Sworn to Protect

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Sworn to Protect Page 8

by Katie Reus

  She let out a little gasp at his words, but he didn’t give her a chance to respond. There was no need to and he was too damn greedy for the taste of her now anyway. Groaning, he dipped his head, sucking one bud into his mouth.

  He heard more than saw her head fall back against the door. She arched up, pushing herself farther into his mouth. While he flicked his tongue over the bud, he cupped her other breast, teasing her nipple with his thumb in slow, lazy circles.

  She squirmed against the door, her legs tightening around him in a harder grip. Continuing to flick his tongue over her in teasing strokes, he reached between their bodies, sliding the robe out of the way to cup her mound. He’d expected to have to push material out of the way but she wasn’t wearing anything under her robe.

  He felt the softest bit of hair on her mound as he slid a finger along her slit. Wet. So fucking wet.

  Sucking in a breath, he drew his head back. “This for me?” The question was practically a growl. He knew the answer but wanted to hear it, was desperate to.

  Her cheeks tinged pink but she gave him a small smile. “Yes. I thought about you while I was getting my massage too.”

  For a long moment his brain seemed to stutter before jerking back to life. “You wanted my hands on you instead?”

  A quick nod, her breathing growing even harsher. The rise and fall of her chest was erratic now.

  His throat tightened as he thought about her stretched out on the massage table, thought about smoothing his hands up and down her entire body, over her sweet curves, between her legs. He curled a finger inside her damp heat at that thought and her eyes went heavy-lidded again.

  He loved seeing that expression on her, so relaxed and sensual. He shouldn’t be surprised by how tight she was, but damn. Slowly, he moved his finger deeper, savoring the feel of her clenching around him.

  His cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his pants but that was too damn bad for him. They wouldn’t be doing everything he wanted tonight because it was too soon for her. He was going to learn more about her body, what she liked. Because he was going to feel her coming against his fingers or mouth tonight. Maybe both.

  Keeping his hand right where it was, cupping her, he set her feet on the floor and knelt in front of her.

  Her eyes widened slightly until he took his free hand and slid it up her ankle and calf in a caress. Her skin was smooth but he felt the goosebumps as he moved higher. That hint of nervousness was there again, but there was a heavy measure of trust in her eyes. One he wasn’t going to betray.

  He’d fucked up once, but if she trusted him with her body, he’d never betray that. Without much encouragement, she lifted her leg, seeming to know exactly what he wanted her to do. She propped her heel on his shoulder, opening herself up to him in the sexiest way. Part of him wondered if she’d ever done this before, if even this would be her first time too.

  The scent of the tropical oils the masseuse must have used combined with Athena’s sweet scent. It was damn near overwhelming. Just like everything else about her.

  He looked up, seeing the mix of hunger and hesitancy in her expression. Soon, all she’d feel was pleasure. He’d make sure of it. Inhaling that sweet scent, he leaned forward and covered her clit with his mouth, lightly sucking on the nub without any buildup.

  “Quinn,” she gasped out, her hips rolling against his face.

  He moaned, loving the sound of his name on her lips, especially under these circumstances. He hoped she felt the vibration of his moan, that it combined with the strokes of his tongue. If the way she was moving her hips against him was any indication, he’d hit a good rhythm.

  Sliding his finger deeper inside her, his cock jerked as she tightened around his digit. The thought of thrusting inside her, filling her with more than a finger had all the muscles in his body pulling taut. He imagined how tight she’d be, the sounds she’d make—

  “Quinn, oh hell, I’m coming.” Athena’s words were rasped out, the rolling of her hips growing faster and more unsteady against his face.


  He pushed his finger deeper into that slickness. She bucked against him again. He sucked on her clit with more pressure than he’d used so far.

  Her inner walls clenched convulsively around his finger as she found her release, her orgasm seeming to go on forever as she let out gasping little moans and gripped his head with her fingers. As if she thought he might stop what he was doing or maybe just to support herself.

  Eventually her climax ebbed, but he felt the little flutters of her pussy around his finger. And felt like a fucking caveman, all proud he’d made her climax. He didn’t know if he was the first man to have pleasured her like this and a couple months ago he might have said he didn’t care. But fuck that, he hoped he was. He planned on giving her a lot more orgasms. Next time he wanted to see her face though, wanted to see those blue eyes as pleasure pulsed through her. Wanted to see her expression as he pushed inside her.

  Her fingers loosened their death grip on his head and she sagged against the door as he pulled back. Though he hated to, he withdrew his finger and stood. His heart beat was an erratic rhythm in his chest.

  Her smile was slow, her expression completely satisfied as she looked at him. No regret there. Then to his surprise, she reached for his belt, tugging the buckle free as she kept her eyes pinned to his.

  Unsure exactly what she planned, he placed his palms on the door on either side of her head and let her have her way. If he touched her now he was likely to hoist her up against the door and strip the rest of her robe completely off. But he didn’t think that’s what she wanted.

  Slowly, she tugged his zipper down, then broke her gaze from his as she shoved his pants just a bit down his hips. He was dying with the need to feel her hand around him. Another grin teased her lips. “Boxer briefs. I’ve wondered,” she murmured, hooking her fingers under the elastic and moving them down to join his pants.

  His cock sprung free, heavy and thick. Before he had time to contemplate anything, she gripped him and stroked upward. Once, twice, and he groaned at the feel of her smooth fingers wrapped around him.

  “Tighter.” He watched her face, saw her lips quirk up a fraction as she did just that. But she wasn’t looking into his eyes, she was watching herself stroke him, as if mesmerized.

  It was fucking hot.

  Her grip was harder now, faster, and he was so close he should probably try to hold off. But he didn’t want to. When she cupped his balls, which were pulled tight, with her other hand and tugged gently, he gave up any sense of control.

  Letting go, he crushed his mouth to hers as his climax slammed into him. She let out a yelp of surprise, his kiss taking her off guard. But she didn’t stop stroking.

  A growl erupted from him as he emptied himself over her hands and his stomach until what seemed like an eternity later, his brain cleared somewhat.

  Breathing hard, he pulled back to see Athena’s face. The hint of a Cheshire cat smile was in place, her eyes dancing with too many emotions for him to sift through. He didn’t think she had any, but… “Regrets?”

  Shaking her head, she nudged his stomach with her hand. “No, but we need a shower.”

  Laughing, he nodded. He was still stunned that she’d stroked him to climax, but glad there didn’t seem to be any barriers between them anymore. “Agreed. We’ll take it together.” Without giving her a chance to protest, not that he thought she would, he tugged the belt on her robe completely free and let it fall to the ground. It had been mostly off by now, hanging low on her hips, but to see her standing completely bare in front of him did something ridiculously primal to him. He wanted to claim Athena, wanted to let pretty much every man with a pulse know that she was taken.

  Chapter 8

  Athena curled up against Quinn’s chest, pleased that he’d wanted to sleep in the same bed. She wasn’t exactly sure what they were, if anything, relationship-wise, but she was glad he hadn’t showered then headed back for his room. Not
that she’d really thought he would.

  The massage and orgasm had left her feeling almost lethargic. Add in the steaming shower with the beyond-sexy man stretched out on her bed and yeah, she was feeling good. He’d washed her hair and body in the shower, which had been a new, sensual experience. Even better than her massage because it had been Quinn’s hands on her.

  He was completely naked but she’d tossed a T-shirt on. She wasn’t used to sleeping naked and still felt a little out of her depth with him regardless of what they’d just shared.

  His finger traced up and down her spine almost idly. His heart rate was too fast, as was his breathing. And she could see the bulge beneath the covers. Though her knowledge was limited, he had a very impressive cock. Next time she wanted to taste him, but now wasn’t the time. Of course she didn’t think he’d stop her if she started going down on him, but this quiet holding was really nice and she wasn’t ready to give it up.

  “So, how is it that you’re a virgin?” He asked the question quietly and she automatically stiffened before she realized his tone was just curious. He proved that by continuing. “I’m not saying it’s a good, bad or abnormal thing, I’m just…curious. You’re a smart, beautiful woman.”

  Shifting against his chest, she looked up at him, wanting to see his face. Unlike the exterior room adjoining their suites, her bedroom had a jaguar print/jungle theme going on. The headboard was a fabric print with what she assumed was fake amber jewels lining the top. They glittered against the lights from the city through the sheer privacy drapes. Even though the bed was shadowed, Quinn was perfectly illuminated as well. “You first, when did you lose yours?” Not that she’d lost hers yet, but that would hopefully happen soon.

  “Ah, the week I turned sixteen.” He grinned almost sheepishly. “It was cliché too, with my girlfriend in the back of my car.”

  She let out a short laugh, relaxing at his honest answer. “Part of the reason is my family dynamics. I wasn’t even allowed to date until I was sixteen and even then it was only in groups. Since I wasn’t really rebellious and I went to a private school where I had male cousins in grades above and below me, even if I’d wanted to get involved with someone…” She shrugged, debating if she should tell him the real reason.

  “Nothing can stop sixteen year old hormones,” he murmured knowingly. When she snorted, he continued. “At least not in my experience.”

  She shifted again, this time rolling back over so that she was still tucked in the crook of his arm, but looking over his chest and out the window. “Okay, being completely honest, I was overweight in high school and the first two years of college. I didn’t want anyone, especially a guy, to see me naked. Sex and dating just weren’t a concern to me because of my own issues.” She’d never told any of the guys she’d dated this truth and it was freeing.

  “My third year of college I guess I semi-rebelled—according to my over-protective parents—and decided to move out of their house. I roomed with this girl who was a fitness nut. Built like a freaking goddess, no joke. Her name was Candy, also not a joke, and she was—is—awesome. She started dragging me with her to jog in the mornings using the excuse that she wanted a workout buddy. I think she just picked up on my insecurities and wanted to be a good friend. From there I started making little changes and…” Athena shrugged again, not needing to give him the breakdown of all the changes she’d made in her life. “I shed twenty pounds that year and started toning and watching what I ate.”

  Quinn kept stroking, his hand steady and strong. “That’s impressive…though twenty pounds isn’t…” He trailed off, as if maybe unsure he should continue.

  She looked up at him. “It’s not a lot, if that’s what you’re going to say, but when you’re five feet, two inches, it kind of is.”

  “I bet you gain it in your tits and ass,” he murmured, reaching down to squeeze her butt.

  She blinked, taken off guard by the blunt statement. “Oh my God, you’re such a guy!”

  “I’m glad you noticed.” The glint in his dark eyes was purely wicked. He turned his body now so that they were flush against each other, his erection pressing insistently against her abdomen.

  She threw her leg over his hip, savoring the closeness. “Now that I’ve been honest… Why did you freak out when I told you I was a virgin?”

  For a long moment, he was silent, his expression so neutral she hated it. Thankfully he answered. “It wasn’t exactly that you were a virgin. But I used that as an excuse.” Now he looked almost sheepish.


  “The only real relationship I was in was back in my Marine Corps days. It didn’t end well. And I take some of the blame, I’m certainly not perfect, but…she just got pissed at everything I did. Things I had no control of, like training or deployments. We fought more than anything else near the end and it was so damn tiring. Once we broke up it was like a weight had been lifted.”

  She nodded slightly. “Okay, I’m sort of following.”

  “I…I didn’t think I wanted anything serious and since her I haven’t looked or really even contemplated getting serious with any woman. Until you. It scared the hell out of me. And I know that sounds like bullshit, but when you told me you were a virgin, it was easy to make an excuse and end things.”

  “Okay. I can deal with that.” When he half-smiled, she continued. “Now you get to tell me something else real about yourself. Before you said that whole thing that happened with White is part of why you left the police department. What’s the other reason?”

  Sliding his hand up from where it rested on her hip, he cupped her cheek, his thumb gently stroking over her skin. She liked the feel of his faint calluses.

  “I got out of the Corps after six years and going into law enforcement afterward seemed like the logical next step. I started working on my degree while I was in, but it was becoming clear that the job wasn’t for me even before White. I respect the men and women who can do it, but the stuff you deal with day in and day out…” He shook his head, his expression dark. “It was starting to wear on me, so when Harrison offered me a job, I took it.”

  She thought there might be a little more to it than that, but wasn’t going to push. “So you were in the Corps six years, with the police department for two and Red Stone for six… How old are you exactly?”

  The corner of his mouth curved up, the grin so ridiculously sexy it made butterflies take flight in her stomach. “Thirty-two.”

  “Hmm, eight year difference. Not exactly robbing the cradle, but I think I might have to rethink this whole thing between us.” She kept her voice light, teasing.

  He snorted and pinched her butt, making her yelp. “Think all you want, I’m not going anywhere.” Oh God, his voice dropped a few octaves when he said it, sending a shiver skittering down her spine.

  She wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that and she didn’t want to ask. Back in Miami he’d told her he wanted to take her out again, but that didn’t mean they were dating or anything more serious. And yeah, she was too chickenshit to ask him. Her dating experience was limited and if this was just a fling she didn’t need it spelled out for her now. She’d ask later, she told herself. Because right now she was feeling too relaxed to let anything ruin her mood.

  When he suddenly rolled over, pinning her beneath him, she was glad she hadn’t asked. The feel of him stretched out over her was…indescribable. She ran her fingers over the muscles of his upper arms, stopping at his shoulders. The man was so built it was hard not to get hot feeling all that power beneath her fingertips.

  He nipped her bottom lip teasingly, his breath warm against her face, his spicy scent a total aphrodisiac. As he kissed a hot path along her jawline, she raked her fingers down his back. Whatever he had in mind, she was game.

  “I don’t think I got a good enough taste of you the first time,” he said in a dark whisper that sent a shot of hunger straight to her core.

  His words left her speechless and heating up to scorching levels in seco
nds. She’d never had a guy go down on her before, but her female cousins had been right. It was amazing. This time she planned to taste him too.

  She pressed against his shoulder, making him raise his head, those midnight dark eyes seeming to gleam against the backdrop of the Vegas nightlife. “I want to taste you first,” she said in a rush, sure her face was crimson. At least the room was dim enough to hide her reaction. She wasn’t ready for full-on sex just yet, not when things were still so new between them, something he seemed to understand without her having to say anything, but she still wanted to make him as crazy with pleasure as he’d made her.

  He stilled, almost like a statue for just a moment, before he swallowed hard and rolled off her. She was under the impression that it was unusual for him to give up control like this, which made the whole situation even hotter.

  “On your back, hands behind your head.” She attempted to make the statement as an order, but it came out more like a shaky whisper.

  Which wasn’t a bad thing considering his eyes went pure molten. “Take off your shirt and I’ll do it,” he said after a pause. That edge to his words sent a shiver streaking up her spine.

  Pausing for just a second, she did as he instructed. He’d already seen her naked and tasted her, but he still sucked in a breath at the sight of her. It did something crazy to her insides that she affected him like this. “Flat on your back.”

  His eyebrows raised just a fraction, but he stretched out, showing off that gorgeous ripped body. Instead of straddling him right away she drank him in.

  She should have gotten her fill in the shower, but her mouth was practically watering as she raked her gaze from the hard lines and striations of his chest and stomach down to his thick cock. His upper legs were like tree trunks, all built and…her nipples pebbled tight as her gaze swept back up to his impressive erection.

  His breathing was unsteady now as he watched her, those eyes heated and hungry as she settled between his legs. Right about now she was incredibly thankful for her oversharing cousins because she was feeling pretty secure in what to do. One cousin in particular—with six kids so she was clearly doing something right—had been so blunt about it when Athena had asked. Watch the teeth unless you’re being playful, wrap your fingers around the base hard and stroke with your hand as you use your mouth, and don’t neglect the balls. She’d given Athena a freaking visual with fruit—something she’d tried to erase from her memory—and had been very explicit about a massage technique but Athena wasn’t trying that her first time.


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