Jaden's Price

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Jaden's Price Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  “I’m going to have lunch, Dr. McNeal. I won’t be long.”

  James waved as Hilton snagged his phone from his desk and headed out the door. As soon as Hilton was out of sight, James made a beeline for Dr. Sheehan’s office and rapped his knuckles on the door. “Got a minute?”

  Nicholas nodded as he looked up from some files. “Sure, come on in.”

  James was still new to Brac Village and Desire, and didn’t want to overstep his bounds, but Hilton’s behavior concerned him. “I think we need to talk about Hilton.”

  Chapter Four

  Kitten? Jaden was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact his mate had compared him to a two-pound furball. Was the name supposed to be an endearment?

  Jaden moved along Bourbon Street, watching the mass of drunken humans who were oblivious to everything around them. Music spilled out of different clubs, strippers stood in doorways trying to lure men in, strings of colorful beads hung from everyone’s necks, and the smell of booze clung to the air as if it rained alcohol instead of water.

  He was paying only partial attention to the reason he was in the Big Easy. His mind kept going back to the lunch he’d shared with Hilton. Jaden had sat down and had lunch with someone. That had never happened in all the time he’d been alive and he had been around since the dawn of time. No one had ever invited him anywhere just to simply enjoy his company.

  Whenever someone summoned him, it was always about death or vengeance and a deal someone wanted to strike. But Hilton had only wanted to have a meal with him.

  He’d even tried to feed Jaden a fry.

  They’d spent the entire meal with Hilton talking so much that Jaden was surprised he hadn’t run out of breath. His mate had laughed, gestured animatedly, and sipped on his smoothie as if the drink were liquid heaven in a tall glass.

  Jaden had studied humans and preternatural beings since their creation and had never understood them. They fought about the most ludicrous things, purposely wrecked the life they’d been given with bad decisions and even worse solutions. They were disasters on two legs, and he’d witnessed the worst they could do.

  He’d also seen smiles, hugs, and passionate sex. His body still tingled where Hilton had wrapped his arms around him. He wanted to go back to his mate and ask for another hug, but Jaden had work to do.

  He stopped where Bourbon Street and Orleans Street met and made his corporal form vanish. A human male in his early thirties, dressed in jeans and T-shirt, stumbled toward him, a drink clutched in his drunken hand. He stopped to rest against the building as he took another swallow from his plastic cup.

  He laughed to himself and waved the cup high before he stepped from the sidewalk, stumbled, and catapulted forward just as a car was passing by. Tires screeched as the human struck his head on the fender and rolled away. Blood oozed from his head wound.

  Jaden stood there as the driver jumped out, his face stricken. A crowd formed. The driver dropped to his knees as he shouted for someone to call an ambulance.

  The drunken male stood, turned, and stared down at his body in horror. Jaden walked slowly toward him. As he brushed past the gathered humans, they shivered and Jaden saw each of their lives unfold in the span of a millisecond.

  The male turned and stared at him. “Am I dead?”

  “The booze’ll do it every time,” Jaden said.

  “But I can’t be dead!” The man began to backpedal away from Jaden. “I have a wife and two kids at home. I’m supposed to take a flight out tomorrow. I have a new job to start. They’re depending on me.”

  The male had spent his time here with a hooker, drinking too much, and spending money he couldn’t afford, and now he was whining about being dead from his bad decisions. But it wasn’t Jaden’s place to judge.

  The click of camera phones sounded around him, the “oh my God!” and “is he dead?” blending. Jaden touched the male’s elbow.

  “It’s time to go.”

  The guy nodded as he continued to stare at his body lying in the street. Jaden’s touch helped people come to terms with their death, but this wasn’t always the case for souls he didn’t harvest. He had a legion of reapers who worked for him, but they sometimes made mistakes and let a few slip from them. The souls who ran were the spirits that haunted the earth.

  The male swallowed. “Am I going to heaven or hell?”

  “You will go where you were meant to go.” That was the answer he always gave. No need complicating things. With a snap of his fingers, they disappeared.

  * * * *

  “Where have you been?” Johnny grabbed Hilton’s arm as soon as he walked into the coffee shop. “I’ve been trying to call you since our double date.”

  “No, you haven’t.” Hilton would’ve seen a missed call from his friend.

  “Okay, so I planned on calling you. I just forgot.” Johnny pulled them toward a table and took a seat. “How’d things go with Chuck after our date?”

  Hilton had completely forgotten about Chuck. He waved Johnny’s enthusiastic look away. “Nowhere. I told you I wasn’t interested in him.” He was bursting to tell Johnny about Jaden and everything that had been going in his life lately, yet he was worried about spilling the beans. Jaden still scared Hilton and he didn’t want to deal with his mate’s wrath.

  Maybe just a tiny bit of spilled info wouldn’t hurt. “I’m seeing someone else.” He left out the fact this person was his mate.

  “Oh, do tell.” Johnny bounced in his seat. “I haven’t had any juicy news to chew on for a while. Hawk gets mad when I start gossiping.”

  Hilton highly doubted that stopped the little human from running his mouth, at least to Spencer. Hilton bit his lower lip as he glanced around the shop. “His name is Jaden.”

  Johnny stopped bouncing. His eyebrows rose as he gaped at Hilton. “Jaden, as in Jaden, that Jaden?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Jaden is a fairly common name,” Hilton said. No way had Johnny guessed the right man.

  “Tall, sexy guy, long black hair, facial hair, scary as all get-out?”

  That pretty much described Hilton’s mate. Hilton licked his lips, his heart beating just a little faster. “You know him?”

  Johnny leaned forward, lowering his voice to just above a whisper. “Panahasi told Christian, who told Maverick, who told Hawk, who told me that Jaden is the master grim reaper.” Johnny shrugged before he sat back. “That’s what I heard.”

  Hilton went rigid, barely breathing as he thought of everything Jaden had said and done. Could that be true? Could his mate be the grim reaper himself? A headache came on, this one worse than the last, and bile rose to the back of his throat. For a second, the noises in the coffee shop became garbled before returning to normal.

  Was he having a panic attack?

  “Are you okay?” Johnny patted Hilton’s hand. “You look a bit pale. It’s just gossip. I’m sure it isn’t true.”

  But it made sense. Didn’t it? Hilton wasn’t going to go into a full-blown panic until he confronted his mate. But what if Jaden said the rumor was true? What would Hilton do?

  “Look on the bright side,” Johnny said with a wide smile. “At least you don’t have to worry about dying.”

  “That so isn’t helping.” Hilton stood and glanced around. “I have to go.”

  “But you just got here,” Johnny complained. “We have to plan another double date. I want to meet Death.”

  Death? Hilton spun and ran from the coffeehouse, oblivious to the men and women he bumped into as he raced down the street. His head pounded painfully, and his heart beat so hard that the pain nearly overwhelmed him.

  Hilton gazed around, everything a blur as he tried to get his breathing back under control. He heard Johnny yelling for him, but his voice sounded as though it came from the other end of a long tunnel.

  Hilton ran across the street without looking in either direction. Tires squealed as a horn blared. Something slammed into Hilton’s side and he flew through the air and
landed hard on the ground. Pain exploded through his body just before darkness took him.

  * * * *

  Hilton woke with a groan. He grabbed his head and tried to sit up, but pain made him sink back down.

  “Whoa, take it easy.”

  Hilton opened his eyes to see Dr. Sheehan standing next to him. As he gained his bearings, he saw he was in one of the rooms at the clinic. Machines beeped as the room slowly came into sharp focus. “What happened?”

  Dr. Sheehan set aside his clipboard and laid a gentle hand on Hilton’s arm. “You were hit by a car.”

  Hilton rubbed his head, wincing at the heavy throb. “I don’t remember.”

  “Hawk carried you in here,” Dr. Sheehan said. “As soon as he got you back here, you shifted.”

  “How long have I been out of it?”

  “Eighteen hours,” he said. “Your injuries were pretty serious.”

  Hilton sensed that familiar presence. He looked around the room and spotted Jaden leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. His dark gaze was fixed on Hilton, and Hilton wished he knew what his mate was thinking.

  “How long have you been here?” Hilton asked Jaden.

  Dr. Sheehan glanced around, as if puzzled that Hilton hadn’t addressed the question directly at him.

  Hilton looked at his mate and then at the doctor before realizing Jaden was shielding himself from Dr. Sheehan.

  “Since you called my name,” Jaden answered.

  Hilton didn’t remember calling for Jaden. He didn’t remember being hit by a car, either. The last thing he could recall was meeting Johnny at The Café, although their conversation eluded him.

  “When did I call your name?”

  “You didn’t,” Dr. Sheehan said. “Now rest, Hilton. Although you healed in your bunny form, I think you could do with more sleep.”

  “While you were unconscious.” Jaden moved to the opposite side of the bed, keeping his distance from Dr. Sheehan. He brushed his fingers over Hilton’s cheek. “Why did you walk in front of that car?”

  The touch was like a soft feather skirting across his skin. Hilton closed his eyes and leaned into it. Now that the shield was gone and he felt his and Jaden’s connection, Hilton never wanted Jaden’s hand to move away.

  He stiffened and jerked back as a memory surfaced. Johnny had said Jaden was Death, the master grim reaper.

  Hilton looked up at Jaden with fear as he gripped the sheet to his chest in a stranglehold. Yes, he was terrified, but at the same time a part of him wasn’t. He saw the sadness in Jaden’s eyes and all Hilton wanted to do was hug him.

  “I am sorry I did not tell you who I was. But your anxiety tells me I was right in keeping that from you. All I have ever known is pain and sorrow. All I have ever been is feared.”

  “But—” Hilton shook his head. He needed Dr. Sheehan gone so he could talk freely with Jaden.

  “But what?” the doctor asked. He tucked his clipboard under his arm and gazed at Hilton.

  “I feel much better,” Hilton said. “But I think I’ll take your advice and get some more sleep.”

  Dr. Sheehan patted Hilton’s arm again. “I’ll be just down the hall if you need me.”

  As soon as he was gone, Hilton looked up at Jaden. “So Johnny was telling the truth? You’re Death?”

  Jaden’s jaw clenched. “Not a title I wished for. And why were you and Johnny talking about me?”

  “But a title that’s yours nonetheless.” Hilton studied Jaden’s face. “You don’t look like Death. Shouldn’t you have a dark robe and a long scythe in your hand?” He refused to answer Jaden’s question about Johnny. He didn’t want his friend to get in trouble.

  “I can don a robe if you wish.”

  “No, I can do without the robe.” Hilton rubbed his temples.

  “Your head hurts.”

  “I was hit by a car,” Hilton reminded him. “Thankfully that’s all that hurts on me.”

  Jaden’s eyes grew soft as he took a seat on the side of the bed. To Hilton’s utter surprise, his mate lay down next to him. Jaden had his back to Hilton. Unsure what to do, Hilton wrapped his arms around him.

  Jaden sighed in content Hilton rested his cheek on Jaden’s shoulder. “Stay with me while I sleep?”

  “I will stay.”

  Hilton hugged the tall and lean man as he closed his eyes, breathing in Jaden’s dark and masculine scent. He was hugging Death. No, that wasn’t right. Hilton was hugging his mate, a man with a weary soul. “How old are you?”

  “I was created at the beginning of time.”

  Hilton couldn’t even wrap his head around that fact. He was one hundred and twenty-two years old, and that already seemed like three lifetimes. He couldn’t imagine being around since everything had been created.

  “When your skin turned that funky color back in my bedroom, was that your true form?”

  “Part of it,” Jaden replied. “I thought you were going to sleep.”

  Hilton grinned. “I like talking to you better than sleep.”

  “You are a curious man,” Jaden said. “A rare soul.”

  Hilton wasn’t sure what that meant, but decided to let it go. “So does that mean you want me to shut up?”

  Jaden slid his hand over Hilton’s. “I like the sound of your voice. It soothes me.”

  Hilton had a feeling it took a lot for Jaden to confess that. A sudden thought occurred to him. “Can Death love?”

  Jaden turned and brushed his hand across Hilton’s cheek. Hilton’s eyelids fluttered when Jaden kissed his forehead. He wanted that kiss on his lips, but Jaden pulled back and that same sadness Hilton was beginning to hate returned to his eyes.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love, and no one has ever loved me. It could be possible, but I can’t guarantee it.”

  Hilton gave Jaden his back. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to mate with Jaden. What if Jaden couldn’t love? Hilton would be stuck in a loveless mating for all eternity. He just couldn’t do that.

  Jaden pressed his chest into Hilton’s back, and there was no mistaking the hard ridge pressing against Hilton’s butt. “Does this sadden you?”

  Hilton gave a humorless laugh. “What guy wouldn’t want to be stuck in a relationship where his partner didn’t have the capability to love him? Seriously, what man wouldn’t jump on that deal?”

  “I cannot mate with you anyway.” Jaden’s voice became harsh. “I have too many enemies. It is a risk I refuse to take.”

  “Then why do you keep coming around?” Hilton wiped at the tears in his eyes. “Why are you torturing me if we don’t stand a chance together?”

  Hilton’s back went cold as Jaden vanished.

  Chapter Five

  Jaden wandered the passages of the underworld as he wrestled with what he should do. Leaving Hilton wasn’t an option, but could he continue to spend time with his mate only to hurt Hilton in the end? Love was as foreign to him as smiling. Even if Jaden believed he could love, what about Hilton’s safety?

  He’d never hated who he was as much as he did now. Only, Jaden couldn’t try to use Panahasi as a means to an end. He had Hilton to think of, and Jaden wouldn’t be so selfish as to leave his mate alone in this world. Then again, if Jaden used his brother to kill himself, there wouldn’t be a world left.

  Balance always had to be maintained. Life and Death.

  Jaden scrubbed a hand over his face, trying his best to shut out the cries of the damned. The only thing he could compare the voices to was Cerebro from the X Men. Multiply that by one million and the comparison might be close.

  He chuckled. Jaden really was losing it if he was comparing his life to a movie.

  “You are in trouble once again.”

  “Get out of my goddamn head, Panahasi!” Jaden sat on his bed, rubbing his temples. He ached for Hilton to hold him again. As much as he feared his enemies finding out about the little bunny, Jaden found staying away difficult.

  He kept his presence cloaked as he
went to Hilton, who was still at the clinic. His mate was getting dressed. Jaden’s body grew tight and he had to stop a growl from escaping as Hilton bent over to slide his underwear on. Smooth, creamy flesh that begged to be touched was right there in front of him.

  Jaden was many things, but first and foremost, he was a man—a man with needs. He wanted to touch Hilton, to caress that flawless skin, to show his mate just how pleasurable sex could be, but he held back.

  He kept telling himself he feared his enemies going after Hilton, but the truth was, Jaden feared he wasn’t good enough for his mate, that he would somehow corrupt the goodness inside Hilton.

  “Jaden.” Hilton turned and stared right at him. “I didn’t think you were coming back.”

  Hilton’s voice caught and he turned and slid his underwear in place. Jaden reached out, but curled his fingers in and let his hand fall. “I can’t seem to stay away from you.”

  “Yeah, well. I can’t seem to stay away from chocolate, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for me.” Hilton reached for his shirt, but Jaden caught his wrist. He didn’t want Hilton covering his beautiful body.

  With a mere thought, they went from standing in the room at the clinic to standing in Hilton’s bedroom.

  Hilton grabbed his head with his free hand. “That was a bit disorienting.”

  “Your head hurts?” Jaden released Hilton’s wrist and took his mate’s head in his hands, massaging Hilton’s temples. “How badly does it hurt?”

  Hilton’s eyelids fluttered closed. “Oh, that feels sooo good.” He licked his lips. “Don’t stop. Your fingers are like magic.”

  Jaden didn’t want to stop touching his mate. He slid the pads of his thumbs lower, then grazed the tips of his fingers along Hilton’s swanlike neck.

  His skin was soft and smooth, like touching silk. Jaden pulled Hilton into his arms and brushed his lips along his mate’s throat. He expected to be pushed away, but instead, Hilton melted against him.

  Don’t subject him to your life. Leave him and get as far away as you can. But Jaden couldn’t find the will to leave, though it would be in both their best interests. He continued to explore Hilton as his cock grew increasingly hard.


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