I was released from the eight-armed squish and turned to look at the others with a wide grin.
The smile fell from my face as I looked at Cassian. His eyes were bound by a bloody bandage and a huge wound peeked out on either side of it across his face.
“Cassian!” I gasped in horror. “What happened?”
“It was Kahn,” he said, his voice rough. “Before we managed to-”
I didn’t wait for the rest of his explanation, stepping forward to grasp his face between my hands as my magic swelled within me.
It was different to before; I wasn’t a vessel bursting at the seams anymore, I was more like an open channel. The world was filled with magic and it answered to my call, flooding through me and letting me turn it to whatever purpose I desired.
The warmth of the healing magic filled me before rushing into Cassian.
He gasped as it reached him, his lips parting as green light fell over his face, racing to fix the damage that had been done to him. It slid over the rest of him too and I could feel it finding every little hurt, seeking out his cuts and bruises, even the scars from his training and wiping them all away.
I moved back as the light surrounding him began to fade and Rapunzel stepped into my place, her eyes wide with awe. She gently pulled the bandage from his eyes and Cassian blinked down at her, his face a picture of wonder.
“I can see you,” he breathed, reaching out to run a hand along the side of her face in fascination.
Rapunzel nodded, her eyes welling as she looked up at him, holding his palm against her cheek. “Do you still see a Queen standing before you?” she asked, her mouth twisting up into a smile.
“Yes,” he said with a wide smile.
“Good,” she breathed, stepping closer and tip-toeing up to whisper something to him, so low I barely caught it. “Because I see a King before me.” Cassian's eyes widened and I grinned from ear to ear as Aladdin dragged me under his arm.
“You kept your magic?” he asked, leaning close to speak in my ear.
“It’s not the same as before,” I said, turning to look up at him. He was hurt too and I used my power to heal him with a smile tugging at my lips. “It doesn’t rule me anymore.”
“You’re free,” he replied with a smile that lit a fire in my soul.
“And I intend to make the most of it.” I leaned in to kiss him again and my heart felt so light that I was sure it wanted to float away into the clouds and never come down again. Or at least it would have, if it hadn’t been bound to Aladdin’s.
So long as I had him, I knew where I wanted to be. And while we were together, I knew I’d never be lost in the dark again.
Rapunzel rushed through the palace, weaving her way toward the throne room, racing down hallways we both knew so well. I chased after her, my heart nearly bursting with what we'd all managed to pull off.
Kyra and Aladdin were hot on our heels, though from the wild giggles that reached me I suspected they were falling behind. I glanced over my shoulder and found them tangled together in a tight embrace. Aladdin pushed Kyra back against a wall and looked my way. “We’ll catch up.”
I shook my head at him with a grin, then hurried on to keep pace with the Princess.
Rapunzel pushed through the cavernous doors and my eyes fell on the Emperor at the heart of the room. He stood surrounded by reams of guards now free from Gothel's vile bugs. All of them looked to me in confusion, my face now on display for them to recognise.
A pang of hesitation gripped me but the moment I drew back, Rapunzel caught my hand and dragged me after her.
A grin fought its way onto my lips at the sight of my fellow guards staring at me like I'd sprouted wings.
“Your highness!” a man named Harin gasped, falling to his knees before Rapunzel. “Forgive me, I was in some strange trance, my actions weren't my own.”
“You're forgiven,” she said with a nod. “All of you are.” She pushed through the crowd, reaching for her father who was blinking heavily as if waking from a dream.
“Sweet daughter,” he breathed. “I'm so terribly confused and… though I remember all of these years, all of my time with Gothel, it baffles me now why I ever remained at her side. Why I let her away with such terrible things.” His brow wrinkled and pity washed through me as Rapunzel wrapped him in her arms.
“She was a Shaitan, Father,” she began to explain and I sensed the guards glancing between each other in fear.
“She's dead,” I confirmed, falling back into their ranks but not finding it quite so easy as I once had to blend amongst them.
Rapunzel continued on and the Emperor sank down onto his throne, his eyebrows drawn together as he listened. His posture was strong once more and I finally saw the man in him I'd once known. At last, he'd returned to being the great Emperor who’d led this country. A man I had proudly served and would happily do so again, so long as he agreed to let his daughter succeed him.
When Rapunzel was finished explaining, she glanced over her shoulder, her eyes finding mine amongst the crowd. My throat bobbed as she beckoned me closer and I moved through my old comrades, feeling their eyes drilling into me as I went.
“This is Cassian Lazar,” Rapunzel said, taking my hand.
Emperor Faisal rose from his throne, almost eye to eye with me now his back was no longer stooped. “I know who you are, you served me for many years.”
I bowed low but the moment I did, Rapunzel slid a hand under my chin and encouraged me to stand upright.
The Emperor's eyes moved between us curiously and I cleared my throat, unsure how to act.
“I've chosen him to be my husband,” Rapunzel announced and I spluttered something incoherent, looking at her in alarm.
“Wait-” I started, unsure if I could really take on such a role in the kingdom, no matter how in love with her I was.
“I choose you, Cassian. Would you really deny me the deepest desire of my heart?” She gave me an intense look and the last of my doubts fell away like rain. If she had chosen me, then I would devote myself to being worthy of that choice for the rest of time.
“No,” I breathed. For so many years, I'd been a boy dreaming about a Princess behind a veil. But now I was a man standing before a Queen who would never be hidden away again.
The Emperor surveyed me closely. “He didn’t compete in the Pageant.”
“No,” Rapunzel said gently. “He didn't. But before you married Gothel you told me you wished to outlaw the Pageant. I hope you still feel that way. That you would wish for me to make my own choice. But it really doesn't matter either way. I will be with him whether you agree or not.” She lifted her chin and pride made my chest swell. My shoulders drew back and I suddenly didn't feel unworthy standing beside her. It was exactly where I was made to stand. My life had moulded and shaped me into a man fit to be in this very spot. And she wanted me there too.
The Emperor suddenly laughed, lurching forward and wrapping us both in his arms. “That witch is gone, it's over. And from this day on, you will always be free to choose, my dear. Always.”
A laugh escaped me and I found myself hugging the Emperor back, crushing him in my arms.
Chattering broke out amongst the guards and a bark of laughter ripped from my throat.
What they must think of me. A guard above his station.
“I haven't missed the award-giving ceremony, have I?” Aladdin's voice carried across the room and a grin dragged up my mouth.
I stepped back from the Emperor and Rapunzel beckoned Aladdin and Kyra over with a wide smile on her face.
“I've told Father all about what you did,” she said to them and the Emperor inclined his head in agreement.
“A thief in my home?” Faisal mused, quirking up a brow as he eyed Aladdin.
A tense moment passed between them and Aladdin slid an arm around Kyra's waist with a cocky smile. “I think my thieving days are done, old man.”
Old man? Holy shit.
Aladdin apparently wasn't finished as h
e continued, “Especially when you grant me a hefty reward for saving your kingdom.” He winked and Faisal gave him an even stare.
“I'm afraid there'll be no reward from me,” he said and Aladdin pursed his lips. The Emperor lifted the crown from his head and placed it on his daughter's with a look of pride. “But your Queen might be more generous.”
“Father!” Rapunzel gasped, reaching up to touch the golden crown on her head with an expression of disbelief. Faisal bowed to her and I smiled broadly as I mimicked him. Before long, the entire Royal Guard were on their knees, hailing her name. Kyra did a flourishing courtesy and even Aladdin bent his back with enthusiasm.
Rapunzel gazed at our friends with such warmth, I almost felt it heating the air around me. “Kyra...Aladdin, no amount of gold could express my gratitude to you for all you've done for Osaria.”
“It would definitely help you express it though,” Aladdin teased and Rapunzel released a laugh.
“Being back here with all of you is enough for me,” Kyra said brightly.
Rapunzel beamed. “There must be something I can do for you. Whatever you want, it's yours,” she said with a promise in her eyes.
Kyra smiled serenely and Aladdin gestured for her to answer. “I want to see the world.”
“Then you shall have a boat,” Rapunzel said.
“But it would be nice to have a home to come back to as well,” Kyra breathed shyly.
“Then you shall have one built for you,” Rapunzel said easily, approaching them with a smile. “I name you a Count and Countess of Osaria. And two of my closest friends in the whole world.”
They seized her in a hug and I didn't escape it either as Kyra caught my arm and yanked me into the throng.
My kingdom evolved before my eyes. Rapunzel's reign was greeted with joy across the city and her official coronation had sparked a week long party in every quarter. I was not only the King Consort, but also the Captain of the Royal Guard. And I'd pledged to train every man (and woman) without the use of whip or chain ever again. I shortened shifts and gave them ample free time to spend with their families. Rapunzel was my finest student; she even rivalled me with a blade these days.
There was no longer utter silence in the palace, but casual chit-chat and a general air of joviality amongst my warriors. Feasts were held regularly for the people of the city and Rapunzel invited every class across Osaria. Soon, she intended to break down class barriers altogether, and though the nobles tended to object, she never listened to their complaints.
We were entering a new era. One where poverty was fast declining, homeless children were cared for in newly built orphanages. Healing centres were funded entirely by the crown and ensured every man, woman and child in the city could receive free care.
It was everything I'd ever dreamed of and so much more.
I stood in front of the large mirror in the royal quarters, straightening my crimson uniform jacket as I prepared for the ball which was being held tonight in honour of the newly graduated guards.
There was a small thing niggling at me however: Aladdin and Kyra wouldn't be attending. In fact, I wouldn't see them again for a few months. They were leaving on a voyage for Carubai and in all honesty, I was deeply saddened by their departure.
Rapunzel stepped out of the bathroom in a golden gown that would take any man's breath away. But it was nothing in comparison to that look she cast my way which said she was whole-heartedly in love with me.
She gave me a once over, biting into her lip as she approached. When she reached me, she moulded her body to mine and I released a low noise in my throat as she kissed me. Her fingers crept up into my hair and I sighed against her mouth.
“Something's troubling you.” She stepped back, adjusting my cravat with expert skill. “I can always tell when something's troubling you.”
I chuckled softly, taking an inch of her silken dress between my fingers and following it over the curve of her hip. “Nothing gets past you, Zel.”
“So?” she cocked her head to the side and I couldn't help but admire her beauty for a moment. Since my sight had been returned to me, I never wasted an opportunity to appreciate her.
“It's Aladdin,” I said honestly.
She chuckled, shaking her head. “I knew it.” She prodded me in the chest and I broke a grin. “You're jealous of the fun he's having.”
“Not jealous,” I countered, though maybe I was a bit. I adored being on duty in the palace, and even more than that, I adored being with my Queen. No faraway land in the twelve kingdoms would lure me away from my heart-stoppingly wonderful wife. But sometimes I missed the adventures Aladdin, Kyra and I had shared.
“The next time he goes away, why don't you go with him?” Rapunzel offered, her eyes sparkling.
I shook my head, clutching her harder with an ache in my heart at the idea of leaving her for months on end. “I couldn't bear to be apart from you for so long.”
She brushed her fingers across my jaw with a mischievous smile. “It's my duty as Queen to visit the other kingdoms, Cassian. And if I made a few stops along the way, well...” She shrugged, her adventurous expression laying me to ruin. How was she so perfect for me? We complemented each other impossibly well.
I pulled her closer, capturing her in a deeper kiss that made my body long for hers. “We couldn't go. We have duties to attend to,” I said at last with a heaviness in my chest.
“And we have an entire royal court who could manage while we were gone. Once things are truly in order in Osaria, I don't see why we can't head to the other kingdoms. Father will happily mind the throne.”
“And what if more Shaitans come crawling through the gates while we're gone?” I pressed.
“Then Father will skewer them on Kyra's dagger. And anyway, Kyra's put protection spells on us now. We can't fall prey to Shaitans or any other beasty who'd like to get into our heads.” She mimed a spider with her hand, crawling it up onto my temple and I chuckled.
“Do you really want to?” I asked, excitement pounding through me at the possibility.
She grinned wildly, nodding. “I've not seen nearly enough of the world beyond the palace. And I'd go to the ends of the earth with you, Cassian.”
I rested my forehead against hers, smiling from ear to ear. “And what will your father think of us delaying our duty of providing heirs for your blood line?” I stepped forward until she was pressed against the mirror, trapped between it and me. She gave me a devilish look that sent my pulse racing, drawing me down so her lips brushed mine once more.
“We have all the time in the world for that. And besides, you know what they say about happy endings.”
“What's that?” I growled, sure we would be late for the ball at this rate, but hell if I cared.
She drew back just a little, enough that I fell into the deep well of her eyes where every wish I ever could have dreamed up lived. “They're even better if they come at the end of extraordinary journeys.”
The wind blew hot and stifling through the streets, bringing the stench of the slums to mingle with the reek of the harbour.
I strode along with my head held high and my hood down. I drew more than a little attention. Flirtatious smiles and even a few bowed heads were thrown my way left, right and centre. I smirked to myself. My reputation still preceded me but these days it was even more impressive than it had been when I was one of The Forty.
Now I really was Count Aladdin and I held a few other titles too. Hero of the Undead Battle, Master of Treasure Retrieval, Captain of the Silver Fleet; those were the ones they announced at the royal balls and regal feasts. I held several unofficial titles too which were whispered as an aside, well known but better left unmentioned among noble company. Spy Lord, Secret Keeper, King of The Forty Thieves (though they had technically disbanded, especially if Rapunzel or Cassian asked about it) and of course, the most handsome man in the twelve kingdoms. That last one had always been true but now that I was so well known throughout the kingdom
it had become a topic of conversation for bored Countesses and overworked servants all over Osaria and beyond.
And though I would never grow tired of being admired and lusted after, my gaze never wavered from the genie who’d stolen my heart. Kyra had her own titles, Countess, Royal Sorcerer, High Healer, Curse Breaker and more importantly than all of those, wife.
I thumbed the gold band which ringed my finger with a smile pulling at my mouth. It had been two weeks since I’d sworn to love her for all of time and I honestly didn’t think this stupid grin had left my face since the moment she’d said I do.
The crowd parted as they saw me coming and my smile only widened in response. My mere presence commanded respect and no man wished to get in my way. Not that I was the kind of ruthless bastard to have someone thrown in the stocks if they didn’t step aside for me, but I couldn’t deny that I liked the way it felt to watch them scurry out of my path.
I headed through the harbour at a quick pace. I was late and no doubt Balthazar would be ready with a scowl and a few scathing words once I finally made it on board. I liked that he hadn’t started treating me any differently than before, though there was certainly less venom and more camaraderie to our relationship now.
Pip spotted me coming from his position at the top of the gangplank and he cried out excitedly to inform the rest of the crew of my arrival.
This was to be our first real expedition. We’d already set sail half a dozen times to investigate minor curses and rumours of hidden treasures a day or two’s sail from Osaria but this was the first time we’d be gone for any length of time. Carubai was two week’s journey on a standard ship, though no doubt Kyra would shorten the length of our voyage by aiding us with her magic.
The Silver Fleet had been my idea and I was pretty damn proud of it. I wasn’t suited to a life of lazing about in the palace and talking politics day and night. And Kyra had spent too damn long stuck in that lamp and missing out on seeing the world.
She was a free spirit whose curiosity and thirst for knowledge yearned to be fulfilled. She deserved a life filled with adventure and uncertainty of the best variety. And I couldn’t deny that I craved that too. So while Osaria was our home and we held a huge suite in the palace plus a massive estate to call our own, when we weren’t needed here, we would set sail. Our mission was simple; we investigated rumours of evil creatures, fabled treasures or cursed artefacts. Anything which seemed like it could benefit from our combined skill set of thieving and magic and could pose the right level of excitement to intrigue us was ours for the taking.
Forbidden Fairytales- The Complete Series Page 72