Poison Apple Crisp

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Poison Apple Crisp Page 9

by Addison Moore

  Ginger lets out a sharp bark. “Ask her where she was last night from ten o’clock until three in the morning?”

  Carlotta scoops up the ghostly pooch and begins petting and kissing her as if everyone in the room could see the adorable furball.

  “Never mind my mother,” I say to Rachelle. “She’s had a rough life.”

  “I can commiserate.” She gives a nervous laugh.

  “So what’s the word at school? I’m sure those that knew Brenda are taking it pretty hard.”

  A dull laugh thumps through her just as Lily sets down a round of fresh brewed coffee and brownies.

  “I don’t think anyone is taking it too hard. Thank you,” she says to Lily as she picks up a brownie. “No one is boo-hooing, but we’re all in shock. Brenda was a fixture at that school.” She leans in. “A bit of a tyrant. She ran the PTA like a dictatorship. For as much as she went out of her way to tell people she wanted their input, and for the decisions to be made with all parties involved—in the end, everything went exactly how she said she wanted it to go to begin with.”

  “Cokie mentioned you were close.”

  Rachelle frowns at the thought. “We were. Actually, we were so close she just invited me to be in her wedding.”

  “Wow, I guess you really were close. Her fiancé must be pretty distraught.” Although, he sure wasn’t acting that way the night Brenda keeled over.

  She wrinkles her nose. “I don’t know. He was sort of a strange one. I was a little surprised she let it get that far.”

  “Let what get that far?”

  “Well—” She glances toward the girls before leaning in another notch.

  “Hold your gossiping horses.” Carlotta drags her seat around our way while trying to balance Ginger. “Let’s hear whatcha got. I may have been deprived out of heading to a dive bar, but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna miss out on the spilling of the tea.”

  Rachelle chuckles her way. “I think I like you.”

  Ginger barks, “This is it, Lottie. She’s going to tell us the truth, isn’t she?”

  Rachelle looks my way. “Brenda practically stole Martin away from Cokie. Martin and Cokie were serious. In fact, Cokie and Martin were talking marriage, kids, the whole nine yards. They were together for over a year. But Cokie figured it took two to tango. She was disappointed in it. Furious even. But soon thereafter, she used to joke that it was Brenda who got the raw end of that deal.”

  “Brenda stole Cokie’s fiancé?” Ginger yips.

  Carlotta nods. “Now there’s a motive for murder.”

  Rachelle looks surprised to hear it. “Hey, I think you’re right.”

  Leave it to Carlotta to feed the Honey Hollow High rumor mill by pegging the principal as a killer. Not that I’m feeling sorry for Hungry-for-a-French-Kissing-Fox Cokie. I’d love nothing more than to see her tucked safely behind bars, far away from the Fox in question.

  I can’t help it. Noah is vulnerable right now. He’s hurt. Who knows what he’s liable to get himself into? Having an affair with the principal of Evie’s new school would be devastating for everyone involved. Especially me.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say anything to anyone,” I tell her. “I’m sure Detective Fox will winnow out the killer in no time—and the book thief.” I’m betting they’re one in the same.

  I gasp. That means I had a killer in my house last night!

  My hand rides over my belly protectively.

  “What’s the matter, Lottie?” Rachelle glances down to where my hand is.

  “No, it’s nothing. The baby and I are fine. I was just thinking about last night. It was frightening to say the least. I had Everett spending the night, and I had my gun, but it didn’t make a difference.”

  She grimaces at the thought. “I’m sorry you feel so afraid. And I’m sure you’re right. Detective Fox seems very capable to handle both cases.” She glances to the girls one more time before leaning in again. “Make sure he talks to Alyssa Thomas.” She shrugs. “She and Brenda were in the middle of World War III.”

  “About what?” I ask.

  Rachelle tugs at one of her ashen locks. “It was before my time. Apparently, they were in some club together. I don’t know any details. Brenda was tight-lipped.”

  “What about Alyssa? Did you ever ask her?”

  Rachelle glances down a moment. “I wasn’t allowed to speak with her. Nobody was.”

  Carlotta scoffs. “You weren’t allowed? What could Brenda do to stop you?”

  “She’d kick me off the board. And she’s made sure my stepdaughter didn’t cheer at the next game. And have I mentioned the letters of recommendation from the teachers for college-bound kids like my own? Brenda had her hands all over that school. She had dirt on the dirt. She could make the mascot give up honey if she wanted.”

  Ginger lets out a sickly moan. “My mother always did say Brenda had a bigger bite than the dogs.”

  “Rachelle”—I look to the pretty blonde—“where can I find Alyssa?”

  “She works down at some dive bar called Brew Ha Ha. I think her father owns it, or maybe it’s her brother? Something like that.”

  “Hear that, Ginger?” Carlotta gives the cute canine a hearty scratch behind the ears, and Rachelle’s eyes widen with a touch of amusement. “We’re hitting a dive bar, after all.”

  Rachelle laughs as she turns my way. “If you do speak with Alyssa, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention this conversation. She’s every bit the stick of dynamite that Brenda was. I’d hate to see that visit blow up in either of our faces.”

  “I won’t say word,” I tell her.

  I wonder what secret Alyssa has lurking around in her closet? She and Brenda had one heated argument the other night. And according to Rachelle, Brenda had some serious dirt on her.

  But then again, she did say Brenda had dirt on just about everyone.

  I have a feeling it’s Brenda I need to get the dirt on, and by the sound of it, Alyssa Thomas is just the one to give it to me.

  Chapter 8

  I called ahead, and it turns out, yesterday was Alyssa’s day off. So much for that whole brew ha ha about getting to go to a dive bar (I couldn’t resist).

  But it’s a brand new day, the very next morning, Evie’s first day at Honey Hollow High. It might not be a big deal to a lot of people once their child gets promoted to the eleventh grade, but Everett and I haven’t had the privilege of witnessing a single one of Evie’s first days of anything, so we’re showing up—with a few extra people in tow—to watch her stride on into my old alma mater.

  Everett took the morning off, so he came down with me to open the bakery and we made it back in plenty of time to have breakfast with Evie and drive her to school.

  A few months ago, Evie mentioned she wanted her Uncle Noah to take her the first day in a sheriff’s cruiser, but last night, after talking to Carlotta, she had a change of heart. Carlotta told her a stunt like that would get her disinvited to all the right parties. But nevertheless, Noah has met up with us right here in the parking lot—sans the cruiser, of course.

  “I’m glad you came, Uncle Noah.” Evie wraps her arms around him and gives him a warm embrace. Evie looks adorable in her black skinny jeans and white cable sweater. And as she squeezes Noah tightly, I can see the leather gun holster from under his tweed jacket that houses his weapon. “You too, Crazy.” She hugs Carlotta as well.

  I know for a fact Evie has called Carlotta just about everything trying to figure out what she’s most comfortable with, and personally I’m rooting for Crazy. Let’s be honest—it fits best.

  Evie steps to the left of our small circle. “And how can I forget you?” She lunges at an older man, and both Everett and I exchange a curious glance.

  “Look who’s here?” Evie turns our way. “It’s my Uncle Luke!”

  A groan comes from both Everett and me in unison, and I believe Noah just took a deep breath.

  Luke Lazzari is a notorious crime boss who once dated Carlotta way back when.
According to her, Luke was almost my father. He’s nearly bald with gray eyes and a pointed chin. Luke is the one that tracked Evie down when we were looking to find her. Carlotta pulled her underworld strings and had both of the notorious crime families in the area looking for her.

  We exchange niceties and follow Evie toward the scholastic holy land while teenagers in fancy tricked-out cars zoom past us with their radios turned up a little too loud. And standing in front of us like a stone behemoth is Honey Hollow High, gleaming with pride. All of my diciest memories were made within those unhallowed halls.

  “This is a big day.” Noah picks up my hand and kisses it. “Are you excited?”

  “Heck yes, I’m excited. And I’m nervous for her, too. I didn’t exactly love high school. I’m hoping Evie will have an easier time with it.”

  Noah runs his tongue over his teeth. “You didn’t tell her, did you, Everett?”

  “Tell me what?” I look to my tall, handsome, forever stoic husband. “What is it, Everett?”

  He glowers over at Noah. “I thought we’d focus on the first big milestone of the day before we get to the second.”

  Carlotta chortles as she looks to Luke. “These three are entertaining as all heck. The other night they were running up and down the street in their underwear, Foxy made Mr. Sexy dance by way of bullets, then they went back to her place and a good time was had by all.”

  Evie turns our way with a sour expression.

  “I think this is about as far as we should go.” She gives a quick wave. “I’ll be at cheer practice until five, then Conner is taking me to dinner. Good luck at the doctor’s appointment, Mom. Who knows? Maybe they’ll do an ultrasound and you’ll see if the baby is holding a gavel or a shiny badge?” She gives a little wink.

  “What?” I shake my head and wince as if I had a hard time hearing her. “I don’t have an appointment—” Before I can finish my sentence, two blonde bimbos glom onto Evie, both dressed in black and wailing at the top of their socialite lungs.

  Evie swats them away with her backpack, and soon both Cormack and Cressida are shouting at her.

  “Public school is not a good look on you, Everly! You’ll regret this!” Cressida is quick to threaten the girl she birthed. I refuse to call her Evie’s mother.

  Everett strides toward the dodo birds in our presence. “What are the two of you doing here?”

  Cormack wastes no time in attaching herself to Noah. “Oh, thank God, you’re here. Talk some sense into her.”

  “Cormack”—I smack her away from Noah with my purse—“Evie is already on her way to homeroom. What the heck is wrong with you?”

  “Yes, Cressida.” Everett’s voice is tight with anger. “What the heck is wrong with you?”

  Cressida tugs at her designer tracksuit. “Oh, come off it, Essex. Everyone knows you can’t go far in life if you attend the wrong schools. Look what happened to Lorretta.” She points my way. “The woman eats donuts for a living, and now’s she knocked up and she doesn’t know who the daddy is. What do you think is going to happen to our daughter after that school infects her with a serious case of blue collar?”

  Everett lowers his chin and takes a breath. My guess is he’s mentally counting to ten.

  “Cressida”—his voice comes out measured—“Evie will be fine. She’s already determined to go to college, and she’s considering many colorful and varied career choices. I’m giving you five minutes to vacate the premises before I do everything in my power to garner a restraining order on my daughter’s behalf. She doesn’t need you turning her life into a circus.”

  Cressida scoffs. “You’re one to talk, Essex. Taking up Noah’s sloppy seconds.” She jabs him in the chest with her finger. “You may have ruined your life, but I’m not letting you destroy Everly’s. I’ll see you in court.” She tugs her blonde, dimwitted sidekick by the arm.

  Cormack wags a finger at Noah. “And I’ll see you at the B&B for game night! I know you’ve got the brawn, Big Boss. Now is your chance to let your brain shine through.” She blows him a kiss while being dragged backward. “And, Lorna, you take care of Essex’s baby!”

  Cressida gives her a powerful jerk and sends Cormack sailing like a kite. As terrible as it sounds, I hope she dislocated an elbow.

  Carlotta scoffs. “Her name is Lot Lot!” she shouts after them. “Get it right!”

  Neither Cormack nor Cressida has said my name properly since we’ve met. It’s either a cheap ploy on their part to get under my skin or they are genuinely too vapid to get it straight after all this time. I’m betting on the latter.

  “Oh, Lottie!” a woman’s voice trills from behind, and I turn to see my mother running up with a bouquet of flowers, her blonde hair coiled neatly as it bounces over her shoulders. “Did I miss it? Oh, tell me I didn’t miss it.”

  “If you wave, she might be looking this way,” I say, although I doubt it. Evie is probably hiding in the bowels of that building with embarrassment in hopes that acid rain will fall over us and we’ll all dissolve to nothing.

  “Oh shoot.” Mom stomps her foot to the ground. “Here, you take these, Lottie,” she says, handing me the bouquet of hot pink roses. “I have so much to do. Cokie and I decided to add an additional fundraiser this Friday night to help pay for Brenda’s funeral. It’s game night, so we’ll need you sharp as a tack. There’s an entry fee to participate, and the winners of each game will get to take home a prize. Every business in Honey Hollow is donating something.”

  “The bakery will, too,” I say. “How about a cookie bouquet?”

  “Sounds delicious.” She gives a silent clap. “Why don’t you make up a few dozen platters of whatever you like, and I’ll cover the costs? That poor woman.” She sniffs as she looks to the school. “She was a mother. There’s a child in there starting off the school year with a heartache that will take decades if ever to overcome.”

  My own heart aches when she brings up Brenda’s family. So far in this investigation, the poor woman has been pegged a bully. It’s easy to forget she had a full life with people who loved her.

  Carlotta links arms with my mother.

  “Well, go on, Mr. Sexy. Fill us in on this surprise you’ve got cooking. If what Evie said is true, I’m not missing out on a chance to take a gander at the brewing baby booger.”

  “It’s true.” Everett sheds a flicker of a smile my way. “Noah and I thought you shouldn’t have to wait weeks to have your first appointment.”

  “I called Dr. Barnette’s office.” Noah’s chest expands. “And I was told they were booked solid.” His dimples flicker. “But then, I remembered my old stepbrother had a penchant for making inroads with the good doctor.” He slaps his former stepbrother on the back. “Everett pulled it off. You’ve got an appointment in an hour.”

  Everett nods. “I hope you’re okay with that, Lemon. We’ll get to see the baby today.”

  “Are you kidding? I think that’s great.” My lips quiver because I’m petrified on so many levels, and I’m not quite sure why.

  Luke Lazzari steps up. “What’s this? You got a bun cookin’ in the oven?” He holds out his arms, and the next thing I know I’m being embraced by America’s most wanted. Okay, so he may not be the most wanted, but he is definitely on the list. “Congratulations.” He pulls back. “Congratulations to the two a yous, too.” He winks over at Carlotta and my mother, and the two of them swoon.

  “Thanks, Luke.” Carlotta winks back. “Why don’t you come down to Mirandy’s B&B this Friday night? We’ll share a few drinks and talk about the good old days. I might even let you get lucky.”

  Good God. I glance to the sky. Is nothing sacred? Must Carlotta put the moves on the man with an illegal plan in his back pocket?

  “Oh yes.” My mother nods. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind having a few drinks with you myself. I’ll see you at my place, Friday night at seven.” She winks his way.

  “You bet, ladies. See you then.” He takes off, and I don’t waste a minute stepping up to
the overheated duo.

  “Are the two of you nuts?” I squawk. “He’s a crime lord! He kills people for a living. The last place he needs to be is at a wholesome school fundraiser.”

  “Game night. But it’s mostly trivia based,” Mom points out.

  “Here’s a little trivia for you,” I snip. “The two of you are taken. Remember? Carlotta, I understand you have some weird open relationship with Mayor Nash, but I suggest you take your wandering eye elsewhere lest you get tangled up in a hail of bullets. And before you say it, bullets are not sexy.

  “And, Mother? Aren’t you supposed to be betrothed or something to Wiley Fox? For the life of me I can’t recall if he dropped to a knee for you, but since that sparkler keeps blinding me, I can only assume so.” Okay, so the ring isn’t on the right finger, but still. Honest to God, Wiley and my mother might have had a big blowout of a wedding for all I know, but this pregnant brain Keelie and Lainey kept talking about is a very real thing. Apparently, the further along you get, the more brain cells your baby eats for breakfast.

  Everett pulls me in and wraps his arms around me. “Don’t work yourself up. Are you ready to meet our baby?”

  Noah clears his throat.

  I look to the both of them with a sense of apprehension.

  “I’m ready.”

  I’m just not ready to break one of their hearts all over again.

  Chapter 9

  We drive down to the doctor’s office, and soon I’m shuttled to the back, peeing in a cup, and dressed in a paper gown. Carlotta and my mother decided to stay in the waiting room until it’s time for the baby’s close-up. But I insist that Everett and Noah join in on the fun, seeing that one of them landed me in this predicament to begin with. And they both are very eager. They don’t want to miss a minute of it.

  Dr. Barnette steps into the room with a bright smile and cheery greeting. She’s a stunning brunette with bright blue eyes who just so happened to deliver Lainey’s baby girl, Josie, and Keelie’s baby bear, Bear. In fact, the night both of their angels made their debut on this planet is when Dr. Barnette told me the news that I was expecting an angel of my own. It was unexpected to say the least. But both Noah and Everett were with me—so in that sense we experienced the shock together. Dr. Barnette looked genuinely shocked herself when I told her that I didn’t have a clue who the father could be.


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