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Brightblade Page 30

by Jez Cajiao

  A scant half second later, the mist fully solidified and the clang of a blade deflecting off it rang out.

  I gasped in relief, about to collapse back and rest, until the pain reminded me that I couldn’t. I levered myself to my feet and got the healing ring ready. I knew this was going to be close, as I could barely stand due to losing so much blood. The healing ring was my last chance, and I had to get rid of the weapon in my side first. I really didn’t have any choice if I wanted to survive.

  I grabbed the haft of the spear where it protruded from my gut, just behind the head. Before I had time to reconsider, I braced myself for the pain and yanked it through in two sharp jerks, flinging it aside as I fell to my knees. I managed to trigger the healing ring, and as blackness flooded over my vision, I triggered it again before falling into blessed darkness, landing face first into a small pool of my own blood.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I regained consciousness slowly, my eyelids sticking together with gummy, coagulated blood. I let out a groan and tasted blood in my mouth. Pain ripped its teeth through me, as though elated to still have me to torture. As I tried to sit up, I saw notifications flashing. I brought them up, wincing at my depleted health bar.

  Warning! You have sustained serious internal injuries; this basic Ring of Healing is insufficient to repair more serious wounds. Further healing requires focused and repeated applications of magic or a more powerful item.

  I dismissed the prompt and examined at the seeping wound in my side. I’d managed to heal myself for one hundred points using both charges of the healing ring, but the damage had been severe enough that I’d still been bleeding out. My health had steadily dropped lower as I bled until it was at…sixteen out of one hundred and fifty. Thank god I’d woken up when I did. Thankfully, my mana was full again, so I hastily forced out my healing spell, spamming it as soon as I could. I had to stop and wait for my mana to refill a bit before I could manage all of it, but I considered that a small price to pay as my head thumped back down on the stone floor. I’d managed to heal all of the wounds, leaving only had a bone deep ache, as well as an impressive new scar on my left side where the spear had caught me.

  I scooted back to rest against the near wall as I examined the room. Dozens of bookcases stood against the far wall, with low comfortable looking couches, tables and chairs spread around the middle of the floor. Covering the outer wall in between the bookcases and the occasional window were small holes, and I hoped I knew what they held: the memory crystals, hundreds of them, glowing gently as they pulsed with all the colors of the rainbow.

  I clambered to my feet, still weak from the injuries, but I felt my strength slowly returning as I walked around the room. The bookcases were full of books containing both skills and spells, but as I reached to pull one from the wall, a shimmering energy barrier flared to life, stopping my fingers a scant inch from touching them.

  I pushed against it, feeling intensifying heat in response to the pressure, until I snatched my hand back with an oath, shaking my hand. I tried the memory crystals next. Finding the same barrier in place over them, I started to swear. My frustration rose as I turned away and started to search the rest of the room. There was no point in building a room like this, one that recognized me and let me through its crystal door, just to refuse me the prize inside. There had to be some way to deactivate the shield, I just knew it!

  I started at the door and worked my way around the room clockwise, slowly moving from wall to bookcase to wall. I inspected the windows, searching the corners and nooks to find a switch or hidden device. Slowly, I grew aware of a faint blue light emanating from one of the tables. I approached the table quickly and found that what I’d dismissed as a shallow plant pot was instead another bowl, identical to the one at the top of the tower. The more I gazed at it, the brighter the light grew, until it was clearly visible, and a pair of notifications appeared.

  Congratulations! You have found a Wisp manawell. Mana required to reawaken the wisp: 0/400.

  Congratulations! You have discovered a Quest: ‘A place to lay your head.’

  Wisps sworn fealty: 0/3

  Locations cleared and secured: 0/5

  SporeMother killed: 0/1

  Guardians: 0/10

  Servitors: 0/10

  Reward: The Great Tower is yours to command. Surrounding area will become aware of your rightful ownership. Access to supplies and facilities. 100,000 Exp.

  A quest! A proper quest! And for formal control of the tower, no less. Hell to the yes! However, I grimaced as I thought through the cost. As depleted as my mana reserves were, I’d need nearly three and a half hours of channeling to reach four hundred and awaken the wisp, but at least I finally had a piece of the puzzle. I dragged the most comfortable chair I could find over next to the well and got my gear settled. Placing my hand on the lip of the pedestal, I felt a slow pull on my mana and watched as a small, shining droplet condensed in the middle of the bowl. I channeled mana into it until I reached ten percent, then began to exercise instead. After an hour, I repeated the process, draining my mana into the well and watching the droplet expand into a small puddle, then a pool.

  As the hours passed, I lost myself in the monotonous task, pausing only when the notification showed that I had channeled 395 out of 400. I ran through another round of exercises and only collapsed into the chair again when my mana had fully regenerated. I didn’t know what was going to happen, and I needed to be ready. While I waited for my breathing to slow, I checked my waiting notifications.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Wandering Guardian. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Parasite. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Wandering Guardian. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Parasite. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Ice Mage. You have gained 100 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Parasite. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Wandering Guardian. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! You have killed a DarkSpore Parasite. You have gained 25 Exp.

  Congratulations! Through hard work and perseverance, you have increased your Endurance by 1 point. Continue to train and learn to increase this further.

  Congratulations! Through hard work and perseverance, you have increased your Strength by 1 point. Continue to train and learn to increase this further.

  I’d gained two new stats from the fighting and the exercises, and I was right on the verge of another point in Dexterity and Agility. Man, I loved this system!

  Name: Jax

  Class: Spellsword

  Renown: Unknown

  Level: 4

  Progress: 2200/2700

  Patron: Jenae, Goddess of Fire, Exploration, and Hidden Knowledge

  Points to Distribute:

  Meridian Points to Invest: 0


  Current points



  Progress to next level



  Governs dodge and movement

  Average speed + 50%




  Governs likely success to charm, seduce, or threaten

  Success chance: Average




  Governs health and health regeneration

  HP+50, Regen 5pts per 600s




  Governs ability with weapons and crafting

  + 50%




  Governs stamina and stamina regeneration

  STM +70, Regen 7pts per 30s




  Governs base mana and number of spells able to be learned

  +50 Mana, Spell capacity: 7 spells




  Governs overall chance of bonuses





  Governs ranged damage and chance to spot traps/hidden items

  +30% Ranged damage, +3% chance to spot traps/hidden items




  Governs damage with melee weapons and carrying capacity

  +9 Damage with melee weapons, +90% carrying capacity



  20 (15)

  Governs mana regeneration and memory

  +100% Mana recovery, 2ppm, 100% more likely to remember things


  My experience was at 2200 out of 2700 points. Another few fights like the last one, and I’d hit level five! Booyah! I’d have loved it if I’d levelled, but I was moving in the right direction at least! I took the time to eat and drink, and then I channeled the last of the required mana into the pedestal.

  Eventually, the bowl filled with a silver liquid that resembled mercury. The surface gently shifted, tiny eddies and forms moving beneath. I leaned closer, trying to make out the shapes, when it went suddenly still. Staring down into my reflection, I saw nothing at first, until I realized the face staring back at me now had silvery pale skin and light blue eyes instead of my own dark irises. I blinked and leaned back as the face smiled at me, slowly drawing together and forming a tiny person that lifted free to stand on the surface of the liquid as though it was the most natural thing in the world.

  “Greetings, Master. Have you the token?” a tiny voice emerged from the miniature version of myself.

  “I…errrr…” I sputtered, surprising myself with my amazing linguistic abilities.

  “Are you well?” the tiny figure asked, looking concerned.

  “Ah…okay.” I shook my head and give myself a light smack to the cheek, starting again. “I’m Jax, and yeah, I’m your new master, I guess.” I said, “What are you, though?”

  “I’m a wisp, Master Jax, one of three wisps that call this tower home. We are magical creatures that serve the needs of the Great Tower and its inhabitants. Do you wish to claim the Tower as your own?”

  “I’m killing the undead that infest it. That’s about as far as I’ve gotten.”

  “Hmmm. I had hoped they would be gone by now. Never mind, Master. Were you sent to assume control by High Lord Falco? Do you have the token?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got his stone here somewhere….” I said, searching through the pouch until I found it and held it out for the figure to examine.

  “This sigil is acceptable, Master Jax. It shows his mana signature and was recently charged. In the absence of any other claimant, I accept you as master of the Great Tower, and hereby allow you access to my Hall.” The tiny figure gestured around the room, and a hum arose, growing in pitch as the lights flared, until the room seemed to vibrate with it. All at once, it vanished, and the room returned to normal.

  “Okay, what was that?” I asked, looking around in confusion.

  “You have been acknowledged formally as master of this section of the Great Tower, Master Jax. You now have access to its treasures.”

  “Treasure! Okay, tell me about that.” I said quickly, focusing on the tiny figure.

  “The books and crystals around you represent true wealth, my lord. Most can guide you in skills, techniques, and abilities that will aid you in your growth. There are over a hundred Spellbooks, many in the master levels.”

  “Ah, knowledge is treasure, right? Ooookay. So, next question. Why do you look like a tiny version of me?”

  “I am a wisp, Master Jax, so I…”

  “Please, for the love of god, just call me Jax. It’s easier on both of us.” I interrupted.

  “Very well, my…Jax. Thank you. I am a wisp, so I don’t have a form in the same way you do. I am entirely composed of mana. I can, however, assume any form you wish. Should I change?”

  “Yeah, it’s kinda freaking me out, talking to a tiny version of myself. Look, just show yourself however you like, okay?” I said, shrugging in discomfort.

  “May I link to your mind and find a pleasing form, Jax?” It reached out one tiny hand to me, and I leaned forward, allowing it to touch my forehead.

  “Ah…I see. I can use this, and this….” I felt a slight tingle where its hand pressed. After a moment, it withdrew and shrank in upon itself, becoming molten silver again and shrinking down into the pool. After a few seconds, it began to reform, swelling up to create a figure barely six inches high, with two sets of wings sprouting from its back. As it grew more and more defined, I watched in amazement. In under a minute, a miniature woman had grown from the liquid. She had wings that flicked and beat the air, lifting her from the pool’s surface to hover in front of my eyes. I blinked as her features settled into a beautiful miniature woman with wings. She was also very noticeably naked.

  I coughed, trying not to look at her obvious assets.

  “So, why did you pick this form? And why the hell are you naked?!” I croaked out, fighting to keep my eyes locked on hers…. Don’t stare at the tiny naked woman…don’t stare at the tiny naked woman…don’t…dammit! I flicked my eyes back to her face, holding them there with an act of will that would have made a monk proud.

  “Does this form not please you, Jax? It seemed the ideal mix from the images in your mind?”

  My mind went blank when I started wondering what she’d seen . With the amount of porn stars she could have become, I supposed I was damn glad she’d created a unique form, rather than mimicking one of them… After a couple of seconds, I shook myself out of it and focused my eyes again. The traitorous bastards had started to look…elsewhere… again.

  “It, *cough* it does please me, but perhaps you could put some clothes on?” I said, looking away awkwardly.

  “Oh, of course, Jax. I thought you’d prefer this from the images…”

  “Aaaand lets never talk about the images in my mind again either, okay?” I said, cutting her off sharply while trying not to think about getting a life size version of a wisp…. able to assume any form…. Ummm…. NO!

  My gaze returned to her of its own volition, and I saw with mixed relief and disappointment that she was now clothed. It was a tiny sports outfit for some reason admittedly, but at least she was decent.

  “Okay, so do you have a name?” I asked, trying to get my wandering brain back on track.

  “I have served in this capacity for centuries, Jax. Some have called me ‘librarian,’ while others have simply called me ‘wisp.’ You may choose a name for me, if you wish?” She hovered there, smiling at me as I considered her words.

  “So, you just accept whatever people call you? Don’t you have a preference or a name you were given before you came here to help?” I asked. The thought of just writing her off as a nameless servant was somehow distressing to me. I’d learned as many names of the Citadel staff as I could, but it’d been impossible to learn them all. Some, like the Nigerian, had never offered a name when I’d asked, barely speaking beyond a grunt most of the time. At first, I hadn’t asked, out of determination not to humanize my captors, but by the end, we’d become close enough that it didn’t matter. I’d really only known Xiao and West. The maids that had come to me had talked, and we’d engaged in … strenuous horizontal jogging… together, but we’d never been closer than friends with benefits. They’d been one-night stands that went on for months, but without the emotional connection that would normally result. After Lou and Martin’s betrayal, I’d shut myself off emotionally.

  Whatever the reason, I found myself suddenly feeling very alone in this world, and I hated the idea of treating this wisp like just a nameless, meaningless servant.

  “I am happy to accept any name, Jax. The terms of my servitude en
force this.” She smiled as she spoke, as though it was of no consequence.

  “Servitude? What the hell! What’s wrong with you all!” I exploded, throwing my arms up as I got to my feet, the tiny wisp buzzing away from me in fright.

  “I’m sorry, Jax! What’s wrong?” she asked in confusion.

  “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?! Seriously? You’re forced to serve? What terms?” I asked her angrily.

  “I was brought to the Great Tower to serve its masters. I must always serve to the best of my ability until death. Any refusal will be punished through mana starvation or pain spells.”


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