Sutcliffe Cove

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Sutcliffe Cove Page 19

by Ariel Tachna

  Gerald licked his bottom lip as he repeated his grope, this time with both hands. He hummed in approval as he wrapped one arm around Brett’s waist and pulled him back against him so he could grind against him slowly.

  Brett pressed back so the denim of Gerald’s jeans rubbed against his bare skin. He reached back and cupped Gerald’s ass. “Gonna take me to bed and show me a good time?”

  “I’m going to spend some quality time with this ass,” Gerald purred as he nipped at Brett’s ear and groped.

  “You won’t hear me complaining,” Brett groaned, leaning into Gerald’s touch.

  “Good,” Gerald pushed him toward the bed. “Hands and knees, please,” he drew out as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  Brett pulled his shirt over his head without bothering with the buttons, moving swiftly into the indicated position, head turned back so he could watch Gerald undress.

  It didn’t take long, Gerald wasn’t going to waste time on it when he wanted to touch Brett, and as soon as his clothes were on the floor he walked forward to rub his groin against Brett’s ass. “Crawl forward a little,” he requested as he slid a teasing finger through the cleft.

  Brett moved as directed, scooting to the top of the bed and grasping the headboard. “Is that far enough?”

  Gerald grinned and crawled up behind him. “That’s just lovely.” He draped himself over Brett to kiss his neck and shoulders, touching and caressing as he worked his way slowly down Brett’s back with his lips, over his front with shifting fingertips.

  Brett groaned with pleasure, beginning to move beneath Gerald’s hands. His lover knew all his sensitive spots by now and had absolutely no qualms about exploiting them, leaving Brett gasping and desperate for more.

  Knowing what he wanted to do, Gerald smoothed his palms over Brett’s ass, kneading gently as he kissed the very base of Brett’s spine and then each cheek as his fingers slid to spread them apart. Heart pounding—he hoped they both would enjoy this—he lightly lapped along the damp crack.

  Brett’s hoarse shout conveyed his shocked pleasure as he felt Gerald’s tongue for the first time. “Oh God,” he groaned in delight. “Feels… too good.”

  Taking that as approval, Gerald continued his careful licks along the cleft, getting himself used to the idea as he listened to Brett’s moans. Listening helped. Then his tongue dragged across the twisting flesh that guarded Brett’s dark hole.

  “Oh fuck! Gerry!” Brett couldn’t get anything more coherent out at that point. Gerald was rimming him. Gerald, who’d never rimmed anybody before in his life, was rimming him. The thought was nearly enough to make Brett come on the spot.

  Since Brett didn’t pull away, Gerald figured he must be doing something right. And it wasn’t bad. Kind of hot, really, having Brett squirm because of his tongue. He continued to work his way down until he couldn’t crane his neck further, so he returned to pulse his tongue against sensitive flesh.

  “Please!” Brett begged, the teasing flicks of Gerald’s tongue over his hole enough to have him trembling. “In me. God, need to feel you in me!”

  “In you?” Gerald teased, lifting his mouth to gently bite the curve of Brett’s ass. “In here?” he asked, sliding a finger across the clenching muscle.

  “Gerry!” Brett wailed, pushing his ass back against the teasing finger.

  With a smirk, Gerald leaned over and licked him sloppily before poking his tongue inside, startled and quickly pulling back after Brett’s body tightened around him.

  “No, please, more!” Brett flailed when Gerald pulled away suddenly.

  Gerald laughed, taken aback, and he gently rubbed Brett’s side before sliding his tongue back to work, hoping to draw more of those cries from him. Every noise got Gerald’s body’s attention.

  Brett obliged, words failing him, but grunts and gasps and moans falling liberally from him as Gerald continued to tongue fuck him. His eyes closed beneath the storm of sensation, his body clamoring to come… but he wasn’t ready yet! If he did, Gerald might stop!

  Carefully pushing into Brett, Gerald wiggled his tongue slightly, hoping it didn’t taste too awful. But he also knew how careful they both were when it came to cleaning up and cleaning up well. Yeah, it tasted dark and wet and smoky, sort of. Nothing he couldn’t handle so far. And Brett’s panting made him want to try more, so he thrust his tongue deeper.

  Brett’s head dropped between his shoulders, chest heaving as he panted in time with the tentative thrusts of Gerald’s tongue into his ass. It felt so fucking good! “More,” he begged breathlessly, his voice barely a whisper as he rocked back against his lover’s mouth. Gerald pushed closer until his cheeks lay against Brett’s spread-open ass, and he kept working his tongue in and out faster as Brett’s breathing sped up.

  Feeling his balls start to tingle, Brett grabbed his cock, squeezing the base hard to stave off his climax. “No,” he begged, pulling away. “I want to feel you inside me when I come.”

  Gerald leaned back and wiped the saliva from his lips and cheeks. “I won’t argue,” he said roughly. He ached after listening to Brett gasp and beg. “Is there a bottle of stuff here?”

  “In my jeans,” Brett grunted. “I’ve never brought anyone here before you so I don’t have any in the drawer, but I figured we’d end up in bed.”

  Snorting, Gerald shuffled off the bed and found the bottle. “Well, I can’t say I would have bet against you,” he admitted, climbing back up behind Brett and popping the top on the bottle. “I have a really hard time not paying attention to this,” he said, groping Brett’s ass.

  “Have you heard me complaining?” Brett asked, pushing back against Gerald’s strong hand. “I’m already loose and open from your tongue. Just slick up good and give me a long, hard ride.”

  Gerald groaned and slid two fingers slick with lube into him. Brett was right. He was ready. Another coating on his cock just to be sure, and Gerald rocked right in and moaned aloud as he was totally enveloped in one move.

  Brett gasped and groaned as he was filled from behind. He reared back onto his knees, hands reaching behind him to find Gerald and hold him tight, his head turning as he searched blindly for a kiss.

  Grunting as he slid his arms around Brett’s waist, Gerald kept pumping his hips back and forth as he craned his neck to meet his lover’s lips. The kiss was hot and wet and sloppy as they sought a way to be even closer together.

  Frustrated, Brett pulled away and flopped onto his back, reaching out for Gerald and pulling his lover down on top of him. “This way,” he grunted, legs spreading.

  Gerald landed on his elbows so they were sealed together from chest to groin as he made love to Brett. It was easier to lick Brett’s lips now, to kiss the corners of his eyes and nip at the side of his neck.

  Brett’s arms encircled Gerald’s shoulders, holding him close, as if he feared this dream would suddenly fade as it had all the nights he’d lain awake trying to work up the nerve to say something to Gerald. The hard cock moving inside him was no dream, though, except maybe a dream come true.

  Finally raising his eyes to his lover’s face, Gerald watched Brett as he moved, their lips barely brushing, until a thought popped into his head. “Brett, I love you.”

  They were the words Brett had fantasized about hearing from the moment he’d realized how deeply he cared about Gerald. They were also all it took to send him over the edge, coming untouched like a green kid.

  Watching Brett’s face as he came made the moment all the more beautiful, and Gerald kept pushing toward his orgasm faster and harder until Brett shuddered under him and he couldn’t deny it anymore. With a gasp, Gerald came slowly, shivering.

  The power of the moment left Brett trembling. He nuzzled Gerald’s neck, searching for a kiss. “Love you,” he whispered against the Gerald’s lips.

  Gerald smiled as he kissed him. “Good,” he murmured.

  SOMETIME later, Brett stirred against Gerald, his stomach rumbling demandingly. “I think dinner might be in order,”
he murmured, nuzzling Gerald’s neck. Truth be told, he didn’t want to move any farther from his lover than they were at that very moment, but his body wanted food.

  Gerald’s arms tightened slightly around him. “I suppose,” he murmured without opening his eyes. “But it’s awfully comfortable here.”

  Brett chuckled. “Surely I can come up with something to tempt you.” He paused and pretended to consider. “How about me in an apron?”

  “And nothing else?” Gerald’s mouth turned up at one corner.

  “If it’ll get you out of bed and into the kitchen.”

  Gerald chuckled and opened his eyes. “I’m hungry too,” he admitted.

  “Let’s go then. We’ll eat, and then we need to feed the horses. And then maybe you’d like to go swimming,” Brett suggested.

  Gerald opened his mouth to speak, but paused and then smiled. “I’d like that,” he said, eyes sparkling.

  “What?” Brett asked, catching the hesitation. “What are you thinking?”

  “I almost said okay,” Gerald said as he chuckled.

  Brett laughed. “See, I told you we’d break you of that habit.” He sat up, looking around for something to put on. Finding a pair of old shorts, he pulled them on and got up.

  Gerald sat up with a sigh and grabbed his jeans to pull on. They’d be fine for around the house. “I think we left the bags on the porch.”

  Brett nodded and headed back downstairs. “If you’ll bring them in, I’ll get the stove started.” Without waiting for Gerald’s reply, he knelt down in front of the old stove, making sure the gas was on before trying to light it.

  Pausing for a moment to watch and smile, Gerald slid his hands into his pockets before walking slowly to the porch. There he grabbed the bags and carried them in, setting them on the heavy wooden table scarred with age. “What did you pack to eat?” Everything was ready to go when he’d gotten home from work.

  “Canned stew,” Brett replied. “It’s easy to transport and to cook. I don’t get out here often enough to keep the fridge stocked anymore, so I just bring canned stuff.”

  “Stew is good,” Gerald said as he unzipped a duffel and started digging in it.

  After getting the temperamental stove started, Brett turned back to Gerald. “Did you find the cans? The can opener’s in the top drawer by the fridge.”

  Gerald plunked a couple of cans on the table and went digging for the can opener. “Are there bowls? Or are we eating out of the cans?”

  “I’m pretty sure there are bowls above the sink. You’ll probably want to wash them out, though. I’d bet they’re dusty,” Brett said.

  Whistling slightly off key, Gerald found the bowls, got them cleaned up, and had it all on the table. He turned around and watched Brett, smiling slightly as he realized how natural it all seemed. “Need a pot,” he mentioned.

  “Here,” Brett said. He opened another cabinet, pulled out a heavy cast-iron pot, and handed it to Gerald. “Rinse it out too, but don’t use soap on it. Otherwise, we’ll have to oil it all over again before we can use it.”

  “Cast iron?” Gerald asked as he took the heavy pan to the sink. “I’ve not seen this in awhile. Mom got rid of hers when she discovered the wonders of nonstick T-Fal.”

  “Yeah,” Brett said. “These were my grandmother’s. I have newer ones at the other house, but I haven’t bought new ones to bring out here. Like I said, I’m not here very often because of the distance to the stables. It’s a twenty-minute ride I’d rather spend sleeping in the morning and evening.”

  Gerald chuckled. “Maybe someday you can hire more help to do the early morning chores, and then you can sleep in with me occasionally. Or stay out here sometimes.”

  Brett smiled. “I’d like that, although I have other things to spend money on first, like refitting the indoor arena.”

  Humming in agreement, Gerald started opening the cans and pouring the stew into the pan. “You mentioned that when we talked about the bank loan. Any other big dreams for the future?” He set the pot over the burner as Brett stood back.

  “Oh, lots, but they all require money, which means dealing with them one at a time,” Brett said. “I’d like to set up a permanent cross-country jump course, and I’d really like to find a physical therapist who’d be willing to work here a couple evenings a week with disabled kids. I worked for awhile at a farm in Houston that was doing amazing things with kids who suffered from MS and other neurological diseases. But that means paying someone or finding someone who’ll volunteer their time.”

  Gerald sat down at the table, running his fingers over his lips. “Volunteering and donating to charitable programs is a big tax write-off,” he mused.

  “You’re going to be so good for my business.” Brett laughed. “I’ll have my sales pitch down pat by the time you’re done with me.”

  “Well, I want to help, you know,” Gerald said. “Might as well use the skills I’ve got.”

  “Absolutely,” Brett agreed, pulling Gerald into an embrace and kissing him lightly. “All of them,” he added, rubbing against his lover lasciviously.

  Gerald slid his arms around Brett’s waist as he chased his lips to steal a deeper kiss. “Now feed me before you fuck me,” Gerald instructed. “I need sustenance.”

  “Oh, fine, have it your way.” Brett laughed, turning away to check on the stew. “It needs to simmer for fifteen minutes. I bet I can fuck you in less than that.”

  “Yeah, right,” Gerald said, putting his hands on his hips. “I’m not a teenager who can shoot off three times a day!”

  “That sounds like a challenge to me,” Brett said, pushing Gerald back toward the sturdy table.

  Gerald raised both brows and laughed self-consciously. “Ah… no, not really, not when you start touching me.”

  “So,” Brett purred, pinning Gerald against the table, “shall we see if I can make you come before the stew’s ready?”

  Chuckling, Gerald pulled Brett close. “How about some kisses now and action later, maybe at the lake?” he proposed. “Then I’ll have plenty of time to really drive you wild.”

  Brett pouted, his dancing eyes belying the expression. “Oh fine. Make me wait. You’ve already agreed to marry me, you know. You can put out now.”

  Gerald’s laugh rang out, and he stole a hard kiss. “I’ll make it worth your while.” He pinched Brett’s ass. “Now stir the stew before it boils over.”

  Brett yelped at the playful pinch, but he obediently went and stirred the stew. “It’s hot,” he said after a few minutes. “I must have set the stove higher than I realized.”

  “Maybe that means you should listen to me more often,” Gerald said saucily.

  Brett huffed as he spooned up the stew and offered a bowl to Gerald. Gerald chuckled and sat at the table after snagging a couple bottles of water out of the duffel. It was no time at all and they were done, with Gerald cleaning up the dishes.

  “So you said something about the lake,” Brett said when they were done. “I don’t suppose you brought swim trunks.”

  “Uh, actually, no, I didn’t,” Gerald said with a soft laugh. “I didn’t know where we were going, did I?”

  “Good,” Brett replied, grinning widely. “I’ll be able to fulfill all those fantasies I’ve been having since we went swimming after the bonfire.”

  “Fantasies?” Gerald asked, one brow raised.

  “Yeah, you in my lake, naked,” Brett said succinctly.

  Gerald’s lips pulled into a smirk. “Oh, I think I can handle that one.”

  “Good.” Brett started moving, dropping his shorts as he reached the door. “Last one to the lake has to top.”

  Gerald sighed, knowing without trying that he wasn’t getting his jeans off quick enough to win. He was already too turned on to think about yanking the denim off. So he took off in pursuit, his long practice in running catching him up quickly.

  Reaching the water, Brett splashed in, turning back to grin at Gerald. “I win.”

  “I think w
e both won,” Gerald said as he stood at the edge of the water watching his lover.

  Expression softening, Brett returned the smile. “I think you’re right.”

  Gerald unfastened his jeans and eased down the zipper, having to slide a hand into the fabric to shield his half-hard cock and hair from the metal teeth. He pushed the jeans down and then stepped out of them and into the water, wading toward Brett.

  A grin splitting his face, Brett relaxed in the water, anticipation lighting his eyes as Gerald walked toward him. As soon as the other man was within reach, he pulled him close, letting their skin brush, cocks bobbing in the water as their bodies met.

  Curling his arms around his lover, Gerald smiled and tipped his head back to look up at the stars. “Looks a lot like that night,” he murmured.

  Brett smiled, hands running over water-slick skin. “I only see one difference,” he said as he fondled Gerald’s cock beneath the surface. “Tonight you’re naked, and I have the right to touch.”

  Gerald chuckled and shifted his hips to press into Brett’s hand. “Yes, you do,” he confirmed before dipping his chin to slide his lips wetly against Brett’s.

  Brett slid into the kiss, letting the water buoy them as their bodies rubbed intimately. The contrast of hot skin, cool water, and cooler air swamped his senses, leaving him glutted with pleasure. He wrapped his arms around Gerald’s waist, pulling him into a tighter embrace, reveling in the knowledge that this man was his.

  “Will it always be like this?” Gerald murmured when their mouths finally parted.

  “Will what always be like this?” Brett asked just as softly.

  Gerald shook his head, unable to put the tight sensation in his chest into words. Instead his hands gripped Brett and held him closer as their cheeks touched gently.

  “Gerry?” Brett asked, concerned by his lover’s silence. “Are you all right?”

  Gerald’s breath caught, and he nodded immediately and firmly. “Yeah. More all right than ever.” He pulled back to smile for Brett.

  “Glad to hear it,” Brett replied, returning the smile. “You had me worried there for a minute.”


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