
Home > Other > Empire > Page 22

  Sharia Law 64

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe 19

  Shia Muslims 62, 63, 66

  Siberia 136, 203–4, 210 224

  sideways history 92–3, 115–16, 122, 140

  Silk Road 113, 114, 117, 119

  Sima Qin 107

  Sinan, Mimar 167

  Singh, Udam 180

  slavery 182–6, 203, 220, 226

  smallpox 169–70

  Smith, Adam 82, 219

  Socrates 78, 144

  Song Dynasty 119

  South Africa 195

  Soviet Union 135, 235

  Cold War 7–8, 216, 233, 234

  Stalin 95, 212, 214–15

  see also Russia

  Spain 194

  Al-Andalus 74–6, 77, 115–16

  and Americas 145–6, 147, 158, 175, 224

  hand stencils 150–1

  and Netherlands 206

  spice trade 186, 187

  Stalin, Joseph 95, 212, 214–15, 233

  Stanley, Henry 179

  Strabo 164

  Suleiman the Magnificent 155, 167

  Süleymaniye mosque 167–8

  Sumerians 14–15, 29

  Sun Tzu 94–5

  Sung Dynasty 105

  Sunni Muslims 62, 63, 66–7

  Switzerland 206

  Taleb, Nassim 99

  Teller, Edward 6

  Temujin see Genghis Khan

  Tenochtitlan 138, 140, 141–2, 146

  terracotta army 106–7, 130

  Texcoco 140

  Thirty Years War 202, 205

  Tiberias 54

  Tlacopan 140

  Tolstoy, Leo 210

  Topkapi Palace 164–6, 167

  trade 76, 175, 176, 181–2, 186–7

  Trotsky, Leon 212

  Trump, President 223

  Turkey 174

  Uighurs 89, 91, 105

  Umayyad Caliphate 62, 63–6, 74

  United States 159, 177, 189, 218, 219–39

  Alaska 225–6

  Civil War 226–7

  Cold War 7–8, 216, 233, 234

  and communism 213

  Declaration of Independence 219, 220, 227

  First World War 194, 231

  Gettysburg Address 227–8

  and Ireland 192

  Kennedy 233–5

  Louisiana Purchase 225

  nuclear weapons 6–7

  Panama Canal 230–1

  Second World War 195, 232

  slavery 184, 203, 226

  Wild West 204

  see also America

  USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) see Soviet Union

  vaccination 169–70

  Vandals 55, 57

  Venice 93, 115, 161–2, 175, 207

  Victoria, Queen 189

  Vienna 155–6

  Vietnam War 216, 227, 233

  Vikings 57

  Villon, François 51

  Virgil 39

  Vladimir the Great 199, 200

  Voltaire 161, 170

  von Däniken, Erich 47, 147

  von Ranke, Leopold 66

  Wales 191

  Wang Zhen 120

  war 10

  War and Peace (Tolstoy) 210

  Weatherford, Jack 96

  Webster, David 138

  Weidenreich, Franz 135

  Wellerstein, Alex 7

  Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington 188

  Wellington, Duke of 188

  Wells, H.G. 32–3

  Westphalia, Treaty of 205–6, 211, 218

  Wilberforce, William 184

  William of Normandy 169

  Wilson, President 231

  Wilson, Woodrow 194

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig 145

  Wolfe, General 189

  wolves 84

  writing 14–15

  Xanadu 83

  Xian Zhang 119

  Yamamoto, Admiral 232

  Yeltsin, Boris 217

  Yuan Dynasty 105, 108–9, 112–24

  zero 139–40

  Zheng He 1–4, 123

  Zhou Enlai 106

  Zhu Di I Zhu Shijie 122

  ziggurats 29–31, 130


  Mendeleye’s Dream

  Dr Strangelave’s Game

  The Medici

  Napoleon in Egypt

  Tie Artist, the Philosopher and the Warrior

  Death in Florence

  The Spirit of Venice

  The Venetians


  Pegasus Books, Ltd.

  148 West 37th Street, 13th Floor

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2020 by Paul Strathern

  First Pegasus Books hardcover edition March 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a newspaper, magazine, or electronic publication; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher.

  ISBN: 978-1-64313-331-7

  ISBN: 978-1-64313-393-5 (eBook)

  Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company




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