eben turned himself in the wyvern’s grip and drove his blade deep into the beast’s scaly neck. The wyvern shrieked in pain and released him. The ground approached rapidly, and a moment later Eben slammed into the field, dropping his sword. The dragon simultaneously plummeted into the ground and heaved around for a moment before it lay lifeless. Eben, in a daze, struggled to get up and looked around for his sword. It had fallen a little way off and he scrambled across the field toward his weapon.

  The shadow of a Skathean moved between Eben and the Sword of Light. Eben stopped in his tracks. The Skathean grinned as he approached Eben. Stella quietly pick
ed up the Sword of Light from the ground behind the Skathean. The dark knight, catching sight of her, turned and sneered, and an instant later he charged at Stella. Stella struck out with the Sword of Light. The Skathean parried and counterattacked, but Stella was quick to defend and deflected the stab. Again the Skathean struck out, and again she parried. She thrust the Skathean’s sword to the ground as she kicked out, knocking him off his feet. The Skathean rolled backward and lay stunned on the muddy ground.

  In that moment a great horn sounded, ringing out across the battlefield. It blew again and again, and then a fourth time. Eben looked back and could see the Ortarian army was retreating and being forced back by the horde of monsters. Clearly the army of men were being completely overwhelmed. The Skathean regained his feet as Stella handed the Sword of Light back to Eben. A moment later Red came into view. The muckrons were crowding the battlefield around them.

  ‘The army is leaving!’ shouted Red.

  The Skathean laughed evilly as he stood up. ‘Your army is finished!’ he said in a heckling voice. ‘Ortaria is ours!’

  Eben looked about and could only see muckrons and Skatheans; the main Ortarian lines had fallen back about fifty yards and were being pursued by thousands of muckrons. Stella and Red looked at Eben, worry etched into their faces. They were trapped with enemies all around. Eben could see the situation was becoming hopeless as packs of muckrons approached from all sides.

  A moment later a great howl echoed out across the battlefield and every eye turned to see its origin. A massive black wolf stood on top of the hill to the north.

  ‘Kiarn!’ shouted Eben, feeling his heart leap in his chest.

  They all watched as hundreds of wolves, bears, jackals, and other creatures emerged from the edge of the forest, flanking the muckron army. The wild animals charged into the monstrous horde. The Skathean’s face became deathly pale as he stared at the army of forest creatures tearing into the muckron ranks. The evil knight dashed away at great speed toward the rear of the battlefield and was gone from sight moments later.

  The horn sounded again, ringing out just once, which was the call to attack. The Ortarians cried out as they pressed forward against the lines of muckrons.

  Cassiel rode over a moment later. ‘The creatures of Altus; they’ve come to save us!’ he shouted as he looked across the battlefield in wonder.

  ‘Let’s help them!’ cried Eben, rushing forward with his friends following closely.

  The muckrons howled in horror, and in a short time the tide of the battle had turned. The muckron army was being pushed toward the southern side of the battlefield. The wolves and bears attacked them with savage ferocity, and the Ortarians grew in confidence at seeing the monsters in retreat and knowing they had such powerful allies fighting with them.

  Eben fought his way through the horde. He looked ahead and could see a giant bear pick up a muckron and cast it at another pig headed monster. Packs of wolves were circling the muckrons and forcing them to back away toward the southern side of the battlefield. To his right Stella and Red were pursuing a small group of muckrons that were trying to escape to the south of the battlefield.

  Eben caught sight of Zarceler. The evil wizard was blasting the wild animals and Ortarian soldiers with his magic. Eben rushed toward Zarceler.

  ‘Have you come for more pain?’ screamed Zarceler, lifting his glowing hands. A bright beam of red light shot across the distance at Eben. Eben held his sword up. The energetic blast of light was deflected and struck the ground. Zarceler sneered and again raised his hands and flames burst forth through the air. Again Eben used the Sword of Light to shield himself from the fire. Eben advanced as Zarceler turned and started to run. Moments later Eben was at his heels. Zarceler fell to the ground and looked up at Eben with terror in his eyes. Eben raised his sword and was ready to strike.

  Zarceler cowered on the ground, covering his face with his hands. ‘No! Don’t!’ he cried, begging for his life.

  Eben delayed for a moment. ‘You deserve to die!’

  Cassiel appeared beside Eben a moment later. They looked down at Zarceler. ‘Let me live. I can change,’ begged Zarceler. ‘I was following orders. I’m not evil. It’s the Master, not me...’

  Cassiel considered the situation for a moment. ‘We can tie his hands behind his back; his magic would be much reduced,’ said Cassiel. ‘We could take him as a prisoner back to Ancora.’

  ‘Stand up!’ said Eben firmly, pointing his sword at Zarceler. The wizard stood up.

  ‘Hands behind your back!’ ordered Cassiel. Zarceler complied. Cassiel went to tie his hands. Suddenly Zarceler turned and grabbed Cassiel. He held a small knife up against Cassiel’s throat.

  ‘Drop your sword or Cassiel dies!’ hissed Zarceler.

  Cassiel stood completely still. He looked across at Eben and shook his head. Eben stared into Zarceler’s mad eyes and could see he would surely kill Cassiel.

  ‘Drop it!’ screamed Zarceler wrathfully.

  Eben reluctantly dropped his sword. Zarceler grinned as he looked down at the sword on the ground.

  ’Now step back!’ cried Zarceler. Eben took several steps back from the wizard. Zarceler threw Cassiel aside and then picked up the sword. ‘Now the Sword of Light is mine!’ he said, cruel glee filling his eyes.

  A great cluster of Ortarian troops were nearing them as the muckrons were in full retreat and were rushing up and over the slopes of the southern hill. Zarceler laughed like a madman and waved his hand; a shockwave of glowing red energy struck Eben. Eben felt the heavy impact as he flew back several feet and crashed into the ground. He was dazed and shaken and looked up at Zarceler. The wizard slowly walked toward him and was grinning evilly. He cast another red burst of painful energy at Eben. Eben felt his body cramp and shake. He could hardly take a breath. Cassiel began to get up. Zarceler knocked him back down again with a spell and smirked.

  ‘I knew it would come to this. Now you will both die for causing this foolish revolt,’ said Zarceler. He lifted his hands once again.

  Eben caught the rapid movement of something dark out of the corner of his eye. A moment later Kiarn leapt from left field. The dark shape of the wolf throttled the wizard. The Sword of Light fell from the Zarceler’s hand as he cried out in horror. In an instant Kiarn’s mighty jaws ended the life of the evil wizard. Zarceler’s body lay still and lifeless. Kiarn’s golden eyes glanced across at Eben for a moment. An instant later the wolf ran off after the retreating muckron army.

  Eben pulled himself up off the ground. His body was aching all over. He walked over to Cassiel and helped him to stand up. He then picked up the Sword of Light, and together they looked southward at the fleeing muckrons.

  ‘It is done,’ said Cassiel.

  Red and Stella walked over and were completely exhausted. The four friends hugged and embraced.


  The army set up camp beside the forest. Eben sat in a command tent with King Ignis, Red, Stella, Cassiel, several knights, and field commanders. King Ignis had his face bandaged. He looked very weary.

  ‘I am sad to say that we lost many good men. Brave General Hugo also died in the battle,’ said King Ignis. Eben felt the sadness in the room at the news of the death of General Hugo ‘We have completely destroyed the muckron army. The archers on the southern hill stopped most of them from escaping; only a few muckrons breached their lines. Two of the wyverns escaped, and another was found dead on the battlefield. We have also captured several Zyranians. General Hugo and all the men who died here today will be remembered forever. We will ride to Ancora and free our people from tyranny. Today we have brought light back to Ortaria. We will take that light to every corner of our land.’

  They heard the strength in his voice. There was a sense of hope growing in their hearts.



  They rode eastward over the days that followed and arrived at the gates of Ancora. The day was bright and sunny and spring flowers covered the field
s surrounding the city. The city gates were open and King Ignis led the army through the western gate. Word had already reached Ancora of the victory in the west over the muckrons, Skatheans, and Zyranians.

  The Imposter had fled Ancora before the arrival of the army. The story of the King’s imprisonment in the Dungeons of Zyran was known by all, and the people were overjoyed at the homecoming of their true king. The people shouted and cheered as King Ignis led the army through the town toward the palace. A great crowd had gathered in the large town square outside the palace; celebrations and cries of joy could be heard in all directions. The shroud of gloom had completely left the city and a sense of joy permeated Ancora.

  Eben rode Swiftwing along beside King Ignis. Red, Stella, and Cassiel followed closely behind. The King led them through the crowd to the steps of his palace. A group of Ortarian guardsmen were waiting at the palace gate. They had been sent ahead to secure the city. King Ignis dismounted as the crowds continued cheering. He walked up the steps and turned to face the crowds of people and his army. The multitude became silent and looked to the King.

  ‘Today we have brought justice and peace back to Ancora. No longer will you live under an evil shadow. Today every Ortarian is free. We will remember every man who died fighting for our freedom. We will remember every sacrifice that was given. They fought for the good of all Ortarians and all people everywhere. Together we will rebuild Ortaria. Today peace has returned to our land!’

  With this the people cheered. King Ignis bowed to his people before turning and walking through his palace gate. Eben, Red, Stella, and Cassiel followed the King into the palace.


  ‘Sir Redding,’ said Red, a wide smile crossing his face. ‘Can you believe it?’

  Eben was happy for his friend. They were sitting in a beautiful chamber in the palace with large arched windows, marble floors, and a great oak table. The large chamber was adorned with all manner of royal luxury. There were paintings on the walls, crystal chandeliers, and marble pillars that rose up to a white ceiling above. The room was the royal guest chamber.

  ‘And you, Eben; Champion of Ortaria,’ said Red. Eben nodded and smiled across at Red. King Ignis had declared that Eben was the Champion of Ortaria. King Ignis had also declared that he would grant Eben any wish, if it was in his power to grant. Eben had told him that he only really wanted to go west to find his parents, and the King had said he would do whatever he could to help Eben complete his quest.


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