Bleed Me (Haunted Roads Book 3)

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Bleed Me (Haunted Roads Book 3) Page 20

by India R. Adams

  “Ah, kid, I’m a fighter. I’ll battle tooth-and-nail for those I love and believe in, and tell destiny to kiss my hairy ass.” He swirled his shot glass, lost in thought. “Giver, I’m sure you know this, but Justice don’t jump into much without thinkin’ about it first. She’s our researcher, our Road Captain, because of how her mind works. It’s complicated, yet blessedly simple. She is loyal to a fault, gifted with heart and a mean streak when needed.” After a moment, he teased, “So, you gonna ask me what you should do?”

  “I already know what I’m gonna do, but yeah, tell me what you would do.”

  “Give that badass bitch whatever she wants.”

  Understanding there would never be another to compare to Justice, I nodded. “I hear ya, loud and clear.”

  “In fact, don’t let her change her mind.”

  My upper lip lifted. “Huh?”

  “Mark my words, she wants this. But she has to know that God wants it, too. If your el seed-o don’t stick, she’ll take it for a sign and be satisfied that Grace is all she’s meant to have.”

  Feeling a little guilty for my childish behavior, I told him, “I guess I overreacted. I was, uh, a little taken aback that she was so willing to share my dick.”

  He held up his fingers for another round while telling me, “I guess you could see it that way. Or, you could see it for what I believe it to be; her having so much faith in you that she trusts you to fuck another woman so you can have what she can’t give you.”

  “Ah, shit.”

  “Yep. Blessedly simple.” As the bartender set down two more shots, he told her, “I’ll take the check, beautiful.”

  “Too late.” She pointed to me. “He said you would try to pay.”

  Smirking, I brought the shot glass to my lips. “Sorry, Daddy Dagger.”


  Justice’s bike was in its parking spot at the compound when I pulled in. Aching to see her and make things right, I parked next to her like I always do. ‘Daddy’ Dagger was getting laid, so I entered the Barn alone. Brothers either gave a knowing salute or chin dip, not attempting to distract me. I appreciated their respect. Justice wasn’t with them, and they knew where I wanted to be.

  The light from the hallway spilled into our dark bedroom. Justice quickly lifted her head from her pillow and got to her knees to face me. Jesus, her naked and vulnerable body had my blood rushing to my dick. This was unfortunate because I needed it in my brain.

  Full of regret, her arms hung by her sides. “I’m sorry.”

  I closed the door behind me because her body was only for me to witness and enjoy. Then I walked to the edge of the bed. “I don’t want to hear another damn thing until you’re in my arms.”

  The slight glow from the nightlight in our bathroom gave me just enough light to see her scramble on her hands and knees to get to me. Her body slammed to mine, her toned arms wrapping around my neck. Her voice was shaky, like she really believed she had done damage between us. “I was so blinded by my love for Grace and the chance for you to have another child, I never stopped to think how you felt about all this. I let my own insecurities of not being able to give you a child get in the way of—”

  “I’ll do it.”

  It was impossible to miss her hopeful gasp, even though she said, “No, it’s okay—”

  “Thank you for trusting me like you do.”

  Her panicked breath crossed my lips. “I do, Giver. I knew you loved me and would never stray.”

  “Knew? Loved? Why is my woman talkin’ in past tense?”

  Her body sagged to mine. Justice, the Road Captain of deadly Stallions, lay her pretty little head on my shoulder. Right then, I knew that me—this motherfucker here—was the one she counted on most.


  Back in working order.

  I started rocking her like I would Grace. She melted to me even more, then told me, “Sometimes I get scared I don’t deserve you.”

  James Gunn Dalton had brought such trials into her life that her words baffled me. The fact that she thought, for even one second, I was the winner in this relationship blew my ever-loving mind. “Then we make the perfect pair because I don’t believe I deserve you.” Her arms tightened around my neck, making it even easier to lean my head to hers. “You’re so right, about so many things. We have a great setup with Saph. Let’s have another baby with her. Let’s give Grace a brother or sister. Let’s appreciate that Sapphire being a part of our world makes all this possible, while still allowing us to ride with our brothers.”

  With a heavy exhale that told me all I needed to know, Justice’s lips blindly searched for mine, causing my stomach to coil up with need. “Babe—” Her tongue found mine. My dick hardened in a second flat. That is how much she stirred me, emotionally and physically.

  She started pushing my cut from my shoulders.

  Our lips still hungrily attached, I helped her undress me, but then some blood made it back to my brain. “Justice, for me to be with Saph, I only have one request.”

  She moaned, “Anything,” as she unbuttoned my jeans.

  “Marry me.”

  The whole world went still.

  “Why is this not sitting right with me?” asked Lynx as he sat back in his chair, his hands locked behind his head. “These kids aren’t locals. That’s got to be the reason they’re so dumb. Everyone knows Austin is ours.”

  He was speaking of the new pushers trying to outprice our regular local distributors. We shipped to different states, but infringing ‘in our own backyard’ was an insult that needed to be dealt with.

  “Huh. That’s weird.”

  All heads turned to me.

  My elbows were resting on the table, so I shrugged. “Virginia recently had the same problem.”

  Virginia was a Stallion chapter who had recently chased off some kids trying to sell drugs on their turf.

  Lynx demanded, “Talk to me.”

  “Last time they were here in town—you know, the shindig that got way out of hand?” Everyone started laughing because that party became somewhat of a free-for-all. “I wasn’t poundin’ shots like you drunk bastards because Gracie was sick.”

  “Oh yeah,” remembered Justice. “I was already at Saph’s.”

  “Yep. That’s the night. Anyways, before the clothes started coming off and I skedaddled to spare my eyes, one of the Virginia boys had lightly mentioned some punks being taught a lesson. He told me the ‘snot-nosed bastards won’t try to fuck with the big boys again’.”

  Dagger’s brows bunched while he thought out loud. “Slade didn’t mention anything to me.”

  “Probably didn’t see the need.” Lynx, hands still locked behind his head, stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. “Young and dumb… Dispensable… Why—Better yet, who would send in kids to test our grounds?”

  Torque answered, “Someone is being smart. Strategic.”

  “Smart for sure. No strong-footed club would view unorganized kids as a threat.” Dagger was very intrigued. “Only a coincidence would have us making a connection.”

  Amazed, Justice agreed, “Had Grace not been sick, Giver would have been too drunk to ever remember a biker bragging.” My girl had found her a sign and wasn’t going to miss this advantage. “Torque, can you get me some—”

  “Pics?” He smirked, already knowing where she was headed. “Sure thing.” With photographs, Justice could do an image search on the internet and get us some identities.

  Lynx nibbled on the inside of his cheek. “Yeah, before we school these punks, let's find out if someone sent them. It just doesn’t feel right. If you know us, why poke a bear?”

  Our chapter was the mothership. If Lynx put out the word, he could make it rain bullets.

  “Maybe they think this bear is sleeping. We’ve had quite the calm streak.” Dagger suggested, “Someone is thinkin’ we’ve gone soft? Complacent?”

  Far from being concerned or afraid, Lynx cracked his knuckles while stretching his arms above his head. “Th
ings have been a little boring. Maybe we need to remind whoever is watching, we don’t sleep… Speaking of,” he laughed, “I’m tired as fuck. Let’s shut her down with one last note. Our boy Giver here has asked Captain to marry him.”

  The Stall went eerily quiet. I was lost to why this marriage proposal was so important.

  Lynx fought an emotional response. “And she has said yes.”

  Grown ass, badass, deadly bikers all gasped. Then they exploded into celebration.

  What’s going on? I assumed they would be happy for us, but this was so much more. They were all on their feet, elated!

  Dagger pointed to me as he walked around the table of men, fighting emotions, then yanked me into a hug that felt like a father being proud of his son. “Best decision of your life, boy. Besides Gracie, this is the girl for you.” Swallowing—really not wanting to cry in front of my brothers—I nodded but couldn’t speak. He whispered in my ear, “You may never know what you’ve done for us, but thank you. We weren’t sure we would ever see the day.” After patting my back, he grabbed my shoulders so he could look at me. Almost to himself, he said, “Giver just keeps on givin’.”

  That’s when I finally noticed all the embraces Justice was receiving by men who saw her in so many different roles; a sister, a daughter, a friend, but most of all, a Stallion. And each and every Stallion brother of hers was so full of gratitude as if they had truly believed Justice would never be a mother nor wife.

  Ah, shit. I grabbed my chest while watching her, and whispered to Dagger, “Don’t let her change her mind, right?” I needed one last bit of his advice to move forward. Tonight was the night with Sapphire. She had called before the meeting, telling us that she was ovulating.

  “See her through it, Giver. Be the man she needs.”

  Even though Justice and I experienced a heartfelt end to the meeting, we were both quiet and almost solemn, her holding me tight as I rode us to Saph’s house. Inside, Saph greeted us, quickly reading our mood. She quietly said, “Grace has been down for a couple of hours. You guys need to see her?”

  Justice nodded, her eyes slipping shut.

  The three of us stood silently, staring at the little beauty sleeping in the crib. Gracie’s arms were sprawled like she didn’t have a worry in the world.

  Saph whispered, “She is worth the sacrifice we’re making for her.”

  Justice and I nodded… then followed Saph into her bedroom.

  It was wild to have just been receiving praise for a marriage proposal and now be standing naked in another woman’s bedroom. Someone should write a book about my life.

  In a short nightgown, Sapphire was off to the side, letting Justice and I take the lead in this awkward situation. Saph had the clinical attitude that I was simply a doctor visit for her. Her eyes stayed to the floor as she waited, no present emotion from her other than pity for the now engaged couple who was in uncharted waters.

  Lay down? Stay standing? Look at Saph? Bend her over? What the fuck have I got myself into? “Babe, I may need you to spell this one out for me. I, uh… Babe?”

  Fully clothed, Church Eyes was staring at the mattress as if it were alive and deadly to her mental wellbeing. Every part of me wanted to scoop her shocked body up into my arms and run out of Saph’s home, but Dagger’s words haunted me. I trusted that old coot. He had known Justice for way longer than I had. Was it time for me to be the man of this relationship and give my girl a way out? Or the man Dagger claimed I had to be.


  She held up her hands. “Giver, you do what is best for the both of you. Don’t worry about me right now.”

  Thankful, I nodded and focused on the woman I hoped to never steer wrong. I stepped to face her and took hold of both her hands. My voice was deep and full of honesty. “I’m in love with you.” Church Eyes found mine. “I want—I need you by my side in every step of my life.” Her eyes began to fill with tears. “Let me have you as close as possible right now.” Slowly, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. It was a passionate kiss, but not sexually. It was a caring one, begging for trust. It was one I hoped would entrance her, connect her to me so I could walk her past a hurdle she didn’t see coming when desiring another child. Justice thought she would be fine sharing me.

  She wasn’t.

  I appreciated that.

  But I loved her too much to not see her through. “Don’t take those beautiful eyes from mine.” Still holding her hands, I stepped back toward the bed until I felt it. After sitting, I pulled her to stand between my legs. I pointed to my eyes. “Right here.”

  She nodded.

  Her lips parted when I started unbuckling her jeans.

  I kissed her exposed stomach, wishing life hadn’t been so cruel to her.

  Tears dripped… She knew what respect I had just paid to her femininity.

  Our eyes never coming unlocked again, I pulled down her jeans, silently asking her to step out of them and her panties. Once she did, I took hold of her hand as I laid back, keeping my feet on the floor. “I need you, Justice.” I touched my mouth. “Right here.”

  She didn’t speak a word as she climbed up my upper body.

  “Right here.”

  With a thigh on each side of my face, Justice put her private lips to mine.

  With every lick, I spoke of my admiration for her strength, loyalty, and commitment to me and my children. One with us, and one to come, because of her.

  She heard me. I knew she did by the way her hand caressed my face.

  When her chest began to pant, and her juices wet my tongue, my body reacted. Until then, it wasn’t aroused, only worried for her well-being.

  My own chest began to heave underneath Justice. I sucked hard on her so she knew what she was doing to me, knew that she is the only woman that could ever again move me sexually.

  Then… one of my hands pressed on her lower back, touching her, supporting her, loving her… as my other hand reached out for Sapphire.


  So very young, asleep in a bed, I would be startled awake as a man would crawl in under the covers. “W-Who are you?” Peering around, I would suddenly remember I wasn’t home, wasn’t in my own bedroom.

  I would quickly try to get up, but the stranger who had me for the night pulled my naked body to his. “I’m Uncle Johnson.” He would chuckle at his gross joke as his hardened length would rub against my back.

  As he began to groan, anxiously, I asked, “W-Where’s Jenny?”

  Groan… “Oh, she’s visiting your uncle Stiffer.”

  “No! Please tell him to take me!”

  I was pulled to my knees and hands. “No, no, Kenny. Don’t fight me. You know that will only make it hurt.”

  The stranger spit on his palm—

  “It’s just me. Just me.”

  Blowing out air, complete relief taking me over, I slumped back into the bed, burying my face in the pillow.

  Justice asked, as she always did since we started this test, “Who are you?”

  Not lifting my head, I lifted my right hand. “Giver.”

  Soft skin would touch my back as she laid her cheek there. “Hi, baby.”

  Muffled, I replied, “Hey, babe.”

  Her fingers traced my Stallion tattoo. “You’re doing so much better.”

  Little Gracie would sometimes cry, wanting to go home with her Daddy and Ju-Ju—what she called Justice. We didn’t dare let her sleep with us because of who might make an appearance that night. So, every couple of nights, Justice would wake me in a manner that always was a trigger.

  “You miss him, don’t you?”

  Justice kissed my back. “I keep picturing him locked away in some room, where he feels all alone.”

  I rolled to face her. “You know that’s not how it works, right?”

  She curled up to my chest. “I know. Just what I see in my head because I haven’t heard from him in so long.”

  “Good news is, we soon get to sleep with a little girl kicking
us all night.”

  Sapphire’s belly was getting bigger than it did with Gracie. She was tired and wanting a break before my son entered the world.

  Justice kissed under my chin. “Can you imagine what it will be like waking to her little puppy breath?”

  “She ain’t a dog, babe.”

  She pinched my nipple, “Nor am I stupid,” then wrapped an arm around me. “To see those blonde curls all messy first thing, oh damn, I just can’t wait.”

  “Jenny had blonde hair.”

  “Was she as adorable as Grace?”

  My throat tightened. “She was an angel… who never got to smile.”

  Justice could’ve sulked with me, but that wasn’t her style. “I bet she’s watching over Grace with fierce wings like the true angel she is now.”

  “I love you, babe.”

  She hiked a leg over my hip and teased, “Prove it, stud.”

  That girl was pushing my buttons. She knew I hated all my brothers always on my shit about my sperm because I knocked up Saph with one try again. The nicknames were endless—

  Super Sperm; Steady Stallion; Dick of Austin; Potent Prairie; One Hit Wonder; Adam, Eve, and Giver; No Blanks Here.

  Throwing Justice to her back, feeling her wet nakedness all over me, had me hankering for some fuckin’. “I want you to watch me fuck you.”

  “W-What?” she said so breathlessly I knew she was on board.

  I got on my knees and spread her bent legs apart, exposing all her glory. “I want you to watch me slide in and out of you.” I pressed on my erection to line it up with her core. The tip of my shaft was already beading up. “Sit up. Witness this miracle of your pussy.”

  Downright panting, Justice pushed up onto her palms, sure to keep her pelvis tilted for me. “You have me so hot right now, I’m fucking lightheaded.”

  Rubbing the head of my dick against her entrance, I groaned, “Watch how your lips beg for me.” Her little toes curled, but her eyes stayed entranced on me, touching her like this. I even lifted my rod to show her… “Babe, look how my balls have tightened up, dying to explode inside that warm channel I call heaven.” Her pussy was glistening as if I had drenched it with oil. “You’re so wet for me.” I rubbed her again. To tease that hungry core, I slowly pushed in my head, then stopped.


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