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East Side Academy

Page 3

by K. E. Woodward

  “She’s from West Side,” George says.

  “West Side?” Richard says. “Why would she come here then?”

  “I don’t know,” George says. “She just said she had issues at her old school and that she and her sister transferred here.”

  “There’s another?” Malcolm says. “Wonder if she’s as hot as her sister.”

  “Really, Malcolm?” I say. “Is that all you care about?” Malcolm’s my friend but the number of girls he goes through should be illegal.

  “Don’t act all innocent with me, James,” Malcolm says. “You were chasing skirts back in Grade 9 like the rest of us. It’s only the past two years that you have been all ‘I have to work’, ‘I have to focus on my schoolwork’, ‘I don’t have time for a girlfriend’, ‘I don’t have time to deal with your stupid high school drama’.”

  “Shut up, Malcolm,” I say because I know what he's about to say next and I don't want to hear it.

  “Look, I know what happened with your dad was tragic, but I don’t think he would want you to stop living like a normal teenager,” Malcolm says.

  “I have to get to English,” I say, slamming and locking my locker. “I’ll see you guys later.” And then I leave them, not wanting to be a part of the conversation anymore.

  No POV

  “You know he is sensitive when it comes to his dad,” Samson says to Malcolm.

  “He works himself to death,” Malcolm says. “I don’t think his dad would want this life for him.”


  Thursday. Almost the end of the week. I am so grateful to have survived this far. Being accepted into Diana's group has been the best thing that could have happened to me. All of them have been great. I sometimes think about my girlfriends back at West Side. We tried to keep in somewhat contact, but unfortunately, the 'out of sight, out of mind' factor played in now that I was at a different school. We weren't spending our whole days together anymore and we weren't discussing the same things. And truth be told, I wanted to cut off my ties with West Side.

  “Diana! Arya!” I hear Teddy's voice as he approaches our lockers before we head to Chemistry.

  “Hey, Teddy!” I say.

  “So? Will we be seeing you Saturday night for your first East Side party?” Teddy asks me.

  Of course, the party. George had mentioned it to us all earlier this week and everyone was down to go, so I just nodded along. But honestly? Going to an East Side party was about the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Of course she'll be there!" Diana says, putting a hand to my shoulder and then turns to me. “You can come over to my house before and we can get ready. Eleanor and Sarah are coming over as well. Oh! And you guys can all sleepover afterward!”

  “Where’s my invite?” Teddy asks.

  “Still not one of the girls, Teddy,” Diana says. “You can reapply in six months though.”

  “Funny. It’s your loss though, I’m great at girl talk, I can braid hair and I make a mean sangria,” Teddy says.

  “Well you can make all the drinks you want at Lisa’s house,” Diana says. “It’ll be great!” Diana says turning back to me.

  “Looking forward to it,” I say. While I was not looking forward to the actual party, being with Diana, Eleanor and Sarah was something I was looking forward to. Girl time is always essential.


  “Why don’t you wear my green top.” Diana says to me. “It’ll make your eyes pop.”

  I strip in front of the girls and put on Diana's cold shoulder green top. Combined with my dark jeans and tall brown boots, I have to say, I do look great.

  “You look amazing, Arya,” Sarah says. All of them look great. Sarah's artistic abilities don't stop at watercolour paintings, she did all of our makeup flawlessly. All of them have incredible style on their own and happily share their clothes to have a new look. Eleanor is wearing Sarah’s fashionable oversized yellow sweater. Sarah is wearing a white tank top with a purple cardigan of Diana’s. Diana is wearing Sarah’s tight beige mini skirt with a jean jacket. I did all of the girls’ hair. That was one thing I could contribute, and they all look fantastic.

  “Aren’t you going to be cold in that skirt, Diana?” I ask. It’s winter, and the rest of us have boots and jeans and will be wearing a winter coat on top of that.

  “My boots are high, and my tights are thick,” Diana says. “I’ll be fine.”

  “We should head out soon though,” Sarah says.

  “Teddy only texted me half an hour ago asking where we were,” Diana says. “Still got plenty of time.” And then she takes a sip from her mixed drink.

  “Diana is always fashionably late,” Eleanor says to me.

  “Well, if we’re looking like this, we’ll be making an entrance whether we’re late or early.” I smile.

  “Yes!” Diana says and points at me with the drink in her hand. “This is the confidence I like.”

  “Okay, Lincoln just texted me,” Sarah says. “Maybe we should head out now.”

  “Fine,” Diana says. “Let me just finish this.”

  I grab my drink and hold it up in the air. All the girls join me. “Cheers!”


  As I step into Lisa’s house, the girl I only know from glaring at me on my first day in Chemistry, I can see that she comes from money. Her house is close to a mansion and by the time we have arrived, it is filled with teenagers. It’s just how you would imagine a party with no parents would be. The jocks changed the dining room table to a beer pong table, people are playing a drinking game in the lounge, couples are making out and the house is filled with groups of people in conversations with drinks in their hands. Even with a giant house, there is very little room to move around with all the people.

  “They’re in the basement,” Sarah says, so we head down there.

  “Look who finally decided to show up!” Teddy says, wrapping arms around Diana and Sarah. Clearly, he has had a bit to drink already like most of the people here.

  “Where’s George?” Eleanor asks.

  “Probably talking to his hockey friends,” Lincoln says.

  “That’s my cue, ladies.” Eleanor says. “I’ll see you soon.” And then Eleanor walks away from the group.

  “Where’s she going?” I ask Sarah.

  “Eleanor has a thing for hockey players,” Sarah says. “Not George though, they're just friends. She just annoys the heck out of him when she flirts with his teammates.”

  “I’m sure they don’t mind,” I say.

  “Most definitely not.” Sarah laughs. “She’s dated almost all the hockey players in our grade, but she is always the one to end the relationship.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Scared of commitment,” Sarah says. “But don’t tell her I said that.”

  Three other guys are standing with Lincoln and Teddy that I have never met. “Arya, meet John, Paul, and Ringo.”

  “Seriously?” I whisper to Sarah. “Their names are John, Paul, and Ringo?”

  “Where’s George?!” one of them calls out. “He’s the only one that can complete us!”

  “John and Paul are musicians like Teddy, arguably better than Teddy,” Lincoln says. Of course, they're musicians I think to myself.

  “Hey!” Teddy says.

  Lincoln just continues as if Teddy said nothing. “And Ringo spends 90% of his free time working at his dad's car garage.” All three of the guys wave at me at the mention of their name. “And this is Arya,” Lincoln says to them. “She just transferred to our school from West Side.”

  “West Side?” John says. Oh great. “Why would…”

  “She had issues at West Side,” Lincoln says cuts him off for which I am grateful. “And that’s all we’re going to say about it.”

  “Fine,” John says. “Can’t say I’m surprised. I’d want to leave that preppy Catholic school as well if I was there.”

  “Why don’t we play a game of King’s Cup?” Diana suggests before anyone can say anything more about West Side.

  “Sure!” They all agree and then we find a table for us to surround and a deck of cards.

  “You ladies all need drinks for us to play,” Teddy says. “I’m on it!” And Teddy sprints up the stairs.

  “Not too strong!” Diana calls after him, but he doesn’t hear.

  When Teddy returns with a drink for each girl, he places an empty cup in the center of the table.

  “I’m not going to die from this, right?” Diana says as she takes her drink.

  “Made sure to put something special in it,” Teddy says. “See, I even put your name on it. I had to make sure you got the best!”

  “Definitely going to die tonight,” Diana whispers to me.

  Chapter 5 – Perfect Strangers

  “Maybe we're perfect strangers / Maybe it's not forever / Maybe intellect will change us / Maybe we'll stay together / Maybe we'll walk away / Maybe we'll realize / We're only human / Maybe we don't need no reason” – Perfect Strangers, Jonas Blue


  Ringo turns over the card. “Two!” He looks throughout the circle. “Two for… Teddy!”

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Diana says.

  “That’s what happens when you’re my date!” Teddy says happily and takes two sips of his drink.

  “I’m sorry,” Diana says to me and takes two sips from her drink. I look down at my drink.

  “That includes you too, Arya,” Ringo says.

  “Stupid chain of dating,” I say and take two sips of my drink and see that it is done.

  “Got to get the most amount of people as possible,” Ringo says, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well, I need a refill,” I say. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I can do it for you, Arya,” Lincoln says.

  “No, it’s fine,” I say.

  “Just be careful up there,” Lincoln says. “Those jock guys can be jerks when they are sober.”

  “She’s fine, Lincoln,” Diana says. “It’s your turn anyway.”

  I make my way up the stairs and through many drunk teenagers to find the kitchen, which is also crowded with drunk teenagers. I navigate through them all and grab one of the drinks that I know Diana brought with her from the fridge. There was no way I am grabbing an open drink in this house. I make my way back to the stairs, passing by the jocks still playing beer pong.

  “Hey gorgeous,” I hear and turn to the voice. A handsome, tall guy with light brown hair looks at me. “Haven’t seen you before.”

  “I’m new to East Side,” I say.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” he says. “My name is Malcolm.”

  “Arya,” I say.

  “You hang out with George and his friends, don't you?” Malcolm asks.

  “Yeah, Diana’s locker is right next to mine,” I say.

  No POV

  “You came!” Lisa shouts out as she sees James walk through the door. She won't say that she's been hoping for him to step through that door since the beginning of the party. That she never strayed too far from it to make sure she was the first to intercept him. She walks over to him and hugs him.


  “Can’t stay long,” I say.

  “Oh, don’t be like that James,” Lisa says. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “I’m good thanks,” I say.

  “James!” Richard calls from the beer pong table. I walk over to him and Samson on the one side of the beer pong table. “You need to help me out. Samson can’t get anything in.”

  “Hey!” Samson says. “I’m a soccer player, not a basketball player.”

  “We can’t let the football guys beat us,” Richard says to me. I pick up the ping pong ball from Richard’s hand and easily sink it into one of the cups on the other side of the table. All the guys on the other side of the table just stare at me.

  “Drink up, Thomas,” I say. “That is how you play this game, right?”

  “You can’t just switch out partners, Richard,” Thomas says.

  “Just drink, Thomas,” Richard says. “Unless you’re scared of losing to the soccer team?”

  Thomas takes the ping pong ball out of the cup and starts drinking.

  I easily sink three more shots but then miss one, giving me a moment to look around. “Where’s Malcolm?” I ask Samson.

  “Over there.” Samson points towards the kitchen. “Hitting on some girl.”

  I look over to see Malcolm in deep conversation with a girl I have never seen before. She’s beautiful. Not surprising that he’s consumed by her.

  “Your go, James,” Richard says handing me the ping pong ball. “Sink this and end it.”

  I do just as Richard asks and end the game. “Nice game, guys,” I say, and the football guys just glare at me.

  “You were so great, James!” Lisa says coming up to me. Richard gives me a big smile from behind Lisa and walks away along with Samson. Bastards. Leaving me with Lisa. This girl could get any guy she wants, why does she keep coming after me?


  “Pizza, definitely pizza,” I say.

  “Good choice,” Malcolm says. “Okay what’s your favourite place?”

  “Like in the world?” I ask and Malcolm nods. “Probably Rome. I visited in Grade 9 and loved it.”

  “Oh, fancy world explorer here,” Malcolm says, and I playfully slap him on the arm. “Only kidding. I love New York, but I haven’t travelled anywhere outside North America, so I don’t have much to compare it to.”

  “I've never been to New York, so I can't even comment,” I say.

  “The States are too pedestrian for you?” Malcolm asks. “Europe is the only place worthy of your time?” I playfully slap him again. “Careful, I'd like to use this arm tomorrow.” He rubs where I hit him as if it hurt him.

  “I couldn't hurt you,” I say.

  Malcolm stares at me for a moment. “Would you like to go outside?” Malcolm asks. “For some fresh air?”

  I feel my face change. I know what he’s doing. I know what he’s asking, and he doesn’t want to go outside for fresh air. “It’s a bit cold out,” I say, trying to avoid outright rejecting him.

  “It’s not that bad,” Malcolm says.

  “I should go back to my friends downstairs,” I say and begin to turn away, but then Malcolm grabs my wrist and turns me back around to face him.

  “You’re not just going to leave me, are you?” Malcolm says, his voice not changing.

  “It was nice to meet you, Malcolm,” I say, trying to keep him calm. Making guys like him angry never ends well. “But my friends will be wondering where I am.”

  “There’s an excuse,” Malcolm says. “If it’s too cold out for you we can go into one of the bedrooms upstairs for privacy if you prefer.”

  “I’m not interested,” I say sternly. “Now please let go of me.”

  “Oh please,” Malcolm says. “Don’t be a tease. You’ve been talking to me for twenty minutes now. You obviously like me too.”


  While Lisa goes on and on talking about something, I'm not even sure what she's saying anymore, I look towards Malcolm and the girl he is talking to. Initially, they were all smiles and laughs, but now I see he has gripped her wrist and their faces are very close. They are no longer laughing and smiling anymore. What are you doing Malcolm? I think to myself. This isn't like him. He hits on plenty of girls, but he's never been aggressive with them. I want to step in, I want to tell him to back off, but it's Malcolm, it can't be what I think.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Lisa says.

  “Of course, I am,” I say.


  “I will slap you for real if you don’t let go of me,” I say.

  “I thought you couldn’t hurt me?” Malcolm says.

  “Is there a problem here?” A voice from behind me says. Malcolm drops his grip and I turn to see Lincoln.

  “Why don’t you mind your own business, nerd,” Malcolm says.

  “Well, when you are bothering my friend, it is my
business,” Lincoln says.

  “I wasn’t bothering her,” Malcolm says. “You’re just being a cockblock.”

  “Let’s just go, Lincoln,” I say, trying to push him away from Malcolm.

  “No,” Lincoln says, brushing me aside. “I’m tired of these jocks thinking they can do whatever they want.”

  “Are you still upset about me and your cousin, Lincoln?” Malcolm says.

  “You cheated on her,” Lincoln says.

  “We were never serious,” Malcolm says.

  “Did she know that?” Lincoln says. “You just think you’re entitled to everything. Arya is not interested in you so back off for once in your life.”

  “Why?” Malcolm says. “So you can hook up with her?”

  “No!” Lincoln yells. “I don’t want to fight you but don’t make me ask you to back off again.”

  “Or what, Lincoln?” Malcolm says.


  I look over again at Malcolm and the girl and see Lincoln has come up to them. Lincoln and Malcolm are exchanging heated words and I know this can’t be good. Lincoln is the calmest guy in school, I have to do something, whether Malcolm is my friend or not.

  “Excuse me for a second,” I say to Lisa without even looking at her. I walk around the beer pong table towards the three of them.

  “He’s not worth it, Lincoln,” I hear the girl say.

  I clap a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “Is there a problem here?” I ask.

  “Your friend here thinks he can just harass girls until they submit,” Lincoln says, still looking at Malcolm.

  “I wasn't harassing her, you just showed up out of nowhere and butted yourself into something that has nothing to do with you,” Malcolm argues.

  Both of them are just glaring at each other and they continue to argue, so I look at the girl and she looks at me. The next words between us are all mouthed so Lincoln and Malcolm don’t hear.

  “Are you okay?” I mouth. She nods. “Did he hurt you?” I mouth again. She shakes her head. “Was he going to?” Her lips part, but no answer comes from her, as if she doesn’t know. As if she isn’t sure what Malcolm would have done. Or maybe she’s afraid to tell me because I’m his friend. Either way, I have to take her side over Malcolm, it doesn’t matter that Malcolm is my friend.


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