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Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series

Page 32

by Caroline Peckham

  I crossed the room to Kyra’s door and hesitated. I’d never really been one for apologies but then I’d never really cared much about anyone I’d offended before.

  I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer.

  After a long pause, the door opened a crack and she looked up at me with her big eyes which were puffy, indicating she’d been crying.

  “Yes, Master?” she breathed, biting down on her full lip.

  My heart plummeted and I felt like an even bigger asshole as she fell back on calling me that.

  “Kyra,” I said gently. “I’m sorry, alright? I’m an ill-bred, bad tempered son-of-a-whore. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that and the next time I do, feel free to turn me into a donkey or a toad or a worm or-”

  “You want me to make you prettier then?” she asked softly.

  I ground my teeth in irritation at the suggestion that I was uglier than a damn toad as a smile tugged at her lips.

  “Are you... teasing me?” I asked with a frown. Everything she said always seemed so earnest and honest, the idea of her joking hadn’t occurred to me.

  “I happen to think worms are pretty beautiful,” she added, her smile widening.

  “Then you must be a worm,” I said before I could stop myself.

  Her eyes glimmered with magic for a moment then she dropped them shyly.

  I held the colourful rose out to her. “Peace offering,” I said as she eyed it with interest. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Yes,” she breathed and her gaze met mine again but instead of feeling like I was looking at the magical creature I usually saw, for a moment I was sure that I was looking at the girl she’d been.

  She reached out to accept the rose from me and as her fingers brushed mine, I automatically snared them in my grip.

  Kyra looked up at me in surprise and I held the contact between us for a moment as my skin danced with excited energy before I forced myself to release her.

  I cleared my throat. “So are you ready to help me win a princess?” I asked. “Because I’ve had an idea you could assist me with.”

  She nodded keenly and I grinned at her as I moved into her room to explain.

  I spent a while working out in a quiet walled garden, relishing the relief of using my body as it was designed to be used. In the past few days, too much poison had passed through my blood. Alcohol and bullshit. But this was what I knew and it felt good to burn off the raging energy which had been coursing through me all morning.

  When the midday sun beat down on my bare back and sweat glistened on my skin, I called it quits. I picked up my shirt, slinging it over my shoulder and marching back toward the palace with my thoughts finally calm.

  I was starting to feel sorry for hitting Aladdin earlier; the stinging in my knuckles was something I no longer took pride in. And I felt even worse about how I'd ridiculed him for being lowborn. I wanted laws passed to protect people born to no wealth. People like Aladdin, who'd turned to crime because he'd never been offered another choice. And I'd been a complete shit about that fact as if I was so damn superior.


  The truth was, I might have preached about the betterment of my kingdom, but I'd never actually spent time with anyone lowborn. And I couldn't exactly judge the guy for desiring a life like this. A life he'd probably dreamed about his entire existence.

  I headed back to the palace, stopping in at the servants’ bathhouse on the way. It wasn't anything like the royal baths but the water was fresh and clean, taking all of the dirt and sweat with it.

  On my way back to Aladdin's chambers, I found my thoughts turning to Rapunzel once more. I eyed my bruised knuckles with a sigh. Maybe Aladdin was worthier than I was to have her. And maybe I had to try and accept that. If the Emperor didn't outlaw the pageant after Gothel's death, what choice would I have but to start rooting for a victor? And the only one of the suitors I had an ounce of respect for was Aladdin.

  Are you really going to let him become your Emperor?

  I might not have a choice. And at least he'll let Rapunzel rule. What more could I ask for?

  I ground my teeth, fighting back the quiet, treacherous voice that cried out to claim the Princess as my own. But she wasn't mine to have. And at least she actually wanted Aladdin. She wouldn't have to face a wedding night with someone she despised. As that image settled in my mind, my stomach coiled into a tight ball and rage daggered down my spine.

  Aladdin has to win. You have to accept it. It's the best option out of a bunch of royally shit options.

  I took the letter she’d given me from my pocket as I paused outside the door to our chambers, my heart rate spiking as I stared at it.

  Suck it up.

  Swallowing my pride, I headed into the room, finding Aladdin dressed in fine clothes as Kyra fussed about with his hair. The way he was looking at her made my pulse skyrocket. The Princess didn't deserve to have a man whose eyes strayed to other women.

  “Where have you been? The feast is in ten minutes.” His gaze dragged down my attire. “Get changed.” His tone was abrupt and the air immediately crackled with tension.

  I shut the door, stepping toward him and he squared his shoulders as if he expected me to throw another punch at him.

  I thrust out my hand instead. “Truce?” I offered and he scowled at me, rubbing his chin where I'd hit him. There was no bruise there so I assumed Kyra must have healed it.

  I sighed, dropping my hand. “I shouldn't have hit you.”

  “No, you shouldn't have, mate,” he growled.

  “And I shouldn't have said your blood is rat piss.” I smirked and he broke a grin.

  “Alright, truce.” He held out a hand and I went to take it. He extracted it before I could, pointing his finger in my face instead. “But first you need to drop this guard dog bullshit over the Princess. She's not yours to protect anymore. And frankly, mate, I don't like the way you look at her. So whatever urges are making you act like a caveman, forget them from this second forward. If you do that then we're good. And once I win this pageant, I'll give Rapunzel the throne and we can all go on with our lives.”

  I pressed my tongue into my cheek, trying to battle away the rising heat in my veins. I had to be the bigger man. I had to agree to this. Because if I didn't, we were screwed and so was the whole of Osaria. If Aladdin stood any chance of winning and really offering the throne to Rapunzel, I simply had to try and help him win.

  “Deal,” I said in a hoarse tone, because it felt like stamping on my heart, my lungs and every other organ simultaneously.

  It's not so bad. This is the best thing for everyone. Self-sacrifice is what being a royal guard is all about.

  He moved forward, clapping me on the shoulder with a bright smile. “Good, go get changed, I want you close today. Four ears are better than two. And I'll be busy flirting so you need to focus on Hariot, Gurvine and Kahn. Anything you can get on them to intimidate them.”

  I shrugged. “Do you really wanna play that game?”

  “Yeah. After Hariot touched me up in the bathhouse today, I most certainly do.” He grinned and I started laughing as he explained what had happened.

  My fingers curled tighter around the letter in my hand as I remembered it and Aladdin's eyes strayed to it.

  “What's that?” he asked.

  “It's from the Princess,” I forced out, knowing I had to stomach this. I held it out to him but he shook his head.

  “Can't read, remember?” He folded his arms. “Read it aloud.”

  I blew out a breath, breaking the seal on the envelope, wanting to get it over with. My eyes scanned the handwritten note and I my heart nearly combusted.

  “Aladdin Nazari, if you truly wish to free me, meet me in the hanging gardens after the ball at midnight.” My fingers crushed the page but Aladdin didn't seem to notice as he grinned broadly and snatched it from my hand.

  I took my chance to escape, stalking into my room to get changed.

wants Aladdin, so let it go.

  I. Just. Can't.


  The feast was held out on a huge veranda in the royal quarters. A long table was set beneath the shade of a red silk awning that rustled under the stifling breeze. The wind felt like it was swept right off of the Lyrian today, the air almost too thick to swallow. Servants stood around the table in a ring, fanning huge leaves at those who'd already arrived.

  Rapunzel wore a gown of purple of silk, trailing around her in swathes with tiny gold coins hanging from the sleeves and collar. Her hair was bound up into an intricate bun and a few loose locks caressed her neck as the breeze tugged at them. Her eyes were on the man beside me and I smothered the hungry beast which rose its head in my chest every time I was near her. But I’d made my promise to back off, and I’d keep it. Whatever strange pull I had toward her was above my station and needed to be cut off at the root.

  I walked a step behind Aladdin as he approached the table and a servant pulled out a chair for him next to Prince Gurvine.

  He didn't sit, instead pointing at Jacinda beside Rapunzel and beckoning her to her feet. “You don't mind if I take your chair do you?” he asked, already dropping into it as she scurried away.

  Rapunzel released a laugh, looking to Aladdin with a smile fighting its way onto her lips.

  I was directed to stand to one side of the balcony and I clasped my hands behind my back as I stood between two royal guards. I didn't know them well; they were Rapunzel's personal entourage and had expressions as sour as lemons.

  Captain Hariot strode onto the veranda in a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up and his top button open. His hair was quaffed in a different way. Sort of loose, carefree. Laughter slammed into my chest as I realised he was trying to imitate Aladdin. He must have noticed who Rapunzel had her eye on and apparently was under the delusion he could turn her head from him. He was a well-built man, but his weathered features held nothing of Aladdin's charm.

  I coughed heavily to cover my laughter and Aladdin's eyes slipped to mine, a wide grin on his face as he realised what I was laughing about.

  The guard beside me shot me a fierce look, his brows pinching together sharply. Never in all my years on duty had I broken form before. I usually disappeared into a focused state where my attention remained on the royals' safety and nothing else. But I wasn’t a royal guard anymore, I was Count Nazari’s guard and apparently in 'Carubai' the nobles didn’t expect me to be so disciplined.

  Captain Hariot took a chair opposite Rapunzel, eyeing Aladdin in the seat beside her with undisguised irritation. He slung an arm over the back of the empty seat beside his and lazily ran a hand through his hair.

  Have some dignity, Hariot. This is embarrassing for everyone involved.

  Heavy footfalls announced Kahn's arrival and my mirth fell away as I turned my gaze to the man who'd been present in Gothel's dungeon last night. He'd seen Aladdin's face masking mine. What would he do now his mother was missing and Aladdin was clearly alive and well?

  Aladdin gripped a butterknife in his hand and I was fairly sure a few more pieces of silverware had disappeared from nearby.

  Kahn was dressed in a crimson shirt which clung to his enormous torso. His long hair had been gathered into a tail at the base of his neck, tied there by a black ribbon. His pale blue eyes fell on Aladdin and didn't leave him for a second as he yanked the chair out from under Hariot's arm and dropped onto it.

  “Your highness.” He bowed his head to the Princess and Hariot quickly followed suit.

  Aladdin snatched up a bowl of olives and tossed a couple into his mouth. I didn't much care for his lack of manners as he spat the pits out into his hand but I also knew the Princess didn't seem to give a shit about them. If that was what she liked in men then I was long beyond stopping Aladdin from acting like an ogre.

  The Emperor arrived flanked by six guards, two of whom were helping him along, his breathing laboured as he moved. He wore a thin cream shirt and it stuck to his skin in places from the oppressive heat. His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

  “Apologies for my lateness, daughter,” he rasped and Rapunzel stood quickly, rushing around the table to take his arm.

  “Are you alright?” she asked under her breath and he nodded firmly.

  “Wouldn't miss this for the world,” he said with a small smile.

  Her eyes glittered as she nodded, waving his guards away as she guided him to his seat. My heart tugged painfully as I watched. He wasn't well; a blind man could have seen that.

  The Emperor waved a few of the servants closer as he settled into his seat and they wafted their fans at him. He released a long sigh and Rapunzel drifted back to her chair, her face taut with worry.

  How ill was the Emperor exactly? I didn't like the look of his complexion. He seemed like a man on death's door. And the idea of him meeting an early end was something that unsettled me on numerous levels. One of which being that whoever won the pageant would become Emperor much sooner than I'd have liked. Another, that I deeply cared for the man. And now I knew for sure he’d been fed Gothel’s vile potions, I could only hope he might recover in her absence.

  To the right of him, one chair remained empty. I shared a look with Aladdin as he spotted it too and my shoulders stiffened.

  Why hasn't the Emperor announced Gothel is missing yet?

  The feast began and my gaze continually strayed to that empty seat, wondering why no one was mentioning it. My hand occasionally ran over the scimitar’s hilt at my hip, its presence giving me some reassurance.

  “So, Rapunzel I hear you have some skill with a sword,” Hariot said as he tussled his hair again.

  Rapunzel's brows arched and Aladdin threw her a curious look. “Yes, Father trained me when I was younger, didn't you?” She glanced at the Emperor who nodded vaguely, his eyes glazed. His food remained untouched on his plate and my heart thumped a little harder at the sight.

  “Of course, a woman doesn't have the strength required for battle. A rather endearing hobby though,” Hariot said with a playful grin.

  I gritted my teeth. You haven’t met my sisters, pal.

  Rapunzel pinned him in her gaze. “Well perhaps if women were given the chance to join Osarian ranks, they would prove that comment wrong, Captain.”

  His eyes flashed with concern a moment and a smile tugged at my lips. “I didn't mean to offend you, my lady. But as a man who has seen many things across the seas-”

  “Oh I'm sure you've seen many things on your travels,” Aladdin said with a smirk. “It must get awfully lonely out on your ship with only the company of men and goats. I do hope the goats kept their virtue.”

  Laughter clawed its way up my throat again and the guard beside me threw me a look of fury.

  Hariot's hand slammed down on the table. “Excuse me?” he growled. “What exactly are you insinuating?”

  “I like goats,” Kahn added, clearly not cottoning on to the underlying subject here.

  Rapunzel jabbed Aladdin in the ribs and he snorted a laugh.

  “I have a five hundred acre farm on my lands,” Prince Gurvine cut in before Aladdin could answer, running his finger around the rim of his wine glass. “Two thousand goats. And I know them all by name.” He puffed out his chest and Rapunzel looked to him in confusion.

  “Why on earth would you name two thousand goats?” she asked.

  “I...well-” the Prince stuttered, his cheeks reddening.

  Zira started giggling and Rapunzel turned to her, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she tried to stop her laughter from spilling out.

  You and me both, Princess.

  “Are you looking forward to the ball tonight, my flower?” Kahn asked her.

  “Of course,” Rapunzel said brightly, sipping from a glass of wine as she hid another grin.

  “I am so looking forward to meeting all of the gentleman and ladies of your court, your highness,” Hariot said.

  “And the servants and maids and guards,” Rapunzel said a
s she held Hariot's eye.

  Hariot nearly choked on his wine. “Riff-raff? At a ball? In the royal palace?”

  “They’re not riff-raff, Hariot, they’re people. Did I not mention they're all invited?” Rapunzel asked airily. My heart soared at her words and I felt even guiltier for what I’d said to Aladdin earlier.

  “Excuse me.” The Emperor stood abruptly, swaying unsteadily. I lurched forward, beating his guards to his side as I caught his arm before he fell.

  “Are you alright, sire?” I murmured and his eyes met mine, a flicker of confusion passing through them as he found himself in the hands of a stranger.

  But I wasn't a stranger, I'd protected him for years. And seeing him like this cut into me deeply.

  He nodded weakly and his guards promptly took him from my arms. “I just need a rest. Good day to you.” They guided him away and I turned back to the table, finding all eyes on me.

  Rapunzel mouthed a thank you to me and heat rolled through my chest as I nodded, returning to my position by the other guards.

  Aladdin suddenly cupped her cheek so her eyes fell away from me and my heart pumped harder as he gently plucked an imaginary eyelash from under her eye. Her throat bobbed as he extracted his hand.

  “Make a wish! ” Jacinda said excitedly.

  “I wish for you to be quiet, Jacinda,” Rapunzel sang and Jacinda bowed her head. I released a breath of laughter and the guard beside me scowled.

  “Gracious what a hot day,” a voice called which made every single hair on my body stand to attention.

  I turned sharply and there she was. Gothel, gliding toward us, her white hair sailing out behind her, a beautiful rose-pink dress hugging her figure. Her eyes daggered onto Aladdin and a dark smile bit into her cheeks for half a second.


  No way.


  Aladdin's cocky expression almost fell for a moment as he froze entirely, staring at her, then looking to me.

  She stepped past me, the scent of something sickly sweet rushing over me. “Room for one more?”


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