Royal Watch

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Royal Watch Page 5

by Stacey Marie Brown

  “But… you know I don’t like people.” I was the person who’d rather be with animals than people; it was why I had only two friends and was related to one of them. He had no choice. “Please?” I could hear the crunch of the wheels coming to a stop at the front of our house. Through the side window at the door, I could see a black SUV, the windows completely blacked out except the front windshield. The driver’s face was slightly hidden by the sun’s reflection off the glass. Had to be one of my father’s acquaintances, though he looked young.

  After my mother learned Theo and I were no longer together, I noticed over the summer a string of single men coming for dinner. My mother claimed they were here because of business with my father. After the second one, I knew it was all a front. I was being paraded around like a mare. Their newly “beautiful” daughter was of marriable age. Noble or wealthy, they welcomed all. It was disgusting. They could keep me away from my dreams, but I would not be forced into a loveless marriage. I would not become my mother: unhappy, numb, and resigned to that life.

  I was way too young. I’d rather stay single and grow old with a bunch of animals. Turn this place into a zoo of unwanted or medically challenged pets. Be that stereotypical cat lady.

  “People aren’t big fans of you either,” Nara said dryly, but humor glinted her eyes. “However, as future lady of the house, you better start practicing. Your education starts now.”

  The bell to the house rung, chiming off the walls.

  “I hate you.” I glared at her.

  “I have no idea why you don’t get along with people. You’re so lovely.” She winked, taking off back down the hall.

  “When I am in charge, you’re fired!” I yelled up at her. A total lie.

  “Good thing I’ll probably be dead before that,” she yelled back.

  I grumbled, but my heart lurched at the thought of losing her. I wasn’t very good with people, and there were very few I truly loved. She was one. I never wanted to be without her. She was like my mother and grandmother rolled in one. Or what I thought those people should be. My relationship with either of my real ones was not a good reference.

  Taking another breath, I rolled back my shoulders, my hand reaching for the door handle, swinging it open.

  “Hey, Spencer.”

  Everything froze. My mouth dropped open, my muscles locking down in shock. I wasn’t prepared. Not for who stood on the threshold, grinning at me.

  But really, was anyone ever ready for the Prince of Great Victoria to be standing on their doorstep?

  Chapter 5

  “Theo?” I blinked. Blinked again. But this was no illusion. He was here. His infamous sexy smile curved up the side of his face as he shifted on his feet, his gaze devouring me.

  “You look beautiful.” His eyes roamed over once again. “Even better than I remember.”

  So did he. Tan from the sun, his hair short and clipped tight to his head, his body appearing more built under his T-shirt and designer jeans.

  “Oh my god. You-you’re here,” I stuttered in surprise, my attention narrowing in on his left arm, which was in a sling. Healing wounds dotted his face and arms. He had been hurt. “Shite. Are you okay? Is it broken?”

  “I’m fine.” He shifted on his feet, his gaze darting away, waving off his injury. “The shoulder was pulled out of the socket, but really, I’m fine. Be good as new soon.”

  “What are you doing here?” I still couldn’t fully comprehend that he was in front of me, and the shock had my heart pattering roughly against my chest.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “Thought that would be pretty obvious.”

  When we parted ways four months ago, he was true to his word. We had no communication. Even TV and papers went quiet where he was concerned, having no news on the firstborn. The first few weeks had been hard, but after a while, he became more of a memory of some past life I had.

  It wasn’t like I hadn’t thought of him. I did, all the time, but after months of silence, the memories faded just enough, and my world here went on like he had never been part of it. Those seven months together had been a dream.

  But he was real. And on my porch.

  “I came to see you.” He inched closer, like he wanted to move to me but held himself back. “The moment I could.”

  “Seriously?” My mother would be horrified to see how fast my training got tossed out the window in front of the Prince of Great Victoria. Since birth, I was brought up with proper social etiquette, but it never really stuck. I could fake it like the best of them, but it wasn’t naturally me. I was kind of awkward and blunt. Thankfully, Theo seemed to like that about me. Or he had.

  Theo shook his head, that grin twitching his mouth. “I missed that.”


  “Everything about you.” He stepped up to me, his good hand grasping the side of my face, his mouth gently coming down on mine. My stomach fluttered as he kissed me, the familiar smell and taste of him melting my defensive nature as I leaned into him.

  “Did you miss me too?” He pulled back, his fingers running through my tangled hair, his green eyes burrowing into mine.

  “I did.” I grinned up at him, and suddenly, no time had passed. We had stepped right back to where we left off, though I could feel a slight change in him. A seriousness and focus that hadn’t been there before.

  “Good.” He dipped his head. “Because I couldn’t think of anything but you. To the point everyone wanted to kill me.” He pulled me into a slow kiss, his slinged arm pressing between us. “You asked for this time away for me to really think about what I want?”

  “I did.” I swallowed.

  “I know exactly what I want.” His hand ran down my shoulder, gripping my bicep. “You.”

  Emotion crammed in my throat. Disbelief, giddiness, and… fear.

  “I don’t want to hide us or sneak around.” His palm stroked my skin. “You understand what that means? I want to introduce you to my family. To the world.”

  I stared at him.

  “Spence?” He tilted my face up to his, worry creasing his forehead.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, the sentiment covering every single one of my feelings.

  Theo burst out laughing, his old easy smile expanding over his face. “Damn, I’ve missed you.” He chuckled, pulling me into him. “Is that a yes?”

  Theo was not a normal guy. You couldn’t simply date him. For the prince to confirm he had a girlfriend was a huge deal. To the world.

  I actually think it would have been better if I was an ordinary girl, not seeing firsthand the life of a royal. Ignorance was bliss. You’d be lost in the excitement and romance of being with a prince, a fairy tale coming to life.

  I knew better.

  “I know it’s a lot.” He laced his fingers through mine. “The amount of attention that will come on you and your family will be enormous. If you need to think about it, I understand. But I want you to know I love you, Spencer. I want to be with you. I will be by your side the entire time.”

  My chin jerked up, my eyes searching his for the truth of his declaration. This was like a scene in a movie. A book. He said everything perfectly, like it had been scripted. The girl would be leaping into his arms, they’d kiss, and the scene would fade to black with happily ever after written across the screen.

  This wasn’t a movie. This was real, and what he was asking wasn’t to be taken lightly. My entire world would blow up. I’d be hounded. Criticized. Ranked by what they thought my worth to him was. They’d question why I dared to think I was good enough for their beloved prince.

  “Spencer?” He said my name quietly, a question.

  Inhaling, I peered up at his familiar green irises. The ones I had come to adore. To love. I couldn’t progress in my career or schooling, but with Theo, I could move forward. Be something more than this.

  Letting go of the breath of air, I bobbed my head.

  “Yeah. Sure. Let’s do this.”

  Another howl of laughter burst from Theo, his head fa
lling back.

  “I don’t think in the history of time has a prince’s offer to be his girlfriend been returned with ‘Yeah. Sure. Let’s do this.’” He shook his head with amusement.

  “I’m not like other girls. I know better.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He shuffled up to me again, his right hand cupping my face, his warm lips parting mine, our kiss quickly deepening to more.

  “A-hem.” A guy faked coughed behind us, making me jump away from Theo, expecting to find Dalton standing by the SUV.

  It was not Dalton.

  Not even close. It was probably the shock of not seeing the prince’s principal bodyguard, who had been at his side since fifteen, that stabbed a jolt of electricity into my lungs.

  This guy was unbelievably good looking; no one could deny that. Actually, you couldn’t even call him good looking. He was so smoking hot he didn’t even seem real.

  “Your Highness, His Majesty has called again. He’s getting impatient.” The new guard’s deep gravelly voice glided over to us like a shot of brandy. Appearing in his late twenties, he was over six-four, broad shoulders, trim waist, and built like working out was his only job. He barely stayed contained in the dark gray suit he wore. His brown hair, trimmed on the sides, but a little longer on top, looked slightly disheveled. Light scruff covered his strong jawline, and aviator sunglasses covered his eyes. He was straight out of casting a lead for a sexy-as-hell bodyguard.

  “Shocker.” Theo rolled his eyes. “Lennox, I want you to meet Spencer.” Theo stepped back down the steps, tugging me with him.

  I couldn’t see his eyes, but I felt his gaze through the sunglasses. Cool. Detached. Assessing.

  “Lennox Easton, Spencer Sutton.” Theo nodded at both of us. “Lennox will be taking lead on my security now.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lennox,” I replied politely, shooting Theo a questioning look, bluntly asking. “Where’s Dalton?”

  It was very uncommon for nobles to change their main guard unless something horrible happened, especially in Great Victoria. We were very loyal to tradition. They built a relationship and awareness with each other. Most stayed in the same family until they retired, going from father/mother to son/daughter.

  “Don’t worry. Dalton’s still one of my guards,” he said to me, then smiled at Lennox. “You’ll get used to her candor.”

  “I protect you, Highness. What she says is not my concern.” Lennox’s massive shoulders lifted slightly, his expression blank.

  My lids narrowed. He didn’t really insult me, but it still prickled the hair on the back of my neck like a hissing cat.

  “And Spencer, you will get used to this brusque arsehole.” Theo chuckled, linking his free hand with mine. “He’s better after a few shots of whiskey, a boxing match, and some porn.”

  Hearing the prince say porn caused me to jerk, darting a glance at him, once again seeing the distinction between the boy I went to school with and the man who stood next to me now. “Porn, huh?”

  “I’m innocent. That was all him. I only thought of you.” Theo’s eyes widened, his hand on his chest. “The prince would not do something so vulgar.”

  “Bullshite.” Lennox snorted, covering the scoff with his hand.

  “Sorry, don’t buy it either.” I laughed, leaning into him playfully. He might have been royal and raised to appear proper, but he was still a red-blooded male who thought about sex a lot. Hell, I thought about sex a lot. It was the only line we hadn’t crossed yet, but I thought that line would soon be disappearing.

  “So, you guys met at the academy?” I motioned between them.

  “Yeah.” Theo nodded, clearing his throat. “We were bunkmates, and he was my navigator/co-pilot during training. We spent a lot of time together.”

  Silence filled the space after Theo’s response. Lennox stayed silent and aloof, with his arms crossed in front, his legs out wide.

  Dalton wasn’t warm and fuzzy, but hell, this guy was making me miss him. Dalton, at least, was polite enough to respond and talk to me, acting human. This guy was a robot, and I might have accidentally turned off his switch.

  A buzzing noise came from Theo’s pocket.

  “Guess who that is.” He sighed, grabbing his phone with one hand. “I have to answer this.” He curved away, walking a few feet, leaving me alone with the new bodyguard while he talked to his father.

  Lennox looked straight ahead. Thorny silence pricked at my skin.

  “So any fun, embarrassing stories you can tell me? Blackmail on the prince I can be part of?”

  Lennox’s head jerked enough to know he heard me, his lips slightly pressing together, but he stayed mute, like I was beneath his response.

  Silence. Awkward.

  I was bad enough with people, but this guy brought out my bristly, snarky side.

  “Wow. I can already see how much fun we’re all going to have together.”

  “I’m not here to have fun, your ladyship. I’m not a fucking clown for your entertainment. I’m here to protect the prince. That’s it.”

  I jerked back with an inhale, anger flaring up my throat like acid. What the fuck was wrong with this guy? How could he already hate me?

  “I detest clowns. Nothing I hate more.” I stepped closer, my voice low. He didn’t move, not even a flinch, but I could feel his eyes trained on me. “But I think I might still prefer one over you.”

  “Good.” His lips twitched with a cruel smirk. “Then we know exactly where the other stands, don’t we, my lady?”

  I watched him for a beat, fury huffing out my nose before I responded. “We. Sure. Do.”

  Chapter 6

  Rolling, lazy green hills gave way to the bustling city life. Pavements, buildings, and air thicker than the countryside’s, heavy with pollution and energy.

  My eyes were trained out the window but not really capturing anything. My nervous energy concentrated on the plastic water bottle in my hand, my fingers restless and needing an outlet.

  “Miss?” A voice came from up front, jerking my head away from the activity rushing around outside the window. My gaze connected to dark eyes in the rearview mirror staring back at me with a slight annoyance before dropping down to my hands.

  Crunch. Crack. Pop.

  The high-pitched sound of crinkling plastic reverberated through the black SUV, like ice being put straight on your spine.

  “Oh. Sorry.” I shook my head, tossing the empty container in the cupholder, stretching my fingers.

  “Nervous?” His eyes met mine briefly again, easing my tension just a bit. Seeing Dalton get out of the private car when it came to my house to pick me up strangely elated me. He felt familiar. Comfortable. I almost ran over and hugged him.

  “Fuck. Yes,” I bluntly spit out. “Wouldn’t you be? Tough enough to meet the parents of your boyfriend in normal circumstances.”

  “You never met them before?” Dalton turned back to the road, weaving in and out of the horrendous city traffic. I loved visiting the city; you couldn’t deny the energy and excitement. But I was a country girl. I wanted land to have room for all my future rescue animals that couldn’t find a home.

  “No.” My fingers went back to wringing each other, not able to sit idle. “Growing up, I saw them a few times from afar, but my family isn’t at the level to mingle with the King and Queen of Great Victoria. And they never came to the school when Theo and I were dating.”

  Theo preferred that they never came to visit him. He saw them on holidays, and if they came, it would cause tremendous preparation, chaos, and disruption for just a few hours.

  “You’ll do fine, my lady.” Dalton curved the car around a statue set at the beginning of the Royal Mile, heading toward the palace. Theo’s great-grandmother, Elenore, the old queen of Great Victoria, perched on a throne with the family’s scepter and orb in each hand, reminding me of the history I was stepping into.

  “Fine?” I snorted. “Do you not know me by now?”

  He snickered, making me smile, happy
it was him who was here at this moment since Theo couldn’t be.

  When Theo called, wanting me to come up that weekend to meet with his family, I almost convinced myself to move to Cuba. It wasn’t like I knew it wouldn’t eventually happen if Theo and I continued to see each other, but that was in the future. Not today. Not in the next twenty minutes.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be with you the whole way,” Theo had said to me the night before on the phone. “I have so much to do, and it takes more guards and scheduling if I go just to come right back.”

  “I understand.” I did. Still wanted to puke, though. “It’s pointless for you to come here. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll be there the moment you step out of the car. I promise. I ha—”

  “Theo,” I cut him off. “I’ll. Be. Fine.”

  “I know.” He sighed. “Why I love you.” A tremble pulsated in my lungs at his declaration. It still shocked me. The time apart seemed to solidify what he wanted; he was all in. Secure in this notion, while I still felt like I was scrambling to catch up.

  “You ready, miss?” Dalton slowed the SUV, turning down a private lane away from the public eye. Security halted us only a few yards in.

  “No.” I gulped, seeing the top of the palace, flags flying high, pronouncing the royal family was in residence. “You want to go to Cuba?”

  He wagged his head, laughing. “Tempting, my lady.” His window went down, greeting the guards. They quickly checked the car underneath and in back, only nodding to me, before we were cleared to go through.

  Knots constricted in my throat and stomach as the castle came into full view. I had never been in it, my family not on the list to get an invitation to dine with the king and queen. I had been by it many times, heard Theo talk about growing up in the formal house, but never set foot on the grounds. I never imagined this was how I would experience the palace. As Prince Theodore’s girlfriend.


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