Their Wayward Wives

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Their Wayward Wives Page 10

by Emily Tilton

  John chuckled. “That’s right. I’m just going to show it to her, tonight, though.”

  Doug nodded approvingly. “I love to do that with Mindy. I’ll buy a new strap or paddle, and just put it out on the coffee table until she can’t stand it and she asks me what she did and when I’m going to punish her.”

  “And do you tell her?” John’s earnestness appealed to Doug enormously. The younger man really had a burning desire to learn—Doug knew that he had been right, on Sunday, to ask about the opportunity on the new VTOL team. John reached into the box again and came out with a round leather paddle. “I got this, too. I thought I could have Cathy put it in her top drawer like Mindy does. Now I’m wondering if I should put it out for her to find.”

  Doug held up a hand. “If I were you, I’d keep some stuff in reserve.”

  John nodded. “Yeah. I think tonight will just be about the chastity belt.”

  “Well, Mindy and I will be listening.” John laughed heartily at that, and Doug thought he could probably change the subject safely. “So, listen. That opportunity about the new plane?”

  John frowned. “This is what you mentioned on Sunday? Sorry, that day was a little stressful.”

  “Of course,” Doug reassured him. “But I checked with the higher-ups, and they’d like you to come in for an interview. They told me I could tell you a little bit more, too.”

  “Okay,” John said in a guarded tone of voice.

  “We’re going to be showing this aircraft off to some good guys in some sketchy places. We’re looking for a few ex-military guys like you to keep us safe and do double duty demonstrating the capabilities.”

  John lifted his chin, obviously processing this new information. “So, not a walk in the park,” he said thoughtfully.

  “Well, it should be a walk in the park. But the park may or may not have bad guys waiting around the corner. Here’s the thing: the actual danger isn’t great, but because of the risk you’d get paid like a rock star.”

  The chin came down. “If I go for the interview, I’m not committing myself to anything, right?”

  “Right,” Doug affirmed. “Come to my office, see the cool stuff, talk to some people. I don’t want you to commit to anything until you have a complete view of what the position would mean.”

  John nodded. “Okay. Let me know when you want to see me. I’m flexible.”

  “Let’s look at Thursday, maybe?”

  “Sure. Thursday works.”

  Doug extended his hand. “I’m really glad we’re neighbors, man.”

  John shook, very forcefully. “Me too, Doug. I guess it’s a little early to say that you and Mindy saved my marriage, but just after Sunday night, I really don’t think I can ever thank you enough.”

  * * *

  When Mindy came in from the garden, Doug took the lettuce from her and put it in the colander. Then he led her into the living room and sat her in his lap. She giggled: he knew she loved the little hints of daddy-and-little-girl play he would often bring into their life together.

  “Is everything going well between Cathy and John, sir?” she asked in a voice very slightly higher than her usual speaking tone.

  “Yes, young lady, thanks to you,” Doug said. “John just showed me what arrived today from the same place I got your paddle and your penis toy.”

  She ducked her chin, and spoke in a whisper as her cheeks went a little pink. “Did he really get a chastity belt?”

  “He did, young lady, and seeing it made me think you should have one, too.”

  “Oh, Daddy!” She hid her face between her husband’s jaw and his collarbone. Mindy would sometimes just call him Daddy out of the blue—or rather, in certain special erotic situations, but without warning—as if she couldn’t keep it in. Doug supposed that calling her young lady could well be the trigger.

  “Would you like to wear a special belt with another girl, Mindy?”

  A little giggle. “Do you mean that both of us would be bare except for the belts? No, sir.” She had a lovely tone of mingled shock and fascination in her voice now.

  “Are you sure, young lady?”

  “Would the girl be Cathy?”

  Doug chuckled. “Of course. You know that’s what I meant. And you know how much I’d like to see you with another girl.”

  Mindy snuggled a little closer. Doug could tell she had started to think seriously about the idea, which he had indeed mentioned from time to time especially on the nights he sat her down to masturbate while she watched a video he had chosen. When he didn’t choose a scene about a husband loaning his wife to another man—usually a big man like John, in fact—he almost always chose one with two girls at play.

  “Would I have to kiss her?” Mindy asked the question in a neutral tone, as if she wanted to hear how it sounded coming out of her mouth.

  Doug took her little hand in his, entwining their fingers. He decided to speak outside the play dynamic, to make sure everything remained as clear as it could be. “You wouldn’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, babe.” Mindy had always bitten her lip when she saw a video of two girls come up, and obediently played with herself as she watched—just as her husband commanded. Doug would say, after she had come, “I’d like to watch you do that sometime.” It hadn’t gone farther than that, though, even as a fantasy.

  “Maybe we could be together in our belts, but, you know, not kiss?”

  “Sure,” Doug said, picturing it and feeling his cock swell at the image.

  “And you and John could spank us together?”

  Doug laughed. “Why? What for?”

  Mindy pulled her head back to look up at him, a little pout on her face now. “I don’t know, sir. I’m sure you can think of something.”

  The laugh grew into a guffaw, and then Doug kissed Mindy, putting his hand on her jean-shorts-covered bottom to squeeze her there very meaningfully, which of course made her squeal delightfully into his mouth.

  When he broke the kiss, he said, “Think about it. It probably makes sense to ask Cathy, if you do decide you want to try.”

  Mindy’s face went instantly scarlet. “Oh, I couldn’t do that, sir!” Then, speculatively, “Could I?”

  Doug smiled. “Let’s put it this way. If you do want to try it, let me know, and maybe I’ll tell you you have to ask Cathy or get a paddling.”

  Mindy bit her lip. The color receded a little bit, but a crease appeared in her brow. “Yes, sir. Is John going to put her in the belt tonight?”

  “I’m pretty sure he will,” Doug replied.

  “Will she have to wear it all day?”

  “I think she might, babe.” Doug didn’t confess that he had made the suggestion that could well lead to Cathy having to wear the belt at work, under her pretty skirts and dresses. “John can go to her office and unlock it when she needs to use the toilet.”

  Now Mindy’s face shone like the sun once again. “Would I have to ask, if you put me in a chastity belt?”

  Doug nodded gravely. “Of course. Some belts have little holes that a girl can pee through, but part of the point for me would be to control your body. You would ask, and I would walk you to the bathroom and unlock your belt, and watch you on the toilet.”

  Mindy closed her eyes, and hid her face against Doug’s chest again so that he could feel the heat of her blush against his skin. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  A moment later, she said softly, “Cathy said yesterday she’s scared about… you know, about anal. He’ll be gentle, won’t he? Like you were with me my first time?”

  “I’m sure he will, babe.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  When Cathy walked through the door, she wore a look of apprehension so obvious that John decided he needed to calm her down before they got started on the night’s real business. He had intended that she would kneel to take his cock in her mouth as soon as she got home, but he quickly revised the plan. He kissed her, and took her hand and led her to the couch.

  “I took care of di
nner,” he said. “Just burgers, but don’t worry about cooking.”

  At first Cathy looked a little puzzled. John usually only cooked on weekends. Then, as she clearly realized that he had done it so he could have more time for her training, the worry returned to her forehead.

  “I have some work news, too,” he said, deciding just to take things as slowly as he could.

  Again she gave him the puzzled look, but this time it remained on her face. “Work news?” she echoed. Hardly meaning it, but realizing in the moment that it felt completely natural, John raised his eyebrows and inclined his head without speaking, to let Cathy know she had forgotten something. Circles of pink appeared on her cheeks. “Sir,” she whispered.

  He picked up the conversational thread immediately, as if nothing dominant or submissive had just taken place. “Yes. Doug has—”

  “Doug?” Her eyes went very wide and the blush spread. The name seemed to have had an electric effect on her, and John wondered whether anything had passed between Cathy and Mindy more than the little update Cathy had told him about the previous evening—or whether the events of Sunday had given her a different impression of Doug, since John made no secret of being inspired by his neighbor. He studied Cathy’s expression. No, he decided; Cathy’s reaction to Doug’s name clearly just stemmed from her anxiety about this evening.

  “Please don’t interrupt me, Cathy,” he said, putting some authority into his voice.

  His wife’s eyes grew even wider for a moment, but she blinked, then, and her expression settled down. “I’m sorry, sir,” she said softly.

  John reached out and took her hand, which trembled a little. She looked so polished in her red work dress, made up nicely with her hair gathered into a tight braid, that he had the paradoxical double reaction of not wanting to spoil that elegance and wanting to demonstrate that he would ruin her makeup and muss her hair when he chose. Above all, the sight of the pretty dress made him think of what she would wear tomorrow, under her lovely work clothes: a secret made of leather, with tiny locks in front and behind for John’s convenience.

  “Doug has invited me to come to interview for a job on his team.” He told her, as she frowned slightly to hear the unexpected news, what he knew about the position. He mentioned the danger, but he compared it to the peril he had faced as a Marine, and he emphasized how much money it would likely bring in. Cathy’s frown deepened at that. Then he leveled the argument that in his own internal debate had proved decisive. “We don’t have kids yet, Cathy. I hope that’s going to change, but if we need to get ahead the way you think before we start trying, this is the kind of opportunity that can make that happen.”

  She clutched at his hand, then. On her face, to his surprise, he read sorrow. For what?

  Cathy gave a little nod. “Yes, sir,” she said, though it seemed far from clear to what exactly she had assented. Maybe simply to John’s competence to make this decision, and his right and responsibility to lead their family. John felt his heart grow both light and heavy; if Cathy really would place herself under his guidance and protection, he must resolve once and forever to be worthy of the trust. He knew he could do it—he had known from the start—but the years of complacent egalitarianism that amounted to chaos had made this step look momentous.

  He bent down and kissed her, holding both her hands now in his, not yet putting his big carpenter’s fingers and palms on her elegant coiffure, her polished work clothing. Cathy gave a little whimper and tilted her head back, yielding to her husband’s lips and tongue as they enacted this first claiming of what John intended to be many that night.

  The way she yielded to that kiss made him hard inside his work jeans, dirty from the house he was remodeling across town. She seemed to give up more of herself than she had even on Sunday in the shower after she had sucked his cock and swallowed his seed for the first time. His body’s instincts took over. He let go of Cathy’s hands and cradled her face in his fingertips and kept kissing her.

  He left her breathless and trembling when he broke the kiss at last, but through her aroused pants she said, “Sir, please. I can’t… I have to see it.” She looked imploringly into his eyes. “I have to know… just… just what it looks like.”

  For a moment John didn’t understand, and then it dawned on him that the idea of the chastity belt must have occupied her mind for the last two days. “Your chastity belt, you mean?” he asked, looking back at her gravely, still holding her face gently in his big hands.

  Cathy nodded, tight-lipped now. “It came today? In… in the mail?” Then, softly, “Sir?”

  He returned the nod. Then he kissed her again: this time, as if the thought of the belt had somehow traveled deep into her heart and mind, she gave a little moan just at the feeling of his lips on hers.

  He broke the kiss. “Take off all your clothes. We’re going to shave you between your legs before you wear your belt to bed, but once you’re naked I’ll show it to you, and you can try it on even with your pussy hair still there.”

  She swallowed hard. “To bed?” she whispered.

  “Yes, sweetheart. You’ll wear your belt all the time, from now on, until I’m sure you can be a good girl for me. After that you’ll only wear it as a punishment.”

  Her trembling grew violent. “But… but not to work, right?”

  “Yes, Cathy, to work. When you need to go to the bathroom, you’ll text me, and I’ll come unlock your belt. We’ll do that in the unisex bathroom in your building’s lobby. You’ll go while I’m there, and then I’ll lock your pussy and your bottom up again. That’s the way it will usually work here at home, too. You lost your right to privacy when you tried to seduce those men in the bar. I have to be in charge of those parts of your body now.” He had worked it all out in his head, after Doug had left. The idea just felt too compelling to let it go.

  Cathy shook her head. “You… I can’t.”

  “You can and you will,” John said patiently. “I think you’ll feel more comfortable after you try it on, so let’s get started. Go ahead and take off your clothes, like I said. You may go to the bedroom to get undressed, then come back here.”

  “Naked?” Cathy bit her lip, but they had crossed this frontier already, on Sunday.

  “Of course naked, Cathy. Get going, or I’m going to have to spank you.”

  She gave him a woeful face, then, for such a long moment that he almost decided to get the paddle out, but she finally turned, got up from the couch, and shuffled off toward the bedroom.

  By the time she emerged, he had laid the belt out, along with a dildo and the smallest of the butt plugs, on the coffee table, then sat down again. Cathy had her right arm across her breasts and her left hand over her pussy as she walked, and her eyes immediately fixed upon the objects on the table. Her mouth opened, but John spoke first.

  “Hands at your side, Cath,” he said. “Next time you try to cover yourself without permission, you get spanked. I’m not joking about those places belonging to me.”

  She gave a little sob and obeyed, putting her little fists by her hips. The golden curls between her thighs didn’t quite conceal the pink cleft of her pussy, and her pink nipples had become fully erect. John couldn’t resist reaching out his right hand to toy with each in turn as Cathy bit her lip and whimpered.

  She cast her eyes down, and caught sight of the dildo, for she said, her voice sounding a little aggrieved, “I thought you said I wouldn’t have to use one of those.” She glanced up at him, and quickly added, “Sir,” as if she could see the cloud that he felt darken his brow.

  “That was before you showed how much you need firm discipline where your pussy is concerned, Cathy. Your dildo and your plug will give you the reminder you need, about who it is who gets to fill you up down there. You’ll wear them under your belt, and the belt will keep them in place.”

  As John had suspected, Cathy hadn’t understood that part. Her hands flew one to her pussy and one to her bottom, to ward off the idea of being under John’s autho
rity so shamefully.

  “Over my knee, right now,” John said sternly. Cathy’s eyes, round as saucers, flew to his face. Both hands went behind her now, and she started to back away toward the bedroom.

  “Don’t make me come get you, sweetheart,” he said, increasing the note in warning. “If I have to get you, I’ll give you a belt whipping to teach you obedience. I told you not to cover yourself, and you did.”

  “John,” she pleaded. “John, please. It’s too much. I want to… I want to learn, but…”

  But John could tell, now, that he knew what she needed better than she herself did: she needed him to show her that he wouldn’t give up.

  “Cathy, it’s time for you to make up your mind to submit to my leadership. I’m going to make sure what happened on Sunday never happens again. Some of my lessons will be hard, but you need them, and you’re going to have them. Go lie on the bed. Put a pillow under your hips. You’re going to have a whipping.”

  “Oh, please… sir… alright, I’ll get over your knee. Fine, and…”

  John got up, and now, towering over his wife, he started to take his belt off.

  “Do I have to start your whipping in here, Cathy?” he asked quietly. “It won’t count until you’re over the bed the way I told you.”

  She stood there, motionless, her little hands still behind her, covering her bottom. A defiant flash in her eye, then, told him that he had judged rightly. He had the belt off, had it doubled around his fist. Cathy’s eyes went to the brown leather, and the defiance vanished for a moment, then returned.

  “Turn around and bend over, Cathy, if you’re not going to go the bedroom. We’ll get started here, and when you’re ready you can lie on the bed and your real whipping will begin.”

  She swallowed hard, but stood her ground. John took two steps forward, took her by the shoulders, and turned her around. She didn’t start to struggle until he had locked up both her wrists in his left hand and begun to bend her over, but by then it was far too late to keep the belt from her rump. She yelped as John began to whip her, very hard, so that the curving lines of fiery red showed up almost immediately on her creamy bottom-cheeks.


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