Sapphire Queen

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by L C Taylor

  “Great.” Sarifena stood, “Well, let me have it.” She held her hand out, palm up. The Constable slipped the white envelope into her hand and stepped back.

  Inhaling loudly, Sarifena tore the paper open.

  Change is coming, ready or not.

  Three queens destroyed, and I will not stop.

  Your queen's life is forever altered,

  While words of the kingdoms are paltered.

  Alas, all the kingdoms will be mine to rule,

  As the remaining three will soon fall too.

  “Well, it’s like the rest. An omniscient threat, without being an actual threat. This is getting ridiculous.”

  Sarifena crumbled the paper and tossed it to the floor. “Has anyone heard from Onika or Amalee? What about Dimitra… any movement on her whereabouts?”

  “No, Your Majesty. While we suspect the place Dimitra was taken is in the deadlands, we are not sure. We have sent some men to the edge of the Onyx Kingdom to inspect, but no word has been sent.”

  “What about Onika?”

  “Nothing from her either. And the Amethyst Queen has yet to receive any letters.”

  “Keep me posted,” Sarifena paced the room, her nerves were on their last thread.

  “Sarifena, are you ok?” Constable James stepped toward her and paused, “You seem… more restless than before. Is this about your test results?”

  “Constable,” Sarifena growled, “We knew it was a possibility there would be damage. I just…” she sighed, “I hoped Dr. Bright was wrong.”

  “I talked to him as well, Sarifena. And he was clear we wouldn’t know anything until you tried to conceive.”

  “That will never happen. I cannot marry someone with the possibility of never bearing their child. It would be cruel and unfair to me.”

  “Perhaps you should give someone the chance to decide for himself.”

  “I can’t.” Sarifena gave the Constable a halfhearted smile.

  “You can… you’re choosing to hide instead. I didn’t think the Sapphire Queen was a coward.”

  “I'm not a coward, Constable. But how do you tell the man you love you may or may not give him children. When that is all he ever talks about?”

  “You’ll never know unless you ask him, Sarifena.” Constable James bowed his head, “But only you can make that choice. I hope you don’t lose something good, trying to decide.”

  Sarifena stared out into the evening sky. Her heart hurt thinking about the possibility of never having children. Whoever had done this wanted to prevent her lineage from continuing. Flicking the light off, she ambled down the long hallway toward her quarters. She kept an eye out for Heath as she’d been intentionally avoiding him. It hurt too much to know she could never give him what he wanted… and that included her.

  Chapter 5

  “Onika has returned to the Onyx Kingdom. She sent word she wants to hold a conference.” Commander Brady stood at the door.

  “Finally!” Sarifena threw her arms up in relief, “When?”

  “A week. She said she needed time to speak with her mother and father first.”

  “A week? What about the journal? Did she say if she still had it?”

  “She does not. It disappeared a few nights ago.”

  Sarifena paced the small room, waiting for the Constable to return. She needed to discuss Onika’s return with him and the missing journal.

  “Sarifena,” the timber voice caused a spark of electricity to singe its way through her body.

  “Heath. What are you doing here?”

  “Constable James asked me to meet him here.”

  “Did he?” Sarifena rolled her eyes, that old man was up to something. He knew Sarifena’s feelings on having a relationship, and yet… he was trying everything he could to get her to put those thoughts aside.

  “Are you ok?” Heath pressed his hand to her shoulder, “I’m worried about you, Sari.”

  “Stop. Don’t call me that.” She jerked out of his touch.

  “Why are you pushing me away?”

  “You know why, Heath.”

  “Your results? Sarifena, I don’t care about that. I told you, I lo…”

  Sarifena held up her hand and cut him off, “Don’t say it. You want something I cannot give you, Heath. It is what it is.”

  “No,” he grabbed her arm, “it isn’t, Sari. You're deciding for both of us, and I am not ok with that. What if you're perfectly fine?”

  “What if I’m not? Can you honestly say you’d be fine without ever having children?”

  Heath started to talk but shut his mouth. He wasn’t sure what to say.

  “Exactly.” Sarifena yanked out of his hold again, “You deserve someone who knows for certain. Now,” she brushed passed him, “Tell the Constable I’ll find him later.”

  Sarifena was so angry, she didn’t see the Constable passing her in the hallway.

  “Looks like you pissed the Queen off.” Constable James clicked his tongue at Heath.

  “You could say that. She refuses to listen to anything I have to say.”

  “I assume it’s the results of her test?”


  “Give her time. In the meantime, I received word from the Amethyst Kingdom. The journal was in the library. There was a note attached instructing Amalee to read its contents.”

  “Fuck… what did it say?”

  “Don’t know. She said she hasn’t read it yet.”

  “What is it with these women?”

  Heath rubbed his face with the palm of his hand. His frustration was palpable in the room, filling the tiny space with tension you could cut through with a knife.

  “I can only imagine whatever the book holds is detrimental. It sent Onika running for the hills.”

  “We need answers, Constable. It’s the only way we can help the kingdoms defeat whoever is behind this.”

  “I agree, but we can only do so much.”

  “Maybe I should travel to the Onyx kingdom and speak with Onika directly.”

  “I doubt you’d get past Luca Holsten.”

  “That’s right. The ruby commander gave up his place to be with her. Maybe I’ll call the castle’s doctor and see what I can find out through him.”

  “Just be careful. Pissing off one of the Queens could be bad news for us.” Constable James sat down at his desk, “Perhaps instead, you should be trying to convince Sarifena you love her no matter what.”

  “You know it’s not that easy, Constable.”

  “Love never is, Heath.”

  Chapter 6

  Sarifena pressed her palms against the cold glass as she stared out into the darkening sky. The sun was setting, leaving the sky painted in purples and pinks. Resting her head against the smooth surface, she blew out a frustrated breath.

  She had her magic. She had her memories. What she didn’t have was certainty over her health. And that scared her. Sarifena knew she was foolish to cut Heath out of her heart – hell, the pain alone was worse than the fear of never having children. But he deserved someone who could guarantee him a life with kids.

  “How long are you going to wallow in self-pity?” Heath’s deep voice cut through the silence.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on people, Heath. It’s rude.” Sarifena continued looking out the window, afraid to turn and look at him.

  “When you refuse to speak to me, sneaking is the only way I can get you alone.”

  “What do you want?”

  “To talk to you. Sarifena, you can’t make a unilateral decision for us… for me.”

  “Please,” she turned on her heel. Her eyes already filled with abashed tears. “I told you I was doing this for you. I can’t knowingly take something from you.”

  “Stop,” Heath stepped in front of her placing his hand under her chin, “You’re taking something from me now.”

  “It’s not the same, Heath.”

  “Sarifena,” Heath swallowed, his throat moving with tension, “I would rather have no children t
han spend a lifetime without you. Don’t you see that? I love you. YOU… not the possibility of children. Sure, I’d love to have kids with you. To see your belly round with my baby. But none of that matters as much as having you.”

  “You deserve someone who is not broken.”

  “You’re not broken, Sarifena. You’re perfect. Stop pushing me away. I don’t want a life without you. If you think you’re sparing me by pushing me away,” he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Know you are condemning me to a life of loneliness.” He continued to pepper kisses on her cheeks between words, “I will never love another. You’re it for me.” Pressing his lips to hers, Sarifena stiffened beneath him. He moved his mouth against hers, deepening the kiss when he felt her relax against his body.

  Sarifena wound her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his hair. His hands slipped down her sides coming to rest against her backside. Slowly, Heath tugged the summer dress she was wearing up and slid his hands beneath the fabric.

  Lifting her off the ground, Sarifena laced her feet around his waist. Heath walked them backward until her back pressed against the wall. His kisses set her soul on fire, making her writhe with need.

  Every touch of his lips to her skin was like a spark of electricity. She moaned, leaning her head back as he licked and nibbled his way down her neck.

  “You have on too many clothes,” Heath murmured against her tender flesh as he pulled her dress over her head. Sarifena gasped as the cool air kissed her nearly naked body. Heath took a step back, spun around, and guided them towards the bed.

  Laying her on her back, he climbed over her body, pinning her against the mattress. He peppered her flesh with kisses, nipping and biting at her tender spots as he wedged himself between her legs and pinned her arms above her head.

  “Say yes, Sarifena. Say you’ll give us a chance.”

  Sarifena bucked her hips, pressing her center against the erection hidden beneath his pants. She laced her arms around his neck, tugging Heath toward her face. Leaning up to meet him, Sarifena pressed her mouth to his. Her tongue speared between his lips, dancing against his.

  Heath pulled away, his gaze full of lust as he spoke, “Answer me. Say yes, or I leave forever, Sarifena. I’m not willing to take just half of you. It’s all or nothing.”

  Chapter 7

  Tears welled up in Sarifena’s eyes as she sucked in a breath, shocked by his question. Her voice was a mere whisper as she spoke, “I… I can’t promise you anything right now… can’t this be enough?”

  Heath released her arms, rolled off the bed, and stood with his back to Sarifena. “I can’t condemn myself to the possibility of being broken into a thousand pieces, Sarifena. Don’t you see you hold my beating heart in the palm of your hand?”

  “Heath…” Sarifena sat up and covered herself with the sheet, “Please, you don’t know what you're asking me for.”

  Heath sighed as he shook his head, “I know exactly what I’m asking.”

  He stormed from the room, the heavy door echoing off the silence that filled the space as it slammed shut behind him.

  Sarefina sat stunned, her eyes transfixed on the wooden exit, as they filled with even more moisture. Her chest constricted against the breath she tried to take. She didn’t think he’d leave like that. Sarifena thought Heath understood she was trying to protect him. She couldn’t take away his hopes for a family.

  Curling into herself, she allowed the tears to fall. Her heart ached for a man she didn’t deserve. Sarifena’s entire life had been upended. First, learning her father wasn’t who she’d believed him to be, then attempt on her life. The one that forced her to push the only man she’d ever love away.

  Sarifena wasn’t sure how long she’d laid in bed before finally giving in to a night of restless sleep. Her dreams had been filled with Heath, making her chest hurt even more. Sarifena eased herself up, stretching her arms as she walked toward the balcony. The sun was up, shining its orange and red hues on the land below. Lost in thought, Sarifena was shocked when an explosion rocked the kingdom.

  In the distance, she could see smoke and flames billowing in the morning sky. As she turned to rush inside, another explosion echoed through the valley.

  “Your Majesty,” Commander Brady shoved open the door and entered her quarters, “I’m sorry to barge in like this, but,” Sarifena cut him off.

  “I saw the explosions. Let me get changed, I’ll meet you in the conference room. Do we know if this was intentional or accidental?”

  “No. I have several men responding to the area… I suspect it’s not an accident, Your Majesty.”

  “Yeah… I figured as much. Gather the medical staff and meet me outside instead. Let’s not waste any time. I worry there are innocents injured.”

  “Are you sure you should go, ma’am?”

  “Commander, my people could die out there. I can eliminate the fires, so, yes – I’m going.”

  Sarifena hurried into the bathroom and washed up. Quickly brushing her teeth and taming her hair into a small ponytail, she pulled on some jeans and a sweater. Yanking on knee-length boots, she ran from her room. Her heart pounding as she prayed that no one was dead.

  “Commander,” Sarifena met him outside at the bottom of the steps to the castle. He’d gathered several men, including the medical staff. Sarifena scanned the faces, not seeing Heath, “Where is Doctor King?”

  Commander Brady bristled, “Um… he and the Constable left already. They said they would meet us there.”

  “I see. Fine, let’s go.”

  Sarifena climbed into the SUV beside the Commander and buckled up. She could feel her magic tingling against her skin. Her anger had lit the fire inside her soul, turning her into a raging storm within.

  It felt like it’d taken forever to arrive at the edge of the kingdom. Sarifena couldn’t help but gasp at what she was seeing. Multiple buildings were leveled entirely and on fire. There were people buried beneath the rubble screaming. Some were burning before her eyes.

  “Oh. My. God.” She pushed open the door to the SUV.

  “Your Majesty, wait.”

  She vaguely heard the Commander call out to her, but her mind was transfixed on the carnage before her. Closing her eyes, she allowed the magic to flow. Sarifena could feel the power inside her building. The air moistened as she called the water to her. Fanning her arms out in an arch, she released the magic, causing water to rain down all around her.

  A touch to her shoulder startled her, “Sarifena, you can stop now. The fires are out.”

  Captain Stephens stood beside her, his palm still pressed to her shoulder. He stood still, making sure she was steady on her feet before he removed his hand.

  “Thank you,” Sarifena nodded at him, “Let’s see what we can do to help now.”

  Chapter 8

  Sarifena began sifting through the debris. The explosion had destroyed several homes and damaged many more. Fields were charred from the flames she’d extinguished, leaving the permanent mark of hatred on her land. Heaving remnants of brick and wood, Sarifena helped her men pull victims from the rubble. It felt as though an eternity passed, and there were still mounds of broken memories scattered across the land.

  “Sarifena!” Emersyn, the Emerald Queen, raced from a parked car. “I came as soon as I heard. Are you ok?”

  Sarifena embraced her sister, “Yes… but” her breath caught as she waved her arm toward the damage, “Look at the land – these people's homes…” she let out a sob as she shook her head.

  “I’m here to help. We can fix this together,” Emersyn grabbed her hand, “Let’s finish digging survivors out, and then we can put the land back together.”

  Lacing their palms together, Sarifena and Emersyn began working to free anyone buried. Sarifena’s eyes strayed to Heath, who was working to help the wounded.

  “So…” Emersyn spoke, cutting through her trance, “you and the doctor, huh?”

  Sarifena glanced at her sister, “No… it�
�s complicated.”

  “Complicated? You like him, and he likes you… so what’s the hold-up?”

  “He wants something I can’t give him, Emersyn.”

  “Hogwash.” Emersyn tossed a broken board aside, “You’re stupid. I know you think you’re broken because of the poison… But Sari,” Emersyn tilted her head, “What if you’re not? Are you going to throw away something good? Sometimes you have to take a chance, or you’ll miss out on something wonderful.”

  “I…” Sarfiena paused as a blood-curdling scream stopped her.

  “PLEASE SOMEONE…,” a nearby woman was screaming, “MY BABY!”

  “Shit,” Emersyn and Sarifena stood, rushing to her side.

  “Please… help him.”

  Clutched in her hands was a young boy, a toddler. He was unconscious and covered in blood and ash.

  “He was inside the house when the explosion happened. I found him buried beneath the rubble. Please… don’t let him die.” She sobbed into one of the guard’s chest as he pulled her from the child’s lifeless body.

  “Emersyn?” Sarifena looked at her sister, her unspoken question clear between them.

  Emersyn pushed away from the tattered remnants of wood and pulled him into her arms. Placing her hand against his chest, she closed her eyes and called her magic. Sarifena held his tiny hand in hers, as her sister’s magic flowed through his body. She could feel the tingle of Emersyn’s magic in her palm. The sensation traveled through her arm as she watched the earthly glow consume his fragile limbs.

  Finally, the child stirred in her lap and took a breath.

  “EVAN!” the mother dropped to her knees and engulfed him in an embrace, “Thank you, Your Majesty. Thank you.”

  Emersyn collapsed onto her butt, taking a deep breath. Drake, her fiancé, wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his lap. Using their magic usually took a toll on them, causing them to be weak.

  Sarifena conjured some water into her hand, “Here, drink this,” she pushed her palm against Emersyn’s mouth and helped her swallow the liquid.

  “Thank you.” Emersyn sat up, “I feel better. Let’s see what else we can do to fix this mess.”


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