Her Accidental Hero (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers Box Set)

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Her Accidental Hero (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers Box Set) Page 61

by Holly Jaymes

  She smiled tears in her eyes. “Yes. He or she.” I kissed hard and then made love to her. In retrospect, it seemed odd to have sex after that. But it wasn’t that the baby made me horny because that would be weird. The baby filled me with such love for Hope, which led me to kiss her, which then led me to be horny.

  As her first clothing designs, including some maternity items, entered a few stores, I helped her get an online presence. Then I set up the shipping operation for online and wholesale sales and developed marketing in such a way that she could rest when needed and take it easy when the baby came. I also started selling the design software I’d created for her, which would bring in more money to hire more help as well as expand her business.

  Just four months from the time I’d taken her out to see the property, I loaded Hope and Duke in my SUV again, now with a baby car seat in the back set up for the baby, and I drove us out to the river.

  “My parents get back from Italy this week,” Hope said as we drove. I didn’t give her family money to help them out of their financial challenges, although I offered to. Instead, I worked with Parker to get her dad’s business on track. Last month he sold it for a nice sum, and he and Hope’s mother were taking a trip through Europe.

  “Are they enjoying it?” I asked.

  “Yes, but mom is worried the baby will come while they’re gone.”

  I reached over and rubbed her belly. “There are eight weeks left, right?”

  “Yes. I’ll need them all, so you stay in there,” she said to her belly.

  As I turned up the street, Hope said, “Oh, we see the house. Will it be done before the baby?”

  I pulled up and into the driveway of the completed home. I’d even had them make an area for a garden out back as Hope talked about wanting to start one. I hoped Duke wouldn’t dig it up.

  “Oh God, Mitch, is it done already?” She looked at me with excitement.

  “Yes, baby. Gabe pulled through.”

  She pulled the latch to get out of the car, and she was quickly walking up the stone walkway.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said, walking up the steps of the porch. “Look at the porch swing.” She turned to me. “I can’t wait to sit out here with you.”

  Duke barked.

  “And you too, Duke,” she laughed. “Can we go in?”

  “Absolutely.” I pulled out the key to let her in. The door opened to a large foyer filled with sun.

  “Mitch, this is incredible.” She gasped as she saw the pretty entryway table with the large vase of fresh flowers.

  It was, I agreed. Gabe had outdone himself on the two-story home with the wrap around porch, a finished attic studio, and a boathouse out back near the water.

  As we headed to see the living area, Hope stopped me and flung herself in my arms. These spontaneous hugs and displays of her affection for me were one of the many things I loved about her. I was so ridiculously happy with her and couldn’t wait to start our lives in this home.

  Eight months ago, when I found her stranded on the road, I thought I’d saved her. But the truth was, she’d saved me. She’d shown me I was worthy and capable of love. She taught me patience. Most of all, she’d brought me back from my self-imposed exile. I was back to my old self. In fact, I think I was a better man with her by my side. My goal was to be the best partner and father for her and our child. In this house, we’d live, and love, and laugh.

  “Thank you, Mitch. I can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it, baby.” I guided her to the open living area with the view of the river.

  She stopped short before she was entirely in the room. “The furniture is in too?”

  “Yes. The designer finished setting it up yesterday,” I said, rubbing her back. I followed her, as she oohed, ahhed and gaped at the home. It was the same expression I’d had as I toured it the other day with Gabe and Samantha, who’d helped with the decor.

  Hope went upstairs stopping in the room we’d identified for the baby.

  “Oh, Mitch.” She covered her mouth with her hands as she looked at the pretty light blue room decorated with elephants. We still didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl, as we decided we wanted to be surprised. But Hope insisted the light blue with the elephant décor was okay for girls too. Me? I didn’t care how the room was decorated. As long as Hope was happy, I was happy.

  I stepped up behind her, wrapping my arm around her and pressing my hand over her belly. “What does Junior think?” I felt a kick, sending a wave of emotion and awe through me at the miracle of life. Every time we heard the heartbeat at the doctor’s office, or I felt him or her kick, I was reminded of just how amazing life and Hope were.

  “Junior loves it,” Hope said. She turned and hugged me. “I never knew I could be so happy, Mitch. Thank you.”

  I held her close, feeling so fucking grateful to have her in my life. “We’re going to be happy here, Hope.”

  I took her hand and led her to our master bedroom, where someday we’d make more children fill the five-bedroom home. Then I led her up to the attic, where I’d built her a studio home office.

  “Just like at your mountain home.” She looked through the room with wide eyes and an even broader smile.

  “Our mountain home,” I corrected.

  “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” She turned to me and beamed. It was my reward for a job well done.

  I considered making love to her in our new bed, but there was so much to see. My dick would have to wait.

  I guided her back down to the main level and out onto the screened-in porch and back patio. “We have a grassy area for junior to run and play ball, and there’s a pen there for Duke when we’re gone for a day.” I pointed to the right of the property. “There’s the boathouse where we can keep canoes, floatation devises, and all of the other fun stuff for the river. Something tells me we’ll be very popular and be hosting Junior’s cousins for playdates a lot.”

  “It’s amazing, Mitch. Gabe did a great job,” she said as her gaze scanned the yard. While we had a neighbor in her parents’ former second home to one side, enough space and woods were left during construction to give us privacy. I took an idea from Hope’s father and bought the property on the other side, so we wouldn’t have a home going up right next to us.

  “He did,” I agreed. But I wasn’t done. “Come on.” I took her hand and led her to the edge of the newly grassed yard and toward the river. “We’ll build a fence later,” I said. I didn’t want our kids wandering out here alone and ending up in the river.

  I brought her to the sandy beach were nine years ago I’d first touched her and discovered she was the one for me, even if I hadn’t realized it at the time.

  “The river is pretty today,” she said as she looked out on the water.

  “It is. And not as cold as the last time I brought you here.” I slipped my arm around her.

  “Not quite.”

  It was spring, which in Virginia meant it could be forty one day and seventy the next. Today it was in the sixties.

  I turned her to me. “Are you happy, Hope?”

  “I’m ecstatic. My life is perfect, and it’s all because of you.” I saw the truth of her words in her eyes.

  I grinned, so pleased that I’d done well. My woman was happy. If I never accomplished anything else but making her happy, my life would be full.

  “Are you happy?” she asked me.

  “I am.” Life was nearly perfect.

  “Are you sure?” her brows knitted together. “You didn’t say that with enough gusto.”

  “Well...there’s one thing that might improve how I feel.”

  “Really? You’ve got a beautiful home on a beautiful river with a beautiful woman who will soon have your beautiful baby. What more could you possibly want?”

  I stared into her beautiful blue eyes for a moment. Then I dropped to my knee and pulled out the ring I’d been carrying for months as I worked out the best way to do this.

  She gasped, as she
looked down on me.

  “I want to marry you,” I said, answering her question. “I want to spend my life with you, loving you and our child, and all the children we will have. I want—”

  “Yes.” She blurted. “Yes. I want all that too, with you.”

  I stood, wrapping her in my arms and kissing her, then slipping the ring on her finger. “I love you, Hope, so fucking much.”

  “Oh, Mitch.” She held me. “All my dreams have come true.” She pressed her palms to my cheeks. “Nine years ago, I loved you and wanted you, and now, at the same spot, I have you.”

  “I’m all yours, Hope. I always have been. I'm so sorry that I ever doubted you. I should have known better. I knew who you were. My heart just wouldn't let me see it. Now, I want to protect my heart and your heart. I won't ever let anything bad happen to you or our baby.”

  I kissed her, wanting her to know for sure how deep my feelings were for her.

  “Can we have our re-do now, Mitch? Because I’ve wanted to jump you ever since I saw the porch swing.”

  I laughed. “Is it any wonder I adore you? Let me get a blanket, and then I’m going to make love to you right here, and when we're done, I’m going to make sure you know how much I love you. I won’t fuck up again, ever, Hope.”

  “We have come full circle, Mitch.”

  I couldn’t have said it better.

  Book 3: Epilogue



  Mitch wasted no time arranging a wedding after proposing me on the banks of the river where we’d grown up, first made love, and now built our home. Within two weeks of getting engaged, our new home was filled with family and friends celebrating our love.

  Considering how organized and generous he was, I shouldn’t have been surprised that he’d been planning our wedding before he’d proposed. Some might have thought it was presumptuous that he’d know I’d say yes to his proposal, except that anyone who knew me or even saw me with him would have known that I was going to spend my life loving him with or without a ring and a marriage certificate.

  At seven months pregnant, I wasn’t the skinny bride I might have dreamed about being as a kid, but I was still feeling so happy and beautiful. I imagined Hallie was feeling worse as she was due any day.

  Chairs and an arbor were set up in the backyard covered by a tent to protect people from whatever elements that late spring day might bring. Luckily the sun was shining, and the humidity was low.

  “I think you’re the most beautiful bride ever,” my mother said as she decorated my loose updo with flowers. I wore a pretty ivory dress I’d adapted from my spring maternity dress line I designed. It was a simple flowy dress with just enough lace to be fancy and feminine. It was going to be available for purchase in maternity stores and a few wedding shops on the east coast next month.

  “You’re biased.” But I had to admit, I felt very pretty.

  “I’m still right. Your father is going to blubber like a baby when he sees you.”

  There was a knock on the door, and Sam poked her head in. “You about ready? Mitch is getting antsy. He might come up here and carry you down.”

  I smiled feeling so happy I couldn’t contain it. “I’m on my way.”

  “You look so lovely. He’s going to swoon,” Sam said and then rushed off.

  My father appeared. “Ready?” He stopped short when he saw me. His breath hitched, and tears filled his eyes.

  “I told you,” my mom murmured.

  “Let’s go pumpkin,” my dad said, holding his arm out. He looked at my mom. “When did these kids grow up?”

  “It happened overnight, it seems.”

  I walked down the stairs of the beautiful home Mitch had built for me. The house was made even more special knowing that his brother Gabe and his sister-in-law Sam had a part in creating it. I especially liked the smart features that let me call for Mitch over an intercom and ask him to bring me root beer was I feeling too pooped to get up from my spot on the covered back porch.

  A quartet played Pachelbel’s Canon in C as I stepped out onto the porch. Then it switched to the wedding march, and my father opened the screened porch door and helped me down the steps.

  I looked to the arbor where Mitch stood. My heart just about came out of my chest. He looked so handsome in his suit. His gaze caught mine, and his expression echoed everything I was feeling. Awe. Love. Happiness.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he mouthed.

  “I love you,” I mouthed back. I didn’t understand the slow march up the aisle when all I wanted was to reach my man and say, “I do.” But I did what was customary, trying to smile at our guests, but always having to turn my attention back to Mitch.

  Next to him, my brother stood as best man. His smile to Mitch and me seemed genuine, although I think it took them both some time to mend their relationship. Mitch said he had to let Parker win at golf a lot.

  I handed my flowers to Sam, who was standing as my maid of honor. I invited Hallie to stand for me too, but she was clearly uncomfortable as she neared the end of her pregnancy, so she sat with Nate in the front row. Will and Gabe sat next to them. Will was shaking his head, and I think feeling a little lonely now that he was the only unhitched Sloane. Well, he would be once Mitch, and I said our vows.

  Finally, I reached Mitch, and all I wanted to do was throw myself in his arms. So, I did. A collective “aww” sounded from our guests.

  Mitch held me, and whispered, “I love you, Hope. Marry me.”

  I pulled back and grinned at him. “Let’s get hitched.”

  He laughed as he took my arm and turned us to the minister. The ceremony began and continued for a while.

  Then finally, we were at the vows.

  Mitch took my hands and looked at me with such emotion in his eyes. If I lived a million years, I’d never get tired at the way he looked at me with such love.

  “Hope.” His voice choked up, and his cheeks turned pink. He cleared his throat. “Hope. I remember the day I saw you on the banks of this river when I was fifteen, and something shifted in my chest. You weren’t just a friend or Parker’s sister anymore. I tried to deny it because …well…” He glanced at Parker and then back at me. “There are rules about wanting your friend’s sister. But six years later, I still wanted you. And after another nine years, I still wanted you. And now, finally, you’re going to be mine.”

  “I know I made this journey harder than it had to be. I was stubborn and afraid. But you showed me how to love again. You made it safe for me to give myself wholly and completely to you. I love you, Hope. More than words can say, and I’ve searched the dictionary for the words, but they don’t exist.”

  I hiccupped as tears streamed down my face.

  He squeezed my hands. “I promise that I’m going to never let a day go by that you don’t know how much I love and admire you. You’re amazing, and I’m so honored and grateful to be the man you’ve chosen.”

  The minister then said it was my turn.

  I bit my lip, not wanting to mess this up. “Mitch. I love you so much, sometimes I can’t hold it in.”

  He smiled and pulled my hand to his lips for a kiss.

  “I’ve loved you since I was fifteen and I think the rule about not being able to like your friend’s sister is stupid.”

  Our guests laughed.

  “It took us a while to get here, but I wouldn’t change anything. Through it all, I learned what my life would be like without you so that I know now not to ever take you for granted. I learned what can happen when you don’t share your feelings, and so now I know to always tell you how much I love you. I learned that when we want more kids, I should put on the condom.”

  Mitch blushed, and the crowd laughed again.

  “We could just skip it,” he said in a low voice.

  “Or that,” I agreed. “The point is all the things that brought us pain or the unexpected have turned into lessons or blessing that will make us stronger. I’m so happy to be here today in front of e
veryone telling the whole world what an amazing, generous, sexy, kind, smart, sexy, sweet. Did I say sexy…man you are. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I’m so happy to become your wife.”

  I wanted to kiss him then, except the minister insisted on the exchange of rings first. But then he pronounced us husband and wife and made my life complete.

  “Come kiss me, Hope,” Mitch said as he pulled me to him. His lips were on mine, so warm and soft, and I melted into him. All of a sudden, I wished everyone would go home because I wanted my husband all to myself.

  He lifted his head. “I love you, Mrs. Sloane.”

  His calling me Mrs. Sloane had tears coming to my eyes again. “I’m yours, Mitch.”

  His smile was so loving. “And I’m yours, Hope. All of me is yours, my heart, my body, my soul.”

  I felt all the love from our friends and family as they congratulated and celebrated our love with us. Even the baby spent time dancing in my belly, as Mitch took me in his arms for our first dance as husband and wife.

  As the sun set, the party continued on. Mitch pulled me aside. “What do you say we go have a honeymoon?”

  “I’ve wanted that since we said ‘I do,’” I said.

  “Good.” Mitch had assigned Will to take control of the reception after we left, and his mother to babysit Duke while we were gone. We said our goodbyes, and he loaded me into his SUV. Someone, presumably his brothers, wrote JUST MARRIED on the back window in what looked like shaving cream. At least there weren't any cans tied to the bumper, I thought.

  “Do you think we’re leaving too early?” he asked as he got into the driver’s seat next to me.

  “I thought we stayed too long.”

  “Are you tired?” He looked over at me.

  “No. I want to have sex with my news husband.”

  He grinned and pulled my hand to his lips. “Let’s go have a honeymoon, Mrs. Sloane.”

  “I love it when you call me that.”

  His smile turned wicked. “Should I say call you that when I consummate this marriage? Come, Mrs. Sloane.”

  “Absolutely, yes.”

  He laughed. An hour and a half later, his ultra-strong arms carried my big seven months pregnant body over the threshold of the mountain house.


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