Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet)

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Blood That Binds: A Vampire Romance (Blood Legends Duet) Page 25

by Melissa Winters

  “Wow, some people have all the fun,” she muses.

  I frown. Nothing about almost dying at the hands of a new bite hedge witch is any fun.

  The parts that came after? That’s a different story.

  “Did he tell you he loved you?”

  I have to think back. He said a lot of things that alluded to it, but the actual words, no. Is that something a vampire that’s lived for centuries would even say to a human? The truth of the matter is, I still know very little about his way of life.

  “No, but it doesn’t matter. I know how I feel about him, and that’s all I need to know.” She smiles, looking gleeful at my declaration. “I’m glad that you fessed up, and I’m glad that the V-card is no longer.” She laughs. “If what the witch said was true and war is going to come down on the vampires, then by all means, I am glad to know that we’re going out with a bang. Well . . . at least you are.”

  I smack her shoulder.

  “Stop. It was more than that. It doesn’t feel like meaningless sex with Julian. It’s special.”

  I think back to our night together and heat floods my cheeks. The way his muscles rippled under my touch. The solid V that bled into his boxers. His impressive length—though I have nothing to compare it to. The whole thing was . . . magical, and I want so much more.

  “I want him to bite me, Stacey.”

  Her face is very serious. “You want to turn?”

  I shake my head. “No. I don’t want to turn. It’s a conversation we haven’t had, but I never want to turn.”

  “How is that going to work? I mean, at some point, you’ll die.”

  I sigh, not wanting to have this conversation, but knowing it’s something I can’t avoid forever.

  “I’m content being by his side until it doesn’t make sense anymore. I know that I’m going to age and at some point, he’s probably not going to be attracted to me.”

  “Doubtful. That man has googly eyes for you.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that things will change as I age and he doesn’t. At that time, hopefully, he’ll have figured out a way to remove the mark that the Council has on me, and I can leave.”

  “You could do that? You’d be willing to spend your whole life with him and walk away because you have wrinkles and grey hair?”

  “I’ll leave before that. The thought of him looking at me differently makes me ill. I wouldn’t want to see his feelings change. But until then, I’m going to enjoy my time with him.”

  “I think you’re crazy. That will never work. He won’t allow you to leave.”

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess.”

  She’s frowning, clearly not agreeing with my plan. It’s not what I want, but it’s the obvious solution. I won’t turn, and he can’t age with me. What else is there to do?

  “So, you want him to bite you?” she says, changing the subject. “That sounds . . . painful.” She scrunches her nose.

  “He mentioned one time that a bite is sensual for both vampire and human. He made it sound like a very personal and sexual experience.” My cheeks heat, telling Stacey something so personal. Other than Maggie, I never shared such intimate information with anyone. Not even Shannon.

  “I want that with him. Is that strange?”

  She lifts her shoulders. “I don’t know. People are into all sorts of kinks. Even humans enjoy biting at times. Guess you’re just one hell of a freak,” she snickers. “He’s unleashed something in you.”

  “Dear God,” I cry, shielding my face in embarrassment.

  “Oh, come on. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s normal. Go for it.”

  Lowering my hands, I consider what Stacey is saying. She’s right; I’ve heard of couples doing all sorts of things during sex. How is this any different? I’m consenting to trying something my partner enjoys. What could be wrong with that? Something could go wrong, and you could die.

  I push that thought out of my mind. Julian would never hurt me. I trust him. Tonight, I’m going for it.

  Looking at the clock, I see we’re running out of time. I came here to tell Stacey about my surprise, and somehow, we squirreled away from that subject.

  “You need to get ready. We’re going to a party tomorrow night, and Julian is taking us to lunch and shopping today.”

  “Are you serious?” Stacey yells in excitement. “I mean, you’re for real?”

  I laugh. “Yes. It’s already in motion. He’s going to pick us up in thirty minutes, so you need to get ready.”

  “I’ll be to your room in fifteen,” she screeches, running toward her bathroom.

  We’re driving with the top down, wind blowing through my hair. My head is thrown back in laughter as Stacey mimics the scene from Titanic at the front of the boat. We’re carefree and enjoying life. A couple of months ago, this wouldn’t have been in the realm of possibility. Yet here we are, sitting in the backseat of a red BMW convertible—just like I imagined—with a vampire in the driver seat.

  It’s eighty degrees, perfect weather. The sun is shining down on us, and we are basking in it. Julian has a baseball cap pulled low over his forehead, shielding him from the sun, along with a grey long-sleeved Henley shirt.

  The fact that he can’t just enjoy this beautiful day is horrible. Yet another reason why I’m not inclined to turn. What’s the point in living if you can’t enjoy a beautiful sunny day? There is none, in my opinion.

  “Julian, do you want to put the top up? If the sun is bothering you, I don’t want it down.”

  “No, I’m fine. Enjoy yourself.”

  I sit back, crossing my arms over my chest at his insistence to burn himself for our pleasure. Peering at him through the rearview mirror, I get chills. There’s something crazy sexy about Julian in a hat with a pair of Ray-Bans. He looks so normal—though warm. Thankfully, there’s a good enough breeze with the top down, it’s probably not that bad for him.

  We’re driving down country roads when houses start to appear more frequently, and before too long we’re approaching a sign for Albita Springs. We pass through the small town lined with cafés and trinket shops until we’re on the outskirts, pulling up to a large white home with black shutters, surrounded by a white picket fence. Stacey and I exchange looks.

  “All right ladies, let’s go.” Julian says, getting out of the car and extending an outstretched hand to offer help. I take his hand and he squeezes affectionately. My cheek warms as heat flirts up my neck and onto my face.

  We follow him as he walks to the door, but before he can even knock, it swings open. A dark-skinned woman dressed in loud colors greets us.

  “Julian,” she says with a raspy voice, sounding like she has been smoking since she was ten. “I didn’t think I would see you in these parts anytime soon. Come in,” she says, standing aside and allowing us to pass.

  When we enter, it looks like your standard home—sitting room off to the right, formal dining room to the left—but we bypass all of that and go straight to the back of the house. She pulls a curtain aside and steps through. Stacey and I look to Julian, who nods for us to follow her through. On the other side, my breath hitches. A huge room with cathedral ceilings is lined wall to wall with all sorts of treasures. Gowns and clothing of all sorts are along one wall, while on the other end, glass cases full of what look like crystal balls have Stacey and I quirking our brows.

  “Ladies, this is Madame Shante. We’ve known each other for over one hundred years.” My head jerks back at the information, questioning whether she’s a vampire herself.

  “I’m no vampire, child. Just an old woman.”

  Does she read minds too? Are any of my thoughts my own around here?

  Julian chuckles at her self-description and most likely my inner struggle about the lack of privacy.

  “Not that your magic would have anything to do with that,” he smirks at Madame Shante, still not acknowledging whether he can read my thoughts.

  She smiles. “All right. So, I may weave a bit of
magic every now and then that helps me stay young and alive, but let’s keep that our secret.” She winks. “Julian tells me you need something for one of Lawrence’s soirées. Seeing as how this will be your first, I must warn you, Lawrence loves the pageantry of a dinner party. He forgets it is the twenty-first century and insists that your dress is that of a debutante going to her first summer season.” She rolls her eyes. “You are going to be stepping back in time for this event.”

  “That sounds . . . fun.” Stacey says, surprisingly chipper to hear that we have to wear corsets and multiple layers. It’s essentially a costume party, which is just ridiculous.

  “You’ll find what you’re looking for. Go ahead and look around. Try anything on that you’d like. I have some business with Julian,” she says, grabbing him by the elbow and walking out of the room.

  He offers us a smile as he goes.

  “That was strange,” Stacey admits. “What kind of business do you think she has with your vampire?”

  My vampire. I suppose that is exactly what he is. Mine. I’m okay with that. God only knows what a witch and a vampire would have to talk about. There’s still so much I don’t know about this whole world. I shrug, not having the slightest idea.

  “While they’re gone, we might as well find our dresses.”

  We go about sorting through racks of clothes. Stacey chooses an emerald-green dress with a corset back, trimmed in white lace, much like what she wore at the auction. With her red hair, she looks stunning. There’s no question that emerald is her color. I continue to search, pulling off a yellow dress, which Stacey scrunches her nose at. I keep looking, and finally I see it.

  Tulle in navy blue with a strapless sweetheart neckline, beaded bodice, basque waist, lace-up back, and matching bolero has me stopping in my tracks. It’s beautiful. I step into the small room, calling out for Stacey. She helps me step into it, making sure it’s laced up so that I know it fits properly. And it does. It fits perfectly.

  “Yes. You’re breathtaking,” Stacey praises, sidling up next to me. “Julian won’t know what to do with you.” I smile widely, hoping she’s right.

  I take off the dress and hide it, not wanting Julian to get a peek of it before tomorrow night. It’s not like it’s a wedding dress, but I want to surprise him. With the help of Stacey and Katina, I’ll be transformed into a vixen that any vampire would have trouble resisting. At least, I hope.

  Twenty-five minutes later, a stone-faced Julian comes walking in with an equally melancholy Madame Shante.

  “Are you ready?” Julian asks, without looking at me.

  I frown, not liking this sudden change in demeanor. What was their talk about?

  “I’ll wrap up your purchases. Have a seat in the parlor,” she says, ushering us back through the curtain.

  We sit in silence for several minutes, Julian avoiding my gaze. Stacey twiddles her fingers, looking anywhere but at the two of us. The awkwardness of this moment is thick and smothering.

  “Here you are,” Madame Shante says, walking out with two large garment bags. Julian takes them in his hand, leans over, and places a small kiss on her cheek. She waves him off, directing her stare at me.

  “Marina. Take care and heed Julian’s requests. They will be vital for your survival.”

  With that she turns, walking out of the room and dismissing us.

  Her words fall around me, chilling my bones and confusing the hell out of me. What can that mean? I look to Julian, who’s appraising me warily.

  “What was that about?”

  “Not now, Marina. Later,” he says, making me angry. I don’t want to spend the rest of what should be a fun day worrying about what some hundred-year-old cuckoo’s words of warning could mean.

  “She’s a seer and she’s given me some valuable information that I will share with you later. For the rest of today, don’t focus on that. Live in the moment.”

  The words help. If he can read minds, this is the one time I’ll forgive it.

  Chapter Thirty


  I can hardly look at Marina. She reads me too well, and this is one time that I won’t be convinced to share what I know. It’s too dangerous. Knowing her, she’d try to intervene. Change something. She can’t. I can’t.

  Shante’s visions can’t be messed with. They have to come to pass. There’s no dodging

  fate, no matter how much I want to. Shante has been a trusted advisor of my father and now me. She came to him years before his death, warning that there was danger. Every vision she’s ever imparted has come to pass, making her incredibly reliable.

  I never should’ve brought them here. The plans had already been made for me to see

  Shante, and I should’ve left them behind. I’d scheduled this particular meeting to speak with her about the black magic residue I found in Marina’s parents’ house. I know it’s connected to their addiction, but I want to know who spelled them.

  I could’ve rescheduled, but given everything that’s happening, it didn’t seem wise. But I

  wanted to make Marina happy. After everything she’s been through, she deserves some happiness. Now she knows something’s up, and I only hope she heeds my warning and doesn’t press for answers.

  “I’m starving,” Stacey whines from the back seat.

  “We’ll stop soon. I know a place nearby you’ll both like.”

  Stacey pats my shoulder. “Good man.”

  I look over at Marina, who’s smiling serenely at me.

  “Yes. He is,” she agrees, and I relax, hoping this means she’s not angry.

  I smile back and she blows me a kiss. My God, if my chest doesn’t swell and ache for

  things I don’t deserve.

  I’ve fallen for her and it’s more than some infatuation. What I feel is innate. It runs

  through my veins. It’s taken me lifetimes to find her, and I won’t let her go. No matter how I’ve felt for anyone, there was always something that held me back. Something wrong about the relationship. Outside of Addy, nobody has ever gotten close.

  If Shante’s prediction is right, I’ll die to protect her.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Sitting at a small café, Stacey and I are on one side of the table, and Julian sits directly across from me. We’ve all ordered—I opted for a lemonade and a small chef salad. We sit silently, waiting for our food, everyone enjoying the peaceful day. My foot taps lightly at Julian’s foot. He grins, brushing my shoe with his. I run the toe of my shoe up his leg to his knee. He jerks under my touch, a little ticklish.

  Stacey looks back and forth between us. “What’s going on, guys?” There’s a teasing lilt to her voice. “Do you think you two could keep it together while I’m in your company? You’re kind of making me nauseous.” She scrunches her nose in mock illness. “I’m kind of hungry and I don’t wanna lose my appetite.”

  Julian chuckles. “You need to speak to your friend. She’s the one playing games.”

  Stacey laughs. “Doesn’t surprise me. The girl’s been glowing ever since yesterday.”

  My cheeks heat to inferno levels. Stacey’s allusion to the things I told her from the night before makes me want to crawl under the table and hide. Julian doesn’t seem to be fazed. In fact, he seems to be thrilled I told Stacey.

  “So, she told you about that, did she?”

  “Not at first. It was written all over her face, so I called her out. Whatever you did to her changed her. Got any friends?”

  I scoff. “Okay, you two. Could we possibly talk about something else?”

  I’m shifting in my seat, becoming antsy very quickly.

  “Are you embarrassed, Marina?” Julian jests. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone here has had sex before,” he says reassuringly.

  Stacey snickers. “This is new for her, though. It can be embarrassing.”

  They continue to talk as if I’m not sitting right here, making me feel increasingly uncomfortable. My mind runs away with itself. Just how many people o
ver the past few centuries has Julian been with? Has he been in love before? Does he love me? All of these thoughts compound until my chest feels heavy. Worry and doubt have me questioning everything that happened between us.

  Not noticing the sudden awkwardness, Stacey stands, informing us she needs to use the ladies’ room. When she’s out of earshot, Julian leans across the table, grabbing my hand in his.

  “Marina, breathe,” he suggests. “I’m sorry we talked about those things. It was inappropriate. You have my word it will never happen again.”

  Pulling my hand out of his grasp, I sit back, putting distance between us. “It’s fine, Julian,” I lie, and he knows it, based on the look he’s giving me.

  He chews on his bottom lip, “To answer your question, there haven’t been many.”

  I scrunch my eyebrows together, trying to figure out what he’s going on about.

  “You shouldn’t worry about those things. My feelings for you run deep. That’s all that should matter,” he says.

  He’s given himself away. There’s no possibility that he can know that’s what I was thinking. Unless he’s reading my mind. I glare.

  “How? Have you been able to read my mind this whole time?”

  Julian’s eyes bug out, realizing what he’s done. “I should’ve told you. It was wrong of me not to. It happened when I drank your blood at the auction.”

  My eyes widen. “Is that normal?”

  He shakes his head. “No. It’s not normal. I can only guess that it’s your blood that binds us. Since I consumed your blood at the auction, I’ve had this ability; I’m linked to you.”

  “If that’s the case, why can’t I read your thoughts?”

  “The only person who can read my thoughts is my familiar. She’d have to ingest my blood to have that capability.”

  “What happens if you find this mythical familiar? Is that the end of us?”

  He sighs. “Marina. I’ve lived hundreds of years and I’ve never experienced what the legend says. Neither have my brothers, and neither have any of the Borns from the other families. It’s a myth. One that’s been passed down by people who are jealous of our powers. They hope it’ll drive us insane. They want us to go chasing a unicorn.”


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