Their Wayward Wives

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Their Wayward Wives Page 12

by Emily Tilton

  Mindy couldn’t look at anything but her hands in her lap, now. Her cheeks burned like fire, and she felt sure that their red hue would give Cathy’s a run for their money. Part of her wanted to look at Doug, to see whether maybe John had overstepped his bounds, but she knew she would see the same look of dominant satisfaction on his face that he always wore when he sprang something on Mindy calculated to deepen her submission.

  “Babe,” Doug said, though, in an assured voice that instantly put the matter past all doubt, “you and Cathy are going to have the keys to each other’s chastity belts. You’ll wear them while we’re gone, and you’ll take pics to prove you’re being good. We want you to sleep in the same bed, here in Cathy’s house, too. You’ll sleep in your chastity belts and nothing else.”

  Now Mindy did look up at Cathy—and saw instantly that she had known: her face wore a pleading, it’s-not-my-fault look, though for a split second Mindy still couldn’t help blaming her. If Cathy hadn’t rebelled, maybe their husbands would have stopped short of this… this humiliating plan. But that idea only lasted an instant: Mindy could never have rebelled that way, especially after straying, or nearly straying, the way Cathy had with the lawyer from her office. Cathy needed this, and Mindy did too, because Doug had quite rightly and predictably seen the circumstances as a way to continue their erotic journey.

  Not only that, but Mindy had to admire the brilliance of the idea, as butterfly-inducing and as wickedly lewd as it was, just in the way it would take Cathy’s mind off her anxiety. John probably didn’t have any real doubt as to Cathy’s chastity while he was gone—any more than Doug would; if Doug knew anything, Mindy could say to herself with pride, it was how completely devoted she was to him.

  “Go ahead, Cathy,” John said, then, as Mindy’s eyes locked on her pretty neighbor’s, knowing that undoubtedly she, too, would have to strip down to her chastity belt before too many minutes had gone by. “Tell Mindy about your training.”

  Then Cathy did tell, in halting words, the story of her early days with her pussy and bottom locked up in her chastity belt. She told Mindy about masturbating for the first time, and how John had secured the leather strap over her private parts right afterward.

  “I had to eat dinner that way,” she said with furrowed brow, catching her upper lip between her teeth and darting her eyes to the upper corner of the room, “and then afterwards I had to shave in the tub, while John watched.”

  Mindy couldn’t suppress a part of her that apparently enjoyed being in charge of another girl, then. “How often do you shave?” she asked matter-of-factly. Cathy looked back at her with narrow eyes.

  “Cathy shaves twice a week, Mindy,” John said.

  “So does Mindy,” Doug contributed. “You girls will need to help each other shave four times while we’re away. We don’t want to see any stubble in those pictures of your pussies.”

  Mindy’s heart beat wildly at her husband’s casual coarseness, as it always seemed to even after five years of marriage. She looked at Doug, and he crooked a smile at her. How could something be so humiliating and at the same time make her so warm underneath the leather harness into which he had locked her, down there?

  “Go on, sweetheart,” John said coaxingly. “What happened once you were shaved?”

  Cathy’s forehead puckered again, and her eyes went from the crown molding to the carpet as the pink in her cheeks took on an even darker hue. “We had anal,” she whispered. “We’d never had it before.”

  Mindy almost said, Of course you hadn’t, but she bit back the response though she thought Cathy might actually have found it flattering to know how clear her innocence up to the arrival of the Landises had been.

  “And how was it, sweetheart?” John asked gently. Mindy felt her pussy clench at the patronizing tone in his voice, so much like Doug’s way of talking about erotic matters. “How did you like having my cock up your bottom-hole?”

  Cathy looked at him, her lips a tight line and her forehead very clouded. She spoke quietly. “It hurt, but I liked pleasing you, sir. You were so gentle with me. I liked having your seed inside me there, because it meant I’d opened to you the way you wanted me to.”

  John smiled, and Mindy thought she could discern a certain wonder in his face, as if Cathy had never articulated something so submissive before. Mindy wondered whether Cathy had practiced the words in her mind—maybe even over and over—because they seemed so very perfect. Suddenly the idea of sharing her submission with her next-door neighbor, which had always had a certain shameful attraction especially because of Doug’s interest in it, became something Mindy wanted to do for her own sake.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Thank you, Cathy,” John said. “That means a lot to me. Now tell Mindy about your dildo and your butt plugs.”

  Cathy wrinkled her nose at him, and now he felt really lighthearted again for the first time since he had confronted her on her return home from her ‘night out with the girls.’ The wrinkle of the nose conveyed to him for just an instant that her spirit had sprung back, paradoxically strengthened by the imposition of his discipline rather than trodden down.

  The nose wrinkle didn’t say that she was having fun, certainly. But it did say that in the same way she had just admitted to happiness that John liked to fuck her in her bottom she could look upon her coming punishment, and the disciplinary regime with Mindy in the two weeks John traveled with Doug, as part of an ongoing negotiation between them over where their lives were headed.

  He had seen some of that attitude of willingness to work it out in the first few days of the chastity belt, but the looming knowledge that it made all the sense in the world for John to take this gig with Doug and that it would finally mean that Cathy could no longer deny they had gotten ahead had seemed to drive it out. John had bided his time, not exactly unhappy because he had continued to exercise his leadership in the bedroom, fucking her dominantly every night before putting her back in her chastity belt, coming in her ass rather than in her mouth or pussy more often than not. Cathy had also continued to follow the letter of his rules, texting him from work and meeting him in the bathroom in her building’s lobby to have the little lock at the front of her belt sprung, then squatting on the toilet with a pout on her face as she peed for him.

  After Doug had called to say that John had the gig—not really a job, but a contract for semi-regular trips and very large payments that would quickly create a college fund for at least two kids—things had changed. Because that had happened about ten days into what John couldn’t help calling, to himself, their new lifestyle, it had taken him a while to figure out that the change didn’t just come about because Cathy had gotten used to family discipline and sexual submission.

  Really, it had only been two days before, on Sunday, when she had let a fuck slip out in her unreasonable frustration at the state of the plumbing when in fact she had loaded the kitchen sink disposal with citrus rinds, that John had noticed something might be wrong. He had pointed at the chewed-up green rind he removed from the drain. Then he had said, “You’re going over my knee, Cath. You’re lucky I’m not going to whip you for the language. Go to the breakfast room and pull out a chair, then take off your clothes and stand next to the chair, while I get the key to unlock your belt for your spanking.”

  He hadn’t expected easy compliance—it had been Cathy’s first spanking since he had whipped her the night he put her in her chastity belt for the first time—but to his surprise Cathy gave him a look of resentment, mingled with contempt, that seemed to him unreachable. Her eyes seemed to deny that any of the previous two weeks’ events had taken place—seemed to deny that she still wore, under her yoga pants, a leather reminder of the need to learn how to be a good girl for him.

  But she had gone, and he had unlocked the belt and taken her over his knee without a struggle. He had spanked her hard, as she’d gripped the legs of the chair, until her bottom was warm and very red, as she’d cried out how sorry she was and how she wouldn’t
do it again. After five minutes of steady spanking, John had taken Cathy into his lap and comforted her, as she’d cried what had seemed cleansing tears, and he had said he thought it was time for the belt to come off.

  “Really?” Cathy had sniffed, and John had thought she seemed grateful, and that he had put things back on an even keel. That night he made love to her tenderly for the first time since the advent of the new lifestyle, kissing the adorable, freshly shaved place between her legs until she came, screaming, then holding himself up on his arms as he looked down into her wondering eyes, riding gently in and out of her pussy until he exploded inside her.

  Now here she was, naked except for the chastity belt, in the living room in front of Mindy and Doug, and she had wrinkled her nose at him when he told her to recount her experience so far with the sex toys John used to train her. He thought for a moment about whether he should spank her just for the brattiness of the facial gesture, even before the paddling she had coming—her first paddling, in fact—to be witnessed by the Landises. It seemed clear that he had erred not in being too dominant, but in being too lenient; in giving Cathy a mixed message when he had taken the belt off.

  “Do you need your bottom smacked, sweetheart?” he asked with a little severity, and Cathy’s eyes went wide. “Go ahead and tell Mindy about your training.”

  She turned to the Landises again. John didn’t feel sure he could ever get enough of the sight of his pretty wife with her hands on her head and her sweet little breasts lifted perkily, while down below the stout leather harness revealed only that the pussy beneath the chastity strap had been bared for its owner’s pleasure, when he decided to unlock her charms and enjoy them.

  “I only have to put a toy in at night,” Cathy said haltingly. “And only one at a time.”

  “Except…” John put in, with a rising, leading tone.

  Cathy cast her eyes down, and the blush came back to her face.

  “Except when I take John’s cock very deep in my mouth,” she mumbled.

  “What was that?” Doug asked a little teasingly.

  “Except when I take John’s cock very deep in my mouth,” Cathy repeated, speaking more clearly but still looking, it seemed to John, at Mindy’s cute, bare knees.

  “Look at Mr. Landis,” John said, suddenly feeling a little exhilarated and very glad that he had decided to consult with Doug on how to manage Cathy’s discipline tonight, and both their wives’ loneliness while their men were away. He didn’t really worry that Cathy might stray, and he definitely didn’t think the chastity belt could truly prevent adultery, but he did want to make sure his absence, as lucrative as it would be for their little family, didn’t set them back as a loving couple with a husband in his proper leadership role. “Tell him about how you get rewarded by having both your private places filled while you suck my cock.”

  John had said some filthy things already that night, he supposed—some of them nearly in Doug’s league—but this last sharing seemed to him, as he said it, to cross a line. He could see on Cathy’s face that she felt the same, because she squeezed her eyes shut as the color seemed to drain from her face and then surge back into it. John felt like he could read her mind: the remnants of her proper upbringing had blazed up in fury, and then her pussy, under the chastity belt, had gotten wet, adding more fragrance to the already fragrant leather. He made Cathy wash the belt every morning when she showered, but when John—as he always did—took his long sniff before he locked her into it, the heady aroma of aroused pussy seemed to linger more and more each time, alongside the mountain-fresh scent of the soap.

  She kept her eyes closed as she spoke, softly, slowly, and carefully, taking little puffing breaths through her nose, between the phrases. “When I please John with my mouth, if I’m doing well, he unlocks my belt and puts a vibrating dildo in me, and then a plug in my bottom, and then he locks the belt again.”

  The wonderful crease had developed again in her brow.

  “What happens then?” Mindy asked in a whisper. Her own face had gone rather pink, and she seemed to be breathing nearly as hard as Cathy. John wondered whether Mindy’s chastity belt was getting as wet as Cathy’s; when Doug had told him that Mindy would wear it tonight, the images that filled John’s mind told him that the two couples probably wouldn’t stop crossing lines for quite a while. Doug had confided the previous week, while they had a beer after John’s successful final interview, that he wouldn’t mind watching John fuck Mindy, and John had instantly wondered if Cathy’s episode in the hotel bar with the businessmen might mean that a little spouse-sharing (or maybe a lot of it) with the Landises should form a part of their new life together. The prospect of bending Mindy over for some hard riding, while Doug did the same to Cathy, definitely had its taboo attractions.

  “Then he puts a bolster between my legs while I suck, for me to ride,” Cathy confessed, “and… and I come, with his penis in my mouth.”

  “And how does that feel, Cathy?” Doug asked, sounding for all the world like a generic, even rather smarmy, psychologist.

  “It feels very good, sir,” Cathy said primly, looking him in the eye despite her continuing blush. John felt his face break out into an unexpected smile—Cathy had never called anyone but him sir, before, and it seemed a tribute to the soundness of the plan for tonight and the time Mindy and Cathy would keep each other company.

  “So, Mindy,” John said. “Cathy’s also been trained to play with herself while I watch, just as you do for Doug. While we’re away, you’ll unlock each other’s belts and watch videos Doug and I choose, and masturbate together, if you’ve both been good.”

  Cathy closed her eyes again, and bit her lip.

  “If you’ve been naughty, though,” Doug said, “and for example not texted when you were supposed to, with pictures of your pussies, we’ll have to have you spank each other.” Cathy’s eyes opened, and she and Mindy exchanged a tentative, rather conspiratorial, sort of look. “You’ll send us pics of your punished bottoms, so don’t think you’re going to get out of it.” The girls’ look changed to one of worry in an instant.

  “Speaking of punished bottoms,” John put in, closing the matter of the girls’ future training for the moment, “Cathy, I’ll paddle you now. Come here so I can unlock your belt for punishment.”

  “Mindy, you get undressed now,” Doug said. “I want to see the two of you together in your belts.”

  Cathy’s eyes went wide. “You…?” she whispered. “You too?”

  Mindy nodded sharply. She stood up and started to pull off her red cotton top, revealing pert, braless breasts that John couldn’t help wanting to hold. “Cathy, come here,” he repeated with more authority, and she scurried over, moving sideways so that she didn’t have to take her eyes off the revelation of Mindy’s privates bound in leather and locked up securely away from naughty fingers, as the redhead’s denim cutoffs came down.

  John took Cathy between his knees and pressed on her back to let her know to bend over. He fondled her little bottom, running his fingertips along the edge of the chastity strap, moving his eyes from his wife’s bottom to the equally arousing sight of Mindy’s belt. Doug reached out and took Mindy’s waist in his grasp, then positioned her the same way John had positioned Cathy, so that the girls could watch each other undergo their husband’s caresses, both of them bent over to have their backsides handled possessively, as if to remind them of the right each man claimed to enjoy his wife there whenever he chose. Cathy and Mindy, their hands on their knees as they presented their bottoms, gave little whimpers that John found just as cock-stiffening as the delicious feeling of his wife’s ass claimed by the belt into which he had locked her pussy and anus.

  A little reluctantly, he took the key from the end table where he had laid it, and unfastened the tiny lock. He put key and lock on the table, then pulled Cathy’s chastity strap down so that it dangled between her thighs.

  “Lay yourself over the arm of the sofa now, sweetheart,” he said. “Mindy, would you pl
ease get the paddle? It’s in Cathy’s top drawer. I put it there when I realized she had lied, and I showed it to her when she got home.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Cathy felt utterly certain now—as she had never felt before—that she would never be unfaithful to John. If she had to pinpoint the moment the certainty had finally come into being, she supposed she would choose her arrival home, and the look on his face as he said, “Come with me.”

  She had known even before he led her to the bedroom and showed her the black leather paddle, which now lay in her underwear drawer, that she had gotten herself into serious trouble, and that John could both keep his temper in check and give her exactly the discipline she had earned. Her heart had quailed even more than when he had found her in the hotel bar with the businessmen, but looking at her paddle, in her top drawer to remind her forevermore that she received family discipline from her husband when she misbehaved, she knew that the slightest idea of straying had gone from her heart and mind forever.

  But really that certainty had been building since the night at the Landises when Doug had made Mindy use the dildo to show Cathy what it meant to submit to your husband. And when she had run away to the hotel, and she’d come onto the businessmen. When she’d gotten her first spanking for that and when she’d had to suck John’s cock for the first time.


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